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Friday, January 14, 2022

BIDEN WATCH: 1.15.22 - Biden’s illegal purge of the military

Biden’s illegal purge of the military - Bill Wilson – Imagine a military where the top brass, taking orders from the Commander in Chief, many of which have investments in and ties to China, are using the COVID crisis to reducemilitary readiness and compromise national security. According to several high-ranking officers under whistleblower protection, this is what is occurring. The COVID vaccination mandate in the military is illegal because it forces servicemembers to take anEmergency Use Approved government serum in violation of military code. High ranking commanders, however, are telling servicemembers that the vaccine is Food and Drug Administration approved (even though there is no FDA-approved vaccine available) to forcethe vaccinations. The whistleblowers are making their case public during a Truth For Health Foundation press conference at 12:00 EST Wednesday (livestreamed at These servicemembers across several branches of the military have documented that the Department of Defense is illegally forcing service members to take the Experimental Use Authorized COVID vaccine under career-ending threats and are systematically denyingALL religious exemptions. Additionally, whistleblowers have confirmed that military commanders have punished unvaccinated soldiers with extra physical activities, shamed them with humiliating acts, and denied them medical treatment as a matter of “shadow” policy across several military installations in acts of coercion to get troops vaccinated. Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, President and CEO of Truth for Health Foundation, a non-profit public charity aimed at defending medical truth and individual medical freedom toldThe Daily Jot, “What the Biden Administration and the Department of Defense are doing to our honorable sons and daughters in the military is unconscionable. Our service members are being illegally ordered to take an EUA product while being told it is “FDA-approved.” Our sources say Comirnaty, the only FDA-approved COVID shot, is not available on any US military installation in the US or overseas. If service members request a religious or medical exemption, they face extra duty, public humiliation, and threats of dishonorabledischarge. If they talk about it, they risk career-ending discipline.” This violates the very rights these men and women are serving to protect. Moreover, the Biden Administration implemented the military vaccine mandate through the Secretaryof Defense. Attorneys for the whistleblowers argue that only the Commander in Chief can issue such an order, but he legally could not do that for an experimental drug. They say that If the US has to respond militarily to an international threat (i.e. Russiainvading Ukraine), the president can legally mandate the vaccine. Meantime, many of the most experienced officers are being drummed out of the military because they refuse to take the vaccine, leaving our military compromised. The Democrat illogic of destroyingAmerican democracy to save it is in full swing. As Christ said in Matthew 24:4, “Take heed that no man deceive you.” They are purging patriots from the military. ----------------------- The Problem with Having Managed Economies � ToddStrandberg - There is probably no nation on earth that has a completely free economy. Although most western countries are nowhere near what it is like in China or the old Soviet Union,things have gotten pretty bad. The central banks of most western nations now assume that they have a duty to manage the general direction of the economy. Whenever a government tries to manage markets, the typical result is a disaster. President Erdogan of Turkey has been fixated on strengthening his economy by lowering interestrates. This move has caused the national currency to rapidly decline in value. Erdogan�s fervent belief that high-interest rates cause inflation is why he refused to abandon his crazy plan. The more the Turkish lira plunges in value, the more Erdoganscreams for lower rates. Turkey�s consumer prices have soared by the highest rate since 2002. Independent economic institutes such as the Inflation Research Group (ENAG) calculated last month�sannual inflation rate at 82.8 percent. Erdogan did cause the value of the lira to briefly soar when he announced that Turkey�s central bank would ensure the value of people�s bank accounts. It quickly dropped again when it became clear that the central bankcould only accomplish this task by printing vast quantities of the lira. After the Federal Reserve declined to guarantee its loans as it did for Bear Stearns, the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers triggered a cascade of other firms to become insolvent.From Lehman Brothers on, no other large financial firm was allowed to go into bankruptcy. Even banks that were in good shape would be given huge amounts of money. The Federal Reserve has rapidly gone from helping the financial system when it gets into trouble to managing the markets from almost a day-to-day basis. If the stock marketgoes down 500 points, alarm bells sound at the Fed, and the Plunge Protection Team starts buying S&P futures. Another way that the Fed regulated stock price is by giving money to member banks that pass it on to Hedge funds that buy up stocks. Over the past few weeks, I�ve been reading up on the source of government taxes. From listening to various experts on the financial system, I�ve learned why the stock marketand real estate are so important to the government. In the early days of American history, the federal government�s income was raised primarily from taxes it placed on imported goods. It wasn�t until World War I that peoplestarted