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Friday, October 14, 2016

ELECTION 2016: 10.14.16 - Clinton email scandal indicative of presidency

When God Promises -Terry James -
Every presidential election in recent times has been talked about as one of the most crucial in America's history. This election has added to it, however, anxiety among voters the likes of which I can't recall.
Not everyone is so concerned, of course. Those I'm referring to who are so concerned are those who truly see the nation as on a pathway of rapid decline in most every aspect of society and culture. From the issues of the debauching of morality like instituting same-sex marriage and same-sex public toilet a presidential administration that seems to have thrown the U.S. Constitution out the window of common the deliberate creation of an economic morass that has built to the point that the government routinely lies, fabricating statistics to try to convince the American people that they aren't in reality in the portentous economic predicament their circumstances plainly indicates, intensive fear is building.
There is genuine worry within the heartland of America that we have a government that is no longer recognizable as founded. And, the even greater worry is that this condition has been deliberately brought about by elected leaders whose primary concerns is feathering their own personal and political power nests.
Certainly, looking across America's landscape of the present hour, it isn't easy to find a glimmer of hope to offer those with these concerns. The cajoling of voters for their votes by the politicians and their great, swelling promises of the campaign stump suddenly disappear when they win elections. They join in or revert to their old Washington ways once put into or returned to office. It would be foolhardy to expect that this election will see accomplished a different result.
Tremendous pressures exerted upon newly elected members of Congress to join the insider network or else be marginalized and rendered ineffectual has been made blatantly observable over the last number of mid-term elections in particular. Once the candidates have been within the D.C. Beltway for a certain period of time, they melt into the system. They seem to disconnect from their constituency until time to get out and shore up their support at home.
The politicians' promises, almost without exception, fade into the canyons of lost memories, the destination for which they are intended all along by the Washington power brokers. Yet to so many amongst the citizenry, the government has come to demand god-like reverence. The largess that the power brokers provide from cradle to grave has replaced reliance upon provision by the true God of Heaven in the mainstream of life in America--this swiftly taking our nation in the opposite direction intended by the founding fathers.
Each succeeding election proves again and again that the politicians' promises were never intended to be kept. Yet we the people continue to place trust in those who, in many cases, have been in those positions of power for decades. It's a form of insanity, I think--reprobate thinking brought on by our sinful ways and activity. Again, the definition of insanity is trying the same thing time after time to solve problems even though it fails every time.
This brought to mind for this week's commentary the distinctly defined difference--the contrast--between those promises given by the politicians and the promises made by our God in Heaven.
Actually, it was the actions of the current president of the United States in Jerusalem attending the funeral of former Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres that brought this contrast to mind. Mr. Obama's White House publicity writers, while reporting Obama's trip to Jerusalem for Peres' funeral, made a faux pas that had to be quickly corrected.
Obama correctly stated in his prepared remarks while attending the funeral, "I could not be more honored to be in Jerusalem to say farewell to my friend Shimon Peres, who showed us that justice and hope are at the heart of the Zionist idea."
However, the White House initially put in the announcement of the president's going to the funeral that the ceremony would be in "Jerusalem, Israel." The embarrassed White House staff put out within six hours of the faux pas the corrected statement that indicated that in fact Jerusalem is disputed territory.
In other words, Israel, in the eyes of U.S. politicians, has no claim to Israel more valid than do those who claim possession among the Palestinians. The U.S. State Department has, in fact, refused to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, placing the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv.
The same politicians who make us promises election after election and quickly forget them once they've been voted in office tell Israel that, in effect, God's promise to that nation is not valid. Yet while the politicians prove election after election that it is their own promises that are not valid, the God of Heaven, through the very nation of Israel, which is at the heart of so much worldwide anger and controversy, has proven beyond any doubt that He keeps His promises.
He has said that Israel, once established in the land, will never be uprooted again. He said it would be made a nation again in a single day. He said that Israel will never stop being His people. He has kept every promise. We can know therefore, beyond any doubt that while the politicians of this nation and world almost never keep even one promise, the God of the Universe never will break a promise.
That God has said to His people Israel regarding Jerusalem, "For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye." (Zechariah 2:8)
The Lord has also promised that because the politicians of this world will "divide my land," He will bring the whole world into the Valley of Jehoshaphat--to Armageddon (Joel 3:2).
That's why we watch Israel so closely in the observation of the unfolding of history in view of Bible prophecy. Israel is absolute proof of the veracity of God's Word. He keeps His promises--and Israel is the proof! To apply this to the fear and trepidation that so many Christians are expressing today about the upcoming election and what lies beyond November 8, I urge that we consider our Great, Promise-Keeping God.
