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Friday, May 12, 2017

Fox Is Getting Drawn into the Media Cabal

Fox Is Getting Drawn into the Media Cabal - Todd Strandberg -
The Fox News network is the most talked about media organization in America. The New York Times and Washington Post have reporters that spend the majority of their  time writing articles about Fox. Every time there is a major shift in management at the network, it's covered by all the other news outlets.
There is very little interest in the goings on at CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, and dozens of other news organizations. The attention given to Fox is driven by the fact that it is the only major news outlet that has not had a liberal bias. CNN doesn't know how to manage its own network-evidenced by years of declining ratings. Despite their inability to connect with the public, CNN reporters feel fully qualified to instruct Fox on how to manage its undertakings.
A great deal of news about sexual harassment at Fox has been reported. The network's former president, Roger Ailes, was fired because he became too personal with the female reporters. Bill O'Reilly was forced out for much of the same reason. When co-president Bill Shine was fired last week and false claims were made about Sean Hannity, it became clear that there is an effort to remove conservative stars from the network.
The effort to reprogram Fox started years ago with the campaign against Glenn Beck. The leftist groups controlled by George Soros went after Fox's advertisers. They convinced enough of them to boycott the Glenn Beck Show, making it unprofitable to keep him.
The same boycott tactics were used to oust Bill O'Reilly. But before they settled on sexual harassment allegations, they tried getting him fired for plagiarism, messy accusations that stemmed from his 2015 divorce, and claims of false reporting going all the way back to the 1982 Falklands War.
There are no scandals at the other news networks because they have a different set of standards for journalism. If people on the left are caught giving money to their liberal candidates, the punishment is a slap on the wrist. MSNBC's Chris Matthews has made many disparaging comments about women in politics throughout his career, which include Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin and Melania Trump. Yet he remains a media darling in the eyes of the liberals. In 2011, MSNBC made it clear that it has no standards when it hired the race-baiting "shakedown (con) artist," the Reverend Al Sharpton.
To find the true reason why 21st Century Fox is changing you have to look at the owners of the company. Rupert Murdoch has run Fox for several decades. Now that Murdoch is 87, he has decided to let his two sons, James and Lachlan, take control of the family business. The sons have a proven liberal background, so they are changing the leadership at Fox to reflect their views.
The Murdoch boys are in for a big surprise if they think they can transfer Fox into a clone of all the other networks and maintain their audience. The changes already made have turned Fox into a bland network. Instead of making news, it just follows the news. Fox only appears conservative now because all the other networks have become so radical in their hatred of the Trump Administration.
About a 100 million people in the U.S. regularly follow the news. Fox News only gets about 5 million of this number. When President Trump does an interview with a Fox News reporter, his message gets out because all other news organizations are obligated to report on what he says.
Once Fox becomes a mirror reflection of all the other liberal news outlets, any interview to which Trump agrees will be a boxing match, crammed with "gotcha" questions. CBS News' John Dickerson was given the opportunity to interview the president in the Oval Office. It quickly became evident that the nature of his questions were designed to try embarrass President Trump.
Dickerson asked Trump about his relationship with Obama, making mention of a March tweet in which he called Obama a "bad guy." This was in connection with claims that his campaign headquarters at Trump Tower were wiretapped upon Obama's orders last fall. After Dickerson badgered him like a chief prosecutor, Trump finally had enough and ended the interview.
To be without the Fox News channel as it was in its best days, leaving us only with liberal bias of the major media-would make President Trump's life miserable. If a Democratic president is elected in the future, life for all freedom loving citizens will be equally painful. Unless there is an agenda of free press, autocratic rule is the natural inevitable result.
Bible prophecy warns that there will be a global dictatorship in the last days. Fox's descent and deliberate decision to pivot into the cabal of scripted fake news outlets, shows that the end must be very near.
"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?" (Revelation 13:4)

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