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Friday, July 8, 2016

Our Last True American 4th of July? - The Rise of a New Darkened America

Our Last True American 4th of July? - The Rise of a New Darkened America - David Pepe -
Much has changed in America in this last year... even since the last few months and weeks even! The hope and joy that once filled American has turned to great despair and dread concern for many of its inhabitants. My dear friends, as I look at America at present I truly believe that this will be our last true 4th of July we will celebrate and remember as a nation as regarding our founding. Whoever is to be elected in this coming presidential election nothing good will come of it at all. We as a nation are on the Titanic with just minutes to go until our final implosion morally, fiscally and socially. Our nation has been never more divided ideology wise and at accelerating speeds we are seeing the demonetization of our Judeo/Christian founding and all that is moral and virtuous (Isa. 5:20). We have had many great challenges before in our nation's past but we have never experienced an inward hostile takeover of our three branches of government as we have seen of late. The jig is finally up America and the Four Horsemen are at the door to begin their ride and NOTHING is going to stop that now! The Kingdom of Heaven is TRULY at hand!
The years of leftist preparation and incrementalism have finally paid off and they have seized the power and are now implementing their socialistic secular lawless tyrannical agenda full bore. This present state of helplessness and great concern has now finally engulfed the hearts of those Americans who had once clung onto optimistic appraisals and hopes. They have now finally come to understand that the very hour in which they are now living in is indeed the end of America. Great worry and concern is now found throughout the New Media including Rush Limbaugh and in the conservative movement in general. Optimistic appraisals of our return to our Founder's vision for America are now but a vapor and the reality of our nation's estate have finally set in frightening those who now understand and can see that the implosion (morally and fiscally) of our nation is at hand and lawlessness, tyranny and governmental slavery are at our very door.
I would liken our nation to a loved one, who has been hit by a car and is in the critical care unit of the hospital. He shows possible signs of recovery and there is great relief among his loved ones at the future prospect that he will survive and get some of his functions back. He will not be fully restored to the way he once was, but at least he will be with us and we can love him. Then... the doctor purposely prescribes the wrong medications and as a result of this doctor's diabolical deed our love one is now placed in a comma and is in a greater state of emergency than the first. He has now received brain damage due to the medication's complications of his poisoning and to continue to live he must be on life support. Our moment of temporary joy and hopeful optimism at our love one's partial recovery is now turn to great anger, despair and hopelessness. The reality that our loved one will never recover from his doctor's injustice and injury has made us angry and fully grieved, for the reality has now set in that we will never be able to interact or enjoy our loved one again, for he is indeed truly gone and we are helpless to save him. We have tried to do all that is within our power but must now come to the very sobering realization as he lies on life support that he is lost and has not much time left in this world. My friend, that is how I and others now feel about our nation's present estate. The jig is finally up and we fully know that indeed very troubling days of tyranny, lawlessness and oppression are at our very door as a nation... and the world.
The anti-Constitutional secular left have finally fulfilled their secular tyrannical desire and have slain our Founding Father's vision and our Constitution in which it cannot return. The glass is broke and unrepairable. It is my personal opinion - with lawlessness abounding in all three branches of U.S. Government - that anarchy, oppression, fiscal depression and civil war is at hand and it is just a matter of time before our national implosion (fiscally and morally) finally occurs.
Our U.S. government (local/national) has been occupied and saturated with those who HATE and DESPISE all that our Founding Fathers stood for. The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God (Almighty God's moral absolutes for time) have been under the unrelenting secular jihad of those who disdain and abhor their Creator and all that represent His moral absolutes (Rom. 1:18-32, Jude 1:8,10). Our current president is the fulfillment of all these godless secularist twisted dreams and hopes. He has been absolutely hell bent on the destruction and disintegration of our nation and its Judeo/Christian heritage and has been very successful in his war against our Constitution.
Over the last 75 years the secular socialistic seed has been planted, watered and nourished. The time has now finally come in our history to reap this secular socialistic harvest and Obama has been the man to "git R done". Obama's policies, euphemisms and twisted justifications of his lawless actions have cut through the rotted America social core as a hot knife through warm butter. Fifty years of lawless indoctrination, critical theory, secularism, moral relativism and socialistic kool aid has dumbed down and made drunk this nation's citizens and has made this nation's inhabitants ripe for the pickings and dumb as a rock.
