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Friday, July 15, 2016

Are You Ready?

Over the vast expanse of man's time spent shuffling around on this little blue rock, two constants have ever been his companion; misery and tragedy.  Of course, this was not how it was intended to be, but man, given the choice, chose to go his own way.
You and I are no different.  We've spent most of our lives doing what we wanted to do, paying little attention to what our Creator's designs were for our lives, and instead, chose to subjugate ourselves to one thing or another.  But as we see time coming to a close, and whether that close means our own mortality, or that the age itself is coming to an end, is still up in the air as to which will occur first.  But we feel it.  We sense it.  The world has gone morally insane, and we are living in this surreal state of bizarro-world where evil is good and good, evil. Change is coming, and coming soon.  Are you ready?
If the world were the Titanic, the time for avoiding the proverbial iceberg as it were, has passed.  We are now on a collision course and even if we wanted to turn the ship, there is simply no more time, nor space, in which to do so.  But the passengers on the deck are carrying on as if nothing could sink the unsinkable ship, and their thoughts and cares are focused on the party at hand.  They aren't going to know anything is wrong until the abrupt stop happens, and the ship begins to list to one side.  This isn't too far off from where we are in the world today.  There is a collision course that we are heading towards, of which we are unable to steer clear any further.  We are going to hit, and it's not a matter of if, but when. Are you ready?
And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.  Luke 17:26-30
The above passage states, that life will be normal when Christ returns for His Church.  Granted, that normal will be the 'new normal', but juxtaposed to this, is life inside the seven-year Tribulation, which will be anything BUT normal.  We also know (as did those in Jesus's day) what Genesis had to say about life then.  They probably had a much better understanding of it than we do today, given the historical knowledge that has since been lost after 2,000 years of Jewish diaspora.
But here is what we do know about Noah's day; (Genesis 6, 1 Peter 3:19-21, 2 Peter 2:4-5)
*The world was exceedingly wicked and violent
*Every thought of man's heart was only evil
*We know that Nephilim walked the earth
We know that in Lot's day, Sodom and Gomorrah were; (Genesis 19, Ezekiel 16:49, 2 Peter 2:6, Jude 1:7)
*Rampant sexual perversion and promiscuity
*Morally, economically, and governmentally corrupt
Culturally speaking, today's world, with its burgeoning population of over seven billion, is exceedingly violent.  Every corner of the planet has some form of war, violent crime, or terrorism ongoing.  We have legalized child sacrifice and are currently at around 55,000,000 murdered unborn babies. Genesis 4:10 states that Abel's blood cried out to God from the ground, how much louder is it now with around 55,000,000 unborn children slaughtered since 1973?  Are you ready?
Financially speaking, as the leading economy of the world, the United States has blown past the recovery point of which we could have salvaged something from our economic system.  If every other financial system in the world, either overtly or covertly, relies on our fiscal stability to maintain their own, (and they do), the writing is already on the wall for change.  We simply cannot sustain the status quo for much longer.  At $20T in debt, we've not only bankrupted this generation's piggy bank, but those of our children's and grandchildren's as well.  Expert and novice alike are all saying the same thing...we cannot sustain our current system....Are you ready? (Revelation 13)
Ethnically speaking, the fact that BlackLivesMatters is even a major movement now, which advocates the killing of whites and law enforcement, and has the backing of major media figures, almost an entire half of our political system, and the President of the United deeply troubling.  It would seem, that the great, ethnic civil war he wanted, is brewing right before our very eyes.
In the past eight years, we've seen a rapid increase by means of government-sanctioned, massive relocation efforts for Mexican, Central-American, African, and Muslim immigrants into the EU and US...most of whom either refuse to assimilate or can't into the host nation.  What this means at least in the US, is that the dream of E Pluribus Unum (out of many, one) dead.
This tactic of 'divide and conquer', is the only way that leftist elites can continue to propagate their evil agenda of accumulating power.  They do this by force-feeding mandatory labels for everyone through political correctness, then keep everyone agitated and divided along ethnic, sexual orientation, religious, and economic classes.  They then pit all these unassimilated groups against each other, and their host nation, weakening everyone collectively while they reap the benefits of anarchy and disorder.  So as you see the world tearing itself apart, ask yourself this....Are you ready? (Matt. 24:7)
Morally speaking, the West has turned against the very bedrock of its own foundational underpinning (or rather, that which affords us the freedom to exist as we are) - the Judeo-Christian worldview.  The world has decided instead, to dive head first into the deep end of the lunacy pool and has enthusiastically embraced the satanic view of "do what thou wilt", or in common speak, do whatever you want.  It doesn't matter how bizarre, unethical, immoral, or illogical it is...the world will accept you...or so the message goes.  They are relentless in kicking God out of the public arena of ideas, and as nature abhors a vacuum, they have replaced Him with Secular Humanism and Islam.  The traditional roles of men and women have been flipped on their heads to the point that even which restroom one can use has been called into question.
