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Saturday, August 2, 2014

Prophecy News Headlines : 8.1.14

Prophecy News Headlines
Where Is The US In Bible Prophecy?
Troops Told To Refrain From Eating, Drinking In Front Of Muslims
Do not eat or drink in front of Muslims, and learn more about their religion. That's the directive that has gone out to active duty military personnel at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences ...........  Click here for full story
Where Is The US In Bible Prophecy?
Chinese Missile Forces Pose Threat to U.S. In Future Conflict
China's advanced cruise and ballistic missiles pose a significant threat in future conflict with the United States, the chief of naval operations (CNO) warned last week .........  Click here for full story
Israel: God's Timepiece 
And Now... Europe's Kristallnacht
The backlash in Europe against Israel has been underway since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge. In each country the protests have similarities. And in each they are spear-headed by the same motives and often by the same people  ........  Click here for full story
Apostate Christianity
Universalism Is Next for the Soft Love Crowd
Demi Lovato is the latest professing Christian (and celebrity) to declare that, "The LOVING God that I believe in, would never condemn anyone for loving another human of the same sex." What's the next step on this slippery theological slope? ........  Click here for full story
 Christian Worldview and Issues
Replica Of Solomon's Temple In Brazil Appeals To A Surge In Evangelicals

It occupies an entire block in this teeming megacity: a 10,000-seat rendition of Solomon's Temple. Towering in sharp relief against the graffiti-splattered tenements nearby, it beckons with monumental walls of stone imported from Israel and the flags of the dozens of countries where its owner, the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, is nourishing an evangelical Christian empire ........  Click here for full story
Prophecy News Headlines
Where Is The US In Bible Prophecy?
Al Qaeda Targeting U.S. Infrastructure For Digital 9/11
Al Qaeda, nation states, and criminals are preparing for major cyber attacks against U.S. infrastructure that could be comparable to the devastating September 11 attacks on New York and Washington, a senior Justice Department official said on Thursday ...... Click here for full story
Israel: God's Timepiece 
John Kerry: The Betrayal Of Israel
When The Times of Israel's Avi Issacharoff first reported the content of John Kerry's ceasefire proposal on Friday afternoon, I wondered if something had gotten lost in translation. It seemed inconceivable that the American secretary of state would have drafted an initiative that, as a priority, did not require the dismantling of Hamas's rocket arsenal and network of tunnels dug under the Israeli border. Yet the reported text did not address these issues at all, nor call for the demilitarization of Gaza...........  Click here for full story
Israel: God's Timepiece 
The One Passage On The History Of The Arab-Israeli Conflict That The Mainstream Media Will Never Print
Lost in most all of the media's coverage of the conflict in Gaza, and more broadly the battle between Israel and the Arab world is a candid discussion of the history of Israel's founding and specifically what happened to the Arabs of Palestine at the time of its founding  ........  Click here for full story
Christian Worldview and Issues
Newspaper Fires Editor For Criticizing Gay Bible
Bob Eschliman is a Christian. He's also a veteran news editor. And when he decided to write a column on his personal blog objecting to a gay-friendly version of the Bible, Bob was unceremoniously marched out of the Newton Daily News and shoved out the front door ........  Click here for full story
Increase In Knowledge and Technologies
DARPA Wants New Technology To Predict "Societal Unrest"

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting companies to provide new technology that would allow the U.S. Department of Defense to predict future "societal unrest" by keeping track of "all human activities that can be measured." ........  Click here for full story
Prophecy News Headlines
Where Is The US In Bible Prophecy?
Is Global Chaos The New Normal?
It's a chaotic world out there. But we'd better get used to it; this may be the new normal. The Middle East is in flames, not only Gaza but Syria, Iraq and Libya as well. Russia is massing troops on the border of Ukraine. Central Africa is a mess, as are Afghanistan and Pakistan. Parts of Mexico and Central America are ruled by criminal gangs and drug cartels. And those are merely the crises big enough to command front-page attention ...........  Click here for full story
Israel: God's Timepiece
A Thank You Letter From Hamas To The Media
Dear Members of the Mainstream Media, You've been awesome! Everyone knows that we start unwinnable wars with Israel because the real victory happens when you predictably side with us each time. And you've been so supportive of our strategy that we really want to acknowledge your helpfulness .........  Click here for full story
Christian Worldview and Issues 
Gallup: 'God Gap' Persists; Very Religious Are Mostly Republican; Non-Religious Are Mostly Democrat
The so-called "God Gap" between Republicans and Democrats continues to play an important role in partisan differences, according to a new Gallup poll  ........  Click here for full story
Christian Worldview and Issues
Russia's Holy War - The Union of Church and State
As the West continues the march into secularism; shedding its religious identity and insisting upon absolute "separation of church and state", Russia, under the leadership of Vladimir Putin, is experiencing a revival and return to its religious " roots" ........  Click here for full story
 Christian Worldview and Issues
The Church's Silence On Domestic Violence

