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Saturday, October 25, 2014

OBAMA WATCH: 10.24.14 - "President" sends weapons to Islamic State

 "President" sends weapons to Islamic State - Bill Wilson - 
The Daily Beast reports that "At least one bundle of US weapons airdropped in Syria appears to have fallen into the hands of ISIS, a dangerous misfire in the American mission to speed aid to Kurdish forces making their stand in Kobani." A video posted on YouTube by the Islamic State (IS) shows a wide range of US made weapons had fallen into the hands of the caliphate. Previous IS videos show these terrorists driving US tanks, Humvees, and MRRAPs. There are reports that IS has confiscated three US fighter planes from conquered Iraqi basis. There is no doubt now that both US humanitarian aid and weapons are being used to establish and build the Sharia caliphate.
Now the White House is in damage control mode. Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes told CNN, "We feel very confident that, when we air drop support as we did into Kobani... we've been able to hit the target in terms of reaching the people we want to reach. What I can assure people is that, when we are delivering aid now, we focus it on the people we want to receive that assistance. Those are civilians in need. Those are forces that we're aligned with in the fight against ISIL [the government's preferred acronym for ISIS], and we take precautions to make sure that it's not falling into the wrong hands." With evidence that it is in the hands of the IS, I guess the White House is confident it has succeeded.
It would be easy to say these airdrops of weapons and aid are mistakes. What isn't easy to say is that the US "president's" actions repeatedly have shown us that he has aided and abetted the Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaeda, and other enemies of the US throughout the Middle East. The Islamic State is just a more successful offshoot of al Qaeda that this administration assisted in developing in its efforts to have a surrogate overthrow the Syrian government. Now there are routine stories of US weapons and aid falling into the hands of the IS. Then you have the Deputy National Security Advisor saying he is confident that aid and weapons are "reaching the people we want to reach."
This begs the question of such supplies falling into IS control: Is it incompetence or intentional on the part of the US "president?" Similarly, many Americans are asking Congressional candidates if they voted for the "president." In his own political party, most are hedging their answers. The "president" says he knows the answer. He told the Globe and Mail, "it is difficult for them to have me in the state because the Republicans will use that to try to fan Republican turnout." He has not campaigned for one single senate candidate this year. He and his policies are toxic. Even the campaign advisors know it. As Jesus said in Matthew 7:16, "You shall know them by their fruits." Indeed, we should.

 "President" sending humanitarian aid to Islamic State - Bill Wilson - 
What would the citizens in America and its Founding Fathers have done if George Washington had taken food, clothing, or other supplies provided to his Continental Army and used them to build a revolutionary force against America? What would have happened if Thomas Jefferson had commissioned a US Navy to destroy the Islamic Barbary pirates, but had actually assisted the pirates in their spoil gathering and slave trading efforts during the Ottoman Empire? I'm sure Americans and Congress in the late 1700s and early 1800s would have responded far differently than those of today when a "president" is using US firepower, tax dollars, and humanitarian aid to assist in building a terrorist caliphate.
Actions show intent. Incompetence can be identified and rectified. However, consistent actions show a pattern. That's what we have with the current occupant of the Oval Office. He has aided and abetted the enemies of America and God by assisting them directly and indirectly in destabilizing the entire Middle East. Whether it is the Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaeda, the Islamic State or any militant Islamic organization in between, they are all enemies of America and they are all various shades of the same thing--those attempting to establish a worldwide Islamic Caliphate. Your tax money, military and now State Department are all heavily involved in the "president's" quest in assisting his Islamic roots against America.
Veteran Middle East reporter Jamie Dettmer, who writes for the Daily Beast, Voice of America, and UK Daily Mail, reports "While US warplanes strike at the militants of the so-called Islamic State in both Syria and Iraq, truckloads of US and Western aid has been flowing into territory controlled by the jihadists, assisting them to build their terror-inspiring "caliphate."...The Bible says if your enemy is hungry, feed him, and if he is thirsty, give him something to drink-doing so will "heap burning coals" of shame on his head. But there is no evidence that the militants of the Islamic State, widely known as ISIS or ISIL, feel any sense of disgrace or indignity (and certainly not gratitude) receiving charity from their foes."
Dettmer continues: "Quite the reverse, the aid convoys have to pay off ISIS emirs (leaders) for the convoys to enter the eastern Syrian extremist strongholds of Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor, providing yet another income stream for ISIS militants, who are funding themselves from oil smuggling, extortion, and the sale of whatever they can loot, including rare antiquities from museums and archaeological sites." The US aid comes from a branch of the State Department. It allows the Islamic State to appear like the good guys by satisfying the core demands/needs of the local people. The US "president" is, therefore, materially assisting the establishment of the caliphate government. As Jesus said in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you."


Medical Martial Law Has Begun

by Dave Hodges | October 20, 2014 1:46 am
A soft form of medial martial law has begun in this country. The administration is aligning its forces, revocation of due process and civil liberties is strongly being hinted at and we will not have to wait much longer for nature to take its course.
President Obama refuses to close the borders to possible bioterrorism involving Ebola and possible terrorists crossing our southern border. Obama also refuses to close American airports to travelers from West Africa, despite the fact that over 30 nations have done exactly that. However, with regard to a newly announced Obama policy, the President certainly has no problem swat-teaming American citizens suspected of having the deadly virus.
According to the Associated Press[3], President Obama has announced that the CDC will respond in a "much more aggressive way" to cases of Ebola in the United States.  The President has ordered the CDC to institute "rapid response teams".  When we combine this directive with what we are seeing in HHS and DHS documents regarding "isolation" camps[4], it is very difficult to not conclude that Americans suspected of Ebola and those with exposure to Ebola are soon going to swat-teamed by the CDC. More confirmation on this development comes from CNN[5] as they are reporting that the U.S. military is forming a 30-person "quick strike team" equipped to provide direct treatment to Ebola patients inside the United States, a Defense Department official told CNN on Sunday. Has anyone considered the fact that America might not need a 30 "brown shirted" set of  response teams, if the President had closed the airports to West African travelers. Does it really take an entire platoon to isolate an Ebola victim, or is there something else  going on?
Obama is so concerned about the spread of Ebola that his administration just issued 2,100 visas[6] to Ebola hot zones.
The definition of personal liberty is called martial law, and that is precisely what we are seeing with regard to the CDC swat teams. As a footnote to either the AP and the CNN story, there was no mention of patient rights, due process or anything remotely connected to personal autonomy and freedom. Yet, it is this President's policy which allowed Thomas Duncan to travel, unabated from Liberia to the United States with Ebola and infect other Americans with the deadly virus.
[7]Does anyone else really think that this practice is going to be confined to the narrow window of only rounding up "suspected" Ebola patients? When we consider the over-arching implications of the NDAAit is prudent to be suspicious of this President's every move, especially when the topic centers around loss of personal liberty and freedom. If you are unfamiliar with the NDAA and its un-American provisions related to unconstitutional detainment, you may want to review the ACLU's review of the NDAA[8]. When I find myself agreeing with the ACLU, on anything, especially on the pitfalls of the NDAA, it is noteworthy.


The dots are manifesting faster than anyone can connect them. There is a now a clear direction, even if this administration will not say it in plain language.  Watch the video below, in which Obama announces the formation of these controversial CDC swat teams to round up "suspected" Ebola victims. Watch how the President measures his every word.  This is a man who knows where this crisis is headed, he just does not want you to know, at least not quite yet, that medical martial law has been declared and is upon us.
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