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Saturday, October 18, 2014

EBOLA UPDATE: 10.17.14 - The Case That EV-D68 and Ebola Were Constituted As Bio-Weapons Directed At the American People

The Case That EV-D68 and Ebola Were Constituted As Bio-Weapons Directed At the American People

by Dave Hodges | October 12, 2014 5:40 am
One of Sun Tzu's strategies for war commands Generals to place their soldiers on "Death's Ground" where they either have to successfully fight or die. The American troops fighting on Omaha Beach, on D-Day, June 6, 1944, is an example of this principle at work in history. Shortly after landing on Omaha Beach, the American casualties were so horrific and the leadership was so decimated, the American battle plan ceased to exist. The only way the American soldiers were going to get off that beach was adapt and find a way to win the battle, or they would leave the beach in a body bag. The Americans adapted, developed a new plan and fought their way inland.
[2]This principle of Sun Tzu describes how and why viruses become so dangerous, as being placed on "Death's Ground", adapting and mutating is how a virus lives to fight another day and what makes them so difficult to treat.
The American people are in the midst of being placed upon "Death's Ground" as well. Every facet of our life is under attack from the globalists. The human race's right to exist is under attack from a determined enemy who serves Satan and is committed to our collective destruction.
The intention of this article is to cast light on a present set of viral cocktails and the true reasons that they were constituted in very suspicious ways.

A Warning From a Friend

I recently detailed [3]how a recently retired FEMA friend of mine, his family and a cadre of like-minded people went into hiding in an attempt to avoid what is happening. One of the things that my friend said was that the trump card for the elite was to use a series of viruses to debilitate the population prior to the martial takeover of the country. He also stated that the ensuing vaccinations would be deadliest of all the viral cocktails coming our way.
Two years later, it would appear that my friend's words are reaching critical mass as the recent events would suggest that an attack upon the American people is already underway. In other words, we are already at war and most of us do not even  realize it.

Why Is the Government Reconstituting Deadly Viruses?

[4]The "Spanish" flu pandemic of 1918 and 1919 caused the deaths of 20-50 million people worldwide and an estimated 675,000 in the U.S. The virus had a mortality rate of approximately one percent to all who were exposed.
The 1918 flu has been described as capable of sickening and killing a person on the same day. The virus is an H1N1 Type A influenza. Symptoms of infection were similar to the regular flu, but it is actually far more severe than the typical, seasonal flu. The main dangers lie in contracting viral pneumonia leading to acute respiratory distress and subsequent death. As the reader reaches key passages below, one has to wonder if the respiratory distress from the Spanish Flu is being reconstituted in the present Enterovirus 68?
In the immediate future, our society may wish we would have followed the old axiom, "Let sleeping dogs lie", because in an act of extreme insanity, the virus has been reconstituted[5], by the Center for Disease Control researchers. The reconstituted virus was obtained from frozen tissue samples from a female who died from the virus in the 1918 outbreak.
In my unqualified personal opinion, I think this is insane. Even the New York Times[6] questions the wisdom of such an action as have many scientists[7].

What If the 1918 Flu Were to Get Released?

