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Saturday, July 30, 2016

ELECTION 2016: 7.30.16 - Why the Elites want to "Kill" Trump

Why the Elites want to "Kill" Trump - By Paul McGuire -
The elites in America, Europe, and other places in the world want to destroy Trump; in fact they want to "kill" Trump by doing everything they can to keep him out of the White House. Why? Because the presidency of Donald Trump is a direct threat to their financial rape of the working class and middle class in America and Europe.
When the occultist Christine F. Lagarde, head of the International Monetary Fund, is not giving lectures to the Council on Foreign Relations and the National Press Club on occult symbolism and numerology, she is on a crusade to warn the world that "Trump-style protectionism would hit the world economy with ruinous effects and have a negative impact on global growth." The last ten years has been a time when the elites in the U.S., Britain, and Europe have maintained absolute control over the global economy and their trade treaties, open borders, and globalist economic policies have caused the one percent to become richer than they ever have in history while the working class and the middle class have become poorer than at any time in modern history.
The global elite through their globalist trade treaties and other economic policies have gang-banged the middle class and have left them destitute and naked with their pensions, savings, and retirement robbed in a manner which has produced riots in Greece and Cypress and is now spreading to Italy and will soon come to the United States. The women of Europe are now being physically raped due to the open border policies of the elites which allow hundreds of thousands of militant Islamic extremists into Europe who are now carrying out a wave of terrorist attacks while the elites live in castles with private armies guarding them while they indulge in "killing kittens" orgies.
The wave of populism spreading across Europe and the United States, with the Brexit and the unprecedented popularity of candidates like Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, is evidence of massive anger among an economically hurting working and middle class that the elite will continue to ignore while their spokespeople like Christine Lagarde mumble self-indulgently about ancient occult numerology and symbolism before the stupefied members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the National Press Club; they don't have a clue what she is talking about, but they don't have the courage to admit it.
Lagarde echoed the sentiments held by the global elites who control the media, both political parties in the U.S., the heads of multi-national corporations, international bankers, and the politicians they install in office. She came out against punitive tariffs on goods from China and Mexico and attacked anyone who would dare to criticize the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which Ted and Heidi Cruz both secretly support...and this was the reason why Heidi Cruz was booed out of the Republic Convention with the crowd chanting "Goldman Sachs," because many in the middle class are finally on to her and the globalist fake conservatives who thump their Bibles and blab endlessly about the Constitution, but who are actually shills for the globalist establishment.
Perhaps the only group in America which has not yet awakened to what is really going on and are collectively clueless would be a large percentage of the Evangelical Christians, who are among the most Biblically illiterate people in the nation. Sadly, large numbers of Evangelical Christians are following their new prophet, Glenn Beck, and prostrating themselves before the current Catholic Pope and literally kissing his feet. They have not figured out yet, because they censor the teaching of Bible prophecy in their churches, that this current Pope represents the elite and their occult plan for a one world religion, one world government, and one world economic system. This is why the Pope, who lives like a king in a palace, is telling the middle class to share their wealth. Notice that the Pope is not telling the one percent who control 99% of the wealth to share their wealth.
In addition, in between her occult and numerological babblings, Lagarde is calling for a global financial reboot, which means crashing the dollar and moving into a global cashless currency, where the working class and middle class will be forced to turn in their dollar-based currencies for pennies on the dollar for a new global currency, perhaps called the Phoenix.
The reason that the media and the elites attack populist candidates like Trump is because deep down inside they know they have accumulated an obscene amount of wealth...and not through hard work and free market capitalism. They have accumulated their wealth through secret trade treaties and illegal secret deals they have made. They know that sooner of later somebody like Wikileaks is going to blow the whole thing wide open and that is why they are desperately trying to take total control of the Internet. There are some of them who have been carrying out rituals like something out of Director Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut. When the people they have forced to work like feudal slaves on their plantations finally wake up and storm the castle, the elites are going to be in deep trouble.
So for now this elite, or what Aldous Huxley terms the "Scientific Elite," manages to control the masses with drugs, hypnosis, scientific mind control, bread and circuses, fear, and endless wars. But the time is coming when there will be an Awakening and that Awakening will become a Third Great Awakening and whether or not the elite choose to believe it, there is coming a Day of Reckoning. All the nations of the Earth will gather together against Jesus Christ at His Second Coming at the Battle of Armageddon. The mere mention of these words makes the elites and their servants bristle with disdain and anger. But that day is coming very quickly and when that time comes, everything will be revealed, including the psychotronic weapons and weather modification and the genetic modification in billions of people being carried out through GMO foods, what has been allowed through the portal at CERN, and more.
