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Friday, May 19, 2017

Pressured from all sides

Pressured from all sides - Bill Wilson -
Headlines that are trending in the news currently are: Trump revealed highly classified info to Russians; Violence, intimidation against Republicans becomes new normal; Clinton launches new "Dark Money" organization; Deep State leaks classified info to Washington Post to smear Trump; If Trump says "Islam is Peace," he can have a travel ban; Trump EO violates First Amendment because honor killings are Islamic; Article of Impeachment; U of Penn Alumni to wear "Denounce Trump" buttons at reunion; Left attacks Miss USA for saying health care not a right; High School assistant principal resigns after cursing at pro-life student activists; and the list goes on and on. It's enough to make your head spin.
People of faith are watching the world turn to darkness before their very eyes. There is a huge bully-fest gang up on the truth. The extreme and radical leftist political spectrum is relentless in making unsubstantiated claims while at the same time calling their opponents names, accusing them of malicious intent, and labeling them as societal outcasts and haters. They are vocal that if you support this issue or that politician, you are not intelligent, not sane, not American, not right, not really a human being, but rather a sub-human. This has gone so far that these activists are unable to recognize any facts except that if you disagree with them you are wrong and deserve no voice in the public square.
This is a historic time for America. Our country is facing a revolution. These people intend on taking freely elected government down by impeding the ability to govern. They seek to replace the Constitutional Republic with a socialist/communistic globalist union of some sort. It is a nation that not only allows babies to be slaughtered in the womb, but celebrates it; a nation that has no gender; a country that has no borders; a nation state where only religions other than Christianity are welcome, even taught in public schools; a nation whose only moral compass is what the loudest shouting people believe it to be. The America of their vision is a far cry from freedom as protected by laws. Revolution is in the air.
The communists believe that they can foment revolution with just three percent of the population. It would appear that more than that percentage are now pressuring from all sides the American way of life. It's not only President Trump who is in a fight to maintain order, it is you and me and our families. We need to arise to awareness of this fact before it is too late. As the Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, "We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed." We need to find ways to engage with society remembering to not get angry or offended, but be persistent in revealing Christ through our mortal bodies. Be encouraged.

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