I am sure you are wondering the same thing that I was wondering as I was doing research for this article. Just how bad could the 1918 flu pandemic become if the reconstituted virus were to be released into the general population in 2014?
In 1918, the world's population was a mere 1.8 billion people[8]. The population of the United States was 103 million people. Today, the world's population is 7.1 billion and the population of the United States is 310 million people. If we simply did a geometric projection of the 1918 flu, assuming a current  trend, today, it would kill over two million in the United States and about 100 million worldwide. However, pandemics do not spread in a geometric progression as the transmission would be asymmetrical.
Today, the world is a far different place than it was 100 years ago. The country and the world are far more mobile. In the event of a local outbreak, it is not likely that the flu could be contained because of air travel. Even the most astute researchers would not realize what was being dealt with until after the first several deaths. Subsequently, the alarm would not be sounded for at least one to two weeks. By then, grounding air travel and limiting civilian mobility would not make any difference. That means in the present Ebola and EV-D68 crisis, it is too late to contain these viruses. They are going to run their course, mutate, and even become more deadly.
Let me remind you, the US has only 2.5 million doses of Tamiflu. The US spends an inordinate amount of money in funding the Center for Disease Control and the National Institute of Health and it looks like a big waste of resources and money. After researching this article, I have come to believe that we waste an inordinate amount of money pretending we can turn back mother nature, when in fact, we cannot. In fact, before you are done reading this article, you should have some very serious doubts as to whether humanity is under a deliberate attack from the forces of the CDC and the NIH.
Let's just consider that just for the sake of argument that if the reconstituted 1918 flu were to be released, chaos would reign supreme. Fear would be rampant. We have already reached that level with Ebola. Last Thursday, my son's PE class was playing dodge ball and the kids began to yell that the ball had Ebola and the intensity of the game in terms of being struck by the "Ebola" ball greatly increased the intensity of the game.
As I previously pointed out that in previous years and under a more virtuous government, there would be decisive action taken. Clearly, in the past, a medical emergency would be declared. Emergency rooms, hospitals and doctor's offices would quickly be overwhelmed. Air travel would be halted. The economy would be in grave danger because commerce would virtually cease due to the fact that nearly everything we buy is shipped. Home confinements would be ordered and effectively martial law would be declared. However, I am sure we do not to have worry, nobody from the Obama administration would ever find the idea of a false flag pandemic to be desirable, would they? Before you complete this article, some of you will be answering in the affirmative.
The fact is that Ebola and EV-D68 are going to take their course. There is nothing that can be done. The treason that is coming from the White House with the failure to close air travel from West Africa and to close the border, is notable and it is too late.

Just When You Don't Think It Can Get Any Worse

Under the phrase, "What the hell are we thinking", have you heard that scientists are using scrapings from the teeth of two 1500-year old corpses to re-create the bacteria that caused the Bubonic Plague and the Justinian Plague[9]? What is known is that if the plague ever becomes airborne, people could die within 24 hours. Biowarfare is a potential use for this threatening organism, as would be any false flag attack.
A release of the Bubonic Plague and the Justinian Plague would produce catastrophic results and make the reconstituted 1918 Flu appear to be a mere case of the sniffles. This video[10] paints a frightening picture. Is this what will follow the Enterovirus 68 and Ebola?

Do We Have Anything to Worry About?

Do we now know the true purpose for these coffins?
If you only believe in coincidences, then you have absolutely nothing to worry about. However, if you believe things happen for a reason, and purpose then you might want to consider what I brought out several months ago when I mentioned that FEMA, earlier in the year, were advertising for contractors who are able to supply medical biohazard disposal capabilities, along with 40 yard dumpsters, to go with 1,000 tent hospitals across the United States. The emergency roll out of these services must be able to be completed within 24-48 hours. Don't be fooled by the rapid rollout of resources. As I pointed out, before the authorities realized they had a potential pandemic on their hands, it would be too late to contain the damage.
Whatever, could be coming must be very big because FEMA[12] is also seeking to obtain 200,000 doctors' scrubs to be delivered to the 1,000 tent hospitals. That adds up to 20 extra hospitals per state. Aren't these numbers a tantamount admission that whatever is coming will quickly overwhelm the existing medical services?
FEMA was also ordering portable showers and toilets, so these facilities would appear that they will be taking on an air of permanence. Can there be any doubt that FEMA is ramping up the National Disaster Preparedness Program? The sheer numbers clearly point to the enormous size of the coming event.