Are these populist candidates like Trump Messiah-figures? Do they even recognize what role they play in the larger picture? It is doubtful that they do. But the Oligarchy does not like their power and wealth challenged and when it is challenged they become angry. The passages in the Book of Revelation speak of this but most people think these passages are poetic or allegorical in nature. But they are not allegorical or mythological. They speak of the disintegration of an American and global matrix the Bible calls Babylon. Ultimately, what we are talking about is "Mystery Babylon," which the Book of Revelation says is "fallen." Most people today and especially the elites themselves are stuck in a virtual world or matrix that is created by an internal belief system that has been programmed.
They are trapped by cognitive dissonance and if their minds ever even begin to open up to the higher reality or Kingdom of Heaven spoken of in the Book of Revelation, a great iron wall shuts down their consciousness and they become incapable of seeing the light.
A powerful delusion takes effect in their consciousness, a drug-like intoxication caused by their belief in their intellectual superiority to the rest of Humanity. They are in reality trapped in a room with mirrors where all they can see is the reflection of their thoughts displayed, their insane, irrational thoughts, and their infantile faith in an archaic belief system. In their pride they are content to watch their own thoughts mirrored on the walls of their mind because it implies a kind of god-like status and so they sit in a prison of delusion. For they are no longer lords of the castle. In their delusion they cannot see that they reside in the dark chambers below the castle they believe themselves to live in. For in reality they live chained to the walls of a virtual dungeon buried deep beneath the imaginary royal splendor.
America Is a Nation Full of Mass Killers, And We Even Elect Them to The Highest Offices in The Land - By Michael Snyder -
These days, it seems like mass killings and terror attacks are becoming a daily occurrence.  In fact, I just wrote a major article about this.  But let's try to put all of this into perspective.  If the mass killings and Islamic terror attacks are unspeakably evil, and they most certainly are, then how evil are we as a nation for killing 58 million of our own babies since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973?  The truth is that we are a nation full of mass killers, and those that celebrate our slaughter are elected to the highest offices in the land.  The blood of our murdered children is crying out from the ground against us, and there is no possible way that America will ever be "great" again as long as we continue to ruthlessly take the lives of our unborn.
This week is the Democratic National Convention, and most people are focusing on all of the chaos and infighting that are taking place.  But instead, the focus should be on the fact that the Democrats unashamedly celebrate the genocide of unborn Americans.  And this time around, the Democratic Party platform openly calls for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment, which is supposed to keep our tax dollars from directly paying for abortions.  The following comes from the Washington Free Beacon...
The proposed Democratic Party platform supports taxpayer funding for abortion. The platform committee endorsed the repeal of the Hyde Amendment, which blocks the use of tax dollars to pay for abortions. The party vowed to maintain funding for the nation's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, which receives roughly $500 million, or about 40 percent of its annual revenue, from taxpayers.
"We will continue to oppose-and seek to overturn-federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman's access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment," the proposed platform says.
In America today, we call evil good and good evil.  And those that are butchering babies are completely unrepentant about what they are doing.  Last month, published an article that featured a particularly disturbing exchange between a pro-life activist and an extremely bitter San Diego abortionist...
Mel: "You gotta repent sir, for murdering babies."
Santella: "Why?" (Santella strides up to within inches of Mel, coffee cup in hand)
Mel: "Because it's a sin before God."
Santella: "Why?... Stinky breath." (Santella breathes into Mel's face)
Mel: "Pretty evil of you, sir."
Santella: "Yeah." (Santella opens mouth wide and breathes into Mel's face)
Mel: "I hope and pray, sir..."
(Santella growls)
Mel: "Wow, that's what you do to babies, huh?"
Santella: "Yeah. I love it."
Later in the conversation, Santella says he has a "darkened heart" and he will never "go to Christ" to repent for his deadly work. The exchange continued:
Mel: "All the babies that you kill..."
Santella: "I love it, I love it."
Mel: "Yeah, keep tearing the babies apart."
Santella: "Yeah, I will."
But instead of putting abortionists like that in prison, officials are going after those that have been attempting to expose the horrors of the abortion industry.
In 2015, the Center for Medical Progress released undercover video after undercover video which proved that Planned Parenthood is chopping up aborted babies and selling off their organs and body parts to the highest bidder.  Since that time, nobody from Planned Parenthood has been prosecuted that I know of, but authorities sure did go after the people that made the undercover videos.  Fortunately, justice prevailed in this case, and the last charges against them have finally been dropped...
