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Saturday, December 7, 2019

TRUMP WATCH: 12.7.19 - Deceiving and being deceived

Deceiving and being deceived - Bill Wilson -
Many different news reports are characterizing the House Intelligence Committee's impeachment. Depending on which news organization reporting, the President is either the worst violator of high crimes and misdemeanors in American history, or not. After reading the report, it takes an extraordinary imagination to conclude that this impeachment "inquiry" report is anything more than a political document aimed at the next election. The House may impeach President Trump because it is majority Democrat, not because Trump acted to bribe, endanger national security, or impede what is in reality a fraudulent and politically motivated rigged investigation.
The report states: "...the impeachment inquiry has found that President Trump, personally and acting through agents within and outside of the U.S. government, solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, to benefit his reelection. In furtherance of this scheme, President Trump conditioned official acts on a public announcement by the new Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, of politically-motivated investigations, including one into President Trump's domestic political opponent. In pressuring President Zelensky to carry out his demand, President Trump withheld a White House meeting desperately sought by the Ukrainian President, and critical U.S. military assistance to fight Russian aggression in eastern Ukraine.
"The President engaged in this course of conduct for the benefit of his own presidential reelection, to harm the election prospects of a political rival, and to influence our nation's upcoming presidential election to his advantage. In doing so, the President placed his own personal and political interests above the national interests of the United States, sought to undermine the integrity of the U.S. presidential election process, and endangered U.S. national security." That's the viewpoint. Notwithstanding that the US has a corruption investigation agreement with Ukraine and there was corruption involving the Biden family; that national security was not compromised; and no bribes occurred. As 2 Timothy 3:13 says, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." But there is even more hypocrisy.
The Preface of the report refers to President George Washington's warning: "In his farewell address, President George Washington warned of a moment when "cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion." Indeed, Washington's warning is more than obvious today, but the accuser is the violator of the very accusation. Who, we might ask, are those unprincipled actors trying to usurp the power of the people by destroying the engines that lifted them to their unjust dominion? Who fabricated charge after unproven charge to overthrow an elected president even before he took office? Who accuses to cover up their deceitful deeds? And of whose spawn are they?
Growing Concern Future US Administration Could Undo Trump's Pro-Israel Policies - By Israel Kasnett/ -
The announcement last month by U.S. Secretary Mike Pompeo that Israeli settlements are not illegal was either warmly welcomed or hotly rejected, depending on how you interpret international law.
Indeed, recently 107 Democratic lawmakers sent a letter to Pompeo expressing "strong disagreement" with the State Department's new policy and urged Pompeo to "reverse this policy decision immediately."
Dore Gold, president of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, told JNS that Pompeo did a great service for Israel and for truth by stating that Israeli settlements in the West Bank are not illegal."
"And it is unfortunate," he added, "that there are some members of Congress who want to second-guess him," referring to the Democratic lawmaker's letter. For his part, Gold sent a letter to each of those lawmakers explaining why Pompeo's decision was correct.
The change in policy was allegedly timed to counter the European Union's decision to label goods made in Judea and Samaria, as well as to reverse the previous administration's stance, which viewed the settlements not only as an obstacle to peace but actually illegal.
As such, how subjective is international law and could the decision be reversed by a future president, especially a Democrat?
Gold said that the Trump administration's view of settlements helped to provide a different interpretation of international law.
"I thought it was very important to put on the table the issue of the improper application of the Fourth Geneva Convention in the case of Israel," Gold said. "International law is a subject where people do interpret way of norms differently. That is simply the way it works."
He added that the decision made during President Jimmy Carter's administration to declare the settlements a violation of international law "was wrong-headed."
Taking it a few steps further, Gold said the basis of claiming that the settlements are illegal came from the Geneva Conventions of 1949, which said that a state occupying territory in war cannot move the population out of the occupied territory, and, secondly, that it cannot move its own population into the territory in question.
"In Israel's case," he said, "both statements are irrelevant."
What has bothered him in particular was that the idea that an occupying power cannot move its population into occupied territory came from the actions of Nazi Germany, which moved its Jewish population into places like Poland for purposes of extermination.
"So somebody has the nerve to say that Israelis who have voluntarily moved into the West Bank are violating an international law that was based on a completely different situation?" he asked incredulously. "Comparing what Israel does in the West Bank to what Nazi Germany did in Poland to the Jews of Germany is something I find repulsive."
Gold said he felt it was important to send the letters because "if you don't say anything, it will continue."
'A solution on how to move forward'
Sharvit-Baruch said it is necessary to move away from the arguments over who is right or wrong, and instead to "find a solution on how to move forward."
She said she fears that a future U.S. Democrat administration might not just to go back to the Reagan-Bush-Clinton-Bush kind of ambiguity when they said settlements are "an obstacle to peace." Instead, it might return to the Obama policy of saying settlements are illegal.
