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Saturday, October 18, 2014

Prophecy News Headlines : 10.17.14

Prophecy News Headlines
Where Is The US In Bible Prophecy?
Obama's Cybersecurity Adviser: Biometrics Will Replace Passwords For Safety's Sake
The days of using a password to access a bank account or cellphone will soon be a thing of the past, President Obama's top cybersecurity adviser said Thursday. The risk of getting hacked by criminals has grown so widespread that far more sophisticated identification technology - including biometric scanning devices - will become the norm.............  Click here for full story
Israel: God's Timepiece
'EU Prepares To Impose Crushing Sanctions On Israel
Even as details of the latest ISIS plot to behead innocents on the streets of London emerges, the machinery of the European Union's massive bureaucracy is well along its plan to impose crippling economic and cultural sanctions on Israel if the Jewish state does not agree to unilaterally withdraw behind the 1949 Armistice lines  .........  Click here for full story
Israel: God's Timepiece 
Is Abbas One Vote From Security Council Majority?
Faced with a diplomatic stalemate unprecedented since the Oslo Accord, the Palestinians have given up on negotiating with Israel, opting instead to go to the UN Security Council, where they appear on the verge of securing a majority..........  Click here for full story
Christian Worldview/Issues
UK Street Preacher Charged With 'Causing Offense' For Preaching Gospel/Comparing Islam With Christianity
Mike Overd, a street preacher in the United Kingdom, is facing three charges of "causing offense," a violation of Section 5 of the Public Order Act for public remarks comparing Jesus Christ and the Muslim prophet Muhammad, whom he said had married a 9-year-old girl..........  Click here for full story
Christian Worldview/Issues
Canadian Graduate Gets Obscene Job Rejection Letter Due To Her Faith And Affiliation With Christian University
A recent graduate from a Canadian Christian University who applied for a job with a Norwegian wilderness tourism company got the shock of her life when she was "attacked" for her religion in a series of emails in which Mary, the mother of Jesus, is called a "whore" and Jesus is threatened with sodomy..........  Click here for full stor
Christian Worldview and Issues
City of Houston Demands Pastors Turn Over Sermons
The city of Houston has issued subpoenas demanding a group of pastors turn over any sermons dealing with homosexuality, gender identity or Annise Parker, the city's first openly lesbian mayor. And those ministers who fail to comply could be held in contempt of court.............  Click here for full story
Christian Worldview and Issues
Gordon College, Don't Sell Your Soul For Secular Accreditation
For years now, educators have known that a confrontation was looming between secular accreditation agencies and Christian schools over the issue of homosexuality. What would these colleges, universities and seminaries do when they were told they had to revise their policies on homosexual practice? We no longer need to speculate, as this hypothetical scenario has become reality  .........  Click here for full story
Rise Of Islam 
The Antichrist And The Muslim Mahdi - Are They One And The Same?
Many people-religious and non-religious-are asking questions about a word they hear the media use when referring to ISIS and other Islamist jihadists. That word is apocalyptic, which is used when specifically referring to the fatalism of Islamists. People wonder, why do so many Muslims (both Sunni and Shi'ite) operate with such an "apocalyptic," end-of-world mindset?..........  Click here for full story
Christian Worldview and Issues
A Wake-Up Call For Abortion Supporters
Lately, advocates of legal abortion have attempted to give their ailing cause a shot in the arm. As John Stonestreet pointed out on BreakPoint recently, the tried and true "pro-choice" moniker is falling out of favor. And the accompanying crocodile tears over "the difficult choice of abortion" that were once necessary for public credibility seem to have dried up. The "safe, legal and rare" days are gone, replaced with cavalier celebrations of abortion as a positive good in art, film and now spoken word poetry..........  Click here for full story
Rise Of Islam
Islamist Threats Have Soldiers At Home In Hiding
Earlier this week, Timon Dias wrote on these pages that the Dutch authorities have ordered Dutch soldiers not to wear their uniforms when they are using public transport on their way to the barracks. But the Dutch are not the only cowards in the West. Unfortunately, the Netherlands is not the only country that, for fear of attacks by Muslim extremists, has advised its military to no longer wear their uniforms in public. Apparently, Australia, Belgium, Britain and France have done the same..........  Click here for full story
Israel: God's Timepiece
Arab Idol Contest Outcry After Israel Shows Up On Map
The Saudi MBC TV network was recently forced to apologize to its hundreds of millions of viewers for using the name Israel instead of Palestine. The apology came after viewers strongly condemned the network and threatened to boycott its programs over the use of a map with Israel's name on it ........  Click here for full story
Where Is The US In Bible Prophecy?
Shemitah's First 2 Weeks Bring Ominous Signs
Blood moons, plummeting stock markets and a growing Ebola pandemic dominated the headlines this past week. If that's not enough cause for concern, there's an army of Islamic terrorists bearing down on the Iraqi capital of Baghdad. None of this should come as a surprise to those who have read "The Mystery of the Shemitah" by Jonathan Cahn.............  Click here for full story
Where Is The US In Bible Prophecy?
'Oil Price War Throws the Fed Into Crisis Mode
It was only a matter of time until the evidence became irrefutable that the only way out of a global deflation on the order of the Great Depression was to address the fact that 571 U.S. billionaires simply don't have enough hours in the day to spend adequate money to buy enough goods that would require the restocking of shelves, create new factory orders and thereby ramp up job hiring to keep a nation of 317 million people afloat  .........  Click here for full story
Increase In Knowledge and Technologies 
Sweden Close To Being Cashless Society
Four out of five purchases in Sweden are paid electronically or by debit card and with the development of cheaper technology the trend is moving towards a fully cash free society, according to a new report..........  Click here for full story
Increase In Knowledge and Technologies
Will The Internet Of Things Be Another Surveillance Nightmare?
The Internet of Things-the coming revolution in household appliance integration with the Internet-could well be a nightmare of privacy violation and data harvesting..........  Click here for full story
Israel: God's Timepiece
The Coming UN Conflict Over Forcing Palestinian State Upon Israel
A senior Palestinian official said Monday that the Palestinian Authority has mustered the support of seven of nine UN Security Council members needed to bring to a vote its resolution that would force an Israeli withdrawal to the pre-1967 lines by November 2016..........  Click here for full story
Increase In Knowledge and Technologies
Has Terrorism Turned Liberal Australia Into A Police State?
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott had some "regrettable" news. It was late September, Australia had just thwarted an Islamic State plot to behead random Australians, and the prime minister's tone was somber ........  Click here for full story
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