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Friday, April 5, 2024


Early in the morning, seated on a round bench and looking through the windows from a high-rise in Brazil, I see some tennis courts with people playing. Just beside it, I see kidsplaying on the basketball and soccer courts. Green is everywhere—palm trees, mango trees, and other beautiful tropical vegetation. Despite the activity below, the relative silence is tangible in this beautiful district in Brazil that is normally very busy with lots of life. It is Holy Friday. After living 33 years in the Netherlands, where Holy Friday is considered a normal working day, I appreciate this peace and quiet on a sunny day with a pleasanttemperature of 76°F, going to 87°F later on. In the midst of all this beauty, however, I know many people are full of fear and worry—fear for the end times, disturbing conflicts in our world, high inflation, wars, and cyberattacks. As I ponder these observations, my mind goes to a time many years ago. Three months after receiving Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I was diagnosed with aggressive cancer. After doingall they could do, the doctors gave up and said I would have only a few months left to live. Despite all this bad news, I, a young girl of 17, was in love with Jesus. His joy and peace were my strength. There was no place for fear in my life. As a result,Jesus showed up in my hospital room—and I was supernaturally healed. Of course, this naturally caused some confusion and interesting conversations among my team of doctors! At this moment, I can see a drop of the blood of Jesus—with its wonderful power, the power of His amazing sacrifice. There is power in the blood of Jesus. There is power in theone who was brought to the house of Caiaphas and did not allow fear to take His mind but instead boldly answered the high priest’s question: “Are you the Messiah?” According to Mark, Jesus replied, “I am,” and then cited the books of Psalms and Daniel (Psalm110:1; Daniel 7:13) in boldly proclaiming, “And you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven” (Mark 14:62 NKJV). That was faith, words simply but profoundly declared as He proceeded to accomplish Hisultimate assignment: the cross. And that blood was shed seven times, a sevenfold sprinkling of the blood of Jesus as mentioned in the Gospels. There is power in the blood 🩸 of Jesus! Today I speak to the victorious bride of Jesus for whom the groom, Yeshua, is coming back very soon—to a spotless bride without sin, who stands, despite all the confusion in theworld today with all its uncertainty, full of power and authority to intercede and change history, bringing His will on earth as it is in heaven. Despite all that’s going on today, we are filled with faith—instead of fear—knowing with all certainty that JesusChrist is risen and has overcome the world.

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