America's clueless pleasure seeking narcissistic inhabitants (Right, Moderate and Liberal) and governmental program addicts have all been mentally and morally passed out and at the wheel for years, while America has been stealthily taken over. As the U.S. frog has been slowly cooked over 75 years so have our nation's inhabitants. Many have finally woken up since the Lefts (in 2006) and Obama's (in 2008) takeover of America, but it has been a little too late; for the damage has long been done and the lawless reaper's now have come.
This day the Left rejoices in a new "lawless revolution" that has finally taken over the Founding Father's vision of America. The Left celebrates a new nation born to replace our old one which was founded on the Laws of Nature and of Natures God. Almighty God has been finally ousted from our three branches of government and a secular agenda and government is now the new god of America. We look back at what once was America and understand that we are now in a new era, a new realm, a new estate ever evolving now into fascist tyrannical state of despotism and anarchy. The American Lefts fascism, which has hid behind a smiley face for years has now revealed its self to be the consuming Dragon of old (John 8:44, Eph. 6:12, Rev. 12:9). Make no mistakes my friends more is at work here then the hands of lawless man (2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph.6:12). The Master politician has now set the stage for his soon reception and 666 global state (2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 13) in which none shall escape (1 Thess. 5:1-4, Rev. 6-19).
 Our nation's ONLY hope in this dire hour is for each American to turn to Almighty God and to His saving grace. For that is what this little existence here in this fallen world is all about. Almighty God has provided a Savior for time and ETERNITY may it be that you know Him (John 3:16-17).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
America Has Become a Lawless Nation - Hillary Clinton Magically Cleared by The FBI - By Michael Snyder -
It is hard to be proud to be an American today after watching FBI director James Comey magically clear Hillary Clinton of all wrongdoing.  Sadly, Comey is likely to go down in history as the man that struck the final death blow to the rule of law in America.  During his address to the media, Comey admitted that Clinton sent or received 110 emails in 52 email chains that contained classified material at the time they were sent.  But of course there were probably many more.  Comey told the press that it was "likely that there are other work-related emails that they did not produce ... that are now gone because they deleted all emails they did not return to State, and the lawyers cleaned their devices."  So basically Clinton turned over to the FBI whatever she felt like turning over, and then she destroyed the rest of the evidence.  As a former lawyer, this infuriates me, but it doesn't surprise me.
In fact, it doesn't surprise me at all that Hillary Clinton was allowed to skate.  I expected this all along.  If you search the thousands of articles that I have posted on The Economic Collapse Blog and End Of The American Dream, you will find many articles where I say that Hillary Clinton should be in prison, but not a single one where I ever said that I thought she would be going to prison.
This is how politics in America works today.  People like Bill and Hillary Clinton could openly sacrifice children to Satan on the White House lawn and still probably not get into trouble.  Despite scandal after scandal going all the way back to Arkansas in the 1980s, nothing ever sticks to them, and nothing probably ever will.
In this case, FBI director James Comey essentially had to rewrite federal law in order to clear Clinton.  This is something that Andrew McCarthy explained very well in his article entitled "FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook"...
There is no way of getting around this: According to Director James Comey (disclosure: a former colleague and longtime friend of mine), Hillary Clinton checked every box required for a felony violation of Section 793(f) of the federal penal code (Title 18): With lawful access to highly classified information she acted with gross negligence in removing and causing it to be removed it from its proper place of custody, and she transmitted it and caused it to be transmitted to others not authorized to have it, in patent violation of her trust. Director Comey even conceded that former Secretary Clinton was "extremely careless" and strongly suggested that her recklessness very likely led to communications (her own and those she corresponded with) being intercepted by foreign intelligence services.
In essence, in order to give Mrs. Clinton a pass, the FBI rewrote the statute, inserting an intent element that Congress did not require. The added intent element, moreover, makes no sense: The point of having a statute that criminalizes gross negligence is to underscore that government officials have a special obligation to safeguard national defense secrets; when they fail to carry out that obligation due to gross negligence, they are guilty of serious wrongdoing. The lack of intent to harm our country is irrelevant. People never intend the bad things that happen due to gross negligence.
The amazing thing is that the FBI handled a highly similar case very, very differently less than a year ago.  Just check out what happened to Naval reservist Bryan Nishimura...
U.S. Magistrate Judge Kendall J. Newman immediately sentenced Nishimura to two years of probation, a $7,500 fine, and forfeiture of personal media containing classified materials. Nishimura was further ordered to surrender any currently held security clearance and to never again seek such a clearance.
