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Friday, May 31, 2024

WORLD AT WAR: 6.1.24 - The Great Gaza Deception

Two-State Solution Pressures Nation of Israel to Give Up Historic Territory of Israel: 'Theological Craziness'- Joshua Arnold - The so-called �two-state solution� for Jews and Arabs in Palestine is the Frankenstein�s monster of foreign policy. On May 22, Spain, Norway, and Ireland tried to animate this monster by recognizing a state of �Palestine,� which does not exist. �If you�re recognizing a Palestinian state,they have to have land. And that land that�s being advocated is Samaria and Judea � the so-called �West Bank,�� Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said on �Washington Watch.� Knesset Member Ohad Tal joined Perkins to declare the proposed two-state solution theological �craziness,� in that it would �take the holiest sites [of Judaism] like Hebron,and Shiloh, and Bethlehem, and East Jerusalem and give it to the Palestinians.� In fact, the territories currently designated as �the West Bank� contain many of the towns and regions that readers of the Old Testament are used to thinking about as �theland of Israel.� These include, Shechem, Bethel, Hebron, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho, Gibeon, Shiloh, Tirzah, and Samaria. To comprehend the full impact of Israel ceding this land, consider the significance of these cities through the biblical narrative. In Genesis, God called Abraham out from Mesopotamia and promised at Shechem to give his offspring �this land� (Genesis 12:6-7). When Abraham separated from his kinsman Lotat Bethel, God again promised to give him all the land he could see (Genesis 13:3-17). Abraham built altars at Shechem, Bethel (Genesis 12:8-9), and Hebron (Genesis 13:18). Abraham lived longest near Hebron, where he and his allies assembled for war to rescueLot (Genesis 14:1-16), God established his covenant with him (Genesis 15, 17), his son Ishmael was born (Genesis 16:1-6,15-16), and Isaac�s birth was promised (Genesis 18). Abraham purchased a burial plot at Hebron (Genesis 23), where Sarah, Abraham (Genesis 25:10-11), Isaac (Genesis 35:27-28), and Jacob (Genesis 50:7-14) were buried. Jerusalemalso features in the Abraham narrative when Abraham tithed to its king Melchizedek (Genesis 14:17-24) and when Abraham nearly sacrificed Isaac on the nearby mountain of Moriah (Genesis 22:4-18). Still in Genesis, Bethel was the site where Jacob famously dreamed of angels ascending and descending (Genesis 28:11-22). In that dream, God promised him, �The land on whichyou lie I will give to you and to your offspring� (Genesis 28:13). When Jacob returned to Canaan, he bought land and built an altar at Shechem (Genesis 33:18-20), where his sons slaughtered the inhabitants (Genesis 34) and later pasturedtheir flocks (Genesis 37:12-17). Jacob then returned to Bethel, where he also built an altar (Genesis 35:1-15). Bethlehem is first mentioned here in relation to the site of Rachel�s tomb (Genesis 35:16-21). In Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, the people of Israel do not live in Canaan, but those books focus on their promised return and conquest of the promised land. In Joshua, the people crossed into Canaan across from Jericho, which they spied out (Joshua 2) and then captured (Joshua 6). They established a camp nearby at Gilgal (Joshua4:19-24), where they performed multiple religious observances (Joshua 5). The camp at Gilgal became a �home base� of sorts for the Israelite conquest of southern Canaan (Joshua 7:6-26, 9:6, 10:15, 10:40-43). Israel recited the curses and blessings on Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim outside Shechem (Joshua 8:30-35), as Moses had directed (Deuteronomy 27:1-8). Israel next moved againstAi, near Bethel (Joshua 7:1-5, 8:1-29). Then, their covenant with the Gibeonites (Joshua 9) became the occasion for a great victory at Gibeon (Joshua 10:1-14). Israel set up the tabernacle at Shiloh (Joshua 18:1), where it remained throughout the entire period of the Judges (Judges 18:31), until the ark was lost in battle (1 Samuel4:1-11). There they apportioned the land (Joshua 18:2-10), with most of the West Bank falling to Judah (Joshua 15), Ephraim and Manasseh (Joshua 16-17), and Benjamin (Joshua 18:11-28). Hebron receives special mention as the allotment of Caleb, who had spied it out in the wilderness (Numbers 13:21) and returned to conquer it (Joshua 14:6-15) for a secondtime (Joshua 10:36-37). After completing the conquest, Israel renewed the Mosaic covenant at Shechem (Joshua 24). In Judges, Jerusalem was the site of military success and failure (Judges 1:8,21). The second judge Ehud (Judges 3:12-30) came from the territory of Benjamin, all of whichis in the West Bank. The next judge, Deborah, operated near Bethel (Judges 4:5). Shechem was the home of Israel�s first proto-king, Abimelech (Judges 8:31-9:57). And Samson carried the gates of Gath to Hebron (Judges 16:3). The final narratives (Judges 17-21)both mention Bethlehem, where the events of Ruth occurred during the same period. In Samuel, the early chapters focus around Hannah�s petition, Samuel�s service, Eli�s unfaithful sons, and the prophecy against his house, all of which occurred at Shiloh(1 Samuel 1-3). Samuel operated as a judge around Bethel (1 Samuel 7:16). Many of Saul�s campaigns happened in a small area around the territory of Benjamin and Ephraim (1 Samuel 13:2). God rejected Saul as king and anointed David from Bethlehem (1 Samuel 16:13). At Hebron, David was anointed king over Judah (2 Samuel 2:1-11) and all Israel (2 Samuel 5:1-5).In the intervening civil war, Judah and Benjamin fought at Gibeon (2 Samuel 2:12-32), and Joab murdered Abner at Hebron (2 Samuel 3:20-30). Later, Absalom also launch his conspiracy there (2 Samuel 15:7-12). David�s first act as king over all Israel was to conquer Jerusalem (2 Samuel 5:6-10), where he soon broughtthe ark (2 Samuel 6:1-15). From that point on, until the fall of the southern kingdom, Jerusalem was the focal point of most of the nation�s political and religious life. Although part of modern Jerusalemlies in Israeli territory, the city as it existed in David�s day, including the Temple Mount, lies in the West Bank. Jerusalem is the focal point in Kings, but many events also occurred elsewhere. Gibeon was the location of the tabernacle (2 Chronicles 1:13) and Solomon�s dream (1 Kings3:4-9). Israel assembled at Shechem to crown Solomon�s son Rehoboam but rejected him instead (1 Kings 12:1-15). Israel chose Jeroboam, who initially lived at Shechem (1 Kings 12:25). Jeroboam introduced idolatrous worship through a golden calf at Bethel (1 Kings 12:29), which was laterdefiled by King Josiah (2 Kings 23:15). The prophet Ahijah pronounced both Jeroboam�s rise and fall, and he lived at Shiloh (1 Kings 14:2-16). Jeroboam eventually moved his capital to Tirzah (1 Kings 14:17), where Baasha (1 Kings 15:33), Elah (1 Kings 16:8), Zimri (1 Kings 16:15), and Omri (1 Kings 16:23) also ruled.(Tirzah�s location is uncertain, but the traditional site is in the West Bank). Omri then built Samaria and moved the capital there (1 Kings 16:24); Samaria also became a focal point for the wars of Syria and the prophet Elisha in Kings. Jericho was rebuiltin the time of Omri�s son Ahab (1 Kings 16:34), and a community of prophets lived there in Elijah�s time (2 Kings 2:5, 15-22). The last king of Judah, Zedekiah, was captured near Jericho, when he fled the Babylonians (2 Kings 25:5). Thus, from beginning to end, the ancient nation of Israel�s heartland was in the regions of Judea and Samaria, which today comprise the West Bank. Much of what did not occurin these regions took place across the Jordan River in what is now Jordan. In these regions, the returned exiles dwelt in Ezra and Nehemiah. In these regions the Jews dwelt up until the first century, when the Lord Jesus came and walked these verysame roads. �That�s what they want to give away as a part of the two-state solution,� Perkins said. �How can Israel continue to be a country, defend itself if we take the heart of thatland out and turn it into a Palestinian state? � That�s the heart of Israel.� ------------------------- The Great Gaza Deception: Hamas Is Not Only A Terrorist Group, But A Gang Of Thieves – By Hal Lindsey - For the people of Gaza, the present war is a total disaster. But for top-level leaders of Hamas, it is going extremely well. While their people suffer, the highest-rankingHamas leaders sit in luxurious accommodations, far from the violence in Gaza. Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas, has been living in Qatar since 2016. He hasn’t set foot in Gaza since 2019. Yet from Gaza, he has accumulated a net worth of $4 billion. Take a second to let that sink in. The terrorist leader of Hamas is a billionaire four times over. How did he accumulate such wealth? He leads some of the poorest people inthe world. Other nations, including the United States, see the Gazan’s great need, and they send money. Hamas leaders use that money to strengthen their military infrastructure, and to line their own pockets. Hamas is not only a terrorist organization, but a gang of thieves. They lead one of the most corrupt governments the world has ever known. Why would the people of Gaza putup with this? For the most part, they don’t know the magnitude of the help that comes to them from around the world. When Hamas doles out a little of that help, their fellow Gazans see it as generous. But the biggest reason Hamas stays in power is that thepeople of Gaza have been taught from early childhood not to blame their suffering on the Hamas leaders who are causing it. They blame it on Israel. The fascinating thing is that the facts I’ve laid