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Friday, May 24, 2024

WORLD AT WAR: 5.25.24 - The Push for A Palestinian State Demonstrates The Spiritual Blindness Of Our Days

The Push for A �Palestinian State� Demonstrates The Spiritual Blindness Of Our Days � By Amir Tsarfati - (Galilee, Israel) � What a bizarre and interesting week it has been regarding events in the Middle East. Since the onset of Israel�s operations in Rafah, the IDF has uncovered more than 700 terror tunnel shafts belonging to Hamas � and over 50 tunnels that funnel into Egypt tothe south. As you�re likely aware of by now, Israel�s decision (which was the correct decision) to enter Rafah in a move to end Hamas and free the remaining hostages was not met with approval by a host of the international community. In fact, the IDF onlymade the decision to reveal its findings regarding the tunnels in Rafah for the benefit of the discussion in the Hague and the international justification for the action in Rafah. Sadly, the bodies of more Israeli hostages were uncovered by the IDF in Rafah. The three bodies belonged to Yitzhak Gelernter, Amit Buskila, and Shani Louk. We expect moreto be found. It�s worth noting that the Rafah situation could and likely will have negative ramifications regarding the relationship between Israel and Egypt. Tragically, the Hague is maintaining its hypocrisy and ignorance when it comes to the survival of the Jewish state as it sympathizes with terrorists in Gaza. Apparently, theburning, raping, kidnapping, and slaughtering of over 1,200 Jews isn�t enough justification for what we�re doing in Rafah, not to mention the fact that an overwhelming amount of evidence shows that Hamas sees to oppressing its own people. At this stage, over 800,000 Gazans have been evacuated from Rafah. 277 IDF soldiers have died since the ground operation in Gaza began. Operations are continuing to take place in other locations throughout the Gaza Strip as well. A lot of military operations are becoming the regular in the area of Jabaliawhere the IDF has eliminated well over 200 terrorists so far. Dozens of others have been arrested for interrogation. The IDF claims this has been one of the most violent wartime locations so far. Not only are we operating in Gaza � we�re pursuing Hamas terroristseverywhere. Last week, the IDF also killed a senior member of Hamas near the Lebanon-Syria border. We�re also continuously active in Judea & Samaria (the West Bank). Iran Where do I begin? Well, let�s just call it what it is � Iran�s president is dead. Not only did Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi die in a helicopter crash this last weekend,but a number of other high-ranking Iranian officials were killed as well. The crash took place while the group of officials were on their way back to Tehran following a meeting at the border with Azerbaijan. Apparently, between the lack of capabilities ofthe particular helicopter they were in and the treacherous weather conditions, they fell short of survival. From the perspective of the naive international community, Iran just suffered a massive blow. However, ask the common Iranian citizen, and you�ll experiencea different story. Raisi and others like him were and are passionate about terror, death, and oppression. This is why numerous Iranian citizens could be seen celebrating his death across socialmedia following the crash. Don�t let the corrupt leadership and radical ayatollahs confuse you. They don�t represent the worldview and mindset of the vast majority of Iranians. To make matters worse, the US offered its condolences to Iran, accompanying severalother countries. Since the death of Raisi, Vice President Muhammad Mokhber has become the president of Iran until the next election cycle. You can find more on this story by watching my breakingnews segment. I also issued a second installation of breaking news at the conclusion of the event. On another note, and unsurprisingly, following Iran�s massive projectile attack on Israel weeks ago, the Islamic Republic has allegedly vowed to join any future war that takesplace between Israel and Hezbollah. We sure do live in prophetic times. Hezbollah, Lebanon, and Syria In what�s no surprise, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) continues to carry out strikes in various places in both Lebanon and Syria as tension with Hezbollah increases in the region.While the tension in this region has been ever-present for quite some time, the consistency of military confrontations has certainly increased since October 7, 2023. Moreover, targeted attacks are becoming all the more prominent, which was seen as recent aslast Friday when a senior Hezbollah commander was killed in a vehicle attack about 40km from the border with Israel. However, the rockets keep coming from the north, as Israel � in a single strike from Hezbollah � had approximately 75 rockets fired into theregion of the Golan and Galilee, most of which were intercepted. Another key target that was eliminated by the IAF was the commander of the rocket unit of Hezbollah. This took place in the coastal sector in Lebanon. His name was Qasem Skalawi.In addition to conducting multiple strikes in Southern Lebanon & Syria, the IAF has also remained extremely busy intercepting a host of rockets, drones, and other aerial threats coming from their enemies to the north. The Houthis & Yemen It�s business as usual for the Houthis, as the Iranian-funded terror proxy in the Arabian Gulf continues to muster up chaos in the region. Most recently � aside from its periodicprojectile launches towards Israel � the terror group hit an oil tanker in the Red Sea that was moving oil from Russia to China. The International Community Slovenia and other European countries � namely, Ireland, Norway, and