The last remaining charge against two California pro-life activists has been dropped.
A Texas judge dismissed the tampering with government records charge against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, who made undercover videos allegedly implicating Planned Parenthood officials in arranging the illegal sale of fetal tissue to researchers for profit.
Prosecutors claimed Daleiden and Merritt used fake driver's licenses to hide their identities when dealing with Planned Parenthood.
But this just shows how sick our society is.  Once those undercover videos came out, every Planned Parenthood clinic in the entire country should have been shut down and a whole bunch of their executives should have been prosecuted.
Instead, the country as a whole just yawned and we just continued with business as usual.
And today, the Democrats nominated for president a woman that has made "abortion rights" one of the pillars of her long political career.  Hillary Clinton's hands are drenched in the blood of unborn children, but we aren't supposed to mention that these days because it isn't "polite" to do so.  This is a woman that has even admitted that an unborn baby is a "person", but she insists that an "unborn person doesn't have constitutional rights"...
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on NBC's "Meet the Press" today that "the unborn person doesn't have constitutional rights."
Clinton made the statement in response to a question from "Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd. Clinton also said that an unborn child's constitutional rights are "not something that exists."
Sadly, most of us believe the mainstream media when they tell us that voting for Hillary Clinton is a perfectly legitimate choice.
No it isn't.
Any American that casts a vote for Hillary Clinton is committing an unadulterated act of wickedness.
But of course Donald Trump is not exactly a champion of the pro-life movement either.
Just consider his acceptance speech the other night.  It was the longest acceptance speech in history, and yet there wasn't a single word in there about abortion.
Not one single word.
He was once very strongly "pro-choice", but now he says that he is "pro-life".  However, that doesn't mean that he intends to change any laws.  In fact, earlier this year he made his intentions very clear to CBS News...
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told CBS News this week following controversy over his remarks about abortion that "at this moment, the laws are set, and I think we have to leave it that way."
And Donald Trump has repeatedly praised Planned Parenthood and has publicly stated that it "has done very good work for many, many - for millions of women".
I know that a lot of conservatives out there are very supportive of Donald Trump these days, but he is dead wrong about this issue.
As long as we continue the mass killing of the unborn in this country, it isn't going to matter who is running this nation.
Every time we murder another child, we curse ourselves, and I don't know if there are words to describe how evil we have become.
If we were to immediately renounce our evil and stop murdering babies, perhaps we would have a chance of turning things around.  But if we continue on the same path that we are currently on, then we are going to deserve every ounce of what is about to happen to us.
More leaks show Clinton money for access schemes - Bill Wilson -
It's all about the emails these days and how careless Hillary Clinton is with them. On one hand, her husband has a "chance" meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch and a week later, the FBI closes out its investigation of Hillary with a "she didn't mean to break the law" type of statement. Top Secret emails on a private email server in her bedroom closet that, the FBI concluded, were accessed by hostile actors. Now, somebody hacked the files at the Democratic National Committee (an arm of the Clinton campaign), and this time, the emails indicate the dirty, behind the scenes dope on how Clinton and her minions sold access and influence for huge sums of campaign donations.
The emails, according to ABC News, indicate that Clinton's DNC arm was all about the money. People were able to pay to play. Large donors received special seats in special meetings, even down to a big donor with cancer getting bumped from a meeting because he couldn't pay enough. The resulting explanation from a staffer was that every one gets sick. The cold and calloused peek behind the scenes at the Clinton money machine only gives the impression of a system where influence is bought and sold like a commodity and the Democratic National Committee is the exchange market. Democrats are the ones who have yelled the loudest about campaign finance reform, yet their donors are shook down for $200,000 for a dinner with Hillary Clinton.
What is truly amazing about the coverage of this latest "reveal" is the media is trying to make Clinton out to be the victim instead of focusing on the ethical and legal issues of her actions. Politico, for example, wrote: "The surfacing of the files just hours before [sic] the "president" was set to speak at the Democratic National Convention is sure to raise more questions about leakers' intent to disrupt Hillary Clinton's campaign during her party's nominating convention." They are trying to blame Russia for the leaks. Interesting, if Russia has Clinton's and the DNC's emails, what does that tell us about how well Clinton protects sensitive information? It speaks volumes about her qualifications to be president. Moreover, who cares about the leaker's intent to disrupt Clinton's campaign-what about the content that exposes her dirty dealings?