The Suspicious Worldwide Emergence of Multiple Forms of the Enterovirus 68 and Ebola

Rafal Tokarz[13], Cadhla Firth[14], Shabir A. Madhi[15], Stephen R. C. Howie[16], Winfred Wu[17], Amadou Alpha Sall[18], Saddef Haq[19], Thomas Briese[20],and W. Ian Lipkin[21], have all documented the sudden appearance of Enterovirus (EV-D68) in 1962. The virus seemingly came from nowhere lending credence to the notion that the virus was artificially developed. Also, it is suspicious that the virus only manifested in 26 cases that were reported between 1970 and 2005 (Khetsuriani et al., 2006[22]). Now it is rampant!
The original clinical presentation of EV-D68 infections in the 1962-2005 outbreaks ranged from mild illness to complications requiring hospitalization and, in rare instances, death. The virus has morphed at an exceptional rate and has become very dangerous. The rate of viral adaptation is notable and does not appear to follow an expected mutation scheme. This lends rise to conspiracy theories which state that the virus was artificially developed prior to 1962 and was purposely and dramatically mutated just prior to 2005 when we began to see a dramatic rise in the number of presenting cases as well as the lethality of these cases.
The Poliovirus[23] is composed of an RNA genome and it has manifested within EV-D68. It is only one of four mutations of the EV-D68 virus. Yet, for some reason, the Poliovirus, the most deadly, is leading the way in EV-D68 infectious cases. The odds are one in four that this development is due to chance. This fact should make every researcher ask questions. The odds of natural selection do not favor EV-D68 manifesting in its present form of the Poliovirus. It looks like this virus has had help in mutating in order to make it more deadly.
Along the same lines, Ebola also follows a very suspicious path and has a questionable past. Presently, there's no treatment for Ebola. The most that can be done for a patient is what's called "supported therapy", which entails balancing fluids and electrolytes, blood pressure, oxygen, and monitoring for other infections. Like the EV-D68, the Ebola virus seemingly appeared out of nowhere in 1976, as Ebola was discovered by the Ebola River in Zaire. Just like EV-D68 there is no suitable explanation on how or why both viruses suddenly appeared and then became so dangerous.
One theory that some doctors that I have interviewed believe is probable is that many of the treatments directed towards both EV-D68 and Ebola have tried to work by blocking the RNA one-time sequencing and adaptation. These medical sources privately state that this would cause the virus to mutate in an out of control manner, because RNA only attempts to bind to a virus one time, unlike its counterpart DNA.
I have further been told by my sources that the current Ebola vaccine being developed by GSK works on this same principle. My fear is that the virus will morph from one that can infect its victims through aerosolized and close proximity airborne means within tightly contained spaces such as an airplane or a restroom, to one in which the virus can remain airborne over vast distances. If these viruses becomes airborne, in the same manner as the Flu, it will be Katie-bar-the-door as there will be nowhere that we can run and hide from these deadly effects.

The CDC Patent Is Explained

The morphing and mutation of Ebola explains why the CDC would be allowed to patent the virus. In other words, it has been artificially constituted to mutate from its original state. Therefore, the CDC was not allowed to patent something from nature, they were allowed to patent something that had been purposely mutated.

Are Vaccines Complicit in the Spread of Deadly Viruses?

In the recent briefing with my sources, I was also told that the illegal immigrant children that came into America presented with none of these RNA type of viruses IF THEY HAD NEVER BEEN VACCINATED.  Subsequently, my sources believe that previous vaccinations served as a trigger event to initiate positive replication of a virus within a host. The American public is in desperate need of qualified biologists to investigate these allegations.

Death's Ground

[24]Viruses have survived for years by being placed upon Death's Ground. However, it is now humans that have been placed on Death's Ground. We have a rare opportunity to expose the severe corruption in the history of the United States. There is what you know and what you can prove. The case implicating the CDC for treason against the American people is circumstantially strong. However, if we can piece together the origins of these pathogens and correlate them with the function of vaccines and the inaction of the CDC, the NIH and the Obama administration as a whole, we can wake up a lot of Americans.
Although I no longer believe that we can thwart the spread of the EV-D68 and Ebola viruses, we might be able to call enough public attention to the future viruses coming from the reconstituted Spanish Flu and Justinian's Plague, to force a temporary retreat by the globalists.  We do not have much time to react because recent actions of the elite would suggest that we are going to be hit with wave after wave of attacks from these viruses.

SOUTHCOM Commander: Ebola Outbreak in Central America Could Cause Mass Migration to U.S.