Spain � have vowed to formally recognize a Palestinian state in the weeks ahead and they�re encouragingother countries to do the same. Now do you understand the spiritual blindness of the days in which we�re living? Over 1,200 innocent Israelis are murdered in cold blood and Europe pursues what it believes is best for the culprit of that terror. The United States Unfortunately, like a reckless wave, the US administration has been all over the place regarding its position on the Israel-Hamas War. There are moments when Team Biden voicessupport for Israel. There are also moments when it stands in the way of what the country needs to do right now. Furthermore, it has become common practice for the Biden Administration to criticize Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his every move to eliminateHamas. And when there�s an opportunity for the US to side with Israel, lately, it seems that there are always strings attached. Such is the case with the ongoing situation between Israel and the ICC. From various sources, we�ve received confirmation that the US administration gave a green light tothe ICC to move forward with asking for an arrest warrant against Hamas and Israeli leaders as if they are equal. If that�s not enough, the US administration is conducting talks with Iran in Oman where both sides agree that Netanyahu must be removed. The mostfailed US administration is causing internal chaos and outside attacks on its best ally in the Middle East. Insane! Wait on the Lord Patience, endurance, and perseverance are virtues we, as believers, must all have in this ever-changing and morally self-destructive world. For me as an Israeli, a new dimensionof the need for these three was added. We have been fighting an existential war for the past eight months on multiple fronts � both above the ground, under the ground, and in the airwaves. When you add the spiritual aspect of this battle, you�ll see how vitalit is to be equipped with strong faith, knowledge of the Word, and power that can only come from the person of the Holy Spirit in us! Isaiah 40:31 KJV � �But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shallwalk, and not faint.� --------------------------------------- A Tyrant Who Threatened Israel with Annihilation: Was Raisi’s Death An Act of God? – By Cookie Schwaeber-Issan - It really makes you wonder when you look back at Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s statement of April 23rd, less than a month ago, as he threatened Israel with annihilation.It was during a visit to Pakistan that Raisi referred to Israel as the “Zionist regime,” whose destruction he promised if they would dare to attack Iran. Because when thinking about the Biblical accounts of cause and effect, it’s only natural to make the comparison of someone who, after threatening the Jews, ended up hangingon his own gallows. But who was Ebrahim Raisi, and is it possible to connect his sudden and unexpected demise to a sovereign act of God – even in the year 2024? At age 63, Raisi, whose full name was Raisolsadati, was the son-in-law of a prominent Imam. He became Iran’s eighth president in 2021. As a prosecutor and Deputy Chief Justiceof Iran, he rose to prominence as the country’s president when appointed by the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. Earning for himself a fearsome reputation, he was labeled “The Butcher of Tehran,” “responsible for the execution of thousands of political prisoners,accused of crimes against humanity by international human rights organizations and United Nations special rapporteurs.” You’d be hard-pressed to find an individual who was more of a hardliner in Iranian politics than Raisi, and, perhaps, that accounts for the remark made by IDF IntelligenceChief Major General Tamir Hayman who commented, upon hearing his demise, that “it would be hard to find someone worse.” But it wasn’t only in April that Raisi threatened Israel’s existence. He made that same promise back in May 2023 when he, once again, warned Israel not to “launch a directmilitary strike on his country which would be overwhelmed and destroyed by Iran’s immediate response.” Always referring to Israel as the “Zionist regime,” it was Raisi’s intent to smear the Jewish homeland as an entity that had no right to exist, due to its foundational beliefthat there should be a protective refuge for all Jews who, for thousands of years, never had the security of knowing if they’d be banished from their host countries or even worse. As the mouthpiece for the Islamic Republic’s supreme leader, Khamenei, he would voice his threats, using his legal training, something which a cleric was incapable of doingbut probably considered effective by the same man who appointed him to the office in which he served over the course of three years. The man who donned a black turban, signifying lineage to the prophet Mohammed, was notorious for terrifying the Iranian people, who suffered tremendously under his suffocatinggrip. Ruling with a tight fist, he made sure no one got out of line, putting an end to rising protests that erupted from time to time. In fact, it was during the period when 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, died following her arrest, for not adhering to the stricthijab rules of the country, that Raisi cracked down on the ensuing protests that arose by many Iranians, especially women, who saw Amini’s death as the ultimate price paid for the freedom which had been taken from them. Even though all opposition was quelled, there, nonetheless, remained a large, seething resistance by many of the Iranian people, who have lived under the hand of tyranny sincethe Pahlavi dynasty was overthrown in 1979 and Iran became an extreme Islamic state. So, one can only wonder how