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Friday, May 27, 2022

Making the Narrow Door Wider?

 Making the Narrow Door Wider? - Progressive Christianity Surrenders to The Moral Revolution – By Decision Magazine - The disciples asked Jesus a question that many of us have wondered about: “Lord, will those who are saved be few?” (Luke 13:23). We’ve all wondered how many people will besaved and how many lost. We know that in the end there will be a multitude of the redeemed from every tribe and nation that no one can number (Revelation 7:9). But we also know that this multitude represents only a fraction of the human race. We would liketo know more specific numbers and perhaps percentages. Jesus did not answer this question directly, rather He chose to give a warning: “Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able. When once the master of the house has risen and shut the door, andyou begin to stand outside and knock at the door, saying, ‘Lord, open to us,’ then he will answer you, ‘I do not know where you have come from’” (Luke 13:24-25). In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught that more people will be on the broad road that leadsto destruction, rather than the narrow road which leads to life. Clearly, there will be more people lost than saved. Yet today there are many “progressive” Christians who want to make the narrow door wider; they advance their cause under the banner of love and justice and equality. ProgressiveChristianity has the same basic worldview as the theological liberalism that shifted authority away from the Scripture to human opinions. Progressive Christians do not reject Biblical authority outright; rather they purport to walk a middle path with the Biblein one hand and cultural sensitivity in the other. To put it clearly: Progressive Christianity interprets the Biblethrough the lens of culture; it does not critique the culture through the lens of the Bible. So, in the name of love and inclusivity, progressive Christians apply their teaching to matters of sexuality, the doctrine of salvation and the eternal destiny oflost sinners. They wish to make Christianity blend in with the culture rather than stand against it. They believe that in this way, the church will become more relevant and loving. “Can’t we just abandon some of the hard edges of Christianity and move towarda more inclusive understanding of the Christian faith?” This, they say, will remove barriers for those who see the church as unloving and hopelessly exclusive. Yes, I agree we should be loving, but we must also have a deep commitment to truth. The Bible makes it clear that loving God and loving our neighbor summarizes the law. Butwhen we replace God’s view of love with our own view of what we think love requires, it can lead us to justify sinful behavior. Jesus clarified the meaning of love: “If you love me, you willkeep my commandments” (John 14:15). To love God is to obey His Word. In contrast, progressive Christianity surrenders to the moral revolution, the essential goodness of human nature, and an inclusiveness regarding essential doctrines. In other words, theyhave developed a worldview based on human desires, not the clear revelation of God. This is exactly what Paul warned against: “The time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachersto suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth” (2 Timothy 4:3-4, italics added). Second, with a verbal sleight of hand, progressive Christianssell their point of view using words such as equality and justice. The Bible is very clear that every Christian should be involved in pursuing justice. So the phrase social justice sounds Biblical, but when you peel back the label, too often you find thatit has a wide range of leftist agendas. There is “marriage justice” (same-sex marriage). There is economic justice (socialism). There is racial justice (critical race theory, which divides the races rather than unifying them as the Gospel demands). So behindthe phrase social justice is often an entire worldview that is contrary to Biblical teaching. So, what are we to do? First, we must pray for discernment. We must look beyond the labels and say, “This might look good, but is it hiding an unbiblical view of love?” Ask yourself, “Do I believethis because it sounds compassionate, or is it actually Biblical?” The most compassionate thing we can do is to tell people the truth. Second, ask if the world’s definitions of justiceand equality are based on divine law, or my own preference. In the Book of Judges, “Everyone did what was right in his owneyes” (Judges 21:25). They did not do what was wrong in their own eyes; they did what was right and just in their own eyes. But this ended in idolatry. In Proverbs we read, “Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding” (Proverbs 23:23). And in our era, refusing to sell the truth is more importantthan ever. “Enter through the narrow door,” Jesus warned. We have no right to make it wider.

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