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Sunday, April 3, 2016

The prophetic Islamic invasion of the US

The prophetic Islamic invasion of the US - Bill Wilson -
Islam has been at war with America for some 233 years, beginning with the birth of our nation and the onslaught of the Barbary Pirates of the Ottoman Empire. This has continued through the 9-11 terrorist attacks and several other smaller attacks on American soil and against Americans abroad ever since. But now, America is beginning to experience a type and shadow of the Babylon prophecy of Jeremiah 51:14, where the Lord says, "Surely I will fill thee with men, as with locusts; and they shall lift up a battle cry against thee." This invasion, aided and abetted by Congress and the office of the Presidency, is part of the Muslim Brotherhood strategy to takeover the US. The "president" is complicit in this strategy.
In his Easter weekend radio address, the "president," still referring to the Islamic State as "ISIL" (which includes Israel), said that the US will continue to allow Islamic immigrants into the US from terrorist nations such as Syria as a part of his strategy to defeat "ISIL." The White House web site summarizes the "president's" remarks: "that defeating ISIL remains our top military, intelligence, and national security priority. He reminded us that as we move forward in this fight, we must use the power of our example as a Nation that is open to refugees escaping ISIL's violence, refuses ISIL's hateful and violent propaganda, and rejects any attempt to stigmatize Muslim-Americans."
The "president's" strategy appears to be that America will defeat the Islamic State by bringing as many Muslims to the United States as possible. In his radio address he said: "Our openness to refugees fleeing ISIL's violence; our determination to win the battle against ISIL's hateful and violent propaganda--a distorted view of Islam that aims to radicalize young Muslims to their cause" was paramount to victory. He ignores Islam's history of war, terror, slave trade, human sex trafficking, violence against women and children, and drug trade continue today in every country where there is a Muslim majority. And the "president" appears to believe the way to defeat this history is to bring Islam to America.
Truth be told, Islam is at war with anyone who is not Islamic. It is using a dark and evil concept of "religion" to advance its fascism. Anyone who disagrees with its religion is labeled an Islamophobe, a bigot, even a racist rather than a wise discerner of the truth. As President John Quincy Adams wrote in the 1827 American Annual Register about the Islamic war against Christianity: "That war is yet flagrant; nor can it cease but by the extincture of that impostor, which has been permitted by Providence to prolong the degeneracy of man." Adams knew of the Genesis 16 prophecy of the father of Islam, Ishmael: "he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him." Adams understood then, what America seems not to understand today.

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