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Saturday, August 2, 2014

IRAN UPDATE: 8.1.14 - Iran General: We Will Hunt Down Israelis House To House

Iran General: We Will Hunt Down Israelis House To House - Reza Kahlili - 

The deputy commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards vowed revenge against Israel for its ongoing military incursion into Gaza, which has already killed hundreds of Palestinians and dozens of Israelis.
"You [people of Israel] are trees without any roots which were planted in the Islamic lands by the British," Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami said at this week's Friday prayer sermon in Tehran, Fars News Agency reported. That statement referred to the Balfour Declaration, which led to the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire after World War I and the eventual creation of the state Israel in 1948.
"We will chase you house to house and will take revenge for every drop of blood of our martyrs in Palestine," Salami said. "and this is the beginning point of Islamic nations awakening for your defeat."
The deputy commander promised that Palestine will no longer remain calm and cited a statement by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic regime: "Imam [Khomeini] with the statement that Israel must be wiped from the face of the Earth gave a true message to the world. This message enlightened the Muslims and became the concept on the streets of Syria, Lebanon and Palestine."
Salami, recalling previous wars Israel fought against Hezbollah in Lebanon, said: "The end of the Zionist regime [Israel] has arrived. Islamic movements are armed, missiles are positioned, and today we witness how the arms of the resistance in a corner of the Islamic world are controlling the events in the face of the tragic and barbaric attack by the Zionist regime against the oppressed and defenseless Palestinians in Gaza."
Salami blamed the U.S. and England for Israel's policies and activities in the region and stated, "The balance of power will change to the benefit of the Islamic world, and we warn the Zionists that you are a rootless society with no land, no race, no history and no element which constitute a nation. Today, no place in the occupied land is safe for the Zionists ... today the missiles of the Palestinian resistance cover much farther than the Zionists expected.
"We are confident that Allah's promises will come true and in the end the Islamic world will be the graveyard of America and the Zionist regime's policies along with their allies in the region. The flag of Islam will be raised," Salami concluded.
The Islamic regime has long trained and armed Hezbollah and Palestinian forces for attacks against Israel. In reference to further arming Palestinians, the speaker of the regime's Parliament, Ali Larijani, said in a statement Wednesday: "The clear need of Palestine is its need for weapons and basic necessities, and Iran plays an important role in meeting the clear needs of the Palestinian people."
As reported by The Daily Caller on Wednesday, the Islamic regime's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said that the only solution for the region is the destruction of Israel, and that the armed confrontation must expand beyond Gaza.
"These crimes are beyond imagination and show the true nature of the wolfish and child killer regime, (and) the only solution is its destruction," the ayatollah declared to his audience. "However, until that time, the expansion of the armed resistance of the Palestinians (from Gaza to) the West Bank is the only way to confront this wild regime."
Tasnim News Agency, which is close to the Revolutionary Guards, reported on Wednesday that in a letter, 40 high-ranking Guard commanders warned America that it will "certainly be held responsible for the consequences of these events [in Gaza]." The commanders included Ali Shamkhani, current secretary of the regime's Supreme National Security Council; Yahya Rahim Safavi, the former commander of the Guards and current adviser to the supreme leader; and Ghasem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Forces (in charge of terrorist activities outside of Iran).
The regime has been awarded $2.8 billion in sanctions relief by the Obama administration in return for an agreement on a four-month extension to the Geneva talks in finding a peaceful solution to its illegitimate nuclear program. The Islamic regime had received $7 billion in sanctions relief after the negotiated agreement last November with a six-month deadline to finalize the agreement, but it has so far refused to back down from its demand to continue developing its nuclear program. It has also succeeded in excluding from the talks its ballistic missile program, which is under U.N. sanctions.
The Revolutionary Guards announced last week its first anti-radar ballistic missile, named "Hormouz 1," and claims it can penetrate and destroy missile defense systems and could now destroy Israel's famed Iron Dome missile defense system, as well as any Patriot missile defense system. The announcement said the missile could be used to attack the radar systems of U.S. warships and aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf.
 'This Festering Zionist Tumor Has Opened Once Again' - Adam Kredo - 