We've rewritten the definition of marriage.  We've turned the world's greatest military into a giant, bureaucratic social experiment that has nothing to do with operational readiness, and everything to do with ensuring its own demise.  The left has done it's very best to ensure that political correctness, no matter how illogical or undermining it has become, becomes the mainstay within our ranks and in our education system.
The left has spent the better part of the 20th century, dumbing down subsequent generations of students who now think that the theory of evolution is true, that Marxism and Socialism are superior to capitalism, and that all cultures and religions are equally valid.  This generation embraces the labels the left puts on groups, and they embrace these completely totalitarian systems which will kill billions in the future and snuff out every ounce of personal freedom they think their fighting for.  And as we watch this tragedy unfolding again, ask yourself...Are you ready?
Politically speaking, our government has become bloated, corrupt, and highly susceptible to the highest bidder.  In a very real sense, we are no longer a Constitutional Republic but a Socialist Oligarchy, beholden to both career politicians and special interest groups.  The EU is even worse, with unelected technocrats ruling the European Continent from Brussels, Belgium.  But both the US and the EU, have ceded much of their own power and authority, over to the United Nations (UN), which means that if Hillary or another democrat is elected in 2016, whatever sovereignty we think we have, will be forever lost.  Ten years ago, it seemed laughable that the UN could ever control our nations.  Conspiracy theorists would get online every once and a while and show a convoy of UN vehicles being line-hauled somewhere and people would get stirred up for a minute, then forget the next.
While I don't subscribe to the notion that the UN will ever physically control the United States in regards to positioning UN troops here...they'd get crushed if they tried.  I do however know, that the UN doesn't have to station troops here to control us if they already own our elected officials.  If leftist politicians get their way, they would cede their own authority over to a global (or at least regional) system and it would in a sense be a bloodless coupe.  
And with BREXIT in the rearview mirror sending shockwaves throughout Europe, the EU will now close ranks and form the super-state its always wanted to avoid the possibility of future exits from its current remaining members.  Seeing the collapse of nationalism and the rise of globalism, Are you ready?
Constitutionally speaking, we have leftist politicians and idiot celebs at the very height of hypocrisy.  The idiot celebrities will make movie after movie, in which the characters they play grotesquely glamorizing gun violence, (shaping young and impressionable minds) then get on their idealistic soap boxes after they've made their millions, and state that individual citizens don't have the right (or common sense) to own their own guns for self-defense.  Leftist political hacks use every tragic shooting and bombing as a means to justify stripping away those Constitutional rights away from we (the little people), while hiding behind their own armed body guards.  The real battle for the 2nd Amendment, because without it, the 1st (Freedom of Speech, Assembly, and Religion) will no longer survive...Are you ready?
Technologically speaking, we're crossing barriers that weren't meant to be crossed; three parent children, animal-human hybrids, transhumanism, CERN, weapons of mass destruction, language translators, etc. Modern man is intent on crossing further boundaries if given the time to do so; cracking the code on extending human life to centuries, teleportation, and Artificial Super Intelligence.  As impossible and/or unlikely as it sounds, man has the potential to do all these.  Given the warning that God gives in Genesis 11:6 ask yourself, Are you ready?
"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is...Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming-in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning-lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!"  Mark 13:32-36
There are many more areas in which I could have addressed such as apostasy in the Church, the rise of false religions and belief systems, massive increase in occult and supernatural activity, the massive increase in drug abuse, etc.  But seeing how crazy the world has become in just the past two decades and how much innocent blood is currently on our collective hands, should we anticipate that man has finally exhausted the patience of God?  I believe we have.  Thankfully God is longsuffering, (2 Peter 3:9) and His timing is divinely precise (Gal. 4:4)...and given the fact that He has already waited 2,000 years to return, I believe we are rapidly reaching the end of the season of the church age which would seem to fit the patterns of the other ages which belong to the annals of history.
We have no idea when Christ will return.  It could be today, tomorrow, ten years from now.  Furthermore, with all the prophetic sign posts blowing past us at increasingly rapid speed, and the storm clouds are swirling overhead, we know the storm of the Tribulation is almost upon us.  Individually speaking, we aren't guaranteed our next breath.  Around 155,000 people die and enter into eternity every single day.  All we do know for sure is, with each passing day, we are one day closer to His return. Are you ready?

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