By: Sam LaGrone
Published: October 7, 2014 5:14 PM
Updated: October 7, 2014 10:26 PM
Marine Corps Gen. John F. Kelly, center, commander of U.S. Southern Command, speaks with Adm. Sigifrido Pared Perez, Dominican Republic minister of defense, in Barahona, Dominican Republic on June 9, 2014. SOUTHCOM Photo
Marine Corps Gen. John F. Kelly, center, commander of U.S. Southern Command, speaks with Adm. Sigifrido Pared Perez, Dominican Republic minister of defense, in Barahona, Dominican Republic on June 9, 2014. SOUTHCOM Photo
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The head of U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) warned an Ebola outbreak in Central America or the Caribbean could trigger a mass migration to the U.S. of people fleeing the disease and implied established Central American illegal trafficking networks could introduce the infected into the U.S., during remarks at a Tuesday panel on security issues in the Western Hemisphere at the National Defense University.
"If it comes to the Western Hemisphere, the countries that we're talking about have almost no ability to deal with it - particularly in Haiti and Central America," SOUTHCOM Commander, Marine Gen. John F. Kelly, said in response to a question of his near term concerns in the region.
"It will make the 68,000 unaccompanied minors look like a small problem."
An Ebola outbreak could encourage the poor and increasingly desperate populations in Central American countries - like Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador - to leave in droves.
"I think you've seen this so many times in the past, when in doubt, take off," he said.
Though an ocean away from Ebola hotspots in Africa, a growing numbers of West Africans are using the illicit trafficking routes through Central America to enter the U.S. illegally and could introduce the disease in the U.S.
Kelly stressed through out the panel session at NDU how effective the criminal transportation networks were at moving people and material into the U.S.
"We see a lot of West Africans moving in that network," he said.
Kelly passed on a story from a border checkpoint in Costa Rica - told to him by an American embassy official - in which five or six men from Liberia were waiting to cross into Nicaragua.
The group had flown into Trinidad and then traveled to Costa Rica hoping to travel up the Central American isthmus and into the U.S.
Given the length of the journey, "they could have been in New York City well within the incubation period for Ebola," Kelly said.
The realities of a potential outbreak caused Kelly to ask his staff to start thinking about the affects to the SOUTHCOM area of operations (AO) and pay attention to the response of U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM).
The U.S. has sent 4,000 troops to West Africa to assist countries in dealing with the Ebola outbreaks in the region.
"The five services of the U.S. military will get it done and be a large solution to this problem," Kelly said.
In the meantime, SOUTHCOM is regular contact with AFRICOM in the event of the worst-case outcome.
"We're watching what AFRICOM is doing and their plan will be our plan," Kelly said.
"The nightmare scenario, I think, is right around the corner."
Ebola and Isis: Black Swans of the Apocalypse? - By Shane Croucher - 

