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Friday, May 26, 2017

HAL LINDSEY: 5.27.17

Hal Lindsey Media Ministries - Hal Lindsey -
As President Trump prepares for his first trip abroad, which will include a potentially historic visit to Jerusalem next week, I thought it might be instructive to revisit a program I presented a few years ago. In it, I examine Jerusalem's history, its role in end-times prophecy, and some of the challenges Israel faces in the days ahead.
One of the recurring themes of the last days, as foretold by the Hebrew prophets and confirmed by the Book of Revelation, is the international isolation of Israel.
In fact, the prophet Zechariah says that, eventually, all of the nations of the world will gather together against Israel. They'll do so over the issue of who controls Jerusalem.
In its 3,000 year history, Jerusalem, which, ironically, means "City of Peace," has been destroyed twice, besieged 23 times, and attacked 52 times. Just since the nation's rebirth in 1948, Jerusalem has felt the impact of four major wars. Why? It has none of the usual assets that cause great cities to rise. It has no seaport, no natural wealth, no particular strategic military value. The ancient trade routes from Egypt to Assyria, Babylon, and Persia ran north and south along the plateau of Jordan, bypassing Jerusalem to the east.
During centuries of occupation by the Muslims, Jerusalem was a dusty, backwater city so unimportant that it never even achieved the status of a regional or provincial capital. Yet, despite 2,000 years of mediocrity and desolation, Jerusalem is now the most contended-for city on the face of the earth.
Ominously, Zechariah predicted that the thought of possessing Jerusalem would so "intoxicate" the nations of the world, that in the last days they would go to war over it. He also described the city as such a "burdensome stone," that any nation that tried to solve the dilemma would be "cut in pieces."
The British found themselves charged with settling the Jerusalem question in 1917. Thirty years later, the British Empire fell apart. Jimmy Carter and Anwar Sadat took on the challenge of Jerusalem. One lost his presidency, the other his life. Bill Clinton led the United States into the fray with the Oslo Accords in 1993. George W. Bush and Barack Obama stuck to the plan. Nearly twenty years later, the U.S. economy is in shambles, our military is worn and tattered, our people exhausted and divided, and our foreign policy is in absolute disarray. And Israel, which did not even exist from Zechariah's day until 69 years ago, is more isolated and hated than ever.
A few short years ago, South Africa's Trade Ministry announced that it will not allow goods manufactured in Judea and Samaria and labeled "Made in Israel," to be sold in South Africa. Why? Because its leaders say that Judea and Samaria are "occupied" by Israel. They only recognize the "1948 borders as delineated by the United Nations." Never mind that there are no such thing as "1948 borders... delineated by the United Nations."
Even Judaism is finding itself increasingly embattled throughout the world. In Bavaria, a rabbi faced court charges for performing a circumcision. Despite the fact that male circumcision is a 4,000 year-old practice of Judaism (1,800 years in Germany), it has been banned in hospitals in Austria and Switzerland. Denmark and Norway introduced similar legislation. Even San Francisco tried to ban it. Other nations have already outlawed certain kosher animal-slaughter practices.
Oddly, while many European nations are seeking to ban Judaic and kosher practices, they see nothing wrong with allowing Muslims to establish "Sharia Law courts" to adjudicate civil matters among Muslims. Great Britain has 85 such courts. Though obviously not empowered to enforce a full range of punishments in European nations -- yet -- Sharia law is an undeniably barbaric system. Beyond the well-known customs of stoning to death homosexuals and those accused of sexual infidelity, cutting off the hands and/or feet of thieves, and "honor killing" one's own family members if they've "disgraced" the family, accepted Sharia Law punishment can still be quite brutal.
In Saudi Arabia, a 39 year-old Egyptian mother of two who got entangled in a business-deal-gone-bad with a Saudi princess, was sentenced to 2 years in prison and 500 lashes. She received 5 lashes per week for two years. Activists say she suffered irreparable damage to her body and psyche. But, on the positive side, this is Sharia - not Judaic - law and she is, after all, just a woman.
Please forgive the sarcasm. If it weren't so brutally pathetic and true, what passes today for worldly wisdom regarding Islam is like a bad script for a "Dumb and Dumber" movie sequel.
Folks, even if these events didn't fit in to so many of the prophets' descriptions of the last days, the fact that they perfectly embody the Apostle Paul's prediction that in the last days man would not be able to think even in his own best interest, should be enough to let us know we're there.
And in the days to come, we will see Israel and the Jews isolated more and more by the nations of the world. Until one day, they will stand absolutely alone against the world. Only the Messiah will be on their side. But that will be enough.
Please, make plans not to be here for that moment. Accept the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ and make your reservation for the great escape that will save all believers from those dreadful days.
May 26th, 2017
This week, President Trump made his first overseas trip as President. He began by visiting Saudi Arabia and addressing a meeting of more than 50 Arab heads of state and leaders.

He then moved on to Israel, where he met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He later visited with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

President Trump also did something no other sitting U.S. President has done. He visited the Western Wall of the Temple Mount, also known as the "Wailing Wall." Though he visited without Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Trump wore a yarmulka and spent time alone in prayer or contemplation before placing a folded note into a crevice in the wall.

The President then headed to Rome to meet Pope Francis and on to Brussels for meetings with NATO leaders before a Group of 7 summit.

Of course, the mainstream media has and will speculate wildly on every aspect of the President's performance. Very little of it will be positive. They have even announced that Mrs. Trump repeatedly refused to hold the President's hand and that he "shoved" the Prime Minister of Montenegro!

As I watched these events unfold, I marveled at how entrenched certain assumptions have become in the world's thinking. Of course, most people routinely accept what the mainstream media says as fact. That's a dangerous thing since so much of what the media says is either incorrect or patently untrue.

Most people do not know -- or will not accept -- that much of the mainstream media serves simply as a propaganda arm for those with "globalist" ambitions who seek, ultimately, a one-world government. Just as the ancient Bible prophets predicted.

One of the greatest falsehoods of all was on constant display during President Trump's time in Israel. Though President Trump, thankfully, has a much more sympathetic attitude toward Israel than past Presidents, I believe his somewhat vague ambitions for an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal may suffer from the fact that almost all "peace initiatives" for that region are doomed to failure because they are based on a false premise.

I call it "The Modern Lie."

Hitler's philosophy was that if you told a big enough lie (one that rational folks wouldn't be foolish enough to devise) and you repeated it often enough, the people would begin to believe it as truth.

We're seeing exactly that strategy at work in the world today. In fact, the conflict that seems to preoccupy the world is predicated on an enormous lie. The mainstream media, the Left, the United Nations, and many governments of the world have either fallen prey to the lie or are actively perpetuating it.

Either way, the conflict it fosters is just as deadly. More ominously, 'The Modern Lie' is rooted in and animated by 'The Everlasting Hatred.'

What is the monstrous lie that much of the world has swallowed hook, line, and sinker? Simply this: The modern state of Israel was created when the Jews stole Palestinian cities, land, and houses.

Those claims are patently false.

On this week's program, I will present a series of powerful facts that prove the entire Mid-East peace process is based on a gigantic myth. A myth intended to deceive the world into annihilating Israel.

A myth that will eventually lead to the destruction of the nations of the world, because God Himself will defend His people.

Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, The Word Network, various local stations, or Check your local listings.

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