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Saturday, August 2, 2014



Job 28:16

"It [wisdom] cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire."
Because half of the radioactive carbon-14 in anything decays to nonradioactive material in 5,730 years, things that are supposedly millions of years old cannot possibly have any. At least that's what evolutionary scientists always thought.

On the other hand, scientists who believe in a young creation realized that nothing that has carbon in it should be too old to date. So they decided to see what results they would get dating coal and oil, which are supposed to be tens to hundreds of millions of years old.

Ten coal samples that were supposedly 34 to 311 million years old were tested. All 10 samples contained traces of carbon-14. Then they tested diamonds, which are supposed to be at least a billion years old. Again, they found carbon-14 in every sample tested. Keep in mind that they found carbon-14 in every coal, oil and diamond sample they tested. Evolutionary theory says that not one of these samples could possibly have carbon-14! Clearly, evolutionary claims about the ancient ages of these substances have scientifically and conclusively been proven wrong.

Scripture says that wisdom is more precious than even the most precious gems. Scripture also tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. True fear of the Lord is engendered by His love to us in Christ Jesus.

Father, I thank You for bringing Your wisdom, the knowledge of Your mercy and forgiveness, into my life. Amen.

Answers, 7-9/06, pp. 22-24, Don DeYoung, "Raising the Bar on Creation Research." Photo: Rough diamond.



 Psalm 69:34

"Let the heaven and earth praise Him, the seas, and everything that moveth therein."
Engineers who design vehicles to move through fluids face a quandary. A torpedo-shaped vehicle can move quickly and efficiently through a fluid like water, but it is difficult to maneuver precisely or get to hover. A boxier vehicle can be designed to hover and move with more precision but lacks speed and efficiency.

Engineers at the University of Colorado at Boulder have now solved that problem. For their solution they went to the design found in jellyfish and squid. These creatures move through the water very efficiently by expelling water in a vortex ring. So the engineers experimented with various designs until they had small but efficient vortex ring generators. Then they tested them on small vehicles. One of their designs was used to successfully parallel park an unmanned underwater vehicle. This design is expected to be used in much more than underwater vehicles. Engineers also envision tiny capsules equipped with tiny vortex jets cruising through the digestive tract to find or treat diseases.

As ingenious as this design is, this design really gives glory to its original Designer - God. This glory is not just in God's original design of jellyfish and squid but His design of the human brain, which can understand and copy His designs.

Father, I join Your creation in glorifying you for Your designs, including our brains, which can learn from them. Amen. Photo: Vortex wing helicopter.



Exodus 4:15b

"... and I will be with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you what ye shall do."
Behavioral researchers define teaching very specifically. First, of course, a teacher must have pupils. Then the teacher must be less efficient in doing whatever he is doing than he normally would be if he were alone, as a means of showing the pupils how to do the task. And finally, the pupils must learn the task more quickly than they would on their own.

By that definition, humans, of course, are teachers. Among animals, only a species of ant meets this definition of teaching. But now researchers from the University of Cambridge in England say that meerkats also qualify as teachers. They found that experienced hunters will take young, inexperienced pups with them when they hunt. They will let the youngsters watch them as they catch prey. Of course, when they catch some small prey, the youngsters will vocally beg for a handout. However, only 35 percent of those handouts are served to the youngsters dead. The rest of the time they have to learn how to subdue the caught prey themselves. On the other hand, older, more experienced pups received already-killed handouts only 10 percent of the time. Further tests involving live and dead prey show that those given live prey could learn to subdue it in only three days.

Despite the researchers' presupposition that teaching evolved, God is still the One that teaches the teachers.

Father, I pray that you would provide Your church with faithful teachers of the forgiveness we have in Jesus Christ. Amen.



Genesis 12:1

"Now the Lord had said unto Abraham, 'Get thee out of thy country ... unto a land that I will shew thee.'"
It was a moonless night over England. A specially designed radar picks up something that has never been seen before.

The radar is picking up silver Y moths as they migrate south for the winter. What has never been seen before is evidence that the moths actually navigate very precisely. It doesn't seem to matter whether the stars or moon are out or whether it is a cloudy, moonless night. This, scientists say, is the first evidence of a compass in night-migrating insects.

The special radar, which can track individual moths at altitudes of 500 to 4,000 feet, revealed how precise their navigating skills are. The moths only fly on nights when they can proceed south-southwest. If the wind is blowing in that direction, the moths need to make no course corrections. If the wind is blowing within 20 degrees of south-southwest the moths will very precisely modify their flight direction so that their overall progress is south-southwest. If the wind is more than 20 degrees off the desired direction, the moths don't fly.

Scientists believe that the moths winter somewhere in North Africa. Nocturnal moths that must migrate great distances under only select conditions require very special abilities. But just as God could lead Abram to a land he did not know, He can lead moths thousands of miles through the darkness.

I thank You, Lord, that You have the power to keep Your promises, no matter how great they are. Amen.

Science News, 4/5/08, p. 212, Susan Milius, "Night Flights." Photo: Silver Y moth. Courtesy of Olaf Leillinger. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.



John 15:1

"I AM the true vine, and My Father is the husbandman."
The evolutionary story of man's history tells us that it took man tens of thousands of years to figure out he could farm crops for himself. Yet, today we know that some termites, ants and ambrosia beetles actually cultivate food crops.

In the world's oceans there are simpler approaches, called protofarming, among a few creatures. Protofarming is nothing more than where limpets and some damselfish graze on established algae. Now scientists have found an example of true farming among one species of damselfish. This fish feeds on a species of red alga that grows in a brown carpet. It protects it from other creatures looking for a salad. It also weeds its patch of any other algae, actually moving the interloping algae out of its patch. When a damselfish was removed from its patch, it was quickly devoured by other creatures and could not replace itself. A survey showed that the brown carpet alga only grows where there is a damselfish to tend it. It actually depends on the damselfish to survive.

Farming is not an invention of man, but a gift of God. It is clear that God gave the gift of farming to those creatures He wished to have this gift. God often compares Himself with a farmer in Scripture. Ultimately, He calls Himself a farmer, and Jesus Christ the vine, and believers in Christ the branches.

Thank You, Father, for grafting me into Your Son, Jesus Christ, so that I may know Your forgiveness. Amen.

Science News, 8/12/06, p. 102, S. Milius, "Fish as Farmers." Photo: Cocoa damselfish.

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