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Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Election and the Future of America

The Election and the Future of America - By Paul McGuire -
The upcoming Presidential election is far more than competition between two different candidates. This election represents two different paths for America based upon two different ideas about our country, and these ideas have profound consequences for the future of our nation.
First, we have the essential problem and that is America is no longer the land of the American Dream with unprecedented economic opportunity and unique freedoms, although up until relatively recently it has been one of the he most unique nations in the history of Mankind. Up until the last two decades it has been the most prosperous nation on planet Earth, with the largest middle class in the history of Mankind and a relatively prosperous working class. Through its unique Declaration of Independence and Constitution and Bill of Rights America provided more freedom to more people than any other nation. The promise and reality of the American Dream acted as a light to the nations.
But today the American Dream is dying; the middle class and working class are struggling to make ends meet. The globalist elite and their multinational corporations control both the Republican and Democratic elite establishments, which have enacted numerous trade treaties which have caused an exodus of higher paying jobs and manufacturing to leave America. It is not that America should retreat into isolationism, but globalism has destroyed the wealth of the average American while making the 1% elite richer than they have been at any time in history.
The degradation and loss of the Bill of Rights, of Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Unreasonable Search and Seizure, and other freedoms are staggering. Americans are largely kept in the dark about these matters because all of the major media, which includes television, radio, and the print media is controlled by just six corporations, and they are stealthily extending their control over the Internet. America has become a surveillance state where the citizens are subject to 24/7 electronic surveillance from cameras and microphones in our cell phones, big screen digital televisions, Internet social media, GPS, and technologies that we don't know about. I deal with these topics in my book, A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016-2017.
The basic question every voter should be asking himself is which candidate's ideas and belief system offer the strongest possibility of restoring the American Dream along with its prosperity and unique freedoms.
One of the biggest problems in America today is our educational system, which, from grade school through the university level teaches an illusory view of history based on historical revisionism, political correctness, and the deliberate dumbing down of our children and young adults through things like Common Core and the suppression of the right side of the brain, where the ability to see the big picture, analyze, create, and think outside of the box comes from, in order to create compliant, programmed and non-thinking individuals who will not ask real questions. The Frankfurt School in Germany developed this form of education, which is really all about indoctrination, in the 1930s when its professors designed a non-violent communist revolutionary strategy that would transform America into a Marxist State through political correctness, historical revisionism, and by introducing Marxist principles through the school systems. From the beginning this plan by the intellectuals of the Frankfurt School was designed to destroy the family, Christianity, morality, and patriotism, and indoctrinate students into hating America in an effort to destroy capitalism and the Judeo-Christian foundation upon which America was built. However, the very things that the Frankfurt School wanted to destroy are the very things which made America great.
The endgame of the indoctrination of the Frankfurt School in America's schools was to replace the family, Christianity, patriotism, and capitalism with Marxism, which teaches that the individual must be replaced by the collective of the State and ruled by a top-down centralized government which controls all things. In Marxism the family unit is perceived as capitalist oppression of women, etc. and the "mythology" of God is to be replaced by the communist state.
All of this was in distinct contrast to the America founded by Bible-believing Pilgrims and Puritans who came here to escape religious persecution in Europe. When the Pilgrims settled "New England" in America in the early 1700s they viewed the Atlantic Ocean as their Red Sea and the kings of England whom they were escaping as the Egyptian pharaohs. The Puritans viewed themselves as a righteous remnant of the true Church not corrupted by the Babylonian teachings of the Church in Europe.
The Puritans maintained a strong Protestant work ethic and a belief in private enterprise and private property and did not allow themselves to be controlled and managed by any form of centralized government. In addition, they entered into a Covenant with God based on the Covenant that God made with the ancient Hebrews through Moses and specifically the Covenant referred to in Deuteronomy Chapter 28, also known as the blessings and the curses. In Deuteronomy 28 God promises a long list of blessings based on two requirements. First, the ancient Jews had to worship the Biblical God and not worship any idols.
Secondly, the people had to "hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord thy God," which meant that they had to know the Word of God and obey it. Although the Puritans and the American people did this very imperfectly, God honored this Covenant because He had a unique plan for America to be a light to the nations and a platform for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed around the world. It is impossible to reduce America's incredible prosperity and freedoms to a set of pure materialistic mechanisms like the fact that America was separated from the world by the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. America has been supernaturally blessed by God, and not because of some great inherent virtue.
