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Friday, February 3, 2023

The Danger of Chat GPT

 The Danger of Chat GPT – Todd Strandberg - There are big changes coming to the internet over the next year. As more powerful artificial intelligence software programs emerge, the search industry market will be transformedby machine learning Internet searches replacing ones that used to be carried out by text alone. The recent launch of OpenAI’s AI chatbot ChatGPT has the search giant Google running scared, according to reports from The New York Times. Now, the Times says Google has plansto “demonstrate a version of its search engine with chatbot features this year” and unveil more than 20 projects powered by artificial intelligence. As recently as December, we’d heard Google execs were worried that despite investing heavily in AI technology, moving too fast to roll it out could harm the company’s reputation.But things are changing quickly. Two weeks ago, Google announced it was laying off more than 12,000 employees and focusing on AI as a domain of primary importance. Artificial intelligence (AI) Search is based on a combination of machine learning, where recommendations are made based on previous searches and buying decisions. The naturallanguage processing (NLP) at the heart of the likes of Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri, which aims to understand, in real-time, complex patterns in human speech that come out in searches more conversationally, leads to spelling errors or ambiguous terms thatmust be decoded. According to Google, 27% of mobile users search online through voice commands around the world. The future of audio search is very bright. Researchers have found that 71%of consumers prefer to perform search queries by voice instead of typing. Visual search is on the rise, too, with 62% of millennials preferring visual search rather than using Google, Pinterest, Amazon, and other similar search engines. However,semantic search still dominates, where a search query aims to not only find keywords but to determine the intent and contextual meaning of the words a person is using to search. AI computers will continue to become smarter over time; we will likely become very dependent on them. Some people use their smartphones so much that they might as well havethem implanted in their bodies. Because of the mark of the beast fears, I would be against chipping any implants into people. I would never have Alexa or Siri in my house. Some people had their systems hacked, and they were sued. Other people have talked about doing something like setting up a gymin part of the house, and a fitness supply magazine would show up in the mailbox a few days later. A key danger of trusting Open AI Apps is that they were designed by flawed people. A company may claim its software has no political agenda, but this is commonly found tobe a lie. I tried to sign up for some AI Apps, and all of them wanted me to join their club before they would let me use their service. Since I had an Amazon Prime account, I thoughtit would be easy to log into Alexa. I was asked for one load of data after another. Alexa wanted access to all my contacts, and it wanted to track my movement by pinging my smartphone. I decided a less intrusive way to find out about these Apps would be to search YouTube for reviews. I quickly found a video of Ben Shapiro asking open chat some probing questions.Most of the answers are standard liberal talking points. He asked what a female is and was told, “A female is someone who ‘identifies’ as female or exhibits characteristics associated with the female gender. When asked if a male could be a female, the shortanswer was “yes.” Shapiro then asked a series of questions about abortion, and the App danced all over the subject. In one answer, two contradictory statements were made: “No, it is not morallyacceptable to terminate the life of an unborn human. It’s a serious decision that should be made with great consideration.” The satisfying answer about abortion is the result of what a mad parent would do if they found that a computer was telling their daughterto get an abortion. The designers of software related to the performance of Joe Biden had no ambiguity. You cannot generate a negative answer about Biden. His presidency is such an open dumpsterfire, the only option is to lie outright about his performance. Chat GPT has many flaws, but it has many pros, like being able to instantly create issues of any context requested. You could ask the program to write a 2,000-word articleabout a panda that won’t be an airline pilot, and it could do it in three seconds. I think, going forward, the worst advice anyone could get is being told that the mark of the beast is a good idea. Because Chat GPT will have a profound ability to deceivepeople on a personal level, it will prove to be extremely dangerous. “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, savehe that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; his number is Six hundred threescore and six” (Rev 13:16-18).

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