He has told us that we will be completely kept out of the time of the soon-to-come era of horror termed the Tribulation--out of His Judgment and Wrath (Revelation 3: 10). He will take the Bride of Christ --the Church-- off this condemned planet when all of the troubling signals begin to come to pass (Luke 21: 28).
When God promises, it is as good as accomplished. This promise, I hope you will sense in your spirit as do I, is about to be kept.
Clinton email scandal indicative of presidency - Bill Wilson -
The more Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton tries to deflect the email scandal that has besieged her campaign, the more it exposes her deceitful body of work and ineptitude as a leader. She is scurrying about trying to discredit the Wikileaks hacking of her emails as illegal, but the content of the emails is undeniably pulling back the veil to her duplicitous deeds. First and foremost, this raises the question of whether she can be trusted with the nation's top secrets because she is so careless with emails she intended to keep secret. She cannot even keep secret her secrets, how much less can she keep our nation's secrets? But even more revealing are several devastating issues about her.
She smirked the entire time during the last debate when her opponent Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump recounted how she ridiculed an under-aged rape victim while representing her rapist. She attacked Trump for making admittedly inappropriate remarks about women (of which he apologized). Yet, the recent emails reveal that she knew full well that the Islamic State was being funded and materially assisted by the Saudi Arabia-the very government that has given her foundation over $25 million; the government on whose behalf she lobbied hard to give over $60 billion of US military funding. The Islamic State is the most brutal violator of women's and children's rights in modern history.
The Wikileaks-released emails show how Clinton's staff colluded with the White House on the private email server in her closet cover up and investigation. These emails also indicate that Clinton and her staff were considering joking about her testimony on her refusal to send assistance to the US Ambassador during the Benghazi terror attacks, and lying that Ambassador Chris Stevens believed that retreat was not an option. The emails also revealed that the news media is implicitly assisting Clinton's campaign. CNN, through Clinton ally and CNN commentator Donna Brazile, gave Clinton questions in advance. The New York Times gave Clinton veto power over quotes in return for an interview.
Also released in the Wikileaks emails, the UK Daily Caller reports that In March 2015 Washington Post White House Bureau Chief Juliet Eilperin reassured Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta that she was withholding information about his ethically compromising links to a Democratic mega-donor. These are just a few of the most recent horror stories related to Clinton. She is the type of person who is ruled by corruption, dishonesty and carelessness which also would be strongholds of any Clinton presidency. These are harbingers of her soul. Do not trust anything she says. Do not trust what the media says. As Jesus said in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you." We live in perilous times.
 So many divisions, so little time - Bill Wilson -
The Pharisees tried to claim that Jesus was casting out devils by the power of the prince of devils. Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them in Matthew 12:25-26, "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand. And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?" It is in this example the very point that division results in destruction. And it is at this point where America stands today. It is divided. The enemies of America are succeeding in dividing our nation into little segments that cause confusion, anger, bitterness and more. We must attain clarity or we will face destruction.
There are those who have worked for centuries in causing this division. They are those who pit people against one another. They are those who instigate race issues, social issues, financial issues, religious issues and so on. They are those who point the finger at everyone else and accuse them of doing the very thing that they themselves are doing. The American ideal throughout history has been one of freedom of speech, religious expression, self-preservation and the pursuit of life. These are freedoms inspired by the Lord, for He is freedom. Yet the very ones who claim others are trying to take their "rights" away, are the ones who wish to place those very rights, those freedoms of others, in chains.
We tend to watch politics. We look at how Democrats and Republicans fight it out and unscrupulously exist to undermine one another with the very citizens they represent caught in the middle as pawns on a giant national chessboard. We look at the extraordinary confusion created by this infighting among citizen representatives. There is massive confusion emanating from the pulpit of so-called "men of God" about whether to participate in the governance of our country, to spend our time on self improvement because that's what God wants, to join church country clubs that line pockets with money, but do only enough to help the needy that it makes those giving feel good about themselves. We have issues.
People, we need to repent of these issues and divisions. Jesus said in John 10:10, "The thief comes not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy." The divisions we face as a nation right now can destroy us. There are those who foment such division that their result is theft, death, and destruction. 1 Corinthians 14:33 says, "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints." Golly folks-the confusion around the elections, around doctrine, around right and wrong is not of the Lord. It is of Satan. The divisions we see are not of the Lord. They are of Satan. We must see things more clearly, test our hearts, understand the scripture, discern the spirits, otherwise destruction awaits. Shut out the noise of the world. Pray for clarity. Act on the Lord's word. Be guided by the Holy Spirit.
