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Friday, May 17, 2024

The Sun Is Not Done Yet

 The Sun Is Not Done Yet – Another Absolutely Gigantic “Warning Shot” Was Just Sent Our Way – Michael Snyder - The sun just unleashed a monstrous X-class flare, and hardly anyone noticed. The X8.7 solar flare that we just witnessed was the largest one of this entire solar cycle. Thegood news is that it wasn’t a threat to our planet at all. Radio activity was affected in some areas of the globe for a while, but other than that there was no danger. But that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be paying attention. As I have been warning my readers,the giant ball of fire that we revolve around has been behaving very erratically in recent years. If solar activity continues to increase, it is just a matter of time before our planet gets hit really hard. According to CBS News, the X8.7 flare that the sun unleashed on Tuesday “peaked just before 1 p.m. ET”… The giant solar explosions of energy and light aren’t over yet. Officials said on Tuesday that the sun just emitted another major solar flare – and that it’s the strongestone so far in the current solar cycle. The latest flare peaked just before 1 p.m. ET, NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center said, with an X-class rating of X8.7. X-class solar flares are the strongest of solarflares, which are described by NASA as “giant explosions on the sun that send energy, light and high speed particles into space.” The center said the flare was an R3 or “strong” flare, meaning it could have caused wide area blackouts of high-frequency radiocommunications for about an hour on the sunlit side of Earth. It also may have caused low-frequency navigation signal issues for the same period of time. We had not seen a solar flare of this magnitude in a long time. Is there a possibility that even stronger solar flares could be coming? The X8.7 flare originated from sunspot AR3664. At one point that sunspot was roughly 124,000 miles across and could actually be seen from Earth. Last week, the NOAA warned that sunspot AR3664 continued “to grow and increase in magnetic complexity”… The flare came out of the sunspot dubbed 3664. That spot, combined with region 3663, makes up a cluster “much larger than Earth,” NOAA said last week. And as of last Thursday,3664 was only continuing “to grow and increase in magnetic complexity and has evolved into a higher threat of increased solar flare risk.” I have not been able to find any news source that says that it is still growing. Coming into Tuesday, officials had issued a G2 geomagnetic storm watch… The SWPC had issued a G2 “moderate” Geomagnetic Storm Watch for Tuesday, but said watches at that level are not uncommon. To compare, Friday’s geomagnetic storms reached thetop G5 “extreme” level. A G2 geomagnetic storm, if lasting long enough, could potentially impact power grids, like transformer damage, and could force corrective actions on spacecraft. But they usuallydo nothing more than trigger a round of Northern Lights that could stretch as far south as some northern and Upper Midwest states from New York to Idaho. Thankfully, the threat has passed and we are no longer in any danger. For now. Personally, I consider this to be another “warning shot” that was sent in our direction. But unless there is some sort of major disaster, most people simply do not care. Sadly, most people are just going to keep doing what they are doing no matter how many “warning shots” we get. Earlier today, I was saddened to learn that a new Pew Research survey has found that the percentage of Americans that believe that abortion should be legal in most cases hasactually gone up by 4 points since 2021… Nearly two years after the Supreme Court overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision guaranteeing a national right to abortion, a majority of Americans continue to express supportfor abortion access. About six-in-ten (63%) say abortion should be legal in all or most cases. This share has grown 4 percentage points since 2021 – the year prior to the 2022 decision in Dobbsv. Jackson Women’s Health Organization that overturned Roe. America is not becoming more pro-life. The truth is that we are becoming more pro-abortion, and voters in state after state have shown us exactly how they feel since Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022. How long will it be before we are completely out of chances to turn things around? We are entering the most chaotic period in all of human history, and two of the three major wars that the U.S. will eventually be directly involved in have already started. In the Middle East, IDF tanks are advancing deep into Rafah… Israeli tanks have been seen plunging deeper into the southern Gaza city of Rafah amid reports that some 500,000 people have fled amid the escalating ground offensive. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have initially focused their operation on the eastern section of the city, having seized a key roadway that essentially cuts Rafah in half. “The tanks advanced this morning west of Salahuddin Road into the Brzail and Jneina neighborhoods. They are in the streets inside the built-up area and there are clashes,” one resident told Reuters via a messaging app. Regional media also reports that “Videoon social media showed one tank on George Street in Al-Jneina neighborhood.” And in Ukraine, the Russians continue to take more territory north of Kharkiv… In the Slobozhanske direction, Russian troops are advancing towards Lyptsi right past the summer houses. So far, the fighting looks more like a battlefield reconnaissance.There are artillery and air strikes on the enemy forces pulled to the village. In the area of Luk’yantsi, Russian assault groups have reached the outskirts of the village and entered the territory of the settlement. Whether or not they managed to completelyliberate the settlement is still unclear. On the eastern flank, the Russian Armed Forces have established control over Buhruvatka, while fighting has been reported in neighboring Starytsya. Most people do not understand what is happening. Most people just assume that life will continue to go on just as it always has. But those that have eyes to see understand precisely what is taking place. We are literally racing into a nightmare, and the vast majority of the population has become completely deaf to the warnings.

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