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Friday, October 25, 2019

TRUMP WATCH: 10.26.19 - Trump, Israel, and the Kurds

Trump, Israel, and the Kurds - Jim Fletcher -
Well, President Trump is being roasted in the media for his drawdown of troops in Syria, which has created a pathway for Turkey to assert itself. He is also being roasted by some allies, including pro Israel folks.
But I do believe in the view that says Trump is wily and often moves quite a bit ahead of his opponents.
First, let's look at the hand-wringing over the Kurds. They are an ancient people often maligned and persecuted by their neighbors. Iraq and Turkey in particular have damaged the Kurds for many years.
It is also true that Christians in the region are being persecuted; this goes hand-in-hand with the apparent escape of some ISIS terrorists. Many Never Trumpers in the Evangelical world are, I think, using this Christian persecution issue to take yet another jab at Trump. Am I saying they are that craven and calculating?
Yes, I am.
However, Christians have been persecuted in the region since antiquity, and until very, very, very recently, nary a peep from Trump critics on this issue. Southern Baptist Convention [political] operatives like Russell Moore typically use issues like this to bash the President and his supporters. I'm all for supporting Christians in the region, but let's put together a comprehensive and workable plan to do so. Let's not use them as a political football, feigning compassion. Some of the most calculating, heartless people on the planet live in the evangelical leadership community.
I digress.
When Ataturk in Turkey persecuted the Kurds, some of the latter created a Marxist entity, the PKK, to combat all that. Thus, they evolved into a terror organization themselves. Trump is not wrong at all to point out that these internecine battles are chronic and ages-long. How much longer are we to police far-flung places with our blood and treasure?
(The Iraqi area known as "Kurdistan" has adopted sharia law, which makes it an enemy of all decent people everywhere. I'm simply pointing out that the poor, maligned Kurds who are being "abandoned" by Trump, have some other elements to their makeup worth noting.)
Now, how is this affecting Israel and her ability to defend herself? The hysteria now says that the introduction of Turkey into the region further erodes Israel's defensive capabilities.
I disagree.
When Israeli prime ministers say publicly sometimes that they can deal with any military reality in the region-and hint that they are light years ahead of their enemies-I believe them.
And there is another factor, a very important one. By saying "See Ya," Trump has left a real mess in the lap of...Putin. He now has another bad actor in the region to deal with. He faces the choice of jumping through hoops to prevent Iran from taking over the country, or a Russian defeat. So all of a sudden, far from being a cold abandonment of a key ally, Trump's announcement is a bravo strategic move.
And frankly, I like Trump's pro-America thinking here, as he stated this week:
"'Lindsay Graham would like to stay in the Middle East for the next thousand years, with thousands of soldiers fighting other people's wars,' Trump said. 'I want to get out of the Middle East. I am not going to lose potentially thousands and tens of thousands of American soldiers fighting a war between Turkey and Syria.'"
Further, Iran has shifted from a proxy war to more direct military conflict in the region. Personally, I don't want American troops fighting a war against Iran in the Middle East. After Trump pulled out of the disastrous Obama-led "nuclear deal" in 2018, Iran adopted what it called a policy of "strategic patience" and since May of this year has been moving more toward direct military confrontation. Trump this week fairly scolded the Arab states, telling them to finance and fight their own wars. You can bet that Iran has Saudi Arabia in its crosshairs more than it has Israel in the same spot.
A statement from the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center is very interesting:
"Despite the significant change in Iran's modus operandi, in our assessment, Iran does not strive for an all-out confrontation with the United States or Israel, preferring instead to pursue a policy of brinkmanship, constantly testing the 'rules of the game.'"
So then, let's look more at long-term solutions regarding Iran, with an American-Israeli-led strike on the mullah's nuclear facilities. Stop worrying so much about the Syrian civil war, which, as we noted, has now mired Russia in a long-term muck.
You'll notice I have not discussed this week the claims that Turkey's entrance into Syria starts the clock ticking on Gog-Magog. I've given my views on this subject before this past year, but suffice to say I continue to believe we cannot be dogmatic about the timing of this coming end-times battle. I believe it will happen, of course, but I don't set dates or say, "Yes, it has started."
In the meantime, let's celebrate the fact that fewer American soldiers are dying in far-off wars. Let's also celebrate even more that our God's promises are sure and He has promised that Israel will never disappear again.