The trouble with Black Swan events is that you need hindsight to identify them, by which time it's too late.
Black Swan theory was developed by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a former Wall Street trader and risk analyst-turned academic philosopher. At the heart of the theory are so-called Black Swan events - unexpected happenings that seemingly come out of nowhere, but in retrospect, could have been predicted because there were unheeded signals.
They're the ultimate 'told-you-so' for Prophets of Doom.
Two things have apparently sprung from the darkness to grab the world's attention: the spread of Ebola and the rise of Isis (also known as the Islamic State). Are these Black Swan events with catastrophic potential?
Ebola has, at the time of publishing, claimed over 4,000 lives since Patient Zero, a Guinean 2-year-old who is thought to have contracted the virus from a fruit bat, died on 6 December, 2013. Most of the victims so far are Africans.
It is a gruesome infection, especially for those who live in African poverty. Bleeding from the eyes, families wiped out, unburied bodies of victims left to fester because nobody will go near them.
Their miserable plight was gladly compartmentalized in Western society's psyche as another uniquely African problem. Then it spread to Europe and America, where it has all of a sudden become 'our' problem too.
For years scientists have warned that we face another pandemic like the Spanish Flu of the early 20th Century, which at its peak in 1918 killed somewhere between 20 and 40-million people in a single year.
Currently, Ebola is transmitted by coming into contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person, and so with enough caution its spread can be hindered. The West's hi-tech infection control measures will also keep a lid - at least for a while - on any spread of the virus, of which there have been only two confirmed cases in the US.
But Ebola could mutate into an airborne virus, which would have nightmarish implications.
It could have been SARS, but it wasn't. It could have been Bird Flu, but it wasn't. It could have been Swine Flu, but it wasn't. Will it be Ebola?
From biological to ideological infection
From the womb of chaos in Assad's Syria and post-2003 Iraq was born Isis - also known as Islamic State, a self-appointed Caliphate headed up by the maniacal extremist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
The pace and scale of the Isis advance took most by surprise. In several months they have murderously scoured the Middle Eastern deserts, razing town by town into submission, to the point where they are now knocking at the doors of Turkey and Baghdad.
How far will they get? What happens when the West has more or less leaves Afghanistan and its security forces to fend for themselves? If Isis turns up in the Tora Bora, will Afghan forces crumble into dust like the Iraqi Army did?
It would leave Isis just a mountain range away from Pakistan, itself a petri dish for radical fundamentalist specimens and a country armed with nuclear weapons. Isis in Islamabad is an unlikely doomsday scenario, but the point of a Black Swan event is that it is unforeseen despite the signs.
And even if they don't reach Pakistan, they could destabilize other parts of the Middle East in their quest to establish a sprawling totalitarian fascistic Islamic theocracy. Will they take control of large chunks of the world's oil supply, which would wreak havoc in the markets and end Western economic recoveries?
The signs that such a group could emerge were arguably there. The concept of an Iraqi state, imposed by the imperialist map drawing of the British Empire, has always sat uncomfortably with the nature of Middle Eastern demography.
There's a multitude of tribal, religious and ethnic groups fudged together under one national umbrella, an awkward and flammable muddle. It sparked into fire under the divisive sectarian rule of former Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki, whose unashamedly pro-Shia governance from 2006 to 2014 in particular isolated and oppressed the country's Sunni Muslims - the same branch as Isis.
He was one in a line of leaders charged with unifying Iraq again after years of bloody war, which culminated in the toppling of tyrannical leader Saddam Hussein. Maliki, and the Western forces who invaded in 2003 to finish what should have been settled in the first Iraq War of 1990, failed to create an inclusive Iraqi civil society.
And the unanswered question of how to stop the Syrian civil war has also allowed Isis to thrive in places such as Raqqa, the Caliphate's de facto capital city.
The tribal nature of Middle Eastern society. The breakdown of Syria. The proliferation of Islamic extremism in recent years. The meltdown of the historic secular dictatorships under the Arab Spring leaving a power void. All of these things could have implied the rise of a group like Isis. But most of us - though not all - didn't see it coming.
Both Ebola and Isis present a number of troubling scenarios for an unprepared world struggling to keep up with their development. And that's without even taking into account any more Black Swan events lurking ahead in 2015.
If A Few Ebola Cases Can Make The Stock Market Crash This Much, What Would A Full-Blown Pandemic Mean? - By Michael Snyder - 