out here, such as Haniyeh’s wealth, are well-known around the world. But the global media shows a bizarre reluctance to tellthe real story. They, too, blame Israel. I think it comes from humanity’s ancient prejudice against Jews. We think of Hamas as backward, yet they are winning the public opinion war in a big way. Their vicious attack on Israeli civilians resulted in massive gains. In just the lastfew days, Ireland, Spain, and Norway all recognized a Palestinian state. Their actions are largely symbolic, but it strengthens Hamas’s hand. Everyone knows it happened as a direct result of October 7th. In Gaza, Hamas soldiers have died in large numbers, but the leadership abroad remains intact. Despite their losses, Palestinians in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria see Hamas as effectiveleaders, able to turn the world against Israel. In that way, campus protestors in America, the nations of Ireland, Spain, and Norway, the United Nations, and even actions by the US government, have prolonged the war and increased Hamas power over all Palestinians. Hamas could have a ceasefire at any time, but its leaders are not suffering. Hamas leaders want high casualty counts among Palestinian civilians. They want scenes of suffering.While Israel does its best not to harm civilians, they must go into hostile territory to defeat the enemy and free the hostages. Meanwhile, the world works against them. Israel has given Hamas generous terms at the negotiating table, but Hamas leaders do not yet want peace. Published reports say that in April even the leaders of Qatar hadhad their fill. They became so angry at Hamas leader Haniyeh for his unyieldingness regarding the hostages that they kicked him out of the country. He moved to Turkey, but Qatari leaders soon relented and brought him back to Qatar. It’s interesting that Qatarbecame disgusted with the very behavior that Ireland, Spain, and Norway have decided to reward. How should Christians respond? Remember that all this was foretold by the prophets, and it leads to something wonderful — the return of Jesus. So, stay faithful. Continueto pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Draw especially close to the Lord and His Word in this hour. Spread the good news of God’s amazing salvation. The penultimate verse in the Bible contains a prayer that seems especially appropriate in times like these — “Come,Lord Jesus.” ----------------------- The Western Media Being Strangely Quiet About An Incident In Russia That Could Have Sparked A Nuclear Exchange - by Michael Snyder - One of Russia�s most important early warning radar installations that was designed to track incoming nuclear missiles was destroyed on May 23rd, but the big corporate newsoutlets in the western world are hardly saying anything about it. Without that installation, there is a giant hole in Russia�s ability to track incoming missiles from the direction of the Middle East. So this is a really big deal. During an all-out nuclearwar, early warning radar installations would be among the very first targets, and the Russians are telling us that according to their nuclear protocols the destruction of the Armavir Radar Station could have allowed them to conduct a nuclear strike in return. Thankfully,that did not happen. But this should have been front page news all over the world. It is being reported that the Armavir Radar Station in southwestern Russia was �substantially damaged� by Ukrainian drones on Thursday� Satellite imagery confirms a Russian strategic early warning radar site in the southwestern end of the country was substantially damaged in a reported Ukrainian drone attackearlier this week. This looks to be a first-of-its-kind attack on a site linked to Russia�s general strategic defense. As such, it points to a new and worrisome dimension to the conflict, especially when it comes to the potential use of nuclear weapons. A satellite image taken on May 23 that The War Zone obtained from Planet Labs of the Armavir Radar Station in Russia�s southwestern Krasnodar Krai shows significant debrisaround one of the site�s two Voronezh-DM radar buildings. These are ultra-high-frequency (UHF) over-the-horizon (OTH) radars that are part of Russia�s nuclear ballistic missile early warning system. There were two Voronezh-DM units at that particular location, and it appears that both of them are now inoperable, and it is likely to stay that way for quite some time� What can be seen in the satellite image aligns with pictures taken from ground level that emerged on social media earlier today, which show severe damage to both structureshousing the Voronezh-DMs at Armavir. There is also clear evidence of multiple hits on the radar buildings. It is worth noting that radar arrays are generally very sensitive and fragile systems, and even relatively limited damage can result in a �mission kill,� rendering