According to court documents, Nishimura was a Naval reservist deployed in Afghanistan in 2007 and 2008. In his role as a Regional Engineer for the U.S. military in Afghanistan, Nishimura had access to classified briefings and digital records that could only be retained and viewed on authorized government computers. Nishimura, however, caused the materials to be downloaded and stored on his personal, unclassified electronic devices and storage media. He carried such classified materials on his unauthorized media when he traveled off-base in Afghanistan and, ultimately, carried those materials back to the United States at the end of his deployment. In the United States, Nishimura continued to maintain the information on unclassified systems in unauthorized locations, and copied the materials onto at least one additional unauthorized and unclassified system.
Nishimura's actions came to light in early 2012, when he admitted to Naval personnel that he had handled classified materials inappropriately. Nishimura later admitted that, following his statement to Naval personnel, he destroyed a large quantity of classified materials he had maintained in his home. Despite that, when the Federal Bureau of Investigation searched Nishimura's home in May 2012, agents recovered numerous classified materials in digital and hard copy forms. The investigation did not reveal evidence that Nishimura intended to distribute classified information to unauthorized personnel.
So what is the difference between Nishimura and Clinton?
Neither of them ever intended to do anything wrong.
So why were they treated so differently?
Needless to say, social media is exploding with outrage over this decision to let Clinton go free.  Many Americans are openly asking why they should continue to play by the rules if politicians like Hillary Clinton are not required to do so.
Unfortunately, this is what America has become.  Our politicians are a reflection of who we are as a society, and as I have stated before Hillary Clinton is going to be the overwhelming favorite if there is an election in November.  At this moment, she has solid leads in all of the "swing states", and she only really needs to win one of them...
Perhaps you enjoy talk of battleground states. Well, there's a scenario for you, too. First, pick the six "closest" swing states (VA, NH, IA, OH, FL, NC). Got it? Now understand that New Hampshire excepted, Clinton only has to win one of them in order to reach the requisite 270 electoral votes to win. (Optional third step for Republicans only: start shot gunning Pabst Blue Ribbon and don't stop until November.)
Lest any Trump supporters seek solace in poll numbers, recent polls have Trump sliding further behind in all the relevant swing states. According to a Ballotpedia battleground poll released last week, Trump trails by 14% in Florida, 4% in Iowa, 10% in North Carolina, 9% in Ohio, and 7% in Virginia.
Hillary Clinton is a horrible, evil, miserable human being, and right now she is the odds-on favorite to become the next president of the United States.
But ultimately it is the American people that are to blame for blindly supporting corrupt politicians such as Clinton, and if they willingly pick her to be our next president then we will certainly deserve whatever consequences follow.

When the rule of law breaks down - Bill Wilson -
Jesus said in Matthew 24:12, "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." Some interpretations use lawlessness, wickedness, abundance of evil, and sin in substitution for the word iniquity. The actual Greek word is anomian, transliterated as anomia, meaning without law, lawlessness; the utter disregard for God's law; the impact of lawlessness on one's soul. Chapter 24 is about the end times. Jesus is saying that because the laws of God are not followed, the love of many grows cold. We are seeing, in the very least, a type and shadow of this very profound proverb taking place in our nation on a daily basis.
Bold in the headlines this week was the "acquittal" of Hillary Clinton without the benefit of a public trial. Her crooked and lawless dealings have resulted in decades of scandals that follow her like the stench that follows a garbage truck on a hot day. Yet, she is celebrated as the first serious female candidate for President, a woman right's activist, and a champion of progressive (communist) government. Her lawlessness is not only the disregard of the laws of our nation, but also the disregard for the laws of God. She is an example of what is wrong with our nation, its leaders and the people who elect them. There are even those who call themselves Christians who would vote for this soulless, evil person.
Clinton is not without company. From breaking his oath to uphold the Constitution by choosing which laws he will enforce and those he will not to supporting Islamic terrorist groups, the occupant of the Oval Office has contributed to a growing lawless society. He has imported lawlessness willingly and dutifully through allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into the US, who commit violent crime after crime, are arrested and then allowed to go free. He has revered criminals as heroes and has contributed to the waxing cold of the love that Americans should have for one another. Congress, as a whole, is no better. It has allowed the lawlessness, as has the Supreme Court.