As in Ezekiel 8, the Wikileaks email and voicemail revelations are just the doorway to the abominations of Clinton and her henchmen. The Lord spoke to the prophet Ezekiel in verses 8 and 9, saying, "Son of man, dig now in the wall: and when I had digged in the wall, behold a door. And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do there." I encourage all Christians to dig into the wall and discover for themselves the truth behind the Clinton fa�ade. Yes, many will say that all the politicians do this and its no big deal. We have got to quit discounting the most evil thing because everyone else is doing it too. The Clinton's do dishonesty. That is their trade. Until Americans hold them accountable, they will continue to do so. Remember the saying: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
 Hillary-Kaine: All things Muslim - Bill Wilson -
Hillary Clinton's running mate Tim Kaine is reported by the Washington Times as promising a bill to legalize all illegal immigrants in the first 100 days of a new Clinton Administration. Now this would most certainly include all the radicals, would-be terrorists and criminals so important to the Democratic Party's strategy of "remaking" America into the newest communistic society. But even more radical will be the continuation of the terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign policy partner and organizer of all things Muslim in the new Clinton Administration. Both Clinton and Kaine have long-time ties with Muslim Brotherhood activists, signaling a pattern to America that Islam will remain front and center under Clinton.
Clinton's right hand woman is Huma Abedin. Abedin's brother, mother, and deceased father are all confirmed to have leadership ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. This assists in connecting the dots between the current Administration's assistance of the Muslim Brotherhood in government takeovers in Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Yeman, and now Syria, where the Muslim Brotherhood in 2012 funded a military arm to help topple the Assad regime.  The Muslim Brotherhood is using the facade of democracy to gain Western support as it works to reestablish the Caliphate. The Democratic National Convention hosed a "Juma" in 2012, a congregational prayer of all adult Muslim males. No word yet on this year.
Tim Kaine also has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Breitbart reports, "He appointed a Hamas supporter to a state immigration commission; spoke at a dinner honoring a Muslim Brotherhood terror suspect; and received donations from well-known Islamist groups." Breitbart documents that In 2007, Kaine was the Governor of Virginia and, of all people, chose Muslim American Society (MAS) President Esam Omeish to the state's Immigration Commission. In the 2008 Holy Land Foundation trial, federal prosecutors named MAS as an overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America. Omeish is also an officer of the Muslim Students Association, the Islamic Society of North America, and Dar al Hijra Islamic Center-where al Qaeda operative Anwar Al Awlaki is Imam. This is a terrorist front.
Uncovered in that Holy Land terrorist funding trial was a 1991 Muslim Brotherhood plan to colonize America by creating a "Civilization Jihad" on all fronts of society. Abedin, Omeish and many others associated with Clinton and Kaine are rooted in this philosophy. It has been the philosophy of the White House during the entire tenure of the current Administration. Clinton supported the Muslim Brotherhood as Secretary of State, has a top aide born from the Muslim Brotherhood, and has picked a running mate with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Christ said in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you." Does anyone believe that this influence will not continue?
Crooked Hillary - By Daymond Duck -
Hillary Clinton was not on my mind when I checked to see if Sean Osborn had posted anything lately (
But there was Sean's new article titled "The Failed Coup d'Etat in Turkey" and he said, "The surprising twist comes in a very recent (13JUL16) pre-coup d'etat news report by The Daily Caller that Hillary and Bill Clinton are also closely associated with Fethullah Gulen and his movement.
A trove of discovery documents filed with the U.S. Congress detail the ties between the Clinton Foundation and Fethullah Gulen.  The Gulen organization and many of its adherents have also donated heavily to the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign."
I Googled "Clinton Foundation, Fethullah Gulen" and one of the choices was "Bill Clinton on Fethullah Gulen's Contribution to the World." I clicked on it and watched a short video (
Bill Clinton praised Fethullah Gulen and his transnational social movement (also called the Hizmet Movement). And Bill closed by thanking Fethullah Gulen for his friendship to Hillary and him.
I wondered if Gulen's friendship had anything to do with Sean's above mentioned heavy donations to the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. I went back to my article choices and saw "Turkey Failed Coup: Ties Emerge Between Hilary Clinton And Mysterious Islamic Cleric Fethullah Gulen."
I clicked on it and read that a group called Global Research has posted an article by Chuck Ross that was written for The Daily Caller on 13 July 2016.
 Mr. Ross wrote that a member of the Gulen Movement (Gokhan Ozkok) raised money for the Clinton campaign and the Clinton Global Initiative.
 He said, "One Gulen movement Leader, Recep Ozkan donated between $500,000 and $1 million to the Clinton foundation."
