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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Falling Into Place

Falling Into Place - By Jan Markell - 

How does one review the last year and project into the new year when events are happening in a rapid-fire manner, too fast to even properly document? I could review one stunning story and another one would be breaking as I write.
News and information is breaking at a speed never seen before. Add to that, we have an electronic communication system that allows us to hear about news and information stories in seconds, not days.
As I've previously written, today's news and information is causing some to become disengaged, discouraged, downhearted, and disconnected. But many more tell me they are now watching with an eye on the sky like never before. They are experiencing not dread, but great expectation, straining to hear a trumpet sound. Surely our troubled times are heralding such an event.
The dysfunction of Washington causes many to long for Christ's perfect earthly rule out of Jerusalem. Only then can we really forget about the fact that America and other parts of the world once resembled Humpty Dumpty after the fall with few leaders to put him back together again!
I encourage you to keep your eyes on the following stories in 2015. Most were prominent in 2014 and we will watch them blossom in 2015 and be game-changers. 
*           The "epicenter" -- the Middle East -- will become more inflamed and out of control.
*           Watch the lawlessness increase, both in the streets and in the highest offices of the land.
*           The coalition of forces that will participate in the Russian invasion of Israel, also known as the Gog-Magog War, will continue to unite. Some of them are experiencing economic turn-down due to the falling oil prices. This will further inspire them to seize a spoil (wealth) in Israel.
*           Ecumenical efforts in 2014 were stunning. It was often led by Pope Francis but evangelicals had no problem joining in. Watch for this to intensify in this new year. Men and women who should know better locked arms and will continue to do the same. They suggested we could all get along in spite of great theological divides.
*           There will be a further decline in the character of man. It was shocking in 2014. Calling evil good (Isaiah 5:20) was rampant. Praying to false gods took place everywhere including our U.S. House of Representatives. Is it any wonder our leaders are blind?
*           What pestilences and plagues will appear in 2015? The past year was dominated by news about Ebola, although more suffer from Malaria. Yet Ebola has killed 8,000 in Africa and the threat to the West shouldn't be downplayed as our current Administration is doing.
*           Technology always marches on as it prepares for "Mark of the Beast" technology.
*           The nations lining of up against Israel are staggering. Sadly, America's White House is in the forefront and this will worsen now that all elections are off the table.
*           The rise in anti-semitism should startle everyone. Jews are fleeing from France and heading to Israel. This will escalate. There will be few safe havens. As Gary Kah reported on our radio program, an Argentina utilities company had a stamp on it saying, "Be a patriot: Kill a Jew."  This may escalate to levels not seen since WWII.
*           The shame of 2014 was the silence in the pulpits and pews to the slaughter of Christians in the Mideast, Africa and parts of Asia. Western Christians remain very comfortable, although all that could change.
*           American Christians were insulted endlessly in 2014. Even Newsweek magazine called evangelicals "God's frauds". Consider the source but be aware this could worsen and likely will.
*           The ordeal in Paris is likely to be repeated around the world. Why do you suppose the last days are called "perilous times"?
How about the economy? There is only one other time in history when the price of oil has declined by more than 50 dollars a barrel in such a short time frame as it did in 2014. That was back in the middle of 2008, shortly before the worst stock market decline in decades.  I am told some economic analysts are "freaked out" at what is going on. Those are their words, not mine.
Israel could strike Iran in 2015. That would be the major story of the year. They would use every tactical device known to modern warfare. It will not be a pretty picture. The entire world could be destabilized. And Israel could become the goat of the world, further fulfilling Zechariah's prophecy that she will be all alone.
And in the meantime, a deluded U.S. President is cozying up to Iran, talking about normalizing diplomatic relationships with this rogue, despotic nation.
The warnings from the Bible sound like the headlines in today's news. We are to return to the "days of Noah".  Society will degenerate. Thus, you are needed to be salt and light and to be an encourager. We need to delay the decay; to be upbuilders as the world and events tear people down.
We must spread good news amidst the bad. We can't grow weary in well doing. We must love when we are hated. And we must look up much more than we look around or we won't be able to handle things.
Things aren't falling apart -- they are falling into place.
The Bible says that these things must happen. We can't escape them. We're in the times of the signs.
Look up and know that your redemption draws nigh!   

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