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Friday, August 8, 2014

IRAN UPDATE: 8.8.14 - Iran, Al Qaeda took note of curbs on IDF vanquishing Hamas, which now has core of a Palestinian army

Iran, Al Qaeda took note of curbs on IDF vanquishing Hamas, which now has core of a Palestinian army - 
As the Israeli delegation arrived in Cairo for indirect talks with Hamas, at the end of the first 24 hours of a three-day ceasefire in the Gaza War, Israeli government spokesmen went to great lengths Tuesday night, Aug. 6, to convince the public that the Gaza war was over and the enemy seriously degraded.
 Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz went to so far as to declare: "We now move into a period of rehabilitation." This was not exactly the message the soldiers wanted to hear from their commander as they headed out of the battlefields of Gaza after 28 days of hard fighting and heavy losses.
 But government PR artists were already churning out a horror what-if scenario that depicted a theoretical operation for conquering the entire Gaza Strip.
This scenario, said to have been put before the security cabinet last week in the debate on tactics for the next phase of the operation, would have cost hundreds of lives of Israel soldiers and led to a five-year Israeli occupation for purging the territory of 20,000 terrorists and disabling their military machine.
 This scenario was dreamed up to silence the malcontents, including citizens living within close range of the Gaza Strip, who were refusing to return home because the danger had not passed.
The alternatives which the cabinet considered never included full occupation of the Gaza Strip. The most serious option, which the ministers examined and rejected in the first week of the war, was to send troops in for a lightening strike to destroy Hamas' command centers and core military structure and get out fast.  Had that option been pursued at an early stage in the conflict, instead of ten days of air strikes, it might have saved heavy Palestinian losses and property devastation, the extent of which troubles most Israelis too.
And this week again, the politicians running the war decided to cut it short, regardless of advice on feasible operations for bringing the counter-terror operation to a successful end and closure for the population living under Hamas terror for more than a decade.
The decision to go instead for a ceasefire and indirect talks with Hamas was a costly one for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu at home and much criticized. On the first day of the ceasefire Tuesday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's rating in the polls dropped sharply to just over 60 percent, its pre-war rating, after soaring into the eighties at the peak of the operation.
The way Israel's leaders handled and concluded the Gaza War has four consequences that transcend its immediate sphere:
1. The fact that, after taking a severe beating, Hamas is still standing and left with most of its military infrastructure unscathed, provides it with the core of a regular Palestinian army, which the Islamists did not have before the launch of Operation Defensive Edge on July 7.

 This core is already an active fighting force with good combat training and national popularity - not just in the Gaza Strip but also in the Palestinian Authority's West Bank domain.
So Hamas comes to the Cairo negotiating table with a freshly-minted military card.
2.  The prospects of a post-war accommodation that will change the Gaza Strip's terrorist landscape are dim. Israeli government tacticians have hinted that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas might be a suitable figure for leading such an accommodation. This is a pipe dream. Hamas' military wing would never contemplate giving this rival free rein in their territory. And, anyway, Abbas shows no inclination to fit into any Israeli schemes for Gaza.
 3.  When Ban Ki-moon visited Jerusalem on July 22 to push for a ceasefire in Gaza and talks on the root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, Netanyahu burst out: You can't talk to Hamas. They are Islamist extremists like Al Qaeda, IS, Taliban or Boko Haram!
 Unnoticed by him, his words were picked up in that same Islamist world. Eyes there carefully tracked each stage of the Gaza conflict, after he was understood to have raised it to a level comparable to the war on Al Qaeda. So,after curtailing the operation against Hamas, Israel may find its hand has landed in a new wasps' nest. At this moment, the Islamic State and Syrian Nusra Front are fighting to extend their Syrian and Iraqi footholds by a push into Lebanon. They may not stop there.
 If the jihadists on the march were permitted to judge the IDF incapable of vanquishing Hamas, they might turn to Israel and pose it with an extremely dangerous new threat.
 4. Iran too will have taken note of the fact that, twice in two years, Israel's leaders abstained from bringing to a victorious conclusion a war started by military forces which Tehran had fortified, trained and funded - first Hizballah in the 2006 Lebanon war, which ended in a draw, and now the contest with the Palestinian Islamists which ended in similar fashion.
Iran pledges 'unlimited' aid to 'Palestinian resistance' - F. Michael Maloof - 