Iranian citizens are feeling on the morning after their greatest oppressor has fallen. Which raises the question – what should we think when a cataclysmic, game-changing event, such as the sudden death of a tyrant takes place, at a time when it almost appearedas if he held the fate of Israel in his hand? For one thing, Raisi’s death serves as a much-needed reminder that no man, regardless of how powerful, threatening or fearful he sounds, has the ability to override the plansand purposes of God, Almighty who established Israel and has sustained her throughout 2,000 years of dispersion to the four corners of the earth, returning her back to the land which He promised them! History has shown us that when individuals rise up, with the express goal of eliminating the Jews, it is those very people who end up in the dustbin of the ages, confirmingthat there is only one Sovereign Master whose authority is unrivaled and unparalleled. To attempt the usurping of that place is to ensure one’s own swift end, and that is why the timing of Raisi’s death comes into question, just weeks after he took it uponhimself to stand in the place of the divine Creator! In fact, there is a Biblical account, found in the prophetic book of Daniel, which has startling similarities to this Raisi story. It unfolds in the fifth chapter when Belshazzar,the then king of Babylon gives orders to drink wine from the sanctified temple vessels – representing an act of defiance to the Most High God. It was what followed that act of desecration that bears the resemblance to today’s incident. “Suddenly, the fingers of a man’s hand emerged and began writing opposite the lampstand on the plaster of the wall of the king’s palace. The king’s face grew pale and hisknees began knocking together.” After summoning Daniel, the prophet began by recalling that Belshazzar’s father, King Nebuchadnezzar’s “heart was lifted up and his spirit became so proud that he behaved arrogantly, causing him to be deposed from his royalthrone and having his glory taken away from him.” He went on to say that, just as his father, he, too, did not humble his heart, knowing what fate had unfolded upon his father as a result. The inscription read, “God has numberedyour kingdom and put an end to it. You have been weighed on the scales and found deficient. Your kingdom has been divided and given over to the Medes and Persians.” That very night, the king met his end. The lesson to be learned, here, is that whenever someone dares to arrogantly take the place of God, they should be prepared to face the consequences. So, yes, it’s entirelypossible that the death of Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi was a sovereign act of God which resulted in his defiance of the Almighty who is the giver and taker of life – not solely of people, but of governments, leaders and countries as well. No one and nothing can override or revoke God’s promise to guard and protect Israel from those who would destroy her, because it’s important to remember that “He who touchesIsrael, touches the apple of His eye.” Zechariah 2:8 ------------------------- There Sure Has Been A Lot Of �International Intrigue� Lately� - by Michael Snyder - World leaders have been targeted quite frequently this month, and that should deeply alarm all of us. I think that all of this geopolitical instability is a sign that thereis far more going on behind the scenes than we are being told. The major powers appear to be making moves in anticipation of what they believe is coming next. Right now, the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is dominating the news cycle, and at thisstage we don�t know if that was an accident or not. But as a Twitter user known as �Cillian� has pointed out, there has been quite a lot of �international intrigue� during the past couple of weeks� Over the past two weeks: May 7th: Assassination attempt against Saudi Crown Prince. May 13th: Turkish President Erdoğan holds emergency meeting following warning of possible military coup. May 15th: Assassination attempt on Slovak PM Robert Fico. May 16th: Citizen arrested for threatening to assassinate Serbian President Vučić. May 19th: Saudi Arabia�s King Salman hospitalised for second time in four weeks. May 19th: Helicopter crash involving Iranian President Raisi and Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian. What is going on right now? And I have one more item to add to the list. On Sunday, a coup that involved at least three U.S. citizens was foiled in the Democratic Republic of Congo� American citizens were involved in an attempted coup d��tat that left at least three people dead on Sunday in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a military spokesperson toldCNN Monday. The attempted coup, which targeted the residence of Congolese politician Vital Kamerhe and the country�s presidential palace, was led by opposition leader Christian Malanga,who was killed in a gun battle between the armed putschists and the presidential guards, according to army spokesman General Sylvain Ekenge. Ekenge also claimed Malanga was a US citizen, though the State Department said later it had no records of him. �I confirm the death of Christian Malanga neutralized during the exchange of fire at the Palais de la Nation (presidential palace),� Ekenge told CNN, adding that Malanga�sson Marcel, �was among those arrested.