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Friday, April 21, 2017

Europe Is Committing Suicide

Europe Is Committing Suicide - Todd Strandberg -
Many scary organisms exist in nature. Those at the top of my list are parasites that take off the nervous system of insects and compel them to perform suicidal acts. An undiscovered bug must be infecting the minds of the citizens of Europe.
In the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Germany and Sweden, Islamic terrorism is spreading like the plague; and few people are willing to acknowledge the source of the problem.
Last week four people in Stockholm were mowed down with a truck by 39-year-old, Rakhmat Akilov-a known Muslim radical extremist from Uzbekistan. Akilov roamed around freely (as are 12,000 other high-risk people) because the Swedish government is too timid to deal with a religion that sanctions mass murder.
Every time there is a Islamic terrorist attack we see images of flowers, candles, and crowds of people pledging to fight against all forms of hate. Yet according to the liberal press, the biggest hatred to worry about is Islamaphobia.
The actual victims of Islamic terrorism usually receive very little attention from the media. The first person killed by Rakhmat Akilov was an 11-year-old Swedish girl, Ebba Akerlund. The media avoided showing her name and image because they are actively protecting Islam. However, they have no problem repeatedly showing the images of children suffering from the Syrian civil war.  If someone dies from an Islamic terror attack, it becomes old news in a matter of days.
A year ago, London's Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan, stated, "Living with terror attacks is part and parcel of living in a big city." After last month's attack near the U.K. Parliament, Khan expressed annoyance that people would try to "politicize" the event.
President Donald Trump has spoken many times about the problem of Islamic terrorism as it relates to immigration: "You look at what's happening, We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?"
Back in February, Trump criticized Sweden's immigration record, tweeting: "Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!"
The press tried to argue that Trump's comment about Sweden was a lie. The president clarified his claims writing on Twitter, "My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden."
In that story, the Fox News host, Tucker Carlson, interviewed Ami Horowitz, a filmmaker who asserts that migrants in Sweden have been associated with a crime wave. "They oftentimes try to cover up some of these crimes," Mr. Horowitz said. Anyone who tries to tell the truth about the situation is shouted down as a racist and a xenophobe.
The number of rapes and arson attacks committed by Muslims have exploded in recent years. To hide the truth, Swedish authorities have stopped reporting any crime data that show a link to Islamists.
Large parts of Sweden have been turned into No-Go Zones where Muslims will attack any infidel who dares to enter their turf.
Government-owned postal service PostNord has stopped mail delivery to some addresses near the Muslim immigrant-dominated Stockholm suburb of Rinkebya-a No-Go-Zone. Known for frequent riots, car burnings and an attack on police pursuing a terrorist suspect, the area has become too dangerous to send in employees delivering mail. (Swedish police have essentially surrendered No-Go-Zones to Muslim criminal gangs.)
In March, it was revealed to the public that police officers commuting individually to work in that area is too hazardous-because of the high-risk of being attacked by Muslims. Officers are now bused into the Stockholm suburb together in groups.
There have been so many attacks against the police that a new fortified police station is being built. The new station will feature bullet proof windows, walls reinforced with sheet metal, and fencing around it, possibly with electrified barbed wire.
It is hard to come up with a logical explanation for why the people of Europe offer little resistance to this destructive Islamic invasion. I think what we are witnessing is end-time madness. The world has become so evil, demonic forces are able to control the minds of the lost. The level of insanity that we've reached should make it clear to all believers that the end of the Church Age is very near.
"The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God" (2 Corinthians 4:4).

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