them inoperable for an extended period of time. The Armavir Radar Station is highly advanced, and in 2013 Russian President Vladimir Putin bragged that it could detect �even the most inconspicuous target in fractions ofa second, detecting launches of various types of missiles, hundreds and even thousands of kilometers from our borders�. If someone hit an early warning radar installation in the U.S., all of our military officials would be really freaking out right now. But because this happened in Russia, everyone is acting as if nothing of significance just happened. Of course the truth is that the Ukrainians were very foolish to attack this facility, because we are being told that this attack was enough to �meet the conditions the Russiangovernment laid out publicly in 2020 for actions that could trigger a nuclear retaliatory strike�� The two Voronezh-DMs at the facility are a key part of Russia�s larger strategic early warning network and their loss, even temporarily, could only degrade the country�s abilityto detect incoming nuclear threats. There are also concerns about how this could impact the ability of Russia�s overall strategic warning network to evaluate potential threats and eliminate false positives due to possible loss of overlapping coverage in certainareas. Beyond that, it has been pointed out that the attack on Armavir could meet the conditions the Russian government laid out publicly in 2020 for actions that could trigger anuclear retaliatory strike. Russia�s early warning network is part of the country�s broader nuclear deterrent posture. In fact, Dmitry Rogozin is publicly acknowledging that it is quite true that the Russians could have used nuclear weapons to respond to this attack� The former head of the state company Roscosmos and now a senator of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Rogozin, reported that the Ukrainian Forces attackedan installation of the Russian Missile Attack Warning System (MSWS) in the Krasnodar Territory. This is a key element of the Battle Command System of the country�s strategic nuclear forces. The senator reports that as a result of the strike, the Kuban early warning system facility was damaged. �In effect, this means that Russia has the right to consider this attack as a global threat to its state and national security, which, according to our doctrine, allows(!)the use of nuclear weapons(!) in response . At the same time, it is not entirely clear who made this essentially irrational decision,� writes Rogozin. I wish that I could get everyone to understand how serious this is. Here in the United States, the possibility of nuclear war isn�t even an issue and to most Americans it is so unlikely that it isn�t even worth thinking about. But over in Russia, national leaders are talking about nuclear war all the time and it is a constant topic on news shows. If the Russians consider their national existence to be seriously threatened, they will use nuclear weapons. And it certainly does not help that western politicians keep talking about how they will carve up Russia after they help the Ukrainians win the war. Here is one of the latestexamples� Last week, Russian media took note of the latest provocative statements by Estonia�s Prime Minister Kaja Kallas. She has led Russia�s tiny Baltic neighbor into a firm hawkishanti-Moscow position. The country was part of the wave of eastern European nations to join NATO in the mid-2000s during the Bush era. She�s calling for the breakup of the Russian Federation. Kallas proposed during a debate in the country�s capital of Tallinn last week that Russia could become much �smaller� as a desired outcome of the Ukraine war. �Russia�s defeat is not a bad thing because then you know there could really be a change in society,� the prime minister told the 17th Lennart Meri Conference, as translatedin Russia�s RT. She said that currently the Russian Federation can actually be seen as making up �many different nations� and that they could be naturally broken into separate states. This is what the globalists intend to do, and the Russians realize this. And the Russians will do whatever it takes to prevent that from happening. Meanwhile, it appears that a major conflict between the United States and China is getting closer. According to the Daily Mail, the U.S. military is actively �preparing to go to war with China� right now� The United States military is actively preparing to go to war with China over growing fears of an invasion of Taiwan. Marines from the US and the Philippines have been carrying out ominous war games on small islands a short distance from Taiwan, reports the Wall Street Journal. The exercises include deploying teams of marines from Chinook helicopters, readying unarmed assault rifles, and scoping out terrain that would hypothetically be used if conflicterupted. Sadly, most of us in the