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Friday, January 23, 2015

Barack Hussein Obama and God's Judgment Upon America

Barack Hussein Obama and God's Judgment Upon America - By Geri Ungurean - 

"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."
Back in early 2008, I got busy - determined to find out everything I could about Obama.  I read things that alarmed me.  The more I read, the more questions I had, and the more alarmed I became.
I first saw this man when he was the keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention in 2004.  I had never before heard my sons talk about politics until that night. It was like a spell was cast over them. They talked about the articulate and "mind blowing" guy they heard speak at the DNC.  My stomach turned and my heart sunk to think that my boys were being sucked into liberalism.  Why did that happen? It happened because BHO had been groomed and primed for that night; his coming out of sorts, who was to become the darling of the youth.
BHO and friends
I immediately found that he was a Soros puppet. No real news there.  I began to read about his friends.  Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich: Sentenced to 14 years in prison for political corruption was one of his Chicago buds.
 Tony Rezko was another BHO bud. He was sentenced to 10 and a half years for corruption and kickbacks. Oh, and there was the unrepentant home grown terrorist, Bill Ayers. BHO denied any meaningful association or friendship with Ayers.
John Adams once said:
"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."
Breitbart News reported:
"As a presidential candidate in 2008, Barack Obama disavowed any connection with former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, the Weather Underground radical who was one of Obama's early backers and his colleague on the board of the Woods Fund in Chicago. We now have proof that Obama's association with Ayers continued even after Obama had been elected to represent Illinois in the U.S. Senate-in the form of a now-scrubbed blog post placing Obama at the home of Ayers and his wife, fellow radical Bernardine Dohrn, on July 4, 2005."
Church Life
And then there was Reverend Wright - the gift that just kept on giving to our conservative side.
With his fiery Black Liberation theology sermons, deeply rooted in Marxism, and his "America's chickens are comin' home to roost" taunts at our nation, it looked like there might be trouble in River City for a while. But like everything else in BO's life, it just seemed to go away.
Planned Parenthood
Then there was his passionate association with Planned Parenthood.  I remember watching videos of him addressing this godless organization, and he was laughing and joking around about keeping abortion (the murder of babies) available on demand.  He said "I know you guys out there like that, huh?"  Then a big round of applause.  I felt sick watching that. It was like I was watching the devil himself.
No friend to Israel
I found out through many reliable sources, that BHO was no friend to Israel. I seriously do not know what is wrong with my own people, but they vote for Democrats - no matter what. Before the election in 2008, I emailed compelling evidence that this man would not support Israel if he became our president, to many Rabbis across the nation. The responses I received were unreal. Most of them said that I didn't know what I was talking about, and that Obama loved Israel. And most of the Jewish people STILL voted for him in 2012!
Socialist or not?
I was curious to know about his life in Chicago as a State Senator. I happened upon a website for the Chicago Democratic Socialist Party of America. As I dug into that site, I saw that they had propped BHO up during his run for Senator. I saw that he was honored at dinners there.  It made me physically sick.
My husband and I belonged to a predominantly black church in our area. The head pastor was black and a little over half of the congregation was as well. The preaching was wonderful and the worship was amazing. We went to prayer meetings there on Wednesday evenings. I was naive enough to think that these black Christians surely saw through BHO. But I was wrong. The head pastor was a big Obama fan, and so were the rest of the black members.
I called the pastor after I found an interview that he had done online, talking about how great it would be to finally have a black man as president. I confronted him about this, and asked him if he knew Obama's track record on voting regarding abortion, and his association with Planned Parenthood. The pastor accused me of "Being one of those white people who think that Obama is the Antichrist."  We left and never looked back.
I remember the night of the 2008 election. I remember sitting in a chair, almost frozen. It was a combination of grief and disbelief and anger and profound sadness.  It was that night that I realized that Obama was God's judgment against America. I wept and I prayed.
Apologizing to the World
