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Friday, July 22, 2016



Psalm 150:6

"Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD."
As we all know, coughing is a reflex that clears our breathing passages from secretions, irritants, foreign particles and even microbes that might make us sick. We also know that sneezing is a reflex that cleanses our nasal cavity by forcefully expelling foreign particles and irritants. But why do we sigh? Is it just because we're exasperated or surprised?

Well, here's a surprise for you. Though you aren't even aware of it, you take a deep breath – that is, you sigh – about 12 times every hour. As researchers have discovered, we sigh about every five minutes to keep our lungs functioning properly.

In fact, if we didn't sigh, we would die. Researchers from UCLA and Stanford call sighing "a life-sustaining reflex that prevents air sacs located in the lungs, called alveoli, from collapsing." Study co-author Jack Feldman told LiveScience, "A human lung has as much surface area as a tennis court, and so that's all folded inside your chest." If humans didn't sigh about every five minutes, the alveoli would not be able to reinflate, causing the lungs to fail. The only way to pop alveoli open again is to take a deep breath.

Now remember that sighing is just one of thousands if not millions of vital processes going on inside your body all the time. If your body was lacking even one of those vital processes, you'd be in big trouble. So the next time you sigh, thank Your all-wise Creator!

Heavenly Father, in light of what You have created, it doesn't seem possible for people to deny Your existence … and yet they do! Help them to see the foolishness of their thinking. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

L. Dodgeon, "Aaaaaaah, Really? You Would Die If You Didn't Sigh", LiveScience, 3/7/16. Diagram: Alveoli. (PD)

Psalm 33:4

"For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth."
What caused dinosaurs to virtually disappear from the face of the Earth? Was it an asteroid, as scientists now tell us? According to Dr. Henry Gee, science writer for Nature, "Nobody will ever know what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs because we weren't there to watch it happen."

Nevertheless, this hasn't stopped scientists from acting as if they were eye-witnesses. In his book In Search of Deep Time, Dr. Gee includes a list of dinosaur extinction explanations that paleontologist Mike Benton culled from scientific literature. Here's a small sampling:

Dinosaurs died out "because the climate became too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry, or a combination of the above; because their eggshells became too thin … or too thick." Because of hay fever. Because of indigestion from eating flowering plants. And here's my favorite: "Because, having been the dominant life-forms for 150 million years, the dinosaurs just got bored."

Let me suggest another explanation. Since dinosaur fossils are found in sedimentary rock layers all over the world, it's plain to see that most dinosaurs perished in the worldwide flood of Noah's day. Many dinosaurs that were aboard Noah's ark probably died out soon after the flood because they could not adjust to the post-flood climate. Many others were hunted by humans who were now permitted to eat meat.

But as we've shown on previous broadcasts, some dinosaurs survived and were seen well into the middle ages.

Heavenly Father, I pray that You will prepare me to answer questions from unbelievers and evolutionists. Most of all, make me bold in proclaiming the gospel of grace. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

"Dinosaur demise," Evolutionists Say the Oddest Things, Lita Cosner, editor, p. 98 (Creation Book Publishers, 2015). Henry Gee, In Search of Deep Time (The Free Press, 1999). Photo: T-rex skeleton. (Pixabay)

Psalm 17:12-13

"Like as a lion that is greedy of his prey, and as it were a young lion lurking in secret places. Arise, O LORD, disappoint him, cast him down: deliver my soul from the wicked, which is thy sword:"
Though the title of today's program is "One of evolution's best-kept secrets," Creation Moments could bring you hundreds of broadcasts with the same title. While evolutionists are filling science textbooks, Hollywood films, science magazines and natural history museums with their favorite evidences of evolution, they routinely fail to mention the evidences that call evolution into question.

For example, evolutionists tell us that dinosaurs – after millions of years of gradual change – evolved into birds. But they don't mention that fossils of many modern birds have been found in the very same rock layers where dinosaurs are found!

