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Friday, May 31, 2024

AI and the Coming Antichrist

 AI and the Coming Antichrist - By Howard Green - Imagine a global event taking place that was so pivotal that beliefs and responses to it would determine eternity for billions of people. What if there was a concerted effortto distort the truth in order to deceive people into their own destruction? This is exactly what is happening today, as truth is being distorted and denied. This rejection of the truth will culminate in billions of people being deceived straight into hell. Right before Jesus was crucified, Pontious Pilate asked Him, “So you are a king?” Jesus tells Pilate why He came into the world in John 18:37, and the governor asks Jesusthis question, “What is truth?” That question and our response to it will matter a thousand years from now. Jesus said, “I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” in John 14:6. To refuse to love the truth and be saved is setting yourself up for end-time spiritualdeception and ultimate eternal condemnation (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12). With all of the talk about the possibility of the Bible being rewritten and so many people rejecting the truth of what Jesus said about Himself, they are setting themselves up for strongdelusion and worship of the Antichrist and his image. A time is coming, and we have reason to believe – in the near future – when a man is going to declare himself to be God and demand to be worshipped (2 Thessalonians 2:4).The Bible makes it crystal clear that this world leader is coming on the scene with all wicked deception. Most Christians know that the Man of Lawlessness is coming, and his co-conspirator, the False Prophet, will make the inhabitants of Earth worship theAntichrist. Although our meeting the Lord in the air is a certainty, it isn’t my intent to address rapture timing in this article but to focus on people around the world who are being set up to believe the ultimate lie. Revelation 13:14-15 tells us that this worldwide religious leader will instruct people to make an image for the Antichrist, who was wounded yet lived. Moreover, the FalseProphet is going to be allowed to give breath to the image of the beast so that it will speak! This global spiritual deception will be so spectacular and wonderous that it will cause people to do the unthinkable, to worship the beast and its image as God. I’ve been a Christian since the 1980s. When I used to study end-time Bible prophecy decades ago, I knew every word of God would come to pass. But it was hard to comprehendhow a satanic religious world leader could realistically deceive billions of people into worshipping an image. In the ensuing decades, with technological advances and AI, the ability to deceive the masses with an image empowered by Satan seems like somethingthat could now happen at almost any moment. I can tell you this with all surety: not since the beginning of time has technology existed that could somehow monitor, mimic, and monopolize every aspect of human life untilright now. Like anything else, technology, specifically AI, can be used for good, but it can be used for nefarious purposes as well. Already, we see that AI-generated avatars preached sermons at Christian churches in Germany and America. A major ‘Christian’ media outlet is even promoting AI sermons. Here’s what a well-known contributor at the World Economic Forum said about AI and religion: AI can write a new Bible. In a few years, there might be religions that are actually correct. Just think about a religion whose holy book is written by an AI. That could bea reality in a few years. Yuval Noah Harari – World Economic Forum Contributor The Bible tells us that the False Prophet will give breath to the image of the beast. It also tells us that the coming Antichrist and his worldwide religious leader is bythe activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:9-11). Jesus also warns us about spiritual deception four times, culminating in Matthew 24:15. I won’t emphatically say that AI and avatars will be used to facilitate the imageof the Antichrist to be worshipped. But it is quite possible that Satan could use AI to deceive billions of people into worshipping the Antichrist and his image. It is worth noting that AI already identifies itself as I Am, a title clearly limited to the one true God of the universe. Anyone who loves Jesus should see the emergenceand increase of AI, avatars, UFOs, and talk of rewriting the Bible as a clear sign that a worldwide religion of Antichrist worship is in the very near future. Friends, we live in times when global commerce, utilities, supply chains, weapons, and life itself can be altered by strokes on a keyboard. There are bad actors, both privateand governmental, who are under the control of Satan, and this enemy of our soul will do everything in his power to bring this planet into utter darkness, including using these same groups. Very soon, perhaps even in the coming months and the next few years,this world will be thrown into unprecedented chaos and upheaval like never before. Everything people take for granted, like buying a sandwich, a coffee, getting healthcare, and worship gatherings, will be nearly impossible, that is, unless you worship theAntichrist and his image. As we see signs of the Lord’s soon return increasing daily, I want to encourage you to be a bold witness for Jesus, lovingly warn people about what is coming, and finish well. There are links to related resources below, including to my friends Jan Markell and Pastor Billy Crone, who dive deep into the subject of AI and the Antichrist. All for Him, Howard Pastor Billy Crone and Jan Markell discuss AI and the coming Antichrist. The Infrastructure of the Antichrist. Link: WEF-Yuval Noah Harari video on AI and the Bible. Link: AI ChatGPT preaches a sermon in a Texas church. Link: Contradicting Jesus on End-Time Bible Prophecy. Link:

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