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Friday, August 8, 2014

The Demon Hordes Advance

The Demon Hordes Advance - Jim Fletcher - 
 In this week's Jerusalem Post, Jonathan Spyer rightly points our attention to the ghastly advances being made by the Terror Group Formerly Known as ISIS - now simply "IS" - as they seek to establish a caliphate (complete Islamic rule) in the region. At best, most media have been focused on their own propaganda/reporting about the fighting in Gaza.
 Yet IS (the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) is now growing stronger than the regime troops they are fighting in the two dark holes known as Syria and Iraq. Remember just a few short years ago when the future was rosy for Iraq? Not now. Hindsight is always 20/20, but removing Saddam Hussein from power blew the lid off the fish kettle, and now the brutality Saddam waged on his own people is being widened to include the entire Middle East.
 IS, according to the JPost, is growing in its ferocity:
"There is mounting evidence that IS has obtained a chemical weapons capacity of some kind, and has utilized it on at least one occasion during intense combat against the Kurdish YPG militia in northern Syria. The organization has achieved signal successes against regime forces in Raqqa and Hasakeh provinces that culminated in the capture of the Division 17 base, and the subsequent gruesome execution of over 200 members of the garrison."
Slaughter, slaughter, and slaughter are the hallmarks of these thoroughly committed Islamic terror groups, and they are killing scores of Christians and Jews are in the crosshairs, too.
Where is the outcry from the "evangelical" peaceniks like Brian McLaren, Shane Claiborne, and Lynne Hybels, just to name a few? 
You answered correctly: there isn't any.
The inexcusable silence from the leftists in the American Evangelical community is a stain on church history, and on their personal histories.
Interestingly, reports are that Palestinians are fighting in IS groups in Iraq and Syria. That, coupled with the fact that the Hamas capability in Gaza has extended farther than many thought possible, and Hezbollah is busy in the north, signals a new chapter in Middle East tensions. In the past, Israel engaged conventional armies that were not always heroic to the international community (even the media) and they always defeated them, decisively.
Now, Israel is faced with complex terror wars that operate on many levels: military, political, even cultural. And make no mistake: the Media Wars have become savage and out-in-the-open. We also know that the Obama administration loathes Israel and makes no real attempt to mask that contempt. It is fascinating to note how far American political discernment has fallen regarding Islamic terror in the Middle East.
In Colonial times, one-fifth of American exports were bound for ports in the Mediterranean. When American shipping was threatened by Muslim pirates, Thomas Jefferson sent the navy to eliminate that threat.
During World War I, a combination of Islamist and military forces butchered Armenians. The United States sent battleships Montana and North Carolina to the Turkish coast.
 Today, Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry extol the virtues of Islam (a contradiction in terms) and demand that Israel negotiate with terrorists who really do want to kill every Jew in the Middle East.
As IS continues to murder Christians and plan strategic military operations in order to wrest control of Syria and Iraq from secular governments, it "appears" the noose is tightening around Israel. Stated earlier, Hezbollah is watching Gaza very closely, and reports this week of noise under the homes of Israeli citizens in the northern part of the country would suggest that the same serpent-like tunnel system Hamas has used to great effect is also being implemented in the north.
Should Syria and Iraq fall to the worst form of Islamist terror, Israel will be forced to go even deeper in its multi-layered attempt to protect its citizens.
Only a month ago, IS launched an attack on a Kurdish enclave in the northern part of the country, and used U.S.-made Humvees, captured in Mosul, in the attacks. Frankly, the botched withdrawals ordered by Obama have cost many innocent lives, with more to come.
As for Israeli hard choices, now more than 60 young men have lost their lives as the IDF has sought to destroy the tunnels of Gaza. Again, added to this is the growing threat of Al-Qaida affiliated terror groups operating on Israel's borders and possibly even within the country. From the JPost article:
"As far as IS links to Gaza: An identifiable Gaza contingent named the Sheikh Abu al-Nur al-Maqdisi Brigade is active with IS forces in northern Syria, and photographic evidence has emerged of this group's activities. This group is named after a well-known Salafi sheikh from southern Gaza, killed in an abortive revolt against the Hamas authorities in 2009.
"IS also has an identifiable franchise within Gaza and northern Sinai itself, according to a prominent researcher of the IS phenomenon, UK-based Aymenn Jawad al-Tamimi; the name of the group in question is Ansar al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Bayt al-Maqdis."
The immediate future is very uncertain on many fronts. But one constant remains: we who cling to the Bible as the Supreme Authority know that Israel will survive and endure. We don't know the methods the Lord will use to bring this about, but he has promised this and in fact miracle stories are now emerging from sources within the Israel Defense Forces. This will be our topic this coming Tuesday night on RaptureReady's "Israel Watch" radio program. Join us at 8 CST.
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