Meditate on that fact this week!
 Lessons of the Trump Turkey matter - Bill Wilson -
President Donald Trump used a Teddy Roosevelt foreign policy tool to minimize military action against the Kurds and to bring Turkey inline-speak softly (if that's possible for the president) and carry a big stick. Trump said Wednesday, "Early this morning, the government of Turkey informed my administration that they would be stopping combat and their offensive in Syria, and making the ceasefire permanent. And it will indeed be permanent. However you would also define the word "permanent" in that part of the world as somewhat questionable, we all understand that...So the sanctions will be lifted unless something happens that we're not happy with." No US troops. No American lives lost.
Trump is not convinced that the US must meddle in this affair. He said, "American forces defeated 100 percent of the ISIS caliphate during the last two years. We thank the Syrian Democratic Forces for their sacrifices in this effort. They've been terrific. Now Turkey, Syria, and others in the region must work to ensure that ISIS does not regain any territory. It's their neighborhood; they have to maintain it. They have to take care of it." Trump also states that the Kurds are grateful to the US. Trump said, "I have just spoken to General Mazloum, a wonderful man, the Commander-in-Chief of the SDF Kurds. And he was extremely thankful for what the United States has done. Could not have been more thankful."
Referencing the previous president's Arab Spring that destabilized the entire Middle East, Trump said, "Across the Middle East, we have seen anguish on a colossal scale. We have spent $8 trillion on wars in the Middle East, never really wanting to win those wars. But after all that money was spent and all of those lives lost, the young men and women gravely wounded - so many - the Middle East is less safe, less stable, and less secure than before these conflicts began. The same people pushing for these wars are often the ones demanding America open its doors to unlimited migration from war-torn regions, importing the terrorism and the threat of terrorism right to our own shores. But not anymore. My administration understands that immigration security is national security." So do you see the lessons in all this?
This president is very deliberate with his actions. He is willing to take the heat for what he does. He will leverage American power to compel world leaders toward American interests. This is what upsets the establishment that acts on partisan agendas the same way every time expecting different results. It is also a strategic long game that Trump plays very well. Having said that, there were some curious and notable aspects to the entire Turkey/Kurd/Syria move. It appears to leave Russia in a dominant position with the Kurds, Iran, and Syria. It holds end-time player Turkey at bay. We know, as Trump has said, this peace is "questionable." It is a calm before a storm. As Christ said in Matthew 24:6," And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet."
Read the president's entire statement (which the media won't tell you about) here:
Let's go back to a date in our history, which to Leftist Americans and media is a day that will go down in Infamy. (taken from a quote by FDR after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.)
Of which date do I speak? Of course, it was November 8th of 2016 aka "The Day the Music Died" to Socialists and Communists across America.
I can picture old George Soros, of whom I have written numerous articles through the years, hurling an expensive paper weight through a window while spewing Hungarian expletives for hours and hours.
We also read that Hillary Clinton had a nuclear meltdown, cussing anyone and everyone out who was associated with her campaign. I can actually picture this: Hillary with glowing red demonic eyes, screaming in decibels previously unknown to man as her peons scattered like cockroaches to avoid the wrath of the queen.
All those plans, all those 'Dreams of Someone's Father' all gone up in smoke. "How did this happen?" was asked over and over at CNN (Communist News Network) and amongst the Elite who had this planned so well.........they thought.
But God Had Other Plans
"There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand" (Proverbs 19:21).
As Christians, it should be obvious to us that the so-called "Trump Derangement Syndrome" is satanic to its core. The hatred of Trump by liberal Leftists is beyond anything I have ever witnessed in my entire life.
This hatred from the hearts of Leftist atheists is born from the prince of the air - the god of this world, the one who will ultimately be thrown into the lake of fire, along with his fallen angels.
You see, the devil's desires for this world are aligned with the Left. Let me show you:
  • Borderless Nations
  • One-World Government (NWO)
  • Abortion
  • Gay Marriage
  • Transgender pedophiles reading to children
  • Patriotism deemed as Evil
  • Climate Change Fanatics
  • Communism to rule the world
Satan is a Leftist
Does that sound silly? It wasn't meant to be. Satan is longing for the NWO to be in place. This will set the stage for Satan's man (Antichrist) to deceive the nations of the world, and take his place as its ruler.