Iranian officials have pledged unlimited assistance to the "Palestinian resistance," including weapons and humanitarian assistance.
The pledge of "no limit" to Iran's humanitarian and "other type assistance" to the Palestinian people against Israeli attacks came from Commander of Basji (volunteer) Force Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Naqdi and Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, or IRGC.
"The Iranian nation's aids to Palestinian people recognizes no boundary, and whatever they need, it will be in our aids," Naqdi told Iran's Fars news agency.
"As Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution (Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei) has stressed, we are fully ready to provide any health and hygiene aid as much as the ground is prepared," Naqdi said. "The Iranian nation is also ready to supply the Palestinians with food stuff and arms aid."
Naqdi said the "Muslim world" is ready "for the annihilation of the Zionist regime" and will "spare no effort" to provide the aid.
He said the West "should know that the spilled blood of children and defenseless people of Gaza is a final stamp on the West and Zionist regime's liberal democracy."
Iran is a major backer of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. After the beginning of the Syrian civil war, Hamas officials who once had headquarters in Damascus turned against the Shiite-Alawite government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whose opposition was Sunnis.
Until Hamas' split with Syria, Iran was a major financial and logistical supplier to Hamas. Iran has sent fighters into Syria to back the Assad regime.
Hamas instead sought assistance from Muslim Brotherhood-backed Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi until he was ousted by the Egyptian military. Eager to find new sponsors, Hamas leaders turned back to Iran.
Echoing Naqdi, IRGC chief Jafari underscored his forces' readiness to back the "Palestinian resistance groups," which include Hamas "in their fight against the Israeli regime."
"We are ready to support the Palestinian resistance in different dimensions," Jafari said. "When speaking about defending the Muslims, Shiites and Sunnis are of no difference to us, and our devotion and dedication goes to all the Muslim world and the oppressed."
In comments to reporters, Jafari said there was unity among Shiites and Sunnis who will soon "annihilate the Zionist regime and we are ready for that day."
Following remarks by Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, a number of Iranian Army and IRGC commanders underscored the need for all Islamic countries to provide weapons and military tools and equipment to the Palestinians to defend against Israeli attacks.
"This is the duty of the Muslim world to obey the order of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution (Khamenei) and arm the Palestinian people so that a powerful response will be given to the Zionist regime," said Brig. Gen. Ahmad Reza Pourdastan, commander of the Army Ground Force.
"The Zionist regime will not sit at the negotiating table unless the language of force is exercised on them, and we have witnessed that the rockets fired by the Palestinians have created such a strange fear among the Zionists and they are now after truce," Pourdastan said.
"We believe the West Bank, too, should be armed just like Gaza, and those who are interested in the fate of the Palestinians must work in this respect so that the pains and miseries of the Palestinian people will be decreased due to their mighty hands and the weakness of the Zionist enemy," he said.
Lt. Commander of the IRGC Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami vowed continued resistance against Israel and said there was no place was secure for the "Zionists."
Today, no point in the occupied territories is secure for the Zionists and the 33-day, 22-day and eight-day wars have caused an epic of resistance and today the Palestinian resistance's missiles are beyond the Zionists' expectations," Salami said.
He warned the "Zionists" of Muslims' "tough reaction and response to "their crimes."
"We will chase you house by house and take revenge for every drop of our martyrs' blood n Palestine and this is the start of the Muslim nations' awakening for defeating you," he said.
To date in the nearly month-long Israeli-Hamas conflict, the Palestinians claim 1,865 of their people have been killed and 10,000 others injured. The Israelis report the loss of 64 Israeli soldiers and three civilians.

Iran's terror wing plots attacks in Israel - Aaron Klein - 

Former Fatah jihadist fighters say they're being recruited
The Palestinian Authority has information indicating the Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorist organization has been seeking in recent days to recruit militants to carry out attacks in the West Bank and inside Israel, a PA intelligence official told WND.
The official said the PA received the information from seven former members of Fatah's so-called military wing, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade. The former Fatah fighters said they were contacted by Qais Obeid, an Israeli Arab and a grandson of former Knesset member Diyab Obeid. Obeid defected to Lebanon and became a senior officer for Hezbollah.
The former Al Aqsa Brigade members said Obeid offered them money to re-launch a cell to carry out terror attacks in the West Bank and inside Israel.
While the Al Aqsa members turned Obeid down, the PA is concerned that other West Bank and Jerusalem-based jihadists may already be on Hezbollah's payroll, the official said.
The PA believes Hezbollah is seeking to expand attacks against Israelis from Gaza to the West Bank as a way to distract Israel's ongoing Gaza operations.
It was not immediately clear whether or not the Hezbollah axis was behind two terrorist attacks in Jerusalem today.
Earlier Monday, a soldier was seriously injured in a shooting on Jerusalem's Mount Scopus near Hebrew University. The incident was regarded as a terror attack by Israeli security agencies.
Also Monday, a terrorist from eastern Jerusalem used an excavation tractor to overturn a bus and kill a pedestrian while injuring six others. The terrorist, who had a police record, was shot dead by a police officer.
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