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Friday, August 8, 2014

The White House Silence is Deafening

The White House Silence is Deafening  - J.L. Robb - 

"When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near." ~ Jesus (approximately 33 AD)
Jesus made this prediction almost 2,000 years ago when He was talking to His apostles about the "last days." He was explaining to them how difficult it would be, and they were asking for signs of recognition. How will we know?
That curiosity is understandable and is one of the things that keeps people like me attached to so many news sources. While a few friends consider me to be a little obsessed (no way!) with Biblical prophecy, everyone is obsessed about something. I'm glad it's this subject rather than chocolate, or I would look like the Pillsbury Doughboy.
This prediction did come true, almost to a T. About 40 years after Jesus' execution, Jerusalem was surrounded by the Roman army, sacked, the buildings destroyed as well as their Temple, the current site of the Western Wall; and the Jews were killed or deported except for a few that somehow made it. Three years later, some holdouts fled to Masada for a final rebellion, only to commit mass suicide as the Roman army breached the walls.
The famous historian of the Jews, Flavius Josephus wrote about the reaction of the hard and brutal Roman soldiers:
"When the Romans saw the mass of slain, they were unable to take pleasure in the sight, even though the people were their enemies."
Jesus' prophecy in Luke 21:20 wasn't totally fulfilled, however; because Jesus' reference in the conversation with His apostles was the end times, the last days that will culminate in the Day of God's Wrath. In this case, Day is a period of time in which the entire world will recognize what is mythology and what is not. Jerusalem is surrounded again, but not by Romans.
In a July 28 report, President Obama and his wife released a statement in a toast to Eid-al-Fitr at the end of Ramadan thanking Muslim-Americans for their many "achievements and contributions, to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy."
This as the International Muslim community continues to call for the killing of Jews and the destruction of Israel.
While the White House calls for ceasefire after ceasefire, trying to somehow make peace with Hamas and other fanatical, murderous organizations who live for the death of Jews and the end of Israel, they remain silent on the slaughter of Christians in Iraq, a country where much American blood was spilled to give the Iraqis a freedom they had never experienced. Then we abandoned them, something the Democratic Party in the U.S. seems to do quite often, i.e. Shah of Iran, Mubarak in Egypt, Vietnamese, the doctor who told us where bin Laden was; and the beat goes on.
The new Islamic caliphate taking shape in an area from Syria through northern Iraq has proven to be as brutal as any past caliphates. They have beheaded hundreds of Shi'a Muslims, because this caliphate consists of Sunni Muslims. The latest and most murderous splinter group of al Qaeda, who the President told us was "on the run" and apparently did an end-run, is a group called ISIS and sometimes, ISIL. Now they are scoring touchdown after touchdown.
Mosul, Iraq remained a Christian enclave for hundreds of years and once had a Christian population of 60,000. July 14, 2014, ISIS gave Christians an ultimatum: Convert, leave or be beheaded. Mosul is now almost Christianless; and the White House says nothing, as though President Obama believes Gazanites who are shelling Israel and are killed in the war they created are somehow more worthy of White House attention than the generations of Christians in Iraq, a country we liberated as much as an Islamic country can be liberated.
CNN, like most news sources, berate Israel for winning a battle they didn't start. Hamas apologists whine that Israel is killing so many Palestinians, and the unguided rockets they fire into Israel are killing few. Now, is that fair? I suppose the media commentators feel that Israel should wait until a few of the unguided missiles manage to fall on a school, hospital or synagogue and kill a few hundred Israelis?
The media's melodrama when a U.N. school that is a shelter is bombed by the Israelis is hypocritical at best, considering that Hamas hides their missiles and launchers in the schools and hospitals. Hamas fighters surround themselves with civilians, especially children just for the photo-op when they are killed. Of course, to some the human shield aspect might not really be what it seems:
"It would be impossible at this point to say how much truth there is to the human shield argument," said Michele Dunne of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. "That's not going to be possible to do in the heat of the conflict."
I guess Ms. Dunne missed this NY Times article from July 23, 2014:
GAZA CITY - Militant rockets can be seen launching from crowded neighborhoods, near apartment buildings, schools and hotels. Hamas fighters have set traps for Israeli soldiers in civilian homes and stored weapons in mosques and schools. Tunnels have been dug beneath private property.
Maybe some of the apologist media missed this bit of news about children by a rocket launcher.
