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Saturday, August 2, 2014

Israel Watch: "We Will Succeed"

Israel Watch: "We Will Succeed" - Jim Fletcher - 

Perspective is everything, as they say. In the terror war forced on Israel, perspective is important as we struggle to wade through the media chaos about exactly what is going on in Gaza.
 So it was that I greatly benefited from the update by Major General Yaakov Amidror, the former Israeli national security advisor, who took time out of his now busy days last Thursday to provide a briefing to friends of EMET (Sarah Stern's fantastic think-tank based in Washington - 
 The general's insights into Israel's Operation Protective Edge (preventing Hamas rocket fire into Israel) were fascinating and the greatest takeaway was this: ignore the media reports that Israel is in a precarious position, or is in any way unsure of what is happening. Amidror made it clear during the conference call briefing that Israel clearly maintains its qualitative edge in the conflict. At one point, he answered a caller's question about the possible need to finish the job by destroying Hamas:
"To destroy Hamas, we have to re-enter the Gaza fight around 20,000 members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. At the end of the day, we will succeed. It will take six months or a year to clean up the area. At the end of the one-year operation, Gaza will not be a threat to Israel anymore."
Keep in mind, that's if the Israelis decide to do that specific operation. At the moment, as Amidror noted, the government is committed to erasing the rocket threat and the infiltration threat that has made kidnappings a major component of the Hamas strategy:
"The prime minister was clear from the first: not to destroy Hamas, but 'quiet for quiet.'"
Some of us have a problem with this, with the current Israeli strategy of containing Hamas. Remember, the U.S. followed a policy of containment against Communism for decades.
 And there's this: none of us have any clue what the Israelis have up their considerable sleeve. This is about strategy and tactical maneuvers and winning.
 It is the tunnels that are the key part of Operation Protective Edge. Amidror said that Israel has not had any intelligence surprises since the operation began (70 percent of the country's population has been within rocket range, and as of last week, 2,100 rockets have been fired by Hamas; that brings the grand total to around 12,000 since the Gaza pullout in 2005).
 He said that when Israel destroys a tunnel, it takes Hamas two full years to rebuild it. He said that the IDF is identifying new tunnels every few hours and that so far, 30 had been found and destroyed. The destruction of these extensive and sophisticated tunnels is extremely complex and daunting, but the IDF is well capable.
 All of us who support Israel are concerned about the situation, but let's trust the Israeli leadership to do what is necessary to win this thing the right way, the way they deem best.
 After all, we also know Who fights for them. 
 Hamas is in a lot of trouble.
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