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Friday, November 18, 2022


AMERIKA – Bill Perkins - Election Results Well, as we feared, the cheating in the last election was huge. For example, in Pennsylvania they’re saying the big Red Wave was cancelled out by a big White Wave…referringto the tens of thousands of early votes that came in by mail—80% for Fetterman to only 20% for Oz.(1) And that’s the difference in the race. Without that ridiculous number of mail-in votes, Oz would have easily won. And of course they explain this by saying the Dems did a better job at getting the early vote out. Really? I’m betting that if they closely examined those mail-in ballots they would find most of them to be fake. But we’ll never know…it’s Amerika. (And I don't use America substituting a "k" for a "c" lightly. I love this place. I love the life God allowed me to live for 73+ years. I just see our republic obviously slippingaway. Or should it be our democracy is slipping away? Maybe our Socialist state? In worse case, our Communist state is slipping into control by something outside our borders? And we're losing our nuclear edge to Russia and China. (5) Jeepers!) However, despite their unscrupulous ways, by the grace of God we should ultimately secure slim control of the House—but not until they're seated Jan 20, 2023. No telling whatthey'll do between now and then. Something similar to the Pennsylvania Senate race happened in the Arizona Governor’s race. The longer they stretched out the counting, the worse it got for Carrie Lake. There's an old expression, “Possession is 9/10 of the law.” So Lake has about as much chance to overturn the election as Trump did. But maybe she'll open some eyes with herprotests and lawsuits. Should be interesting to follow. You do have to be careful. If you’re an "election denier" you're labeled a domestic terrorist and could go to jail for a long time... without the possibility of a bond ora trial…like the Jan. 6 people still in jail almost two years later. Because we live in Amerika. FTX By now you have probably heard about a company called FTX declaring bankruptcy last week! There are a couple of interesting twists you don't want to miss. In a nutshell, the Biden Regime sent billions of dollars to Ukraine to pay for the war against Russia. But as it turns out, millions, maybe billions, were then sent back to the U.S. and directed into FTX and other companies run by Sam Bankman-Fried. Bankman-Fried in turn gave millions to finance the 2022 Democrats' election needs. He was the Dems’ #2 donor, following George Soros of course. (See Chart) Sam Bankman-Fried was on the cover of Fortune magazine just a few months ago being compared to Warren Buffett. They said his net worth was $16 billion. Somehow FTX went from zero revenue in 2018 to trading $2.4 trillion a month in worldwide derivatives. And it attracted over one million customers! It’s being reported that the FBI wanted to investigate FTX but was stymied by the DOJ. Hmmmm…. So last week FTX went belly-up, filing for bankruptcy just after the mid-term elections were over. Interesting timing. And billions of dollars of investors’ money is missing. Now Bankman-Fried is being compared to Bernie Madoff and has fled the country. Some say they tracked him as far as Argentina. Who knows? If he is connected to the CIA, he’sprobably safe, sort of. Like Jeffrey Epstein was safe in jail. Hey, they have to blame someone. So did this nincompoop Bankman-Fried, who admittedly never reads anything, really take a corporation from nothing to multi-billions in revenuein 3 years? Or did he have inside help. I bet Mr. Zuckerberg could answer that one. Should we be surprised if we find out that the Biden Regime knowingly gave billions of our tax dollars to Ukraine, to give to Bankman, who gave them back to the Democratsfor their mid-term election effort? Hmmm... If that does turn out to be true, no wonder Biden was begging for a war in Ukraine. And if it's true, do you think the Dems will have to give back those donations? I’m guessingnot since we’re living in Amerika. Adding more to this strange story is Janet Yellon. She's using the implosion of FTX to call for controls over crypto exchanges like Bitcoin. The upside to cryptocurrenciesis that they're totally private. No government involvement, period. Can't have that! With the world moving toward the Mark of the Beast, you certainly can't have the freedom of anonymous crypto coins floating around! So what a perfect set-up for something she's been asking for since she took office. It's like she knew that all she had to do was just wait for something big to happen inthe crypto world. Amerika. Thanksgiving Next week is when our nation gives thanks to God for all the wonderful things we share in the country in which we live. It’s truly a uniquely American holiday. Our once-great nation is struggling now and needs our prayers more than ever. Actually, despite our recent political challenges, it’s still the best place in the world tolive. So we continue to ask the Lord to change the leadership's direction. … I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil andquiet life in all godliness and dignity. 1Tim. 2:1 Lastly, in order that we can all enjoy our families at Thanksgiving, there will be no Compass eNews next week. CQLJ! BP The king gives stability to the land by justice, But a man who takes bribes overthrows it. Prov. 29:4 References: (1) (2) (3) Jeff Childers/Covid and Coffee, Nov. 13 & 15, 2023 (4) (5) ---------------------------- Is America at the End of the Road? � Jonathan Brentner - Is America nearing the end of the road as a nation? Have we reached a place similar to that of Judah just before Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem andthe temple? Three times in the book of Jeremiah, the Lord tells the prophet to not pray for the people of Judah (Jeremiah 7:16, 11:14, 14:11). God�s judgment on the nation was certainat this point; praying would not change the final outcome. Can we apply Jeremiah�s words to the U.S. as well? I believe we can. God�s judgment upon America is not only certain, I believe it has already begun. Please know that I am not implying that revivals will no longer happen in the U.S. We shouldpray for people to come to the Savior and hopefully a great many will continue to receive His offer of eternal life. What I am saying, however, is that there will not be a great spiritual awakening that will reshape America or change its downward trajectory. As a nation, we have rejectedGod and His ways just as Judah did during the time of the prophet Jeremiah. The November 8, 2022, election in the U.S. confirms that as a nation, we are close to the end of the road. As expected, widespread cheating changed the outcome of many keyraces keeping the Democrats in control of the Senate as well as that of several state governorships. The slight advantage to Republicans in the House will not alter America�s continuing descent into darkness. Abortion up to the moment of birth won big. In California, the ballot proposal to make the murder of preborn children part of the state�s constitution was up by 1.3 millionvotes the last time I checked. In Vermont, 77.4% voted in favor of enshrining the killing of innocents in the state�s constitution while 56.7% did so in Michigan. There�s also evidence that many people went to the polls to voice their support of keeping abortion up to the point of birth legal. THE ROMANS 1 PATH TO PERDITION Paul wrote these words in Romans 1:18: �For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness.� What the apostle describes in the rest of the chapter aligns rather well with the past sixty years of American history. In Romans 1:28-32, we see the end result of rejectingGod and His Word: �And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness,evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Though theyknow God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.� The U.S. has reached the end of the Romans 1 path to perdition. Signs of the �debased mind� described in the above verses abound throughout our culture as well as in the hallsof our federal government. A recent news story claimed that the Biden administration sent money to Ecuador for the purpose of putting on drag queen shows, which are a hideous and indecent repudiationof all that God�s Word says about gender and morality. Newsweek�s efforts to fact-check this report resulted in the two disturbing paragraphs below: In a statement sent to Newsweek, a spokesperson for the State Department said the agency supports "a wide range of strategic programs in Ecuador" that focuses on diversityand representation, and that the goal of the CEN program is to "promote tolerance" and "provide new opportunities for LGBTQI+ Ecuadorians to express themselves freely and safely." "LGBTQI+ people across the globe deserve to live in societies free from targeted violence and discrimination. Recent data suggest an alarming and deadly rise in violence againstLGBTQI+ persons in Ecuador," the spokesperson said.[i] In other words, the report that the Biden administration funded drag shows in Ecuador was not only true, but it�s just a sampling of their efforts to promote abhorrent debaucheryin other nations as well. The corruption that defines the U.S. government extends to Republicans as well. Most, if not all of the GOP leadership support the globalists� agenda while only a handfulof its politicians speak out against the injustice and wicked behavior that abounds throughout America. On November 16, 2022, twelve Republican Senators joined Democrats in ending debate on the �Respect for Marriage Act,� which establishes same-sex marriage into federal law.This ensures that it will become law. An article on the Harbingers Daily website quoted Franklin Graham regarding the legislation: �The deceitfully named Respect for Marriage Act will be voted on by the U.S. Senate this week, as early as Wednesday. The bill strikes a blow at religious freedom for individualsand ministries and is really the �Destruction of Marriage Act.� Its sponsors remarkably claim it protects religious freedom. It does not. This disastrous bill sends a message to America that if you don�t agree with the left�s definition of marriage, you area bigot. THE NEARNESS OF THE SEVEN-YEAR TRIBULATION Another indication that America lies near the end of the road is the rapidly approaching Day of the Lord, or the seven-year Tribulation, in which all nations will experienceGod�s wrath. It will be the worst time in world history; comparatively very few people will remain alive at the time of Jesus� return to the earth (Matthew 24:22; see also Isaiah 13:9-12). There have been 63 million abortions in America alone and over one billion worldwide since it became legal. This alone accounts for the severity of the Lord�s future judgmentsthat John witnessed and described for us in Revelation 6-18. However, there�s so much more wickedness that places the trajectory of America squarely on on a downward path as I have brought up in other articles. Several decades ago, after Ruth Graham read the draft of a book that her husband was writing, she said, �If God doesn�t punish America, He�ll have to apologize to Sodom andGomorrah.� Her words ring true today, abundantly more so. God will not be apologizing! Instead, the U.S. will suffer a fate similar to those two ancient cities. Even if I did not believe in a pre-Tribulation Rapture, I would still warn people about the Lord�s impending judgment on America. THERE IS GOOD NEWS, REALLY In the midst of all the bad news about the moral decline of America as well as the rest of the world, there�s much good news, really! First, we know that Jesus is coming for us soon; there�s no better news for weary souls than that. Regardless of our current circumstances, even if they happen to be fantastic, heaven will be so much better, it will be glorious. From the moment of the Rapture forward, wewill enjoy immortal bodies and experience joy beyond our wildest imagination. We will meet Jesus in the air and go to the place He has prepared for us. Can you imagine the excitement we will feel when we see Jesus face to face? Spend a few moments thinkingabout the reunions that will take place with loved ones and dear friends who are already with the Lord. Once we set foot in glory, we will instantly forget about our trials and hardships on earth. Second, if you have not yet placed your faith in Jesus and His saving work on the cross, the good news is that you can know that you possess everlasting life (1 John 5:13).All those that call upon Jesus in faith are bound for glory; they will never experience God�s wrath (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10; 5:9-10). In my post, Jesus Is the Only Path to Eternal Life, I explain how you can know that God has forgiven all your sins because of the the blood that Jesus shed upon the cross.He died in your place; He took the wrath we all deserve upon Himself. He paid the penalty for all of our sins, past, present, and future. In 1 John 5:11-12, we find these comforting words about eternal life: And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. Call upon the Savior while you have the opportunity; tomorrow may be too late. He alone is the path to eternal life (John 14:6). [i] Katherine Fung, Fact Check: Is Biden Administration Funding Drag Shows in Ecuador?, October 20, 2022. On the Newsweek website:

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