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Friday, August 8, 2014

The Same Old Playbook

The Same Old Playbook - By Daymond Duck - 

Knowledge of Bible prophecy, President Obama's actions and a recent article caused me to think about what he meant when he said, "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America." Some thought he meant restoring integrity in government, stopping partisan bickering, co-operating with Congress, improving America's economy, putting Americans back to work and good things like that.
But his record shows that he didn't mean any of those things. I can't prove it, but I think he meant, "We are five days away from doing whatever it takes to bring America into compliance with the Globalist Agenda." I think President Obama's playbook was drawn up by Satan, given to Nimrod at the Tower of Babel, handed down to the Globalist, passed on to President Obama and he is just a pawn in a one-world government scheme.
An excellent article by Daniel Taylor titled,  "Globalist Think Tank: North American Community: 'Will Be forged in the Heat of Conflict'" ( started me thinking about this. Mr. Taylor wrote about a Globalist meeting in 2002 that was held to discuss the formation of the North American Union. 
The Globalists who attended believed that the majority of U.S. citizens are opposed to surrendering the sovereignty of the U.S. by merging the  U.S. with Canada and Mexico. These Globalists agreed that a playbook (a set of plans, schemes or tactics) was needed to fundamentally transform the U.S. Without an attitude adjustment in the U.S., these Globalists concluded that they would not be successful in creating a North American Union.
A representative of the Council on Foreign Relations (Stephanie Golob) attended the meeting and she indicated that the opposition of U.S. citizens is the "greatest obstacle" to the merger of the U.S. with Canada and Mexico. She didn't say so, but the  U.S. economy was the envy of the world in 2002. The middle class was large, many had good jobs, good pay, good healthcare, good retirement plans, the U.S. military was strong, people enjoyed their freedoms, etc.
The vast majority of this middle class didn't have anything against Canada or Mexico, but they didn't want to risk losing the good things they had by surrendering U.S. sovereignty in a merger with Canada and Mexico. This probably explains why Golob suggested that the creation of the North American Union will have to come from the top down (by Presidential Directive or Executive Order) instead of by vote of the people. Without Presidential Directives or Executive Orders, these Globalists concluded again that they would not be successful in creating a North American Union.
A third and very insightful thing in Mr. Taylor's excellent article connects the desired attitude adjustment and the need for Presidential Directives to the current illegal immigration debacle. According to the article, Prof. Darrell Hamamoto of the  Univ. of Cal. said, "illegal immigration is about creating a subservient underclass in America."
Golob's 2002 statement reveals that Globalists thought the middle class of U.S. citizens was too big, too well off and too independent. Under these conditions America's affluent middle class could not be controlled, an attitude adjustment was not possible, and Presidential Directives to surrender the sovereignty of the U.S. would be strongly opposed. On the other hand, America's lower class of citizens was not well off, they depended upon the government for benefits and they could be fundamentally changed and controlled because they would want to keep their benefits coming in.
Thus, illegal immigration is about fundamentally changing attitudes by reducing the size, income, independence and voting power of the uncontrollable middle class; and it is about increasing the size, income (benefits), dependence and voting power of the controllable lower class. It is about weakening the middle class and empowering the lower class to create a new majority in the U.S. to change the way U.S. citizens think and vote. And all of this is essentially an old playbook or blueprint that was drawn up for the purpose of surrendering the sovereignty of the U.S., creating the North American Union and ultimately bringing in a mostly socialist one-world government.
Satan has convinced the Globalists that the middle class is expendable so the Globalists are doing away with middle class jobs, healthcare, freedoms, independence, etc. and Satan has convinced the Globalist that the lower class can be useful so the Globalists are keeping the border open to allow Hispanics to flood in and change the demographics of the U.S.
Some politicians are talking about sending the illegal immigrants back home. I will be surprised to see that happen because it will go against Satan's one-world government agenda. Others are talking about building villages to put the illegal immigrants in. That doesn't surprise me because it falls in line with the Agenda 21 goal of creating tightly controlled communities.
Other schemes in Satan's same old playbook include reducing the population of the world to 1-2 billion people (through abortion, gay marriage, and several other really devious suggestions); preserving resources for future generations (called global resource efficiency); weakening the U.S. military and hyping climate change to scare citizens into accepting one-world government; and wealth redistribution to weaken the upper and middle classes, and to strengthen the lower class (increase the income of the lowest 40% faster than the national average).
In conclusion, I don't think the big mess on America's border with Mexico comes from a playbook drawn up by President Obama. I actually think it comes from that same old playbook that was drawn up by Satan and handed down to the Globalists at the CFR, the State Dept. and all of those who are trying to establish the New World Order. But I have good news for you: God has always known the contents of Satan's playbook, God plans to deal with it and God's plan won't fail.
By the way: The attitude adjustment also includes changing America's religious beliefs.
Prophecy Plus Ministries
Daymond & Rachel Duck
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