western world have no idea what is really going on out there. Most of us are just having a good old time as our leaders drag us toward the brink of disaster. When the time finally arrives, destruction will come upon millions of people very suddenly. If we want to avoid war, the time to do so is now. Because once the missiles start flying, it will be way too late. ----------------------- If The World Was United Against Evil, This War Would�ve Ended Long Ago � By Amir Tsarfati - Shalom from Eilat in Southern Israel. I�ve said it before, and I�ll say it again � My region of the world never takes a holiday. And it hasn�t been �business as usual� inthe Middle East. Things are continuing to escalate. Egypt exchanged fire with the IDF. The IDF has made its way into the heart of Rafah in the Gaza Strip. The Hague revealed its true colors. Europe is recognizing a Palestinian state. What�s next? While I may not know what tomorrow holds, I remain certain concerning who holds tomorrow. Isaiah 40:8 KJV � �The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.� Despite the darkness of the times we�re living in, I�m encouraged to see the great number of Christians around the world who are steadfast in their support for Israel. Fromsmall groups to churches to different ministries, I�ve received countless pictures of believers standing for Israel. Why does it matter? Because it reveals to me that there is a remnant of believers in these last days holding fast to the promises of God fromages ago. Israel & Hamas As I mentioned previously, the IDF has made its way into the heart of Rafah � the last major Hamas stronghold in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. Tragically, more bodiesof Israelis who were killed on October 7 and taken to Gaza continue to be recovered in this city. Being the cowards they are, Hamas leaders are content to dwell in their tunnels presenting the fa�ade that hostages are alive in order to leverage some sort ofdeal with Israel. Of course, when their strategy fails, they blame Israel for their deaths. Like the rest of Gaza, the true city of Rafah is based in its hundreds if not thousands of terror tunnels under the city, which the IDF is progressively destroying. Of course,the military is also terminating weapon-storage facilities, rocket-production sites, and more along the way. It�s time for us to put an end to Hamas! Speaking of Rafah, are you aware that Israel accomplished the safe removal of civilians from the city in a matter of weeks when the Biden Administration said it would takemonths? While the Biden Administration is screaming, �But the civilians in Rafah�!�, we find rockets and other weapons everywhere we go. It�s safe to say that the opinion of the White House is not held in high esteem these days. As you probably know by now, the Hague condemned Israel last week for what we�re doing in Rafah. At the end of the day, this is meaningless. Israel will do what we need todo to survive and prevent future terrorist attacks. However, consider the darkness of the hour in which we live, as an international court condemns Israel for protecting its people, ultimately sympathizing with Hamas and terrorism in general! And yes, Hamaspraised the decision! Oh, and by the way, yes, Hamas is continuing to kill the people of Gaza. And in case you�re still on the fence concerning UNRWA, it was in the tunnels inside of buildings constructed by UNRWA that the mutilated body of the German-Israeliwoman, Shani Louk, was found. UNRWA is corrupt to the core! As of Wednesday, the IDF obtained full operational control of the Philadelphi Corridor near Rafah. This is extremely significant because Hamas is now completely cut off fromall sides. There is no way of escape. There are no incoming resources. As one source put it � This is the beginning of the end of Hamas. On another note, while tourism in Israel � a very large source of income � continues to be hammered by the ongoing war in the region and threats from the BDS movement, a uniquebusiness located next to the Dead Sea is in need of your support. The people at Kedma & Revival Products are friends of mine. All of our tours visit this well-known shop that is popular due to the variety of mineral-based cosmetics it offers � Minerals sourcedfrom the Dead Sea. Please consider supporting them during this difficult time. The provided link includes a special discount at checkout. Lastly, if you want to help support an IDF unit that is fighting in Gaza right now and might be called up to the northern border later, please click HERE. Egypt In the wake of the deteriorating relations between Israel and Egypt, a very unusual incident occurred between the IDF and the Egyptian army in the Rafah crossing area. Israelis conducting an investigation into the details of the incident, which may have significant political consequences. Basically, Egyptian soldiers