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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Everything Drama -

Everything Drama - Pete Garcia - 
Now, I'm not speaking to individuals as individuals.  Individually, we all have ups and downs.  Some people have seemingly good years, some bad years.  But ask yourself this question; were you better off this year, or the last?  How was 2013 versus 2012?  2011?  2010?  2000?  1992?  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that the further we move down the timeline, the worse things appear to be getting on the global stage.
So, 2015 started out with a bang...literally.  France hadn't had this loud of a wakeup call since the 'Battle of Tours' in the eighth century.  Here in the further-west, people (politicians and academic types) are hemming and hawing about the prudence of cartooning Mohommad.  According to them, free speech is only free until someone either mentions Jesus, or slanders Islam.  There were also the: axe attack and shootings on the NYPD in New York City, the ISIS beheadings in the Middle East of westerners, the Oklahoma beheading, Boston Marathon bombings, and the Ft. Hood shootings work-place violence.  That doesn't even cover the numerous 'honor killings' in Islamic families.  The enslavement of African school girls and massacres in Nigeria.  The summary torture and executions of Pakistani school children.  The Mumbai and Nairobi hotel/mall shootings...and the list goes on.
The fact that there is still debate about the violent underpinnings of Islam itself as a belief system, speaks to the level of ridiculousness our 'best and brightest' have achieved these days.  That level of denial, unbelievably, has become rampant in the world of academia, media, and entertainment in America today.  But hey, if you pray at a football game, or even think about mentioning the name of Jesus Christ in public, then the atheist-mafia will attack you so fast, it will make your head spin.  Seems like they don't share that same enthusiasm about going after Muslims as they do for Christians, even if they shut down whole city blocks so they can pray on the ground facing Mecca.  Until people are willing to call Islam for what it is, the west and other non-Muslim nations will continue to suffer under Mohammad's cruel boot of intolerance.
 "Black Lives Matter" and "I can't breathe" were the popular propaganda slogans for the last few months of 2014.  If that were really true, if Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the rest of the political race-baiters truly cared, where is the outrage over the thousands of black men and women killed each year in black on black violence?  There is an attempt by the left to deem this "black on black" violence and murder rates as a "myth".  Really? It's only a myth until you turn on the news for any major city and see who disproportionately gets killed daily.  Where is the outrage over the 1,800 black babies killed each day in abortion mills across the United States?  Where is the outrage over black on white violence? (This would seemingly include the newly created White Hispanic status) Isn't violence, violence?  Murder is murder.  Robbery is robbery.  Should we even care the color of the skin?  What difference does it make if I get rolled by a gang of white guys, versus a gang of black guys?  I still get beat up either way.  The truth is, all life matters, regardless of skin color.
The S & G movement
Gay marriage has and will continue to be increasingly promoted by those who want to destroy the building blocks of society, as a constitutional "right".  Let me frame the problem this way; the Constitution, was meant as a safeguard to protect the very nature of the United States.
*The United States is a sovereign nation. 
*At the core of every nation, is the family unit. 
*Families live together and make up small towns or communities. 
*A combination of communities or towns, eventually grow together and make cities.
*Cities that reside within a particular geographic area, form states. 
*States or commonwealths, collectively form a nation.
If you destroy by redefining the natural order of the family ( man, one wife), you destroy the very foundation upon which a nation rests, the family unit.  Homosexuality is a perversion, and an aberration of what God intended for mankind.   Now, homosexuality has been around since almost the beginning of mankind.  It was an abomination then to God, and God never changes. When you read Genesis 6, you will see that God had previously wiped out mankind with the flood because of three things:
*Their wickedness (vs. 5)
*The world was filled with violence (vs. 11)
*Their corruption (vs. 11-12)
I know the popular teachings these days, is to say that God destroyed the world only because of the Nephilim and the corrupted seed theory.  That is not what Genesis 6 says.  God destroyed the earth and the inhabitants thereof, because of the aforementioned reasons.  Now, that is not to say that God had to save everyone.  He was punishing them for their wickedness, violence, and corruption, but He only saved Noah and his family because he was:
*A just man (vs. 9)
*Perfect (not tainted) in his generations (vs. 9)
*Noah walked with God (vs. 9)
We have to assume that homosexuality was as much a part of the pre-world flood, as it was after.  Later on, we see specific cities take on the 'sin city' motif.  Sodom and Gomorrah became the hotspot for corruption and sexual perversion.  The only perversion (of which I'm sure there were many) that is mentioned by description in this scripture, is that of the men who rejected Lot's daughters, in favor of carnal relations with Lot's male visitors.  (Gen. 19:1-29)  Sodom and Gomorrah are later described by the prophet Ezekiel to have committed abomination, but also full of corruption. (Ezekiel 16:44-59)
So why does homosexuality make the lists, (both in the Old and New Testament) for why they will NOT enter into the Kingdom?
Because it is a perversion of God's institution.  God created man, and He created woman out of the man, and for man.  The two should become one, and in that union (as God intended), they become one flesh. (Gen 2:24)  They form the foundation of a family unit.  What God preserved in the Flood, was Noah and his wife, Noah's sons and their wives, and from there, we have enough to repopulate the entire planet.  Had God only saved men, or only women, the world would have ceased to exist back in the 23-24th century B.C.  So to recapitulate the reasons:
*Homosexuality is a perversion (wickedness) that has been around since the beginning of human history.