If a short list was made of the issues the American church does not talk about from the pulpit, sexual and domestic violence would probably top the list. According to Rick Santos, President and CEO of IMA World Health, there is little information out there about what is actually happening in the U.S. faith community on this issue ........  Click here for full story
Israel: God's Timepiece
The TV Cameras Responsible For Civilian Deaths In Gaza
I write this as a member of the press. I'm proud to be a journalist and a documentary filmmaker. I'm a member of the Foreign Press Association in Israel, and the co-recipient of this year's Edward R. Murrow Award from the American Overseas Press Club. I say this off the top because I'm not an outsider pointing my finger at the media. Every year, journalists sacrifice their lives in war zones so as to keep us informed and protect freedom of the press, a cornerstone of democracy. But the fact is that when it comes to Israel, the media has acted irresponsibly ...... Click here for full story
Other Events To Watch 
How A Solar Storm Two Years Ago Nearly Caused A Catastrophe On Earth
On July 23, 2012, the sun unleashed two massive clouds of plasma that barely missed a catastrophic encounter with the Earth's atmosphere. These plasma clouds, known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs), comprised a solar storm thought to be the most powerful in at least 150 years. "If it had hit, we would still be picking up the pieces," physicist Daniel Baker of the University of Colorado tells NASA............  Click here for full story
Christian Worldview and Issues 
U.S. Ally Underwriting Jihadist Expansion Into Africa
Middle East and Africa analysts say there is a growing wave of militant Islamic activity in sub-Saharan Africa that is being funded by U.S. ally Saudi Arabia  ........  Click here for full story
Christian Worldview and Issues
Military Bars Troops From Attending Vacation Bible School Honor
Bible Baptist Church in Carthage, Missouri is a small country church bursting with American pride. Old Glory is posted in the sanctuary. And every morning at summer youth camp, the teenagers pledge allegiance and sing the national anthem ........  Click here for full story
Christian Worldview and Issues
Christianity Outlawed In Central Indian Villages

Several villages in central India have outlawed the open practice of Christianity-a move of questionable legality yet one that worries church leaders who say it already has encouraged anti-Christian violence ........  Click here for full story
BE SURE TO CHECK OUT MY PROPHECY WEBSITES...............................
Where Is The US In Bible Prophecy?
Troops Told To Refrain From Eating, Drinking In Front Of Muslims
Do not eat or drink in front of Muslims, and learn more about their religion. That's the directive that has gone out to active duty military personnel at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences ...........  Click here for full story
Where Is The US In Bible Prophecy?
Chinese Missile Forces Pose Threat to U.S. In Future Conflict
China's advanced cruise and ballistic missiles pose a significant threat in future conflict with the United States, the chief of naval operations (CNO) warned last week .........  Click here for full story
Israel: God's Timepiece 
And Now... Europe's Kristallnacht
The backlash in Europe against Israel has been underway since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge. In each country the protests have similarities. And in each they are spear-headed by the same motives and often by the same people  ........  Click here for full story
Apostate Christianity
Universalism Is Next for the Soft Love Crowd
Demi Lovato is the latest professing Christian (and celebrity) to declare that, "The LOVING God that I believe in, would never condemn anyone for loving another human of the same sex." What's the next step on this slippery theological slope? ........  Click here for full story
 Christian Worldview and Issues
Replica Of Solomon's Temple In Brazil Appeals To A Surge In Evangelicals

It occupies an entire block in this teeming megacity: a 10,000-seat rendition of Solomon's Temple. Towering in sharp relief against the graffiti-splattered tenements nearby, it beckons with monumental walls of stone imported from Israel and the flags of the dozens of countries where its owner, the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, is nourishing an evangelical Christian empire ........  Click here for full story
Prophecy News Headlines
Where Is The US In Bible Prophecy?
Al Qaeda Targeting U.S. Infrastructure For Digital 9/11
Al Qaeda, nation states, and criminals are preparing for major cyber attacks against U.S. infrastructure that could be comparable to the devastating September 11 attacks on New York and Washington, a senior Justice Department official said on Thursday ...... Click here for full story
Israel: God's Timepiece 
John Kerry: The Betrayal Of Israel
When The Times of Israel's Avi Issacharoff first reported the content of John Kerry's ceasefire proposal on Friday afternoon, I wondered if something had gotten lost in translation. It seemed inconceivable that the American secretary of state would have drafted an initiative that, as a priority, did not require the dismantling of Hamas's rocket arsenal and network of tunnels dug under the Israeli border. Yet the reported text did not address these issues at all, nor call for the demilitarization of Gaza...........  Click here for full story
Israel: God's Timepiece 
The One Passage On The History Of The Arab-Israeli Conflict That The Mainstream Media Will Never Print
Lost in most all of the media's coverage of the conflict in Gaza, and more broadly the battle between Israel and the Arab world is a candid discussion of the history of Israel's founding and specifically what happened to the Arabs of Palestine at the time of its founding  ........  Click here for full story
Christian Worldview and Issues
Newspaper Fires Editor For Criticizing Gay Bible
Bob Eschliman is a Christian. He's also a veteran news editor. And when he decided to write a column on his personal blog objecting to a gay-friendly version of the Bible, Bob was unceremoniously marched out of the Newton Daily News and shoved out the front door ........  Click here for full story
Increase In Knowledge and Technologies
DARPA Wants New Technology To Predict "Societal Unrest"