paying income tax. As time passed, more and more people were paying fewer taxes. About half the people in America don�t pay any federal taxes. The government gets a huge amount of its income from the sale of homes and stock. During the Financial crisis of 2007�2008, the IRS lost 35% of its tax receipts from thedecline in home prices. The only direction that equity prices are allowed to move is in the up direction. All this pump by the Fed has created a massive stock bubble on Wall Street. Apple Inc. just became the first company to have a $3 trillion stock price. Five years ago, Applewas only worth $500 billion. A six-fold return for a company this massive in size should not be possible, but now on Wall Street, any valuation gain can happen. Tesla�s 23-fold rise makes Apple look like a �dead money� stock. If it wasn�t for the COVID-19 stimulus spending, Washington could have had a huge surplus. That�s not how federal money spending works. Give any government $200 billion,and it will spend $350 billion. If Elon Musk cashed in his $340 billion in stock and had to write a $100 billion check to the IRS, we would soon be another $1 trillion deeper in debt. The greatest danger is that soon few people will be writing checks to the IRS from their capital gain sales. Vast numbers of people have stock on margin that is at levelsworse than the 1929 crash. Millions of employees are rich, on paper, because they were issued options as payment. Many people who own real estate borrow against the equity value of one home and buy another one. The global financial system has survived so many crises in the past 14 years, I can only conclude that the hand of God is holding things together. Terry and I talk aboutthis situation many times, and we can only presume that this monetary madness has a connection to the rapture. �But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief� (1 Thes 5:4). ------------------------------------- The Biden Harris Sotomayor Breyer Kagan Delusion - Bill Wilson � There are a group of leaders in the highest echelon of American government who have demonstrated that they are delusional, and quite possibly insane. They are not fit tolead a horse to water let alone any position in elected or appointed office. Think about what has been going on since the beginning of the year and tell me, no tell your family friends, neighbors, business associates, people standing in the grocery line orat the gas pumps how you really feel. We all have heard about what happened on January 6, 2020 when a bunch of protesters stormed the US Capitol. Many saw it as an ill-fated attempt to protest election results that got out of hand. It most certainly was nota bloody insurrection. On the anniversary of January 6, Kamala Harris actually compared the protesters to the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor and Islamic terrorists on 9/11. Really? Let us rememberin the 9/11 terrorist attack, 2,977 people were killed. In the Pearl Harbor bombing, 2,403 Americans lost their lives. There were five deaths during the Jan 6 protest. One was considered non-medical, Ashli Babbit, an unarmed white woman shot dead by a blackofficer. Then Joe Biden followed Harris to tell America the �truth� about what happened. He didn�t bother to correct Harris on her outrageous comparisons, but continued the narrative: �Rioters menaced these halls, threatening the life of the Speaker of theHouse, literally erecting gallows to hang the Vice President of the United States of America.� I guess taking selfies in the Rotunda is life threatening. This is not all of the lunacy. It continued at the Supreme Court hearing on Biden�s unconstitutional vaccine mandates. The three Democrat-appointed members of the highestcourt in the land showed just how out of touch and ignorant they are. Justice Sonia Sotomayor said, �We have over 100,000 children, which we�ve never had before, in serious condition, many on ventilators.� There were at the time only 3.342 children hospitalizedwith COVID 19, but not all are there because of COVID. Justice Elena Kagan claimed �the best way� to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is �for people to get vaccinated,� and the �second best way� is to �wear masks.� Both assumptions are crazy false. Justice StephenBreyer falsely claimed 750 million people in the US tested COVID positive on Thursday. There�s only 330 million people living in the US. Biden, Harris, Sotomayor, Breyer, and Kagan are among the biggest spreaders of misinformation and lies in America. In fact, their claims are delusional, if not totally insane.They demonstrate just how out of touch and ignorant America�s top leaders are, and how uninformed they think you are. My Dad always said �don�t trust the government.� People like these are the reason why. Yet, hey, we let the government seize our hard-earnedmoney every April 15 for the privilege of paying these insane people to lie to us. They are like those in Isaiah 47:10, �For you have trusted in your wickedness: You have said, None see me. Your wisdom and knowledge have perverted you; and you have said inyour heart, I am, and none else beside me.� These people�s thoughts, words and deeds are�say it with me�Stupidocrisy. ------------------------- Calling Evil Good, Is the Left Winning the �Battle for America�sSoul�? - By David Fiorazo - Just like he did when he campaigned against President Trump, Joe Biden keeps claiming he and the godless Democrat socialists have a corner on the market of righteousnessand morality in America. The Biden Harris administration keeps calling evil good and mocking the one true God while claiming that God is on their side. It�s called propaganda. During the 2020 election cycle, Joe Biden�s website displayed an interesting phrase in the upper-left corner: �Battle for the Soul of the Nation.