� Ekenge named three other Americans, identified as Benjamin Reuben Zalman-Polun, Patrick Ducey, and Taylor Thomson were involved in the foiled coup. It is being alleged that Zalman-Polun, Ducey and Thomson were CIA agents, but U.S. officials are denying this. With everything that has been going on, I think that it would be wise for all world leaders to be on a heightened state of alert. As for why Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi�s helicopter went down, that remains a mystery. What we do know is that he was flying during heavy fog in a very remote area in the mountains, and the helicopter that he was on was very old� Iranian state media reported that the helicopter that crashed in Iran was a Bell 212 model. It is a civilian version of the ubiquitous Vietnam War-era UH-1N �Twin Huey�. Suchhelicopters are in wide use globally by both governments and private operators. It was developed for the Canadian military in the late 1960s and introduced in 1971. Helicopter tragedies happen all the time, and we certainly cannot rule out an accident in this case. It is also being suggested that one of Raisi�s domestic enemies could have targeted the helicopter� According to a report in The Economist, Raisi had a long list of enemies in Iran, including relative moderates he has marginalised to the fellow conservatives who think hehas been an inept president. It said that some Iranians believe that Raisi�s enemies may have their exacted revenge. �It is not unreasonable to wonder if domestic foes conspired to kill him,� the reportsaid. I think that this is also a very strong possibility. Iranian politics is a very messy business, and those that are jockeying for power can be absolutely ruthless. Of course the dominant narrative that will eventually emerge from inside Iran is that either the U.S. or Israel is responsible. According to Reuters, one Israeli official has already stated that �it wasn�t us�� As conspiracy theories began to circulate online Israel � a long time foe of Iran � denied any involvement in Raisi�s death. An Israeli official told the Reuters news agency: �It wasn�t us.� Needless to say, no matter how many times the Israelis deny responsibility most Iranian officials will never believe them. And without a doubt, the Israelis are not sad to see Raisi go. In fact, they were quite outraged when there was a moment of silence at the UN on Monday� Amid the international messages of condolence and support for Iran after the death of President Ebrahim Raisi, the United Nations Security Council on Monday held a solemnmoment of silence to observe his passing. Israel is outraged by the gesture, saying that it was tantamount to honoring a terrorist, or �Hitler� � as stated by Israeli Ambassador to UN Gilad Erdan. �You read correctly, the UN Security Council today held a moment�s silence to remember a mass murderer, Iranian President Raisi,� Erdan said in a video published to socialmedia. �This body, which makes no effort to free our hostages, tipped their heads today to a man who was responsible for the deaths of thousands in Iran, in Israel, and around theworld.� It is well known that Raisi was responsible for the deaths of vast numbers of people, and under his rule the persecution of Christians in Iran got even worse� Christians in Iran faced intensified persecution in 2023, as highlighted in a joint annual report by advocacy groups Article 18, Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Open Doors,and Middle East Concern. The report, released on Monday, revealed a surge in arrests, with 166 documented in 2023 compared to 134 in the previous year. Disturbingly, one-third of those arrested weretargeted for possessing multiple copies of the Bible. The arrests unfolded in waves, increasing over the summer and spiking during Christmas, creating a higher number of �faceless victims� as fewer cases were publicized. By theend of the year, 17 Christians faced prison sentences or punitive measures for �propaganda against the state.� The Biden administration was also not very fond of Raisi, but on Monday U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin denied that the United States had anything to do with his death� United States Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Monday denied Washington�s involvement in the tragic helicopter crash that killed Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and the country�sForeign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian. The defense secretary, however, declined to comment on the reporter�s question about whether Tehran would blame Israel for the helicopter crash. �They have to conduct an investigationto see what the cause of the crash was, it could be a number of things,� Austin added. This is a mystery that may not be solved any time soon. But the Iranians will inevitably want to blame someone, and that will bring us even closer to all-out war in the Middle East. I don�t think that all-out war is coming immediately. But emotions on both sides are reaching a fever pitch, and I fully expect the conflict in the Middle East to go to an entirely new level by the end of this calendar . ----------------------------------------- China Is Practicing For An Apocalyptic War Against Taiwan, And The Western World Is Still Not Taking The Threat Seriously- by Michael Snyder - China has just launched enormous military exercises codenamed �Joint Sword-2024A� which are designed to simulate what a war against Taiwan would look like. Chinese fighterjets are conducting mock airstrikes against �high-value military targets�, and Chinese warships are practicing for a future economic blockade. Most Americans don�t seem to realize this, but once China goes to war with Taiwan, we will instantly be in a stateof war with China. The flow of consumer products from China will completely stop, we will no longer have access to the advanced computer chips from Taiwan that we are so dependent upon, and the economy will crash. All of our lives will be turned completelyupside down the moment that war with China begins, and that day may be a lot closer than most people think. On Thursday, the Chinese �encircled Taiwan with naval vessels and