opened fire on IDF forces. Ultimately, one Egyptian soldier was killed. I encourage you to watch my breaking newssegment regarding this incident! Lebanon, Syria, & Hezbollah Israel is continuing to conduct targeted attacks in Lebanon as Hezbollah�s presence thrives in the region. Northern Israel has experienced a host of air raid sirens due tomore barrages of rockets being fired from Lebanon over the last week. Sadly, the terrorists successfully caused some damage to homes in the Galilee region. However, it�s almost a daily occurrence that we�re killing Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon. Our targeted attacks are not isolated to Lebanon, as they�re happening throughout Syria as well. Last night, Israel carried out a dramatic and remote bombing in the Alawitecity of Banias on the Syrian coast (north of Tartus near the Russian base in Khmeimim Air Base). Hezbollah trucks were bombed and there are casualties. Make no mistake, while Gaza is the largest terror base on the face of the earth, the largest war is yetto come � and it will be with Hezbollah. Yemen & the Houthis The Houthis continue to provoke violence in the region whenever and wherever they can. In the last week, they�ve claimed attacks on ships in various bodies of water, and they�veeven shot down another Reaper Drone belonging to the US military. Russia In case you forgot, the war between Russia and Ukraine is ongoing. However, there are reports of a proposed ceasefire by Russian President Vladimir Putin pending certain conditions. Russia has allegedly offered weapons and ammunition to Sudan in exchange for a fueling station to be established in the Red Sea by the Sudanese government. This deal is expectedto be signed soon. Sound familiar? Indeed, we live in the days of Ezekiel�s prophecies. The United States The $320M dock in Gaza that American taxpayers provided � courtesy of the Biden Administration � was short lived, as it met its end yesterday. The dock began to be dismantledby the waves earlier in the week and finally deteriorated yesterday. What was a terrible idea from its conception resulted in a massive waste of resources in the end. This dock turned out to be an embarrassing metaphor for the current US foreign policy. All of that said, America should be far more concerned about what�s happening internally. If what�s coming out of DC isn�t telling you everything you need to know, the terriblefruit coming from America�s college campuses ought to do the trick. If Al-Qaeda and the supreme leader of Iran are siding with what�s taking place on your college campuses, it�s a sneak preview into the decline of your empire. The International Community Last week, I informed you that a handful of European countries were moving towards recognizing a Palestinian state. Sadly, what was moving last week is a reality this week,as just days ago, Ireland�s & Spain�s governments chose to formally recognize a Palestinian state. I expect that others will follow suit. Personally, I�m curious if they will be recognizing Narnia as well. If that�s not enough, Spanish Deputy Prime MinisterYolanda Diaz called for a genocide of Jews in Israel saying, �We cannot stop. Palestine will be free from the River to the Sea.� Apparently, the Inquisition wasn�t enough. Thankfully, there are countries like Denmark standing in opposition to this stupidity. Moreover, Greece has motioned to deport any foreign students who participated in anti-Israelprotests. October 7 was so barbaric that it either intimidated the free world into appeasement or inspired others to courage, such as Holland and Argentina. Regrettably, much of theWest and Asia simply tried to stop Israel from defending its people from the savagery of the Islamic fascists. In doing so, they revealed their own corruption. And so, the violence continues due to their cowardice. If only the world was united against evil,this war would�ve ended long ago. --------------------------- How Can the Media Narrative Be So Far from The Facts? Gaza Famine Lies � Joshua Arnold - Reports of "imminent" famine in Gaza have been greatly exaggerated. In March, a cooperative of transnational organizations directing the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification(IPC) projected "catastrophic food insecurity" conditions for 1.1 million people -- half of the Gaza Strip's population -- by May. As May's final hours dwindle, that catastrophe has yet to materialize. "The notion of a famine in Gaza, that we've seen no evidence for," is "being created ... by ... thecommercial or mainstream media, by the U.N., and by Hamas," Columbia University professor Ran Kivetz protested on "Washington Watch." To no one's surprise, the Anti-Semites of the World United have blamed Israel for creating the famine conditions they wish to exist in Gaza. "International officials continueto accuse Israel of creating famine conditions