Since international law is often interpreted differently, are people simply propagating their own subjective views?
"Almost any legal question is often the issue of different interpretations," said Sharvit-Baruch, "and settlements are no different than any other legal question, especially with regard to international law."
"An argument can be made--and it is not baseless to say--that the settlements are not necessarily illegal," she said. "The case of why Palestinians have a right to this territory is not a clear-cut question. Even if they have the right of determination, there is still no clear-cut legal answer as to what territory this right applies to because the Green Line of 1967 is not a border."
She said the main point is that the two sides, and even the wider Arab world, previously agreed that the topic of settlements and borders is an issue that needs to be negotiated, and that it is not supposed to be determined in court.
Sharvit-Baruch said that by declaring the settlements a violation of international law, the Obama and Carter administrations were "very unhelpful."
"Those who insist on discussing it in legal terms," she emphasized, "are doing a disservice to any kind of peaceful settlement to the conflict."
I'm Rubber, You're Glue - Todd Strandberg -
I'm sure you've all heard this children's insult poem, but just in case, here's the full phrase (as I heard/said it): "I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you." The thought is so basic and easy to understand, millions of people may think they originated this rhyme. A Google search turns the phrase up in the Atlantic Monthly in 1948. Since there is no set source, its history may go back a hundred years or more.
Regardless of the phrase's history, it applies greatly to our current political environment. If you are on the side of liberal media and the Democratic party, you are rubber. Unless you murdered someone, all your sins will quickly fade from the public record. If you are President Trump or someone on the conservative side, you are covered in glue. Of course, your past errors will be highlighted, and also any made-up lie that be applied to you.
It is generally known that Barack Obama had his administration spy on the Trump campaign. The New York Times reported that the Justice Department's inspector general said it found no evidence to support claims that the FBI inserted spies into the 2016 campaign. We are told to believe that the FBI had its people in Trump's headquarters, but they just weren't spying. The dead giveaway of Obama's guilt is that the "no evidence" conclusion was leaked to the press before its scheduled release.
Things have gotten so bad in Washington, Obama could freely admit that he broke the law by inserting covert agents into the Trump campaign and by ordering US intelligence officials to tap his phones. For that matter, he could finally confess that Yes, he was born in Kenya. The rule of law has degraded to the point that there is simply no will to enforce the rules.
The process of America becoming a banana republic went into overdrive when Hillary Clinton was given a pass by former FBI director James Comey. As secretary of state, she set up a private server that she used to send and receive classified emails. During numerous campaign stops early on, she said her use of a private server was "allowed." She also said she turned over all of her emails. A federal investigation determined she was not "allowed" to transmit government secrets on a private server that was vulnerable to hackers, and reports show she destroyed tens of thousands of emails pertinent to the investigation.
Chelsea Clinton has now taken up the family business of being a moral reprobate. Chelsea recently stated that transgender people are more likely to be murdered than non-transgender individuals. Andy Ngo, a conservative journalist, tried to disagree with Chelsea by saying America is actually one the safest places for transgenders. By simply disagreeing with her, Twitter blocked Ngo's account. Twitter, by its action, was saying we support this false narrative, and if you try to debunk it, we will ban you from our platform.
CNN has hired the core individuals who have acted as Obama's Henchmen. It's unlikely they will ever face justice. If the Justice Department was to come after them, they would have a major News outlet to act as their defense counsel.
I'm not sure glue is a strong enough adhesive to describe the effort to apply an offense to President Trump. For four years, this man has been under constant attack from the left. There are currently over 30 Federal, state and congressional authorities that are scrutinizing every aspect of Donald J. Trump's life through investigations. The impeachment hearings are currently about as productive as the Mueller Report.
If people knew the damage that is being done to our Democracy with these endless witch trials, they would flood their representative's phone lines and email with angry messages. The public doesn't care because they don't see the danger. When they finally realize their mistake, restoration of liberty requires the shedding of blood.
Trump recently predicted the anticipated IG report would reveal "perhaps the biggest scandal in the history of our country." When the reports comes on Dec 10 and there are no major fireworks, I think the Justice Department might as well close up shop. The swamp creators have the upper hand, and it's only a matter of time before they turn America into a one-party state.
"And because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he shall be saved" (Matthew 24:12-13).
Smelling a rat - Bill Wilson -
In my early days, I was an award-winning investigative journalist. The awards came after having to convince my editors that there was a story when they just couldn't see it (or as I later learned about their leftist ideals, they didn't want to see it). But my God-given instincts were far more often than not, spot on. I had a nose for news, and a sixth-sense for recognizing iniquity. Fast forward to today with all the impeachment "news" and the Epstein pedophilia stories. Modern journalists for some reason just don't want to pry beneath the narrative to see the real story. But there is a deeper, darker story that is yet to be written and many fear to go there because they may be knocking on death's door. Here's the scoop.