Now we have a powder keg of violence, the fuse once again lit by police officers who killed the black men they were arresting. This gave the Islamic- and Marxist-inspired Black Lives Matter an excuse to hold demonstrations, which lured police into an ambush, leaving five policemen dead. Lawlessness upon lawlessness, violence upon violence, terror upon terror all because not only the rule of law in our nation has broken down, but also because God's laws are not followed. One precipitates the other. When there is a total disregard for God's law, the love that humanity should naturally have one for another waxes cold. As Christians, we need to reach out, not withdraw. A kind word turns away wrath. It's a start. We have to start somewhere as we are charged to be light in this dark and dying world.
The age of American lawlessness - Bill Wilson -
During the week leading up to July 4, 2012, Americans experienced an incredible week of historic events. Founded on the principle that government was instituted to protect the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that week was an amazing display of how government, if not limited by the people who empower it, can become an all-powerful leviathan. The very rights the government is instituted to protect are those which the government is taking from the American people and putting in the lockdown of elected and appointed tyrants. Perhaps they do not think of themselves as such, but their actions speak louder than their words. In four years, what has changed?
We have a non-elected Supreme Court trampling all over liberty and an elected presidency refusing to enforce the law. In 2012, the Supreme Court ruled that your right to life--the very stewardship of your life in all of its sustainable aspects--can be taken over by the government and it is the government's Constitutional prerogative to tax you for this privilege. The Court legalized socialist health care by calling it a tax. Fast forward to 2016, the Supreme Court ruled on another life issue by further instituting the right to kill the unborn. The majority of America wanted no part of this forced redistribution of wealth, but the "president" and his party forced it upon us. The backlash: he was elected for another four years.
In July 2012, the Executive Branch arrogantly refused to enforce the law. One glaring example was the Defense of Marriage Act. Another was immigration laws where the "president" issued an Executive Order for illegal alien amnesty. The Administration told Arizona that it would not enforce the portion of the law that the Supreme Court ruled Constitutional. Congress voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt for not cooperating on a gun running scheme the Administration was involved in with Mexican drug cartels. The Justice department said that it would not prosecute Holder even if Congress demands it--the US Attorney works for Holder. What has changed in four years?
A Constitutional Republic, which is what America is founded upon, requires a representative government to abide by and enforce the law. Jesus said in Matthew 24:12, "And because lawlessness shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." In this, the laws of God are not followed resulting in love growing cold. When the laws of God are not followed, society is no longer safe, the general welfare goes unprotected. The Founders interwove the laws of God in writing the Constitution. The current leadership is dismantling it. If We the People allow this to continue, our rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness will become enslaved to tyrants and be like chains around our necks. We knew these things four years ago. Another opportunity presents itself to make at least an incremental change, or remain in an age of growing lawlessness.
America's Only Hope - Greg Laurie -
"Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?" -Psalm 85:6
What is the future of the United States of America? Are we doomed to just go the way that so many other once-great nations have gone? Is America headed to the ash heap of history? Are our greatest days behind us, or could they still yet be ahead? Is there any hope for America?
No one can answer those questions with any certainty, but we know this much: America is not the superpower of the last days. The greatest nation on earth is conspicuous in her absence from the world stage in the end-times scenario given to us in the Bible. America is not the first, nor will it be the last, nation to rise and fall. Every nation's days are numbered; America is no exception.
Rome was once the mightiest empire on the face of the earth. But she collapsed internally before she was conquered externally. We as a country can be diligent to guard against enemies on the outside, but we would be wise to look within.
Historian Will Durant, in his book on Rome's history, Caesar and Christ, said, "A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within. The essential causes of Rome's decline lay in her people, her morals. . .."
The difference between Rome and the U.S. is that we were founded on Judeo-Christian values. We've strayed from the original vision of our founding fathers, the vision that produced "America."
What was once "freedom of religion" has now become "freedom from religion." We have succeeded in getting God out of our schools, sporting events, public venues, and workplaces. Instead of Christmas, when we should focus on Jesus, we have Happy Holidays and Winter Solstice. Instead of Good Friday and Easter, we have Spring Break. It seems to me that America has gone out her way of late to turn from God. But America needs God's intervention.
We saw many turn to the Lord after 9/11. Remember those prayer vigils on street corners and packed churches? Remember the members of Congress spontaneously singing "God Bless America"? These memories give me hope that there could be at least one more great revival in America's future.
If we do not have revival, I do believe that judgment is inevitable. Peter Marshall, former chaplain to the U.S. Senate once said, "The choice before us is plain: Christ or chaos, conviction or compromise, discipline or disintegration."
God was able to turn the very wicked nation of Nineveh around in the days of Jonah. We know there have been some great spiritual awakenings in our history as well. Let's pray that America will turn back to God in these last days.

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