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Friday, August 8, 2014

A man who won't look you in the eyes

 A man who won't look you in the eyes - Bill Wilson - 
Television programming was interrupted last night by a news bulletin from the occupant of the Oval Office. The "president" announced that he was sending humanitarian aid and selected air strikes to help the people displaced by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant's genocidal march to Baghdad. Interesting that this man did not once look the camera head on. He addressed the American people, but he did not look at them. His announcement was full of demagoguery and arrogance, as if he had nothing to do with creating and managing the crisis he is now having to address, as he explained, "That's a hallmark of American leadership. That's who we are."
The situation in Iraq with the onset of the caliphate crusading ISIL, whose leader this "president's" administration released from prison and assisted in training many of its chief lieutenants, is grave. While it is not for the United States to be the police force for the world, it is important that our word is our bond. We made a commitment to the innocents in Iraq that we would stabilize the nation and protect the citizens from the actions of the bloodthirsty and the slavers--in essence, from the Islamic religion. Since the current "president" took office, the US has abandoned them--meaning that Christians and other minority religions were left on their own to die and be enslaved by Muslims.
Now the "president" thinks he needs to intervene because "We do whatever is necessary to protect our people.  We support our allies when they're in danger." He said, "But when the lives of American citizens are at risk, we will take action.  That's my responsibility as Commander-in-Chief.  And when many thousands of innocent civilians are faced with the danger of being wiped out, and we have the capacity to do something about it, we will take action.  That is our responsibility as Americans." I wonder how the parents of those men who died in Benghazi feel about this commitment the "president" made without looking the American people in the eyes.
Moreover, this "president" has done more to empower the ruthless barbarism of Islam more than any in history. By siding with the Muslim Brotherhood and America's enemies in Israel, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, and other countries, he has created an atmosphere of death and destruction. This is also a testimony to Islam--a system that uses religion to violate the lives, freedoms, and human rights of anyone who disagrees with them. The Bible says in James 1:8, "
A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways." There is no credibility in saying you protect innocent lives and American citizens as a matter of policy when your policies are destructive to them. No wonder he won't look us in the eyes.
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