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting companies to provide new technology that would allow the U.S. Department of Defense to predict future "societal unrest" by keeping track of "all human activities that can be measured." ........  Click here for full story
Prophecy News Headlines
Where Is The US In Bible Prophecy?
Is Global Chaos The New Normal?
It's a chaotic world out there. But we'd better get used to it; this may be the new normal. The Middle East is in flames, not only Gaza but Syria, Iraq and Libya as well. Russia is massing troops on the border of Ukraine. Central Africa is a mess, as are Afghanistan and Pakistan. Parts of Mexico and Central America are ruled by criminal gangs and drug cartels. And those are merely the crises big enough to command front-page attention ...........  Click here for full story
Israel: God's Timepiece
A Thank You Letter From Hamas To The Media
Dear Members of the Mainstream Media, You've been awesome! Everyone knows that we start unwinnable wars with Israel because the real victory happens when you predictably side with us each time. And you've been so supportive of our strategy that we really want to acknowledge your helpfulness .........  Click here for full story
Christian Worldview and Issues 
Gallup: 'God Gap' Persists; Very Religious Are Mostly Republican; Non-Religious Are Mostly Democrat
The so-called "God Gap" between Republicans and Democrats continues to play an important role in partisan differences, according to a new Gallup poll  ........  Click here for full story
Christian Worldview and Issues
Russia's Holy War - The Union of Church and State
As the West continues the march into secularism; shedding its religious identity and insisting upon absolute "separation of church and state", Russia, under the leadership of Vladimir Putin, is experiencing a revival and return to its religious " roots" ........  Click here for full story
 Christian Worldview and Issues
The Church's Silence On Domestic Violence

If a short list was made of the issues the American church does not talk about from the pulpit, sexual and domestic violence would probably top the list. According to Rick Santos, President and CEO of IMA World Health, there is little information out there about what is actually happening in the U.S. faith community on this issue ........  Click here for full story
Israel: God's Timepiece
The TV Cameras Responsible For Civilian Deaths In Gaza
I write this as a member of the press. I'm proud to be a journalist and a documentary filmmaker. I'm a member of the Foreign Press Association in Israel, and the co-recipient of this year's Edward R. Murrow Award from the American Overseas Press Club. I say this off the top because I'm not an outsider pointing my finger at the media. Every year, journalists sacrifice their lives in war zones so as to keep us informed and protect freedom of the press, a cornerstone of democracy. But the fact is that when it comes to Israel, the media has acted irresponsibly ...... Click here for full story
Other Events To Watch 
How A Solar Storm Two Years Ago Nearly Caused A Catastrophe On Earth
On July 23, 2012, the sun unleashed two massive clouds of plasma that barely missed a catastrophic encounter with the Earth's atmosphere. These plasma clouds, known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs), comprised a solar storm thought to be the most powerful in at least 150 years. "If it had hit, we would still be picking up the pieces," physicist Daniel Baker of the University of Colorado tells NASA............  Click here for full story
Christian Worldview and Issues 
U.S. Ally Underwriting Jihadist Expansion Into Africa
Middle East and Africa analysts say there is a growing wave of militant Islamic activity in sub-Saharan Africa that is being funded by U.S. ally Saudi Arabia  ........  Click here for full story
Christian Worldview and Issues
Military Bars Troops From Attending Vacation Bible School Honor
Bible Baptist Church in Carthage, Missouri is a small country church bursting with American pride. Old Glory is posted in the sanctuary. And every morning at summer youth camp, the teenagers pledge allegiance and sing the national anthem ........  Click here for full story
Christian Worldview and Issues
Christianity Outlawed In Central Indian Villages

Several villages in central India have outlawed the open practice of Christianity-a move of questionable legality yet one that worries church leaders who say it already has encouraged anti-Christian violence ........  Click here for full story
BE SURE TO CHECK OUT MY PROPHECY WEBSITES...............................

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