military aircraft� as Joint Sword-2024A kicked off� China on Thursday encircled Taiwan with naval vessels and military aircraft in war games, as it vowed the blood of �independence forces� on the self-ruled island would flow. The two days of drills are part of an escalating campaign of intimidation by China that has seen it carry out a series of large-scale military exercises around Taiwan in recentyears. Taiwan�s new president Lai Ching-te was inaugurated earlier this week, and the Chinese government is not a fan of him at all. And it is definitely not a coincidence that these military exercises are taking place shortly after he took office. These are the biggest military exercises that we have seen in the region so far, and CNN is reporting that �dozens of Chinese fighter jets carrying live ammunition� are involved� As part of the drills, dozens of Chinese fighter jets carrying live ammunition conducted mock strikes against �high-value military targets� of the �enemy� alongside destroyers,frigates and missile speedboats, according to China�s state broadcaster CCTV. The exercises, which started early on Thursday and will encircle Taiwan, pose the first real test for newly elected Lai Ching-te as he attempts to manage relations with theisland�s powerful authoritarian neighbor. The good news is that these military exercises will only last for 48 hours. But the Chinese are clearly preparing for the day when war will erupt. Relations between the Chinese government and Taiwan have reached a breaking point, and I don�t believe that there is any way that they will be repaired. When discussing the currently military exercises, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin issued quite an ominous warning to those that are pushing for Taiwaneseindependence� Foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin then delivered a warning that included language more commonly used by China�s propaganda outlets. �Taiwan independence forces will be left with their heads broken and blood flowing after colliding against the great� trend of China achieving complete unification,� Wangtold reporters. It is very unusual for a Chinese official to make such an inflammatory remark. Usually the Chinese are much more restrained. Once the exercises commenced, the Taiwanese military went on alert, and potential Chinese military targets were actively being tracked� Taiwan�s defense ministry condemned the drills, saying that it had dispatched forces to areas around the island, that its air defences and land-based missile forces were trackingtargets, and that it was confident it could protect its territory. �The launch of military exercises on this occasion not only does not contribute to the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, it also highlights (China�s) militaristicmentality,� the ministry said. Taiwan�s presidential office expressed regret that China was threatening the island�s democratic freedoms and regional peace and stability with its �unilateral military provocations�, but said people could rest assured Taiwan could ensure its security. When the time finally comes, I think that the first action that China will take against Taiwan will be an economic blockade. That will suffocate the Taiwanese economy, and it will also cut the main island off from the outlying islands that it controls. Subsequently, I think that it is likely that the Chinese will attempt to occupy some of the smaller islands before moving to occupy Taiwan itself. Interestingly, the military exercises that China is currently conducting are simulating action against some of those outlying islands� Su Tzu-yun, a research fellow at Taiwan�s top military think tank, the Institute for National Defence and Security Research, said that although the drills would only lasttwo days, the scope is large relative to previous exercises, as they included Taiwan�s outlying islands. This is designed to demonstrate China�s ability to control the seas and prevent the involvement of foreign forces, he added. �The political signals here are greater than the military ones,� he added. There has been a lot of concern about what it would mean if China gained control over the chipmaking facilities in Taiwan, because the entire globe is heavily dependent onthe advanced chips that Taiwan produces� Two of the world�s most important chip companies can flip a �kill switch� remotely on their most advanced chipmaking machines should China invade Taiwan, Bloomberg reportedon Tuesday, citing people familiar with the matter. The Netherlands� ASML � Europe�s top tech company by market value � supplies advanced machines to chipmaking companies. They include Taiwan�s TSMC, which produces, by someestimates, 90% of the world�s most advanced processor chips. Okay, so they can flip a �kill switch� which will prevent China from getting those chips. But once China controls Taiwan, we will lose access to those chips too. And without those chips, the entire global economy crashes. So we should be attempting to avoid such a scenario if at all possible. Unfortunately, Joe Biden and his all-star team of warmongers are making a total mess of things. We just keep getting closer and closer to a war with China, and the Biden administration just continues to make the Chinese angrier and angrier. Of course a war with China is a key piece of the apocalyptic puzzle that I have been warning about for a long time. The Chinese know that such a war is coming, and they are actively practicing for it. Here in the United States, most people just assume that everything will work out just fine somehow. Sadly, by the time most Americans finally realize how serious the threat is we will already be at war and there will be no turning back.

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