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Saturday, April 25, 2015



Romans 5:8

"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
When this fish is taken out of the water, its face almost looks like a very sad person. In 2013 it was voted the "World's Ugliest Animal". What is this creature that was adopted as the mascot of the Ugly Animal Preservation Society? It's the appropriately named blobfish.

Photos of the ugly blobfish have been making the rounds on the Internet. And yet, even the blobfish has beauty when you consider that it was designed to function perfectly in its environment.

Blobfish inhabit the deep waters off the coasts of Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. If you wanted to see one in its natural habitat, you would have to dive to a depth of between 2,000 and 3,900 feet where the pressure is several dozen times higher than at sea level. The pressure is no problem for the blobfish, though. Its jelly-like body is slightly less dense than water, allowing it to float effortlessly just above the sea floor.

Blobfish don't have much muscle for swimming, but they don't need it. They simply swallow edible matter that floats into their mouth. Sadly, they are an endangered species because of fishing trawlers dragging their nets on the seafloor.

Yes, the blobfish is far from attractive. But it serves as a reminder that sinful human beings are unattractive in the sight of God. And yet, while we were still sinners, God sent His Son to die for us and to exchange His righteousness for our sins, making us acceptable in God's sight. What a Savior!

Father, thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit to reveal the ugliness brought about by sin. Thank You also for sending Your Son to remove my sin and make me righteous in Your sight. Amen.

"So you think you've had a bad day? Spare a thought for the world's most miserable-looking fish, which is now in danger of being wiped out," Mail Online, 1-26-10. Photo: Blobfish. Courtesy of Kids Discover Magazine.

Isaiah 31:5

"As birds flying, so will the LORD of hosts defend Jerusalem; defending also he will deliver it; and passing over he will preserve it."
A new species of dinosaur has been found. Scientists are calling Changyuraptor yangi the biggest feathered dinosaur ever discovered. Here at Creation Moments, however, we're calling it a feathered bird. Dinosaur-to-bird evolution is nothing more than a flight of fancy.

Naturally, USA Today, BBC News any many other news outlets are calling it a four-winged dinosaur. Changyuraptor yangi, they say, is a new species of dinosaur that offers "clues to the origin of flight - and the transition from feathered dinosaurs to birds." Research scientists also say that "the new fossil possesses the longest known feathers for any non-avian dinosaur."

Non-avian? No, we're still calling them birds, and here's why. For one thing, dinosaurs and other reptiles have scales, which are folds in their skin. Birds, on the other hand, have feathers which grow out of follicles. Scales and feathers are completely different. No known fossils, in fact, provide evidence of a transition from scales to feathers.

Furthermore, for a dinosaur to evolve into a bird, it would need to develop hollow bones, and it would need to gain powerful flight muscles and develop a new heart with four chambers rather than three.

So, too, do we need a new heart to understand the things of God. We don't evolve our old heart into a new one. Our new heart comes to us through the work of the Holy Spirit.

Thank You, Father, for sending the Holy Spirit so we can have a close and enduring relationship with You! Amen.

"Scientists discover largest four-winged dinosaur to date", USA Today, 7/15/14. "Four-winged dinosaur is 'biggest ever'", BBC News Science & Environment, 7/16/14. "A new raptorial dinosaur with exceptionally long feathering provides insights into dromaeosaurid flight performance," Nature Communications, 7/15/14. Illustration: Changyuraptor yangi. Courtesy of Stephanie Abramowicz, Dinosaur Institute, NHM. Used for educational purposes under U.S. fair use doctrine.

Genesis 1:11

"And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so."
The next time you enjoy a vanilla ice cream cone, keep in mind that vanilla wouldn't even exist if evolution were true. Evolutionists don't have a blooming idea about the origin of a special symbiotic relationship between a particular flower and a very special bee.

You see, vanilla comes from the vanilla planifolia plant which develops into the Mexican vanilla orchid. Unlike most orchids, this one blooms only one morning each year. The orchid also has a hood-like membrane that covers the part that produces pollen. These two facts make pollination almost impossible.