*God does not judge the world or a city, because homosexual's exist, He does it when society reaches a point of accepting it as normal.
*Homosexuality is one more thing, that breaks down the family unit.
There are also pragmatic reasons for traditional marriage.  If a nation drops below a certain percentage for fertility rates (2.1 per woman), than that nation will soon cease to produce enough citizens to carry on the next generation.  And to the globalist, who sees the U.S. as an obstacle to global governance that is fine by them.  But don't worry, if they can't destroy the nation through gay marriage, abortion (now over 50 million dead babies) should do the trick.
Apostate Ecumenism
It is mind-boggling to see the mainline Protestants and evangelicals continue on this current trend of merging with Roman Catholics, Eastern Mysticism, Islam, and political correctness.  It seems that anytime there is a call for compromise, it is always the Christian who has to compromise on core doctrines of what he or she believes, rather than what the other party believes.  What is amazing to me, is that supposed 'evangelicals' like Rick Warren, Joel Osteen, Tony Campolo, Rob Bell, and Kenneth Copeland are among those doing the 'jedi-hand-wave' over their congregations saying "this is not the apostate ecumenism you're looking for", when in reality, it very much is.  Revelation 13 speaks to the coming "false prophet" who will lead the world in a single religion after the Rapture removes the true Church from the earth.  Whatever this end-times religion is, it ends up being directed towards a single man, the Antichrist.
The legalization of marijuana is gaining momentum in certain places.  With Colorado, Alaska, Oregon, and Washington State on board, another whopping 18 states have laws in place for the legal use of medical marijuana.  It's just a matter of time before the number of states that have it legalized, outnumber the ones who don't, and in the states it's not legal, will become overcome by the amount of traffic, crime, and headaches because of the neighboring states who do.  And while marijuana doesn't necessarily rank up there with her more dangerous cousins like; crystal meth, heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine, etc...the common denominator they all share in, is the distribution partner...the criminal elements like drug cartels, gangs, and mafia types.  This doesn't even cover the biggest drug problem America has today, which is prescription drugs.  Recent studies have shown that around 70% of American's today are on some form of prescription drug.  Granted, many people need to be on medication for pain relief or for treatment, but a large number, are antidepressants.
Politically, both Republican and Democrats are playing the middle to see who can appear the most moderate.  The only true to form, major players out there currently are Barak Obama (as a Liberal), and Ted Cruz (as a Conservative).  At least these two aren't sugar coating it.  I don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water, but there are decent politicians who are trying to make a difference.  The few honest politicians out there trying to do right, might be the equivalent to using a wooden spoon as a rudder for the Titanic, it matters're still on the Titanic.  2015 is going to play out exactly as God has foreseen it to play out.  And since the largest, post-Christian nation on the planet doesn't warrant a peep in the Scriptures (Libya and Egypt have us there), my thoughts are that we are in decline, awaiting a collapse.  2015 is as good a year as any.
Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. ~ Matthew 24:44
As my friend Steve Coerper is often fond of saying at the start of his radio shows, "we are one day closer to the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ."  When Jesus broke into human history the first time, He took thirteen men (including Paul) and turned the world upside down.  The next time He breaks into human history, He is coming to claim the fruits of those thirteen apostles labor. On a day, unknown to us, the Lord Jesus Christ will come back to receive His bride, the Church and take us to be where He is.  (John 14:1-3)  What's interesting to me is, that with all these issues going on, I've barely scratched the surface.  From an outsider's perspective, most of these issues seem insurmountable.  I mean, $18T in debt is a ridiculously huge number, so large in fact, that the U.S. could never pay it back.  There isn't enough time, or enough tax payers to ever raise that kind of money.
The ethnic tensions at present, seem unsolvable.  So long as race-baiting politicians and community organizers can capitalize off of promoting racial strife, they will flourish.  With the government funded and sanctioned abortion industry going into its 42nd year, billions of dollars remain at stake for what's left of the heart and soul of America.  So long as the United States will continue to capitalize off of the blood of the most innocent among us, it continues storing up God's wrath.  The US has so much blood on its hands collectively, that all the water in the Pacific Ocean couldn't wash it away.  (Prov. 6:6-18)  Drugs, crime, violence, and the corruption of every major institution, are broken to the point of unrepair.  And there isn't a man, woman, political party, or government agency(s) that can fix our level of brokenness.
But there is a God-Man, Jesus Christ, who can and will fix this one day. He will rule this planet with perfect righteousness, justice, peace like this world has ever known it.  The earth will be restored back to its paradise-like nature. (Psalm 2; Dan. 2:44-45; Luke 1:32-33)
*If you have hate in your heart towards black people, or white people, or any other kind of people, Jesus can take that hate away.
*If you're a homosexual, trapped in a selfish and destructive lifestyle, Christ can change your desires.
*If you're addicted to drugs or alcohol, Christ can heal you.
*If you think you've sinned so badly, that even God doesn't want you, well, He does.  He left the glories of heaven, and came down to become a Man, so that He could take your sins and mine (all of them), to the cross.  He then conquered death and hell, and paid for your sins, that you could receive the righteousness of God through Christ.  Truly, we serve an awesome God.
If Jesus could heal the sick, give sight to the blind, and raise the dead; He can heal you.
If Jesus could conquer death and hell, He can conquer your addictions.
If Jesus could speak the universe into existence, He can handle your problems.
And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written:
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
Because He has anointed Me
To preach the gospel to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are oppressed;
To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."
Luke 4:17-19

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