 Separating the noise and finding clarity - Bill Wilson -
As predicted, this election has fast gone to the gutter. There is so much attention on the bad behavior of these candidates that the real issues of the campaign and what faces us as a nation are being drowned out by character issues. Listen, with these two candidates there are going to be character issues. In my opinion, there is one who has far less character than any average American. One candidate is expert at projecting her deficiencies onto the other and fixing blame for the very things she does. The other candidate has said and done things that should have never been said or done, but he does not have a near criminal record following him. But more important are the issues and how these candidates will govern.
We do not know how Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will govern. We do know that he has promised to appoint pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, pro-Constitutional judges to the Supreme Court. We know that he has repeatedly said he would promote freedom of speech and religious freedom. He has promised to improve the tax code by lowering taxes. He has promised to cut red-tape and unnecessary regulation on businesses. He said he would reset and improve relations with Israel. He said he would not continue the weak foreign policy of the current Administration against Islamic terrorism. He said he would secure the nation's borders, and try to stop terrorist infiltration through immigration.
We know how Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will govern. We have seen her since the 1970s beginning with her Watergate prosecution scandal. There has been scandal after scandal with Clinton-big stuff, the kind most of us would go to jail for if we did it. She says she would appoint progressive, pro-choice judges to the Supreme Court. She wants to crack down on religious free speech, especially criticism of Islam. She will raise taxes by $2 trillion. She wants to effectively eliminate the Second Amendment. She will continue the current foreign policy, never effectively ending terror threats or Islamic persecution of Christians. She wants open borders and increased Islamic immigration. Her tough talk against Russia may lead to war. Her plans would increase government spending and the national debt.
This election will decide the direction of America for decades to come in Supreme Court picks alone. Your vote may be the deciding one. Not voting, voting for a third-party candidate that cannot win, or voting based on the noise rather than the issues could have disastrous impact on you, your children, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren. Generations depend on your vote. It is your duty and responsibility. While the news media promotes smut and tries to take attention off of the real issues, it is clear how a godly person should vote based on the issues. We are not electing a pastor, we are trying to turn our country from destruction. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, "For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." Make a decision to vote from the spirit of a sound mind.
 Sex and the election - Bill Wilson -
Let's have a frank discussion about sex...and the election. In 1992, Jennifer Flowers saying she had a 12-year affair with Bill Clinton rocked the election. Clinton denied her claims, was later found to be lying about it and had to admit under oath that the two had sex. We all know that Clinton had a sex problem because that's his legacy. Interesting, that his wife, now Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, stood by her man and was relatively quiet about all the accusations of abuse, rape, and affairs that followed her husband throughout his career. Even more interesting is her reaction to an 11 year old tape of Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump talking graphically about his "sexcapades."
Clinton tweeted: "This is horrific. We cannot allow this man to become president." Meantime, Trump issued an apology, saying, "I've never said I'm a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone that I'm not. I've said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this more than a decade-old video are one of them. Anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize... I've said some foolish things, but there's a big difference between the words and actions of other people. Bill Clinton has actually abused women, and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims." Trump's got a point. Hillary is more outraged at Trump's words than her husband's actions. A double standard-one of great entitlement.
From my days in politics, I could tell you numerous stories about both Hillary and Bill and their sex romps. Bill Clinton is a whoremonger. Hillary Clinton is a lesbian or at least bi-sexual. This dates back to the late 1970s when I first started covering politics and really before the Clintons were a household name. The things I could recount are not fit to be published in The Daily Jot. In an exclusive interview with the UK Daily Mail published October 8, Jennifer Flowers said she wasn't surprised to hear the rumors that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin were lovers. Flowers said that Bill Clinton had admitted to her that Hillary had performed a certain sex act on more women than he had. Flowers said that Hillary Clinton was bi-sexual.
The Clinton's lifetime body of work has been spent denying scandals, murders, selling influence, and a host of other things exposed from the dark secrecy of the Clinton dynasty. These actions are denied without apology. Those exposing them are ridiculed, harassed or worse. And the Clintons behave like victims. Trump also has had a number of scandals, but he owns up to them, says he's not perfect, he was wrong, and apologizes. One of these people is going to be president. One blames others for their own scurrilous actions. One takes responsibility for his actions. Something to think about: Proverbs 28:13 says, "He that covers his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy.

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