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Saturday, February 7, 2015

Your Cheapened American Citizenship -

Your Cheapened American Citizenship - Bill Wilson - 
The occupant of the Oval Office met with six young illegal aliens who would have been deported under the law save for his unilateral executive action to bypass the law and allow them to remain in the United States. He told reporters that he thinks it is wrong to deport these illegals and that he would veto any legislation that would prevent them from remaining in the country, saying "And I'm confident that I can uphold that veto." Meanwhile, Senate Republicans suffered another defeat by not gaining a large enough majority to send a bill to the White House that would say no to the "president's" breaking of the law. They had 53 votes when 60 are needed by Senate rules. Your citizenship is cheapened.
The "president" made the case that these young people must stay in the country because they are just like every other American. He said, "The House of Representatives recently passed a bill that would have these six young people deported. I think thats wrong. I think most Americans would think it was wrong if they had a chance to meet with these young people. Legislation is going to be going to the Senate that again attempts to try to block these executive actions. I want to be as clear as possible. I will veto any legislation that got to my desk that took away the chance of these young people who grew up here and who are prepared to contribute to this country, that would prevent them from doing so."
While these so-called "DREAMers" may be very similar to the "president," whose birth on American soil by American parents has been questioned repeatedly, and he was raised in Islamic cultures by communist parents, step-parents and grandparents, these illegals and the "president" are not "like every other American." Americans born and raised in this country did not break the law to get here, and they are not breaking the laws to remain here. The "president" said, "And so often in this immigration debate it's an abstraction and we don't really think about the human consequences of our positions." How ironic that he considers breaking the laws for what he thinks is right has no human consequences.
The Bible is very clear about sojourners. It says not to vex strangers and to treat them hospitably. But it also says in Exodus 12:49, "One law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourns among you." This is repeated in Leviticus 24, and Numbers 9. It is the basic concept of all law, and the foundational principle of the laws of free societies. Article II Section 3 of the US Constitution requires the President to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed." This "president" has acted above the law and refuses to accept the laws of Congress. Your citizenship is cheapened. Proverbs 28:4 says, "They that forsake the law praise the wicked." I guess we know where we stand.

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