Israel does not need a ceasefire; they need to take care of business. Every ceasefire leads to another buildup of more and better weapons to fire into Israel. Living in Israel is a daily threat because of the enemies surrounding Jerusalem. Following is a small sample of what goes on in the daily life of an Israeli, from the Jerusalem Post:
Tuesday, July 8 
Daily recap: Terrorists in Gaza fired about 160 rockets at Israel on Tuesday, including a salvo of some 20-30 rockets - some of which reached the Jerusalem and Tel Aviv areas. The Iron Dome defense system intercepted about 40 of the projectiles. The IDF targeted 240 sites in the Gaza Strip in response.
11:57 p.m. Palestinian Authority President called an emergency meeting of Palestinian leadership for Wednesday to discuss the Israeli "aggression," which he blamed on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's coalition.
11:00 p.m. An Iron Dome battery intercepted rockets over the central city of Rishon Lezion late Tuesday night after air raid sirens were heard in the area.
10:30 p.m. IAF and IDF forces have hit 200 targets in Gaza since the launch of Operation Protective Edge. More than fifty of those targets were hit in the last hour.
10:10 p.m. The Herzliya Municipality announced that it had opened all public bomb shelters in the city in light of the firing of Gaza rockets at the Gush Dan region.
10:06 p.m.  Air raid sirens continue to sound in various cities in central and southern Israel.
9:55 p.m. Code Red sirens were were sounded and two loud thuds were heard by residents in downtown Jerusalem shortly after a rocket siren went off in the capital. Thousands of city residents promptly entered bomb shelters, while others remained outside and in area cafes.
According to police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld none of the rockets fired from Gaza landed directly in the city of Jerusalem, although two rockets likely landed just outside the city.
9:48 p.m. Air raid sirens hear in central Israel, a blast was heard in Tel Aviv but sirens did not sound in the city.
9:47 p.m. Security forces are investigating after finding an abandoned parachute near Kibbutz Yad Mordechai in southern Israel.
One of the suspicions is that the parachute was used by a Hamas terrorist who may have used a motorized glider to infiltrate the country.
9:30 p.m. Rocket intercepted by Iron Dome over Ashkelon.
8:49 p.m. IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz said Hamas chose an escalation with Israel and that other terror organizations have joined it. "We will now activate all of our force and take all the time that it's needed in various stages in order to reach victory," Gantz said.
8:41 p.m. The Jerusalem Municipality announced Tuesday evening that it will open public bomb shelters across the capital. A list of all the shelters can be found on the municipality website In the statement, the municipality also recommended that residents open their private shelters.
8:36 p.m. The White House condemned rocket attacks against Israel that reached as far as Tel Aviv and expressed support for Israel's right to defend itself on Tuesday.
8:09 p.m. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu called for the citizens of Israel to stand united as one person as Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip said they view Israelis as one collective target for their attacks.
In a statement issued shortly after a rocket was fired over central Israel, Netanyahu stressed that Israel will not tolerate rocket fire into its cities. The prime minister instructed the IDF to broaden its military operation on terrorists in the Gaza Strip in light of the day's events.
7:57: p.m. Following Gaza rocket fire over central Israel, the Home Front Command instructed the Tel Aviv Municipality to open public bomb shelters in the city.
7:30 p.m. Two terrorists attempt a landing on Zikim beach near Gaza and exchange fire with IDF forces, two terrorists were killed while IDF forces pursued a third gunman.
7:04 p.m. Code Red sounded in Tel Aviv for the first time since Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012. Iron Dome intercepted the rocket south of Tel Aviv.
6:55 p.m. Sde Dov airport in Tel Aviv halted flight take offs due to the situation in the South. The airport remained open to landings.
President Obama stated that Muslim Americans built the fabric of our (American) society. Really? There were no reports of Muslims on the NiƱa, Pinta and Santa Maria, only Christians trying to escape religious persecution in Europe.
Is CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) one of the Muslim-American groups the President was speaking of and the purported fabric-building?
From 2007 WND article: The Council on American-Islamic Relations, which brands itself as a mainstream promoter of civil rights, has been named with two other prominent U.S. Islamic groups as an "unindicted co-conspirator" in a plot to fund the terrorist group Hamas.
The White House: No word about the Christians being persecuted at the hands of Islamists; No word about children being intentionally used as human shields; Lots of words about Israel hitting hospitals though, or UN schools. They forget to mention the weapons.
As Muslim-American groups continue to fund the enemies of Israel as well as the U.S., is this the fabric weaving President Obama mentioned? If so, he's backing the wrong horse, again. 
BE SURE TO CHECK OUT MY PROPHECY WEBSITES...............................

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