But the God who created this plant also created the Mexican Melipona Bee - the only insect that knows how to pollinate the orchid. After landing on the flower, the bee lifts up the hood, collects the pollen and then flies off to another flower. Once pollinated, the orchid produces a vanilla bean. If not pollinated within eight to twelve hours, the flower wilts and drops from the mother vine.

Without the Mexican Melipona Bee, you wouldn't be able to enjoy any of the delicious foods made with vanilla extract. So we would ask evolutionists - which came first: the orchid or the bee? And how did the bee learn to pollinate the vanilla orchid?

At best, evolutionists can only offer guesses. But creationists know that the bee and the flower are a match made in heaven. They enjoy a symbiotic relationship so that each can survive ... and so we can enjoy the fruit of their labor!

Father, thank you for filling our planet with so many foods that not only nourish us but bring us pleasure. In Jesus Name. Amen. "Vanilla Ice Cream Defies Evolution." B. Petrillo, 1/28/14. Illustration: Cross section of the vanilla orchid. Courtesy of B.navez. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Proverbs 14:25

"A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies."

In light of their expectation to find life on other planets, the news story I'm going to tell you about today must have been sheer torture for the Science News magazine to report.

Here's what they wrote: "Two planets considered among the most promising for life outside the solar system don't exist.... The signals embedded in starlight that were attributed to the planets may instead have been caused by the changing magnetic activity of their star, Gliese 581."

Scientists say that the error reinforces the need for "meticulous analyses to separate planets' signals from those generated by spots and flares on stars." Stéphane Udry, an astronomer at the University of Geneva, agrees: "This is a big warning concerning the interpretation of [small] signals as being planets."

In light of these "vanishing" planets, one has to wonder how many other planets are, in fact, non-existent. Could many or most of the millions of planets that are now thought to be hospitable to life be nothing but spots and flares on stars?

Scientists pride themselves on correcting their errors, and this is a good example of that. But when we think of all of the so-called evidences for evolution still in school textbooks, it is abundantly clear that scientists still have much to learn about the errors they stubbornly refuse to correct. Creationists can rejoice that, unlike science textbooks, there is one book that never needs to be corrected or updated - the Bible!

Heavenly Father, I pray for scientists who don't know You, the Source of all truth. Many of them are filled with pride that prevents them from gaining eternal life. Touch them with your life-giving Spirit, I pray. Amen.

"Exoplanets once trumpeted as life-friendly may not exist", Science News, 7-3-14. Magazine issue: August 9, 2014. Photo: Gliese 581. Digital Sky Survey / ESO. Courtesy of Lars Lindberg Christensen. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Psalm 86:9-10

"All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee, O Lord; and shall glorify thy name. For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone."
Also known as the water ouzel, the dipper is a small bird so named because of its characteristic dipping or bobbing motion when perched beside the water of fast-flowing rivers.

As author Douglas Sharp notes in Revolution Against Evolution, the dipper "not only flies in the air, but swims underwater with his wings. He also strolls on the bottom of the stream, overturning rocks with his beak and toes to feed on various water creatures. Air sacs provide buoyancy, enabling him to rise to the surface. He 'blows his tanks' to submerge. Since he does not have webbed feet, he uses his wings as underwater oars."

The author then asks evolutionists: "How many eons of diving school did this bird endure before he mastered the delicate balance of the air and water environments? These unique air sacs will either work, or they won't. These functions would have to be perfected before our skinny-dipping friend would ever discover the juicy morsels on the bottom of the stream."

Wikipedia, which is certainly no friend to biblical creation, mentions two more design features. The dipper's eyes have well-developed focus muscles that can change the curvature of the lens to enhance underwater vision. Dippers also have nasal flaps to prevent water from entering their nostrils. What did they do before evolution produced those flaps? Choke to death?

Obviously, evolutionists cannot account for this little dipper's many design features, but creationists can!

Heavenly Father, thank You for the diversity I find in Your creation. With each new plant or animal I learn about, the more I am filled with awe of Your infinite creativity! Amen. Revolution Against Evolution, 2013, Douglas Sharp, p. 49. Third edition. Decapolis Books. Photo: Eurasian white-fronted dipper. Courtesy of Andrew2606. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

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