Is Ebola going to cause another of the massive October stock market crashes that Wall Street is famous for?  At one point on Wednesday, the Dow was down a staggering 460 points.  It ultimately closed down just 173 points, but this was the fifth day in a row that the Dow has declined.  And of course Ebola is one of the primary things that is being blamed for this stunning stock market drop.  Since September 19th, we have seen the S&P 500 fall about 7 percent and the Nasdaq fall nearly 10 percent.  The VIX (the most important measure of volatility on Wall Street) shot up an astounding 22 percent on Wednesday.  So many of the ominous signs for the markets that I wrote about on Tuesday are now even worse.  If a handful of Ebola cases in the United States can cause this much panic in the financial world, what would a full-blown pandemic look like?
Of course Ebola is not the only reason why stocks are declining.  Just look at what is happening over in Europe.  The European Stoxx 600 index is already down a whopping 11.4 percent from the high that it hit just 18 days ago.  That is officially considered to be "correction" territory.
And Greece experienced a full-blown stock market collapse on Wednesday...
As if the world didn't have enough to be worried about (ISIS, Ebola, slowing China, Ukraine, slowing Germany, Fed tightening, etc.) now look what's back: Greece. And in a big way.
The stock market is down over 9% on Wednesday, which is about as big as crashes come.
And the banks are getting absolutely smashed.
In general, markets tend to fall faster than they rise.
When there is a sudden downturn, the price action can be violent.  And just like we saw back in 2008, financial stocks are leading the way.  Just check out what happened to some of the biggest banks in America before the final bell sounded...
Volume leader Bank of America, down 5%, Citigroup, off 5.5%, and JP Morgan, down 4.6%, were particularly hard hit.
And thanks to Ebola fears, airline stocks plummeted as well...
Airline stocks were roiled by the prospects of curtailed travel due to the spreading Ebola virus. United Continental fell 4% and American Airlines was off 4.3%. Among tech stocks, Intel lost 3.3%. Apple fell 1.7% and Microsoft slipped 2.3%.
An increasing number of voices are concerned that we could be on the verge of a repeat of what happened back in 2008.
For example, Professor Steve Keen, the head of Economics, History & Politics at Kingston University in London, wrote the following in a piece for CNN entitled "Brace yourself for another financial crash"...
My acceleration indicator has been flagging that the stock market was due for a fall since mid-2013.
It's a tribute to the power of the Fed's Quantitative Easing that the market continued to defy the gravity of decelerating debt for so long. QE was really a program to inflate asset prices since, as my colleague Michael Hudson puts it, "the Fed's helicopter money fell on Wall Street, not Main Street".
But with QE being unwound, the stock market is now back under the control of the not so tender mercies of excessive private debt.
So welcome to the New Crisis -- same as the Old Crisis. The roller coaster ride is likely to continue.
Others are even more pessimistic.  For example, just check out what Daniel Ameduri of Future Money Trends recently told his readers...
"If it drops below 15,000 points I would suggest people start buying food and ammo, because this depression is about to turn nasty."
However, keep in mind that not that much has really changed from a month or two ago.
Yes, we now have had three confirmed cases of Ebola in the United States, but this could be just the beginning.
At first, the fear of Ebola will be worse than the disease.
But if a worst-case scenario does develop in the United States where hundreds of thousands of people are getting the virus, the fear such a pandemic will create will be off the charts.
In the midst of a full-blown Ebola pandemic, we wouldn't just be talking about a 10 percent, 20 percent or 30 percent stock market decline.
Rather, we would be talking about the greatest stock market collapse in the history of stock market collapses.  In essence, there would not be much of a market at all at that point.
And if Ebola does start spreading wildly in this country, we would have a credit crunch that would make 2008 look like a Sunday picnic.
During times of extraordinary fear, financial institutions do not want to lend money to each other or to consumers.  But our economy is entirely based on debt.  If credit were to stop flowing, we would essentially not have an economy.
That is why we need to pray that this Ebola crisis stops here.  But thanks to the incompetence of Barack Obama and the CDC, there has been a series of very grave errors in trying to contain this disease.  This display of incompetence would be absolutely hilarious if we weren't talking about a disease that could potentially kill millions of us.
Let us hope for the best, but let us also prepare for the worst.  That means stocking up on the food and supplies that you will need to stay isolated for an extended period of time.  As we have seen so many times in the past, basic essentials fly off of store shelves during any type of an emergency.  During an extended Ebola pandemic, those essentials would be in very short supply and prices on the basics would absolutely skyrocket.  Those that have taken the time to get prepared now will be way ahead of the game.
And if there were dozens or hundreds of people in your community that were contagious, you would definitely not want to go to a grocery store or anywhere else where large numbers of people circulate.
The key during any major pandemic is to keep yourself and your family isolated from the virus.  This is basic common sense, but it is something that Barack Obama does not seem to understand.  As I write this, he still has not done anything to restrict air travel between the United States and West Africa.  Hopefully this very foolish decision will not result in scores of dead Americans.
The New Chimera: Ebola & Genetically Engineered Vaccines - Belle Ringer - 