� Most people missed it.The implication was this: the soul of America is at stake, and those nasty, deplorable evangelical Christians, conservatives, and Republicans are the immoral ones who are hurting the country. There�s a problem here. It seems we understand and define the word, �soul� very differently because the O�Biden Democrats have values that are in opposition with Bible-believingChristians and the word of God. So what did he say last week and what was the context this time? The great �insurrection� at the nation�s Capital. For a year now, the marching orders of the left have beento use what happened on January 6, 2020, to frame more than half the country � freedom-loving citizens � as radical, domestic terrorists. Lie, divide, and conquer. Whoever runs Biden�s Twitter account tweeted this: I have said it many times, and it is no more true or real than when we think about the events of January 6: We are in a battle for the soul of America. A battle that bythe grace of God, and by the goodness and greatness of this nation, we will win. Really. Most people understand what happened on January 6 was a calculated, pre-planned set-up to take Trump down and frame Republicans. Once again, the global socialists,Democrat media, and America-haters teamed up and did not let another manufactured crisis go to waste. But Joe, now you�re saying America is good and great? Midterms must be coming up. That�s right, at least in his rhetoric, old Joe is pivoting to the center in the hopesthat naive, uninformed Americans will believe him and think he�s a moderate. Also, what god do you suppose he�s referring to? Satan and his minions have nothing to do with grace, but lots to do with the Democrat Party Platform. Please understandthis is a war of worldviews, not politics. Even prior to being ushered into the White House, Biden�s handlers tried pushing the ridiculous idea that Joe was a type of savior, a victor of a holy war and his electionwould ultimately save America. He often referred to healing and light in his campaign speeches in attempts to present a false impression Biden was the moral one to bring positive change and unity the people. Make no mistake, when the left refers to unity, they actually mean submission. They use the Alinsky tactic of demonizing us, their opponents to distract from the real issues. The left has this down to a science. Spiritual warfare is very real and more obvious now than ever in our short history. There are battles in heavenly realms over people�s souls and nations because of whatthey represent. The enemy hates America because of the God we were once united under and the true believers who live for Christ. I wrote a chapter about this in my book, Canceling Christianity. So since Joe brought it up, let�s talk about morality for a moment. Some may wonder how the open hostilitytoward the Judeo-Christian worldview became so accepted and normalized. I quoted author, Don Feder, who explained why left hates religion and how the culture war is between the left�s neo-Marxist worldview�which has come to dominate the DemocratParty�and the Judeo-Christian ethic. The clash was inevitable. Feder states: Judeo-Christian (or Biblical) morality teaches objective ethics�applicable for all time and in all places. Leftism teaches that morality is subjective (in a constant stateof flux) and that anything can be justified if it advances the revolution. Religion puts God above the state. Leftism says the regime is God�the source of all blessings. Judeo-Christian ethics says the natural family is essential for social cohesion. Leftism says the family is whatever we say it is, and is really not that important, anyway. The Judeo-Christian worldview says God created man and woman and intended for them to complement each other. Leftism says male and female are meaningless concepts, and thatto believe otherwise is bigotry. Judeo-Christian morality encourages procreation as the First Commandment. Leftism says that in a world of global warming, having children is irresponsible and should belimited by law, if individual choice isn�t enough. In my own articles and videos here for Freedom Project, I�ve addressed how out of the mainstream Joe Biden�s gruesome support for abortion is, more extreme than any presidentin history. We�ve exposed his anti-American open borders policy and how his party has weakened the American economy, the so-called education system, the military, national defense, and trade relations with other countries. I�ve discussed his constant denial of absolute truth, promotion of moral relativism and the entire LGBTQ agenda, defends vandals, looters, and rioters but not persecutedChristians, cozies up to Communist China, and the fact he has gone on record to demand more Islam be taught in government schools. And Biden Democrats are fighting for the soul of America? Please. Let me close with one of many great quotes on this topic of righteousness. President Calvin Coolidge once stated: �The strength of our country is the strength of its religious convictions. The foundations of our society and our government rest so much on the teachings of the Bible thatit would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings would cease to be practically universal in our country.� Not only is the Bible no longer taught, it is now banned. Whose morality is being advanced and legislated across this land? You know whose, and it�s not the only livingGod of the Christian faith. We need more people who are unashamed of the gospel, who know the true history of this nation and the U.S. Constitution to activate and take a stand for truth, righteousness, and justice. ------------------ VISIT: PROPHECY WATCHER WEEKLY NEWS: HTTP://PROPHECY-WATCHER-WEEKLY-NEWS.BLOGSPOT.COM

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