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Friday, August 8, 2014

Nearing Midnight: The Pale Horsemen Getting Ready to Ride

Nearing Midnight: The Pale Horsemen Getting Ready to Ride - Todd Strandberg - 

Throughout history mankind has suffered the crippling effects of various infectious diseases; including times when 90 percent of a city's population would be wiped out by one of these microscopic germs. When plagues would get really bad in Europe, the nobility would often flee to the countryside.
The greatest killer on the battlefield has always been infectious disease. During the American Civil War twice as many soldiers died from disease than from battle wounds. The Russian winter is famously blamed for decimating Napoleon's army, but it was really Typhus that killed most of his soldiers.
Smallpox is responsible for an estimated 500 million deaths in the 20th century. This death count is 10 times greater than the all the victims of World War II. Smallpox has claimed the most number of lives, but it is also the only infectious disease that man has completely eradicated from nature.
The modern age of antibiotics and vaccines has caused us to be complacent about the threat from microorganisms that would seek to invade and kill the human body. While our drug research has focused on more trivial aliments, deadly diseases have learned to mutate and jump species.
Our struggle with infectious disease may have more to do with spirituality than biology. I recently watched a video that explained why we have been unable to find a cure for AIDS. The bug is simply too devilishly clever for us. The AIDS virus mutates a million times faster than most other viruses. The protein coating of AIDS changes so rapidly that the human immune system has no way to target it. It's like trying to decipher a coded message while a super computer is constantly working to scramble the text.
From 1981 to 2014 America had spent over $220 billion on AIDS research. We know more about AIDS than any other virus. Maybe we would have a clearer understanding of the disease if we considered the fact that it is spread almost exclusively by sinful activity.
I've been keeping my eye on Ebola for several years. In 1976, the virus was first spotted in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Up until now, Ebola has been very elusive; emerging every few years from the jungles of Africa, killing several people, and then disappearing without a trace.
The five known strains of Ebola have a mortality rate of between 50% and 90% of those who are infected. It is generally believed to only spread through close contact with the blood or bodily fluid. However, Ebola has just managed to infect doctors who wore heavy protective gear. The virus has also resisted all efforts to develop a vaccine.
This current outbreak is the largest to date-killing more than 700 people-which is more than all the other outbreaks combined. The largest outbreak to date is the ongoing 2014 West Africa Ebola outbreak which is running unchecked in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. The global community has reason to be worried by the fact that all the other outbreaks were restricted to a single location.
We seem to be under increasing attacks from a growing number of infectious diseases. It was just a few months ago that the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS, was out to get us. The World Health Organization blames MERS for 300 deaths. In China, around 200 people were killed by the bird flu. The reason for the big concern over diseases that only claim relatively few number of lives is because the gap between a few hundred deaths and several million could become very narrow.
Our closeness to the last days of these end-times increases the likelihood of seeing harmful organisms defy all efforts to control their spread. I have no way of knowing if Ebola will be one of the plagues that will kill over a fourth of the world's population during the Tribulation hour. If Ebola turns into a pandemic, we have a strong indication that the pale horse rider is getting ready to head out.
"And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth" (Revelation 6:7-8).
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