As I sat yesterday afternoon, watching Congress's House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations grill the top federal health professionals on our Ebola crisis, my Biblical worldview helped me to quickly see through the subterfuge.  Doctors and officials from the foremost government agencies all appeared -- the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS); Homeland Security; Texas Health Resources; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); and the National Institute of Health (NIH) -- supposedly to answer the cares and concerns of our elected representatives.  Naturally, we would hope that these politicians truly represented the interests of the American people.
     If you just listened to the hearing through the lens of "how to better protect Americans", you might think that these bureaucratic organizations are centered on limiting the spread of Ebola.  You would have heard lots of talk about travel restrictions, travel bans, and quarantines.  But if you listened closer, as one who "has ears to hear", you would have picked up on the testimony of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is the head of the National Institute of Health.
     He referred to the NIH's Phase I early-stage human clinical trials of an Ebola vaccine on healthy volunteers at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.  (Does it bother you that the military is always the guinea pig?  But, I digress).  The NIHs own press release revealed that "the investigational vaccine is based on a recombinant type of chimpanzee "cold" virus, called chimp adenovirus type 3 (ChAd3)."  Exactly what does this mean, and how does it relate to "The Days of Noah"?
      First of all, if you have been a reader of my blog, then you know that I have a different slant on Chapter 6, verse 4, of Genesis.  For your enlightenment, here is a quick synopsis: I believe this controversial passage of Scripture happened just as the Bible records, and tells us of Satan's attempt to pollute the human genome into something that no longer resembled "the image of God".  The Scripture reads, "In those days, giants lived on the earth and also afterward, when divine beings and human daughters had sexual relations and gave birth to children (the Nephilim). These were the ancient heroes, famous men."  From this verse, it is my discernment that the ancient heroes were what we consider the mythological demigods, such as the Titans and the Olympians; and included such superstars as Zeus, Apollo, Cronus, Atlas and Prometheus.  They were genetically part Fallen Angel, and part human.
At the same time, all the mythological creatures that we think of as folk tales or legend -- hybrid creatures, known as Chimeras, appeared as minotaurs, satyrs or centaurs, among others -- and are the result of the same kind of genetic manipulation.  We think of them as myths, but every culture contains ancient stories of them, and their images have been seen on countless archeological findings.  This kind of Fallen Angel-technology has been known since the "days of Noah", and the knowledge is once again  being revived.
     So, how am I making the connection between a disputed Bible verse and today's crisis with Ebola? To see the relationship, one must consider Jesus's warning to us before His death and resurrection.  When asked by His disciples when He would return, He answered, "For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah...".  In the days of Noah, God saw how wicked man had become and how the inclination of the thoughts of the human heart had become evil. Obviously, Jesus knew this kind of evil behavior would occur again.
      I contend that this Ebola event, just as "in the days of Noah", could be an example for such wickedness.  Consider this: As stated, the NIH's investigational vaccine is based on a recombinant chimpanzee virus.  It is my understanding that recombinant DNA is "DNA molecules that are extracted from different sources and chemically joined together; for example DNA comprising an animal gene may be recombined with DNA from a bacterium", producing a new genetic combination -- in this case, Ebola.
     Could Satan, through the auspices of modern medicine and a world health crisis, once again be attempting to manipulate our gene pool; to change the genetic material of the world's population so that we no longer resemble the human beings that God made?
During the Congressional hearings, it was hard not to perceive the excitement with which Dr. Fauci of the NIH talked about the Phase I experiment.  "If we don't contain [Ebola}, we may well need a vaccine."  And when you listened to the fumbling answers from Dr. Thomas Frieden, of the CDC, one has to wonder if they really want to contain Ebola.  He couldn't explain how the CDC could advise Nurse Amber Vinson that it was safe to travel by air, when they knew she had been in direct contact with Thomas Duncan.  And do his previous days' comments about "protecting fledgling democracies" belie the real purpose behind our health professionals' treatment of Ebola in this country?  Doesn't make sense, does it? Unless.....
