'The Hal Lindsey Report' It's not often that I agree with liberal comedian and TV host Bill Maher. But I agree with him this time.
Make a note of that, because it may never happen again!
In a recent interview with Charlie Rose, Maher incurred the wrath of American liberals when he broke rank and criticized Islam. He even put Charlie Rose in his place.
Maher noted that vast numbers of Muslims hold beliefs that are anti-liberal, or, as he called it, "illiberal." Rose interjected that there were a vast number of Christians that hold those beliefs, too.
That's when Maher set Rose straight. He said, "No, that's not true. Not true. Vast numbers of Christians do not believe that if you leave the Christian religion, you should be killed for it. Vast numbers of Christians do not treat women as second-class citizens. Vast numbers of Christians... do not believe that if you draw a picture of Jesus Christ you should get killed for it."
Now, Bill Maher is not only the host of HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher," he's an atheist, too. In 2008, he made a movie called, "Religulous," that was a shallow, mean-spirited, hit-piece on Christianity.
But even atheist, irreverent critic Bill Maher recognizes that Christianity and Islam are NOT the same. Even he realizes what our President and his followers refuse to acknowledge, that Islam is NOT a religion of peace -- a notion first advanced, unfortunately, by former President George W. Bush.
Recently, Maher hosted Sam Harris, a fellow atheist, on his HBO program, along with actor Ben Affleck and others. In a discussion of Islam, Sam Harris noted that Islam is "the mother-lode of bad ideas." It sounds like Harris has been watching The Hal Lindsey Report!
At that suggestion, Ben Affleck exploded and accused Harris of "painting the whole religion with that broad brush."
Maher asked, "Why can't we talk about this?" To which Affleck responded, "because it's gross. It's racist."
Well, first, that sounds like the response of a teenager, not an articulate Oscar winner. Roadkill is "gross," discussing a system of philosophies and ideas is not.
Then, Affleck showed his lack of intellectual depth by describing the discussion of Islam's ideology as "racist."
Mr. Affleck, Islam is not a race. It's a system of religious, moral, social, and political ideas. No one chooses his race. No one converts from one race to another. But people DO convert to the religion of Islam. In reality, one chooses to be a Muslim, or at least remain a Muslim if born and raised as a Muslim.
It stuns me how many otherwise-smart people believe any criticism of Islam is "racist." Prominent members of government, business, education, and entertainment (actually, that one's not much of a surprise) don't seem to realize that Muslims come in all colors.
Of course, this misconception is rooted in the divisive propaganda of the propagators of "political correctness." The PC crowd exhibits a love for Islam that goes far beyond anything that might be considered intelligent or reasonable. Hallmark characteristics of the liberal philosophy, such as homosexuality, feminism, sexual promiscuity, and religious "diversity," stand in utter contrast to a religion that executes homosexuals, subjugates women, stones victims of rape as adulterers, sanctions the murder of family members that "dishonor" the family, and puts to death those who decide to abandon the faith.
Here's what's hard for me to understand: Islam is liberalism completely reversed, yet liberals defend it with all their vigor. On the other hand, they do their best to discredit and destroy Judeo-Christian societies that have protected them and made it possible for them to flourish.
This, more than anything else, reveals that they share something on a demonic level. They share the same darkness. Just as the ancient Bible prophets predicted for these days.
I've been talking a lot lately about ISIS and the crisis unfolding in Iraq and Syria. I want to continue that discussion this week from a slightly different angle. I'll discuss the nation of Turkey and its involvement or non-involvement (depending on your perspective) in the war with ISIS. I'll also examine the obsession the Obama Administration seems to have with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and how it may be affecting our decisions in this conflict.
I'll also give you some background on the Kurds. Why are the Kurds important to the United States? Because we cannot defeat ISIS without the use of ground forces in Syria and Iraq. And the Kurds are willing to be our "boots on the ground" in this fight. Yet President Obama holds them at arm's distance and refuses to give them the tools they need to do the job.
To win, we must start attacking like we mean it and we have to start treating our friends, like the Kurds and the Israelis, better than our enemies.
Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, The Word Network, various local stations, www.hallindsey.com or www.hischannel.com. Check your local listings.
