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Friday, August 8, 2014

'The Hal Lindsey Report' - 8.8.14

 'The Hal Lindsey Report' - Hal Lindsey - 
"Those three boys... saved the nation."
That's how Isaac Herzog, the leader of the opposition in Israel's Knesset, remembered the tragic kidnapping and murders of three Israeli teenaged boys a couple of months ago.
Had they not been kidnapped, hastily murdered and sloppily buried, and their graves quickly discovered by Israel, unmitigated disaster could even now be lurking in Israel's future.
You see, Hamas was planning a daring invasion of Israel on Rosh Hoshanna. On September 24, the eve of the Jewish New Year, they intended to flood southern Israel with thousands of Hamas fighters. These heavily armed invaders were to enter Israel through dozens of tunnels under cover of darkness. As day dawned and shops and schools filled up in the Israeli towns and villages just outside the Gaza Strip, all hell would break loose.
First, massive explosives already in place under Israeli kindergartens and schools would be detonated. Amid the mass hysteria and chaos, the Hamas fighters would strike, killing as many innocent civilians and children as possible.
Then, before the IDF could respond, they would retreat through the tunnels back into Gaza, taking with them maybe hundreds of hostages that would be held for ransom and leverage.
When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussed the discovery of this Hamas plan with his cabinet, he noted that the number of Israeli casualties could well have surpassed the 2,200 who died in the 1973 Yom Kippur war.
Other experts and analysts believe the death toll would have exceeded 10,000 Israelis.
But because those three boys were kidnapped, then hastily murdered once their kidnappers realized one of them had been able to telephone the police, the Hamas invasion plan was revealed.
This brutal tragedy sparked "Operation Protective Edge," the IDF entry into Gaza to stop the rocket barrages and punish Hamas for the murders. That's when Israel discovered the full extent of the vast network of tunnels that Hamas has been able to construct beneath Gaza over the last several years.
Israeli television news reports have suggested that there are as many as 5,000 tunnels crisscrossing the Gaza Strip. They enable Hamas forces to move with impunity almost anywhere they wish. They store their arsenals and house their command centers there.
The Israelis call it "the city under the city."
The IDF also discovered as many as 40 highly fortified tunnels that open in multiple places inside Israel. It is through those "terror tunnels" that Hamas intended to invade Israel in September.
The horrible, brutal deaths of those three young boys, one of them an American, may truly have saved Israel. Some have suggested that the entire incident, which allowed the Hamas plan to be discovered, is a miracle.
I can't say that I disagree, simply because Israel's history is nothing more than miracle upon miracle upon miracle. From its miraculous birth to its miraculous rebirth to its miraculous survival against all odds, Israel is truly a miracle nation.
On this week's program, I'll discuss that miraculous history as well as one of the unexplainable "miracles" that have occurred during "Operation Protective Edge."
But a word of warning, Israel is not out of the woods by any means. An even greater menace than Hamas is lurking just beyond Israel's northern border. So continue to pray earnestly for God's continued protection of Israel. His people have never been in more danger than they are at this moment.
Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, The Word Network, various local stations, or
BE SURE TO CHECK OUT MY PROPHECY WEBSITES...............................

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