     Unless you listened to the later testimony by Dr. Fauci, who made reference to Canada's NewLink Genetics Corporation, which is working on the vaccine that both the World Health Organization and the Department of Defense applaud as "one of the most advanced in the world."  NewLink describes the vaccine as containing "a combination of a gene from the Ebola virus and other materials, including the Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), which is a non-human pathogen, but does not contain the actual Ebola virus."  Furthermore, officials claim that "there is no reason to quarantine any of the test subjects during the trial."
     So let me ask you this:  health officials have expressed their uncertainty about how this deadly virus is spreading, right?  What could be the possible motive for not quarantining subjects during a trial of this vaccine? Could it be that they are anticipating a pandemic?  And wouldn't that necessitate a mandate that everyone must take the vaccine?  How convenient for moving Satan's plan forward!
      Perhaps a partial answer can be found in Dr. Fauci's subsequent testimony.  He was quick to sing the praises of the possible vaccine.  "Contracts need to move forward as quickly as possible... We need to expand production and get rapid approval from the FDA ... The ultimate goal is to expand into Africa; if successful after Phase I, we will expand into larger trials in West Africa."
      Of course, that all sounds like good humanitarian policy, until you consider that there are other Biblical prophecies that come into play ... the death of 1/4 of the world's population ... pestilence and plague ... and who is to say that Satan can't work on multiple levels?  And one cannot ignore the Apostle Paul's warning against the evil deeds of men and their use of "sorcery".  It is important to understand that, in the Greek, this word is rendered pharmakeia, (where our word, pharmaceuticals comes from) and Strong's Concordance has established that it means, "the use of drugs, whether simple or potent, generally accompanied by incantations and appeals to occult powers."  The word's primary reference was to drugs, and to those who employed them for whatever reason (in this case: for godless purposes).
     I guess I just can't reconcile the contradictory statements by these influential health officials.  On one hand, Dr. Frieden, of the CDC, proclaimed that there is no need to worry; that Ebola has very little likelihood of spreading to the general population; and that they are quite capable of controlling it.  On the other hand, Dr. Fauci, of the NIH, called for government funding to rapidly advance the production of a vaccine, in preparation for the possibility of "a raging epidemic."  Keep us docile and discourage vigilance ... while planning for mass vaccinations ... and with a drug that introduces non-human genes into our bodies.  As a Christian, that just doesn't work for me.
So, in summarizing, I know that there will be those who do not see this situation as I do.  I respect our differences of opinion, but I would hope that you would pray and ask for guidance when it comes time to make a decision about taking an Ebola vaccine.  You don't have to be a Believer to see that things are just not adding up.
      But I have to ask, Is there a possibility that we actually possess a "God gene", as molecular geneticist Dean Hamer claims?  Indeed, Paul tells the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 15:39) that "Not all flesh is the same: People have one kind of flesh, animals have another...".  So when he says just a few verses later, "flesh and blood cannot [become partakers of eternal salvation and] inherit or share in the kingdom of God;", he is telling us that at some point, if we combine our DNA with a different kind of flesh, God will no longer recognize us as worthy of salvation.  And didn't Satan show us "in the days of Noah", that it is his game plan to pollute or corrupt that perfect DNA to claim us as his own?
      Which brings me to my final thought of the day ... and you better put your tin foil hat on for this one!  Why was it determined that Nurse #1 (Nina Pham), who had received plasma from Christian doctor Kent Brantley and was in "good and stable" condition, should be transferred to an isolation chamber at Dr. Fauci's NHI facility?  At the Congressional hearing, Dr. Fauci said that he would personally monitor Ms. Pham, and that she would receive "state of the art" care.  My question is this: She seems to be recovering from Ebola on her own (with the help of Dr. Brantley's plasma); will she now be subjected to the genetically engineered vaccine?  And will her body become the battle ground between God and Satan's DNA?  Sounds crazy, right?  But if Genesis 6:4 can happen, who's to say .....?
Malachi 3:5   "Then I will draw near to you for judgment; I will be swift to bear witness against the sorcerers..."
BE SURE TO CHECK OUT MY PROPHECY WEBSITES...............................

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