As Dr. Carl Werner points out in his book and DVD, Living Fossils, "Every time you see a T-rex or a Triceratops in a museum display, you should also see ducks, loons, flamingos or some of these other modern birds that have been found in the same rock layers as these dinosaurs, but this is not the case."

To see if this was an innocent omission or deliberate deception, Dr. Werner traveled to 60 natural history museums and 10 dinosaur dig sights in seven different countries. His interviews with paleontologists revealed that they were well aware of the modern birds living alongside dinosaurs. And yet only one museum gave any hint that dinosaurs and modern birds lived at the same time.

What else aren't you being told about evolution? Keep on listening to Creation Moments because we will expose more of evolution's best-kept secrets on future broadcasts.

Heavenly Father, if evolution were true, evolutionists wouldn't have anything to hide. I pray that the many of evolution's darkest secrets will come to light! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Dr. Don Batten, "Modern birds found with dinosaurs: Are museums misleading the public?", Creation 34(3), 2012. Photo: Flamingo fossil. Courtesy of Ghedoghedo. (CC BY-SA 4.0)

John 4:10

"Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water."
Today's program is dedicated to all of you cat lovers out there. Now, you probably remember being told that your precious pet laps up milk by curling his tongue backwards, and he then uses his curved tongue to ladle the liquid into his mouth. Well, I'm sure you'll be happy to know that your cat is a lot more talented than that.

Using high-speed digital video, physicists have now discovered that only the tip of your cat's tongue comes into contact with the milk. As your cat retracts his tongue, a small column of milk follows it into the air. Now, when the inertia of the milk going upwards matches the force of gravity pulling the milk back down, the liquid hovers in mid-air for a split second. And it's at this precise moment when your cat closes his mouth over the milk.

And if this wasn't impressive enough, your cat performs this maneuver four times per second! According to a Virginia Tech researcher, "We were surprised and amused by the beauty of the fluid mechanics involved in this system."

Surprised? Creationists aren't surprised. After all, the God who created fluid mechanics is the same God who created cats, and He knew exactly what abilities cats would need to quench their thirst. Thankfully, He also knows how to quench man's thirst for eternal life, and He freely dispenses the "living water" of the gospel freely.

Heavenly Father, I pray that many friends and family members will see that the only way to satisfy their thirst for eternal life is the living water provided freely by Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

David Catchpoole, Ph.D., "How Cats Drink Milk," Creation 35(1) 2013, p. 56. Photo: Pixabay.

Jonah 1:17

"Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights."
In 1976, a naval research vessel working in the deep waters off Hawaii discovered a large fish that was entangled in its anchor. When the sailors hauled the fish aboard, they saw something no one had ever seen before. This fish – now considered to be one of the most important marine discoveries of the twentieth century – was over 14 feet in length and weighed 1,650 pounds.

What they had discovered was a shark with a very, very, VERY big mouth! That's why this fish is now commonly known as the megamouth shark.

With its enormous mouth, you might expect it to feed on large prey, but its gaping mouth is actually filled with very tiny teeth. Megamouth is a filter feeder. When jellyfish, shrimp and other small invertebrates are nearby, the shark simply opens its mouth, sucks in a large amount of water and filters out its lunch.

Megamouth sharks swim in a vertical position, with their mouth pointing straight up towards the surface. They also migrate vertically. That is, they spend their daylight hours submerged to a depth of about 500 feet. Then at night they migrate vertically to approximately 50 feet.

The megamouth shark reminds us of an event recorded in the Bible book of Jonah. No, we're not talking about the big fish that swallowed the disobedient prophet. We're talking about Jonah himself. With his constant complaining against God, what a bigmouth he turned out to be!

Heavenly Father, keep me from complaining about my circumstances. Remind me to praise You in the midst of my difficulties. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Tim Flannery and Peter Schouten, "Megamouth," Astonishing Animals (Atlantic Monthly Press, 2004), pp. 110-111. Also, Wikipedia article on Megamouth shark. Photo: Megamouth shark (Megachasma pelagios). Courtesy of OpenCage. (CC BY-SA 2.5)

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