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Friday, August 8, 2014

Prophecy News Headlines : 8.8.14

Prophecy News Headlines
Where Is The US In Bible Prophecy?
Panel Finds Military Downsizing Leaves U.S. Too Weak To Counter Global Threats
An independent panel appointed by the Pentagon and Congress said Thursday that President Obama's strategy for sizing the armed services is too weak for today's global threats. The National Defense Panel called on the president to dump a major section of his 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) and write a broader strategy that requires the military to fight on multiple fronts at once ...........  Click here for full story
Israel: God's Timepiece
How Church Attendance Affects American Attitudes Toward Israel
What role does religion play in American attitudes towards Israel? An analysis by Frank Newport, the editor-in-chief of Gallup Inc., reviews 14 annual Gallup polls from 2001 to 2014 in which respondents answer the same question, "In the Middle East situation, are your sympathies more with the Israelis or more with the Palestinians?" The numbers offer insights different from what one might expect .........  Click here for full story
Christian Worldview and Issues 
Christians Ordered To Stop Praying Inside Mall
Managers of a shopping mall in Dublin, Georgia, who told a group of visitors they were not allowed to pray in the facility - not even over their lunches in the food court - are starting to backtrack after headlines exposed the policies of the facility owned by MCK Properties  ........  Click here for full story
Increase In Knowledge And Technologies
Digital Tattoos To Unlock Your Phone
Should you so wish, you can now forget about securing your mobile phone by using a password or pass code that you need to always remember. Google and Motorola have partnered together to get you a memory free and more secure alternative: a digital tattoo (placed on the lower part of your arm, close to your wrist) that simply unlocks your phone once you place your phone on it. This feature is currently available for users of Motorola's 'Moto-X' mobile phone brand ........  Click here for full story
 Christian Worldview and Issues
The IRS Sets Its Sites On A New Target: Churches

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has never been a beloved institution in America. Since its inception in 1913, following the passage of the 16th Amendment, the IRS has been the subject of jokes by comedians and generally viewed with a range of fear to loathing by the American people. Over the years, there have been many accounts of families and businesses being destroyed by the monolithic government institution, and April 15th has become a day of great stress to most Americans ........  Click here for full story
Israel: God's Timepiece
Temple Institute To Raise Funds For The Third Temple Via Crowd Funding
The campaign to rebuild the Third Jewish Temple has entered a new phase beyond the praying, preparation of vessels and training of Temple priests: the raising of additional funds for the project. This would hasten the rebuilding of the temple and in the words of The Temple Institute "usher in universal harmony." This is a sentiment that is reportedly shared and welcomed with excitement by many Jews in Israel, and is further enhanced by the current war with Hamas ...........  Click here for full story
Other Events To Watch
25 Critical Facts About This Ebola Outbreak That Every American Needs To Know
What would a global pandemic look like for a disease that has no cure and that kills more than half of the people that it infects? Let's hope that we don't get to find out, but what we do know is that more than 100 health workers that were on the front lines of fighting this disease have ended up getting it themselves .........  Click here for full story
Israel: God's Timepiece 
Terror Havens In Syria And Iraq: Five Reasons The West Should Worry
Events in Iraq and Syria have alarmed U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. Extremists from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria control vast swaths of Iraq and Syria. Its members may be mingling with Yemeni bomb makers who have a track record of getting devices on Western planes. And thousands of Europeans have gone to Syria ready to give up their lives  ........  Click here for full story
Israel: God's Timepiece
What Hamas Really Means By Cease Fire
Cease-fire! It's a great idea.if it is a mutually defined term. In its simplest form, ceasefire merely means, "a cessation of hostilities; truce," and it is usually implemented to achieve progress in a conflict ........  Click here for full story
 Christian Worldview and Issues
Questioning Evolution With Evidence Gets Professor Fired

According to California State University's mission statement, the university seeks to "advance and extend knowledge, learning, and culture..." and to "provide opportunities for individuals to develop intellectually, personally, and professionally". Their mission statement goes on to say that, in order to achieve these and other stated goals, the university promises that it "provides and environment in which scholarship, research, creative, artistic, and professional activity are valued and supported". However, these lofty mission goals were put to the test recently when Mark Armitage, who worked as a researcher at the university's Northridge location and supervised the university's electron microscope laboratory, discovered evidence that contradicted the university's position on evolution. ........  Click here for full story
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