I believe that there is more demonic possession of people in our world today than any other time in history. How many times have you read "This world has gone mad!" I've seen this in print countless number of times. And it's usually from Conservatives who are not Christian.
As believers, we have the Word of God, and we know that all of this was prophesied.
Yes - the world HAS gone mad! Remember the demoniac in Scripture before Jesus cast out those devils named Legion? To me that is a snapshot of those marching for their causes, be it global warming or transgenderism or even their collective hatred of our president. It's DEMONIC.
Leftists Cannot Articulate Why They Hate Trump:
I have asked more than one person in my liberal Jewish family WHY they hate President Trump so much. I told them that I really wanted to understand this kind of hatred. And do you know what? After hemming and hawing, they finally just used the buzz words - he's a bigot - he's gross - he's against gays - he hates Jews.... yada yada yada.
After these ridiculous claims against Trump, I tell these relatives that they have not given me ONE specific event that supports any of the hatred.
A bigot? Because he wants to keep America safe from unvetted illegal aliens who have criminal records? He's gross? Because he has said a few things about women? I could spend an hour on this one, talking about Bill Clinton, but I don't want to become nauseated.
He's against gays? Actually, I have been disappointed at times of his fervent support of gays. I felt that he went way above and beyond what he needed to say.
He hates Jews? REALLY? His own daughter converted to Judaism, and Trump has been so wonderful to Israel, more than any president in history. SO wonderful, Israel has his face on a coin and has named a town after him.
Doesn't sound like anti-Semitism to me.
So, while the talking heads stay within the political realm when attempting to explain Trump Derangement Syndrome, this writer knows the truth. And that truth is that Satan HATES President Trump and knows that God put Trump in his position as President for His own reasons.
Trump is God's man for this point in history.
Before someone jumps me about whether Trump is a Christian or not - I personally do not feel that he is born again. But that does not negate everything he has done since that night in 2016 when our Lord placed Trump as President of the United States.
What will happen in 2020? Whoever wins, I do know this: The Lord God allowed it to happen. And we who belong to the Lord will continue sharing the Gospel and yearning for the return of our Lord Jesus to rapture us away from this horrible place.
Shalom b'Yeshua
 Millennials want to rewrite First Amendment - Bill Wilson -
The First Amendment is outdated and should be re-written, according to a 51% majority of Americans responding to a Campaign for Free Speech (CFS) poll. At the same time 80% of the respondents didn't actually know what speech is protected under the First Amendment. CFS says respondents believed the following statement is true: "The First Amendment allows anyone to say their opinion no matter what, and they are protected by law from any consequences of saying those thoughts or opinions." CFS reports, "It's actually not true. The First Amendment prevents the government from punishing you for your speech (with exceptions such as yelling "fire" in a crowded area to induce panic)."
Some 51% of Americans, including 57% of Millennials surveyed agreed with the following statement: 'The First Amendment goes too far in allowing hate speech in modern America and should be updated to reflect the cultural norms of today.' Trouble is, there is no real definition of hate speech because it is subjective. We have seen in today's American society that hate speech for one is truth for another. For example, it is just fine to label in the most inflammatory terms someone a bigot, racist, homophobe, Islamophobe, misogynist, xenophobe or some other popular slur if they disagree with a political position, but if a preacher from the pulpit quotes the Bible about homosexuality, now that is hate speech.
Could it be that Americans have become so saturated with the visceral speech in society that they are weary of free speech? To me, freedom of speech comes with responsibility. Yes, you have the right to say what you want, and the government cannot suppress it. You also have the right to say hateful or extreme words, phrases, and sentences, but those who heard you also have the right to mete out the consequences-you could lose your job, your friends, or people could just shun you. There are consequences to what you say. As a matter of law, the government cannot censure your free speech, but the rest of society doesn't have to put up with it. My mother used to say, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. So you have the right to speak your mind, but should you?
The Bible has a lot to say about our speech. Christ said in Matthew 5:37, "But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No.' For whatever is more than these is from the evil one." Christ gave us good reasons to take his advice in Matthew 15:19 when he said, "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies." Colossians 4:6 says, "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man." James states that the tongue, "is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison." The 9th Commandment says, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." In Hebrew, it's called "Lashon hara," or evil tongue. Instead of rewriting the First Amendment, it is wiser to take responsibility and hold accountability for what we say to one another.

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