God Bless,
Hal Lindsey
Make a note of that, because it may never happen again!
In a recent interview with Charlie Rose, Maher incurred the wrath of American liberals when he broke rank and criticized Islam. He even put Charlie Rose in his place.
Maher noted that vast numbers of Muslims hold beliefs that are anti-liberal, or, as he called it, "illiberal." Rose interjected that there were a vast number of Christians that hold those beliefs, too.
That's when Maher set Rose straight. He said, "No, that's not true. Not true. Vast numbers of Christians do not believe that if you leave the Christian religion, you should be killed for it. Vast numbers of Christians do not treat women as second-class citizens. Vast numbers of Christians... do not believe that if you draw a picture of Jesus Christ you should get killed for it."
Now, Bill Maher is not only the host of HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher," he's an atheist, too. In 2008, he made a movie called, "Religulous," that was a shallow, mean-spirited, hit-piece on Christianity.
But even atheist, irreverent critic Bill Maher recognizes that Christianity and Islam are NOT the same. Even he realizes what our President and his followers refuse to acknowledge, that Islam is NOT a religion of peace -- a notion first advanced, unfortunately, by former President George W. Bush.
Recently, Maher hosted Sam Harris, a fellow atheist, on his HBO program, along with actor Ben Affleck and others. In a discussion of Islam, Sam Harris noted that Islam is "the mother-lode of bad ideas." It sounds like Harris has been watching The Hal Lindsey Report!
At that suggestion, Ben Affleck exploded and accused Harris of "painting the whole religion with that broad brush."
Maher asked, "Why can't we talk about this?" To which Affleck responded, "because it's gross. It's racist."
Well, first, that sounds like the response of a teenager, not an articulate Oscar winner. Roadkill is "gross," discussing a system of philosophies and ideas is not.
Then, Affleck showed his lack of intellectual depth by describing the discussion of Islam's ideology as "racist."
Mr. Affleck, Islam is not a race. It's a system of religious, moral, social, and political ideas. No one chooses his race. No one converts from one race to another. But people DO convert to the religion of Islam. In reality, one chooses to be a Muslim, or at least remain a Muslim if born and raised as a Muslim.
It stuns me how many otherwise-smart people believe any criticism of Islam is "racist." Prominent members of government, business, education, and entertainment (actually, that one's not much of a surprise) don't seem to realize that Muslims come in all colors.
Of course, this misconception is rooted in the divisive propaganda of the propagators of "political correctness." The PC crowd exhibits a love for Islam that goes far beyond anything that might be considered intelligent or reasonable. Hallmark characteristics of the liberal philosophy, such as homosexuality, feminism, sexual promiscuity, and religious "diversity," stand in utter contrast to a religion that executes homosexuals, subjugates women, stones victims of rape as adulterers, sanctions the murder of family members that "dishonor" the family, and puts to death those who decide to abandon the faith.
Here's what's hard for me to understand: Islam is liberalism completely reversed, yet liberals defend it with all their vigor. On the other hand, they do their best to discredit and destroy Judeo-Christian societies that have protected them and made it possible for them to flourish.
This, more than anything else, reveals that they share something on a demonic level. They share the same darkness. Just as the ancient Bible prophets predicted for these days.
I've been talking a lot lately about ISIS and the crisis unfolding in Iraq and Syria. I want to continue that discussion this week from a slightly different angle. I'll discuss the nation of Turkey and its involvement or non-involvement (depending on your perspective) in the war with ISIS. I'll also examine the obsession the Obama Administration seems to have with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and how it may be affecting our decisions in this conflict.
I'll also give you some background on the Kurds. Why are the Kurds important to the United States? Because we cannot defeat ISIS without the use of ground forces in Syria and Iraq. And the Kurds are willing to be our "boots on the ground" in this fight. Yet President Obama holds them at arm's distance and refuses to give them the tools they need to do the job.
To win, we must start attacking like we mean it and we have to start treating our friends, like the Kurds and the Israelis, better than our enemies.
Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, The Word Network, various local stations, www.hallindsey.com or www.hischannel.com. Check your local listings.
God Bless,
Hal Lindsey
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