in Gaza," noted Family Research Council Action President Jody Hice, "even as research demonstrates that the root cause of suffering in Gaza is Hamas." Yet Israel is allowing humanitarian aid into Gaza faster than aid organizations can distribute it. "The amount of food that is being supplied into Gaza by Israel, by the UnitedStates, by the Egyptians, including local production ... is sufficient," Kivetz declared. According to an April analysis he co-wrote with fellow Columbia University professor Awi Federgruin, "290,000 tons of food and beverages have been delivered to Gaza sinceOctober," according to Israel's Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), enough to supply each of Gaza's two million residents with "1.82 pounds of food daily." Based on U.N. estimates, they added, aid imported through Israel is "enough to supply 50% of Gazans' daily consumption needs -- on top of the food they continue to producethemselves." Situated on the Mediterranean Sea's fertile coastal plain, the Gaza Strip was "self-sufficient in fruits and vegetables" before the war, wrote Kivetz and Federgruin, and theycited the most recent U.N. data to show that three-quarters of Gaza's greenhouse data were still available in mid-February. Furthermore, they noted, according to COGAT, Gazan bakeries "can still provide 'over two million breads, rolls, and pita breads a day.'" Israel isn't the only source of food for Gazans, but it has allowed enough food to comprise half of the population's daily consumption. In large part due to the generosity of Israel, the Gaza Strip has not reached catastrophic famine conditions. "Obviously, in a war zone, you will have disruptions of the foodsupply and so on," Kivetz granted, but "I don't think we've seen evidence of famine -- of widespread starvation, heaven forbid, or famine -- in Gaza." Yet "that's the story. That's the narrative that's being put out there," Hice noted. International media and commentators have generated rumors of a famine to blame it onIsrael, even though such a famine likely does not exist. So far are these rumors from the truth that, "if you compare the amount of food per capita (per individual) that has been supplied into Gaza, compared to the average foodconsumption in Asia and Africa ... it's even higher in Gaza," contended Kivetz. How can the prevailing narrative be so contrary to the facts? On one level, the only explanation is that Satan, who rules this world as "prince of the power of the air, thespirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience" (Ephesians 2:2), is also "a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44). On another level, there is a human agent with a vested interest in broadcasting such a false narrative. That party is the terrorist group Hamas, who started the war by murderingIsraeli civilians and has conducted the war by abusing Gazan civilians. "Part of the supply chain problem" is "the chaos in war, but part of it is Hamas," insisted Kivetz, "which has been hoarding and stealing food, which has been firing at theentry points, in fact killing some Israeli soldiers in some of the entry points where food is being provided." "A third-grade student would understand Hamas has an absolute incentive to create stories of famine and starvation and deaths," Kivetz declared. "The more civilians who diein Gaza, the better off Hamas is because they want Israel to stop. ... After conduct[ing] their terrible atrocities, they want to escape this and still remain in power." "So Hamas really is incentivized, then, to block food and aid," Hice responded, "particularly if they are able to manipulate the media and the U.N. to blame it on Israel." In fact, in "the recent decisions by the International Court of Justice [ICJ], [and] the International Criminal Court [ICC] ... Hamas is getting what it wants," specualtedKivetz. ICC prosecutors recently indicted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the preposterous charge of starving Palestinians, while the ICJ on Friday ordered Israel to "immediately halt its military offensive in Rafah" -- Hamas's last remainingstronghold in the Gaza Strip. These preposterous accusations are fulfilling their intended effect: consolidating international opinion against Israel. Josep Borrell, the European Union's high representativefor foreign affairs and security policy, recently declared, "Starvation is used as a weapon of war. Israel is provoking famine." The truth is, Hamas is trying to use starvation as a weapon of war, while Israel is effectively forestalling a famine. "To your question about who is propagating or creating this story of famine," Kivetz summarized, "obviously Hamas is interested in that. The U.N. unfortunately, is part ofthat. They use data that Hamas is providing. The data is wrong." -------------------------------

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