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Friday, April 14, 2017

What Is President Obama's Legacy?

In 2008, while running for the presidency, Barack Obama promised change. After he was elected, he delivered on that promise big time, and in fact, far beyond anything most people could have imagined. President Obama left a legacy, one that can be evaluated from a biblical perspective.
Were his changes for the good of the nation?
This question was asked of Bill Koenig on our television program Christ in Prophecy. Bill has been a White House Correspondent for the last fifteen years. He is president of a news website called World Watch Daily, and he publishes a weekly report called "Koenig's Eye View from the White House." Bill is also the author of a telling book titled Revealed: Obama's Legacy.
[Note: Bill's answer below has been edited slightly for grammar and clarity.]
A Nation Rebels
Bill Koenig: No doubt about it. Every area of our lives that has mattered to us, especially as Evangelical Christians, has been negatively impacted. Even with Obama out of office, we are continuing to see his impact on a daily basis.
I think the number one way Obama has changed our nation concerns morality. Ever since the day Obama was sworn in - January 20, 2009 - and at the very moment he was being sworn in, his White House staff was busy putting up the LGBT agenda on the White House website under the Civil Rights category. I remember when I read the website I just couldn't believe it. On the very same day as Obama's inauguration, the nation plunged towards a totally immoral cultural upheaval. The White House website from day one announced to the effect a declaration of war against biblical morality.
In my book Revealed: Obama's Legacy, I made this statement: "Barack Obama has done more to promote immorality and perverse sexuality than any man in American history." Though I hated to ever have had to put it that way, that's what happened.
The nation continues to deal with battles over the "rights" of sexual perversion on a daily basis. Now eight years later, just think what it has become like for Christians in the workplace. Just think what it has been like for Christians in Obama's military. Look how difficult life has been for chaplains in order to just perform their service. In every area of our lives, Christianity has been treated as the enemy. Christians are considered the problem. Christians are considered the bigots.
Who would have ever imagined the day would come, and it did on June 26th, when the White House would be lit up with the colors of the moral perversion movement? Or, that there'd be a huge fight to allow transgender men to freely enter women's bathrooms? Even the sports leagues fought to make that happen. Almost overnight the country turned in favor of transgenderism when just a few years earlier we were very reserved about the topic.
Certainly, there's no doubt about it. The downward slide towards our nation embracing homosexuality occurred during President Bill Clinton's eight years in office. He made the last Sunday in June Gay Pride Day. President George W. Bush had nothing like that in June. When President Obama took over, the entire month of June was designated the LGBT Pride Month. A "Q" was later added in case a person didn't know what they were.
The nation's celebration of sexual sin just keeps getting worse and worse. Unfortunately, in my chapter "LGBT- He Owns It," I point out that no leader in the world has had a greater influence in the spreading of LGBT and same-sex marriage around the world as Barack Obama. Here in the US, we fight for morality in an already pretty substantial Christian population. But, what about the little countries around the world that hardly have any Christians? The celebration of sexual perversion just came right into those countries so quickly because there was no Christianity to restrain immorality. Every time Obama visited an African country he felt compelled to unload on them the need for homosexual acceptance, and he even used federal funds to enforce his position. Obama would use our taxpayer funding to tell other nations to get in line with the LGBT agenda or lose foreign aid from our country.
Just think about this. There's a terrible civil war going on in Syria. Iran threatens the world with potential nuclear weapons development. North Korea is led by a crazy man who actually has nuclear weapons. We have all these economic problems in America, but instead of dealing with any of these threats, Obama was totally obsessed with focusing on whether or not a man can go into a woman's bathroom.
How true what the Word of God says! If a nation rebels against God, He will take a step back and lower His hedge of protection, allowing the consequences of sin to multiply. Romans 1 actually states that three times. And the last time God steps back, Romans says He will deliver the nation over to a depraved mind. I think that's where we are now as a nation.
A Detrimental Legacy
Here are a couple of examples of Barack Obama's legacy's detrimental effect on the United States. For one, Secretary Gates in the Pentagon said that President Obama showed hardly, if any, emotion at all concerning the plight of the underfunded military. When it came to necessities in terms of our military readiness, preparation, and our budgets, Obama showed zero interest. But, he was very involved with getting rid of Don't Ask Don't Tell.
Then there is Islam. No doubt Barack Obama is a Muslim apologist. He shows no emotion about the plight of Christians being persecuted and slaughtered for their faith in the Middle East. But, he demonstrates a lot of emotion over bringing Islamic refugees from the Middle East and Northern Africa into America.
During Obama's years in office, the country has gone from basically accepting homosexuality to requiring a person to openly endorse it. Tolerance now doesn't mean to just accept something, that something also has to be publically endorsed. Tolerance is a one-way street for homosexual activists. They have no tolerance for any opposing views.
Middle East Blunders
What legacy did President Obama leave for Israel? Number one - the Iran Deal. He and John Kerry absolutely sold Israel down the river. Kerry used the political power that he wielded to influence the Democrats in the Senate to go along with his vain ambitions for curbing Iran's nuclear ambitions.
Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu was treated very poorly by the Obama Administration. Obama held no press conferences at all with Netanyahu during the entire eight years of his presidency.
President Obama has made a great many blunders underestimating Islam. He called ISIS the junior varsity team. He moved our forces out of Iraq too quickly, announcing key dates beforehand. Now we've got Iran moving into Iraq and Iran is the one calling the military shots in Iraq because we've moved out.
The Democrats claimed the Russians interfered in our 2016 national election, but Obama was found to have interfered in the elections of Israel. No doubt about it! In fact, Obama spent, I think it was approximately in the $325,000-$350,000 range, in his attempt to have Netanyahu defeated in the last Israeli election. He sent a whole political team over there working funds through the State Department in order to defeat an ally. Unbelievable! To have a President of the United States attempting to basically overthrow the Prime Minister of Israel just staggers the mind.
In my book, Eye to Eye, I pointed out that God has placed remedial judgments upon our nation for our mistreatment of Israel. Certainly many of those judgments have happened during the Obama Administration. There are over 40 major catastrophes that took place in the United States during the Clinton to Obama administrations when we put pressure on Israel to divide their land.
The Lord meant it in Genesis 12 when He said that if anyone touched Israel they were touching the apple of His eye. No doubt about it! The God of Israel does not intend for Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem to become an Arab State. He didn't regather the children of Israel from the four corners of the earth and put the Jews back into the land of Israel for them to just turn it back over to the Arabs. It's just unbelievable how our nation has treated Israel under President Obama.
Unraveling a Legacy
Will America ever recover from President Obama's immoral legacy? Well, we are witnessing the byproduct of Obama's legacy right now as President Trump attempts to put his administration together. When it came to cementing his cabinet positions together, leaks were pouring out of our intelligence offices in the State Department. Obama has got a lot of people still in place in positions of power. The process of replacing them has been very slow, and some government positions are lifers. Shaking the tree loose of Obama's minions is going to be one of President Trump's number one challenges.
The other difficulty lies on the moral front. I've talked to other evangelical leaders on this, and they agree it's very difficult to take turf back, like for example the elimination of "Don't Ask Don't Tell." Can you really get that back? How does a society reverse same-sex marriage? Just say that you are going to take people's marriages away!
Obama's regulations that have been put in place over the last eight years are extremely difficult to unravel. Everything has to be challenged in court.
As challenging as the last eight years have been under the Obama Administration, the Obama legacy has left the United States facing one of its most challenging times.

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