Iranian president adopts violent rhetoric towards Israel
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani lashed out at Israel in vitriolic terms on Wednesday, referring to Israel as a "festering Zionist tumor."
Rouhani, who has been championed by Western media as a moderate reformer who could change Iran's extremist ways, appears to be adopting a violent tone similar to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who has advocated for the complete destruction of Israel in recent days.
"Today, this festering Zionist tumor has opened once again and has turned the land of olives into destruction and blood and littered the land with the body parts of Palestinian children," Rouhani was quoted as saying in a statement that was translated by the Brookings Institution.
Rouhani's comments have received little attention in the Western media, which rushed to congratulate the Iranian leader last year for sending a greeting to Jews during the Rosh Hashanah holiday.
Rouhani went on to compare Israel to the jihadists affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS), which Iran is fighting against in Iraq.
ISIL is "a second festering tumor that murders people in the name of Islam," Rouhani said, adding that, "analysts say that both of these tumors derived from the same origin."
Khamenei himself has called for the arming of all Palestinians so that they can combat Israel.
Saeed Ghasseminejad, an Iranian dissident and cofounder of Iranian Liberal Students and Graduates, warned that Rouhani and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, the lead negotiator in talks with the West, are fooling the world by posing as moderates.
"Rouhani and Zarif to Khamenei are the same as Joachim von Ribbentrop was to Adolf Hitler," Ghasseminejad said. "Both are loyal servants to a dangerous apartheid regime that wants to change the world order dramatically and is ready to use any means available to reach its deal. Like Ribbentrop, it is their job to fool the world, buy time for the regime, and sell a fake image to the world."
Michael Rubin, a former Pentagon adviser on Iran and Iraq, slammed U.S. media for perpetuating the myth that Rouhani is a Western-style moderate.
"The Iranian government counts on the fact that the American media will act as useful idiots," Rubin said. "Some self-censor for access, others simply believe what they read in English-for example Rouhani's Rosh Hashanah tweet-and ignore completely what the Iranian leadership says in Persian."
"The fact of the matter is that Rouahni is part and parcel of the system, and embraces Khamenei's ideology hook, line, and sinker," Rubin added
Rubin noted that several years ago Rouhani boasted about his ability to appease the United States with promises of diplomacy.
"There should be some serious introspection about the cherry picking in which the media has engaged to promote a false narrative," Rubin said. "Putting lipstick on Rouhani doesn't make him Western; he remains just as much a devotee of an ideology seeking to defeat both Israel and the West."
As Western leaders such as President Barack Obama seek to get closer to Rouhani, his regime has armed terror groups such as Hamas and sought to spread regional chaos.
"The reality is that under Rouhani, Iran has increased its support for terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah thanks to the sanctions relief" provided to Iran under the terms of the interim nuclear agreement, Ghasseminejad said.
"The mullahs in Tehran have significantly increased their influence as the United States wants to please Iran by recognizing what is being called Iran's legitimate interests as a major power in the Middle East," he said.
Why You Should Blame Iran For The Gaza Conflict - Naftali Bennett - 

The Islamic Republic has been propping up terror groups on Israel's border for years. If they are allowed to obtain a nuclear weapon, the results would be catastrophic.
Israel's ongoing conflict with Hamas in the Gaza Strip has for the umpteenth time exposed Iran as the true source of instability in the Middle East.
At a time when Western powers are working to reach a deal with Iran over its illicit nuclear program, events in Gaza need to serve as a warning of what will happen if they fail.
As the Israeli government has claimed for years, Iran is the main sponsor and one of the main supporters of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the two terrorist organizations that have fired over 1,600 rockets into Israel over the past few days.
The M-75 rocket, which has been fired repeatedly into Tel Aviv and beyond, is a copy of Iran's Fajr-5 artillery rocket, manufactured in the Gaza Strip with assistance from Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps. The Hamas drones, shot down by the Israeli Air Force, appear to have been the Ababil, an unmanned aerial vehicle designed and manufactured in Iran.
These Iranian weapons were used against Israel at the same time that Iran's leadership was sitting with the P5+1 in Vienna to negotiate a deal over its nuclear program. While Secretary of State John Kerry sat with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif, Hamas was firing barrages of Iranian rockets into Jerusalem.
For Israel, the message is clear. An Iran that provides, already today, its terror proxies with sophisticated rockets, drones, and other technology could one day hand off a crude nuclear device or dirty bomb to these same terrorists.
In addition, an Iranian regime with nuclear weapons is a regime more willing to take risks and to test the West's resolve. Deterrence will no longer work.
That is why Israel's operation in the Gaza Strip needs to be put into the correct context. While the terrorists against whom Israeli soldiers are fighting in Gaza are Palestinian, they are in reality proxies of Iran located on our western border.
Simply put-Israel is fighting Iran.
This is not new.
In Israel, we have watched for decades as Iran built up terror proxies along our borders. Hezbollah, the Shi'ite guerilla organization, is in possession of more than 100,000 rockets and missiles aimed at Israel, and it de facto controls Lebanon. In Syria, Iran and Hezbollah are responsible for ensuring the survival of Bashar al-Assad's regime, as well as the continued slaughter of innocent civilians.
And then there is Iran's global terror activity. This month marks the 20th anniversary of the bombing of the AMIA Jewish community center in Buenos Aires that left 85 dead and more than 300 wounded. Since then, countless Iranian plots have been foiled while others, like the 2012 bus bombing in Bulgaria which killed five Israeli tourists, have succeeded.
The four-month extension to the nuclear talks needs to be used to push Iran up against the wall. Sanctions need to remain in place and, if needed, to be even intensified. The P5+1 cannot surrender to Iranian dictations or to pressure that will enable it to retain its nuclear infrastructure. 
A deal that does not completely dismantle Iran's nuclear program will enable the regime to achieve what it has worked for all these years-to become a nuclear power.
Iran currently has about 19,000 centrifuges which, if operated together, can produce a bomb within six to seven weeks. If the deal being negotiated does not lead to the dismantling of these centrifuges, then, while it might take some time, Iran will ultimately get the bomb.
It will wait for the sanctions to be lifted, or for the world to be distracted with another international crisis. And then two or five years from now, it will break out toward a nuclear bomb.
If the centrifuges are taken away, the world will have three years-enough time to know if Iran is building a bomb, to form a global coalition to stop it, and, if needed, to take action.
Now, don't be mistaken. While we in Israel prefer a peaceful resolution, we do not outsource our security. We will not sit on the sidelines and deposit our fate in the hands of others.
Our track record speaks for itself. In 1981, while the world condemned us, we sent our air force to destroy the Osirak reactor Saddam Hussein was building in Iraq. In 2007, we allegedly did the same in Syria.
We did so because we understood the severity of those threats. We acted because we felt a commitment, not just to ourselves but to the entire world.
An Iran that remains in possession of a viable nuclear program will threaten the world not just with nuclear weapons but also through the terror proxies it supports and finances across the globe.
The latest conflict in the Gaza Strip is just one example of what the world will continue to see if Iran, the real culprit, is not stopped for good.

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