During all of this, I saw a link to an article titled  "Followers Of A Mysterious Turkish Islamic Cleric Have Donated Heavily To Hillary's Campaign And Family Charity."
The author was Chuck Ross again and he wrote the article about 8 months ago. This statement caught my attention "As president of the Turkish Cultural  Center, Ozkan hosted  Clinton at Ramadan celebration dinners in 2006 and 2007 when she was in the Senate."
 I don't know that Hillary Clinton has done anything wrong in this case, but I know that she is dishonest and she doesn't seem to think that she has to obey the law.
 These articles reveal that she has been celebrating Ramadan with Muslim groups and that she and her foundation are taking large sums of money from Muslim groups (This is just the tip of the iceberg.
 Hillary has taken millions more from radicals and others in the Persian Gulf), and she is calling for a massive increase in Muslim immigration into the U.S. Since it has been established that ISIS has infiltrated the Muslim immigrants, I think it is dangerous and irresponsible to not check them out. Hillary could be putting the security of America's citizens at risk again. (She did that with her e-mail system.)
 Since Hillary is taking large sums of money from a Muslim group and she is opposing Donald Trump's call to check them out it looks very suspicious.
 And despite the fact that her diplomatic relations with Russia, Iraq, Libya and others demonstrate a total lack of understanding, Hillary presents herself as a very experienced and highly qualified leader.
 On the other hand, this new scandal shows that her brand of leadership is more self-enriching than intelligent because America may now be caught-up in a diplomatic scandal with Turkey.
 More than a thousand people have been killed or wounded in the failed coup that Turkey blames on Fethullah Gulen, dozens of military leaders have been jailed and they could be facing death, thousands of people have lost their jobs, Turkey wants the U.S. to extradite Gulen, the U.S. State Dept. has asked for evidence of his involvement, Turkey has supplied materials and the U.S. is evaluating them.
 I don't trust President Erdogan and the whole thing reeks with deception, but how could crooked Hillary do the right thing as president when she has taken millions of dollars from this man?
 How can America trust crooked Hillary on Muslim immigration when she and Bill are taking millions of dollars from sheiks in the Persian Gulf? 
 Why are these people (some with dubious connections) willing to give millions of dollars to crooked Hillary's campaign and charity?
Prophecy Plus Ministries
Daymond & Rachel Duck
 Hillary and her emails - Bill Wilson -
There is a pattern with Hillary Clinton and her emails. First, she sets up a private unsecure email server in her home to which FBI investigators say that "possible hostile actors gained access," that she was "extremely careless" with top-secret documents, and that there was "evidence of potential violations of statues." Now, the Democratic Party's Chairman, Clinton's close friend, fellow socialist, and associate, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, is stepping down because of emails documenting that Clinton and Shultz conspired to undermine socialist Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign and post a fake Craigslist job ad depicting rival Donald Trump as a boss that sexually molests his female employees. What pattern?
This pattern indicates that Clinton is not qualified to be president because she continuously uses emails, which are able to be documented, to do things that she thinks are secret. She has placed America's national security in jeopardy with her careless violation of policies, procedures and laws. And she and her cohorts have exposed her campaign to the public, revealing the scurrilous details of how dirty politics is played. Just a reminder for those Christians who claim that they cannot in good conscience vote for Trump: not voting or voting for a third candidate may make one feel like they have stayed their "principles," but in reality this is a vote for Clinton .
There is, however, even a greater pattern. Clinton's scandals are too numerous to list in this Daily Jot. Her choice of a running mate is also embroiled with scandal. Vice Presidential choice, Tom Kaine, has been investigated for receiving lavish gifts from those hoping to gain his favor while he was Lt. Governor and Governor of Virginia. Kaine also is in lock-step with Clinton in advancing radical Islam. As governor, he appointed Muslim American Society President Esam Omeish to Virginia's Immigration Commission. The Muslim American Society, according to federal prosecutors, was "founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America." He was also head of the Muslim Students Association and served on the Islamic Society of North America's board-all named co-conspirators in the 2008 Holy Land terror funding trial.
There is no "Yeah, but they do it, too" argument for this repeated behavior that lacks character. It is a lifelong pattern of Hillary Clinton and she chooses people who have the same lack of character and honesty. As Christ said in Matthew 7:15-16, "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. You shall know them by their fruits." While Clinton is no prophet, she is coming to the American public in sheep's clothing, and her track record is that of a ravenous wolf. We can recognize her by her fruits. The Democratic Party seems to attract candidates who are counter to traditional American values. Their emails and their actions have recognizable patterns.

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