Then came the apology tour to Muslim nations.  He was going around the world as if his mission was to destroy the image America had held in the world for such a long time. We're not perfect, but there is no better country in which to live.
We don't know much about this man who lives in the People's House. We do know that he was raised in Muslim schools. We've seen pictures of him bowing to a Saudi Prince. He said in his book Audacity of Hope:
 "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." The quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition of "The Audacity of Hope."
Hatred of Netanyahu
BHO's treatment of Bibi Netanyahu has been hard to watch. After instructing Bibi to go back to pre 1967 borders which would endanger the lives of Israelis, Bibi schooled BHO on why this would NOT be good for his people.  The disdain for Netanyahu was so thick, that one night BHO just left him in a room in the White House, while he went and had dinner. I was so embarrassed that night. I could feel the hatred that BHO had for Israel and her leader.
Netanyahu warned both our Congress and the U.N. that Iran was close to having nuclear capabilities.  BHO has done everything in his power to allow Iran to continue in their quest to become a nuclear power. 
Muslim Brotherhood Buddies
Obama placed members of the Muslim Brotherhood in sensitive and key positions in his administration. He placed Mohamed Elibiary in a high position in our Homeland Security Department in 2011.  He was removed from that position in 2014. There is not much known why this man was fired.  Now, Elibiary is supposedly working in Texas to secure our border. REALLY? A Muslim Brotherhood member taking care of our border. Talk about the fox guarding the henhouse!!
Obama does NOT like calling terrorist attacks "Terrorist Attacks" instead of violence or workplace violence, even though the perpetrators yell out "Allah Akbar."  When speaking of ISIS, Obama invariably calls them ISIL. This is because the "L" at the end of ISIL stands for the Levant - an area of Arabic nations, but the Levant includes Israel too - as in "Wiping Israel off the map." He instructs his staff to say ISIL as well. 
Everything BHO does is calculated. I hear people say that he has no experience for this job as President. What they don't understand is that he DOES have experience for what his mission is about. Trust me; it's NOT about leading our nation. It is about fundamentally transforming America into a Socialist nation and dramatically weakening us on the world stage. We are no longer the America we once knew and cherished. It is truly a tragedy.
He stood in front of the very wicked U.N. and said this:
"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." Does this not speak volumes? There is no doubt in my mind that this man is a Muslim.
Class warfare and Racism
These past years have seemed at times like a nightmare. BHO has stirred up class warfare. He has made racism worse than it has been in decades. His friends are communists, gay rights advocates or members of the Muslim Brotherhood. He is not respectful of our military, and has fired untold numbers of Generals. I read that his litmus test for Generals is whether they would shoot on the American people if so ordered. I hope that is not true, but at this point, I believe it.
God's Judgment
We should have seen the judgment coming. We tossed God out of our schools. We allowed the slaughter of millions of innocent babies. Marriage, which is defined in the Bible as between one woman and one man, was deemed too old fashioned, and gay marriage is allowed in many of our States. Truth is now relative. No absolute truth anymore. HOW could God NOT bring his righteous Judgment against us?
I wish I could say that I'm optimistic about America's future. I am not.  I listened to Jan Markell (Olive Tree Ministries) speak about which Presidents cursed Israel and which blessed her.  I listened as she reminded us about what blessing Israel brings, and what cursing her brings. As I listened to Jan, I was astounded at certain Presidents and their anti-Semitism, but also delighted to know that a few of our leaders did love Israel. A DVD of her presentation is available from Olive Tree website.
The one thing that keeps me sane is this: GOD is in control. NOTHING surprises Him. He places kings on their thrones and He dethrones them as well. It is ALL in His hand.  All of his Prophetic Word will be fulfilled. We Christians look forward to His glorious appearing, when He comes to catch us up to Himself in the clouds, and we will be forever with Him.  How wonderful is that?
So, Barack Hussein Obama was part of God's plan to accomplish His Prophetic Word. It has not been pleasant, but trusting in our Glorious Lord - that He knows what He is doing is how the Christian should look back on this dark time in our country.
I hope and pray that our Father tells His Son Jesus that it's time to get us very soon. Don't you?
(1 Thessalonians 4:16-18)
 "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words."
Shalom b'Yeshua

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