All indications are that the Democratic National Committee, the previous "president," and the Clintons' were hairline deep in working with the deep state as an insurance policy against a Donald Trump victory in 2016. They went so far as to pay for fabricated documents and use them to get the secret FISA Court to allow spying on the president-elect's transition team under the auspices of Russian influence (although these Democrats had ongoing business relations with Russia and Ukraine). Insiders at the CIA, FBI and a whole bunch of other deep state acronyms set out to undermine the Trump presidency because they felt he was dismantling their one world order foreign policy cabal. The Democrats and deep state then teamed up to overthrow, thwart, obstruct and impeach this president.
Meantime, pedophile Jeffrey Epstein somehow commits suicide before coming to trial. This is best for the Democrats, especially the Clintons, because his testimony may have blown the lid off of an organized pedophile ring of the rich and famous-with the Clintons and many Democratic Party donors, office-holders, and deep-staters regular participants. While Hillary and Bill Clinton both have publicly denied frequenting Epstein's sex-slave properties, eyewitnesses and flight logs corroborate both of them often visiting Epstein's pedophile palaces. These horror stories are further confirmed by a recent UK Daily Mail interview of the security specialist who set up camera systems for Epstein. This story is not over.
I smell a rat. If I were taking this story to my editors, I would frame it up that there is a worldwide power cabal linked to the Democratic National Committee, in particular the Clintons and the party leadership, protected by the deep state, and leveraged by an international pedophile and sex slave network to secure loyalty. Billions of dollars are made, transferred and used to buy and sell power. And nobody with the connections and resources will take this on because it would be their last attempt at journalism. Some who have tried are already dead. It's like Ezekiel 8:8-9 where the Lord told the prophet, "dig now in the wall: and when I had digged in the wall, behold a door. And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here." The swamp needs to be drained so these wicked swamp rats are exposed.
Pope Francis Compares President Trump to King Herod - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz -
"Thus he said: 'The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all the kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.'" Daniel 7:23 (The Israel Bible�)
In a report published on Thursday, it was reported that while on a recent visit to Buddhists in Thailand, Pope Francis addressed the issue of refugees, comparing the policy of building walls and detention centers to the acts of King Herod who killed Jesus.
La Civilta Cattolica reported on Thursday that while in Thailand, Pope Francis met a group of 48 Jesuits from Southeast Asia. Pope Francis is unique in several respects; he is the first pope from the southern hemisphere and, most significantly, he is the first Jesuit to be appointed to the position. The pope discussed the issue of refugees and immigrants with his fellow Jesuits.
"For the Jesuits our work with refugees has become a real "theological place." That's how I see it, a theological place. Pedro Arrupe right here in Thailand in his last speech reaffirmed the importance of this mission. Arrupe was a prophet to me: his 'swan song' was the foundation, right here in Bangkok, of the Jesuit Refugee Service. Then, during the flight to Rome from Thailand, he suffered a stroke."
"The phenomenon of refugees has always existed, but today it is better known because of social differences, hunger, political tensions and especially war. For these reasons, migratory movements are intensifying. What is the answer the world gives? The policy of waste. Refugees are waste material. The Mediterranean has been turned into a cemetery. The notorious cruelty of some detention centers in Libya touches my heart. Here in Asia, we all know the problem of the Rohingya. I must admit that I am shocked by some of the narratives I hear in Europe about borders. Populism is gaining strength."
"In other parts, there are walls that even separate children from parents," Pope Francis said in an oblique reference to President Trump's policies on the southern border, suggesting that the policies will ultimately fail. "Herod comes to mind. Yet for drugs, there's no wall to keep them out."
King Herod, also known as Herod the Great, was a Roman client king of Judea. Herod's family were converts to Judaism and his religious commitment was questioned by some elements of Jewish society. While Herod publicly identified himself as a Jew and was considered as such by some, this religious identification was undermined by the decadent lifestyle of the Herodians, which would have earned them the antipathy of observant Jews. Herod later executed several members of his own family, including his wife Mariamne.
The account of the Massacre of the Innocents in the New Testament, in an attempt to kill the infant Jesus, Herod gave orders to kill all boys of the age of two and under in Bethlehem and its vicinity.
"As I told you, the phenomenon of migration is compounded by war, hunger and a 'defensive mindset,' which makes us in a state of fear believe that you can defend yourself only by strengthening borders. At the same time, there is exploitation.
The Pope also met with Thailand's supreme Buddhist patriarch Somdej Phra Maha Muneewong at Bangkok's Ratchabophit Temple. The meeting took place in front of a 150-year-old gold statue of Buddha. The Pope followed Buddhist custom by removing his shoes. During the meeting, the Pope gave the Buddhist Patriarch the Declaration on Human Brotherhood. The Declaration s a joint statement signed by Pope Francis of the Catholic Church and Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayeb, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, last February in Abu Dhabi. The Pope met with the Imam last month to reinforce the Declaration which declares that all religions should unify.

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