Beginning with the Mayflower and over the next two decades 16,000 Puritans settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony. They strongly identified with the children of Israel in the Old Testament, and Scripture determined their earliest legislation.
The Puritans believed in education for all and built Christian schools and universities such as Harvard, which was founded in 1636 as a training school for Puritan ministers, and colleges like Yale, William and Mary, Rutgers, Princeton, Brown, and Kings College, which later became Columbia University. In all these schools a strong Biblical worldview was taught along with the learning of Hebrew and Bible studies.
Many of America's Founding Fathers were educated in these Christian universities. Thomas Jefferson attended William and Mary; James Madison, Princeton; Alexander Hamilton, King's College (Columbia); and many others of America's early leaders and Founding Fathers were profoundly influenced by a Biblical worldview in these Christian schools. America's founding documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution with its Bill of Rights were influenced by Biblical thought. In the Declaration of Independence, we read:
We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
These words are similar to the Enlightenment's and John Locke's concept of "the inalienable rights of man," which clearly reflect a Biblical origin. It is also clear that America was founded on a synergy of Biblical thought, Freemasonic, and Deist principles. Some of the Illuminist principles developed by philosophers like Rousseau and Voltaire, which ignited the more humanistic French Revolution, also influenced America.
However, beginning in the 1920s educators like John Dewey, a signer of the Humanist Manifesto, returned from communist Russia to implement communist ideas on education through the U.S. public school system. One of the primary strategies used by the Frankfurt School and communists is to radically transform society through "social justice." The term "social justice" is heard everywhere from college students, media personalities, activists, and even ministers. But most of the people using the term do not understand what it really means and what its true purpose is.
The philosopher John Locke communicated to our Founding Fathers the idea that each individual has an inalienable right to his own life, liberty, and property. According to Locke, the only purpose of government, which is to be limited, is to secure those rights. "Social justice" really means government absolutism or totalitarianism where a centralized government dominates and controls everything and every person. This is the opposite of what our Founding Fathers advocated because it destroys our rights to life, liberty, and property. In every totalitarian society we see mass murder, absolute tyranny, and mass confiscation of individual property.
"Social justice" demands a totally controlled socialist society, and the total abolition of privacy and private property...for the masses, but not, of course, for the ruling elites. Personal privacy is thought of just like private property, and no ordinary individual has the right to privacy. Historically "social justice" always leads to totalitarianism such as depicted in Orwell's Animal Farm. Its advocates dismiss tyranny as an exception rather than the rule, but this is a lie; "social justice" always produces some form of brutal dictatorship.
"Social justice" teaches that competition is wrong and only the team or collective matters. People who work hard and achieve goals are thought to be the undeserving recipients of some kind of natural ability and their work or discipline is never acknowledged. The "haves" never deserve what they have (except, of course, for the super-billionaire elites who are behind it all), and the "have nots" are where they are due to "discrimination or "racism." This is, at best, a partial truth: many people who do not "have" have been deprived economically, socially, and educationally. People who are born into wealthier families where their parents were educated can often have advantages that others do not. But "social justice" will never acknowledge that things like hard work, discipline, and commitment can often give people certain advantages, which they have earned.
"Social justice" demands that wealth and opportunity be redistributed artificially. Everything is about a centralized top down government controlling everything through endless bureaucracies and behavioral scientists. The idea that individuals are personally responsible for their behavior, which can produce either success or failure, must be erased from the minds of the people (unless their behavior involves opposition to the elites, in which case they will be savagely punished). A victim mentality and dependence on an all-powerful state must be cultivated. However, without exception, the historical record of every such society has been dictatorship, poverty, loss of freedoms, mass death, imprisonment, and incredible suffering. These ideas do not work.
In contrast, the ideas created by the Judeo-Christian belief system of the Bible upon which America was built produced the most prosperity and the most freedom for more people than any other nation on Earth. To be blunt, it worked up until very recently as our Judeo-Christian belief system has been undermined and destroyed through education, media, government policies, the activities of the Tavistock Group, and various activist groups financed by globalist super-billionaires. Why would Capitalist super-billionaires want to destroy America's prosperity, Judeo-Christian values, and Capitalism and replace it with Marxism? The reason for this is that the secret purpose of Marxism from the beginning was not about creating "social justice" and a Utopia for everyone. The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx and Engels was simply a copy of the earlier Illuminati manifesto. The secret globalist elites, members of the Illuminati and other secret societies, are the ones who created communism and socialism so they could maintain total dictatorial control over every nation and create a race of slaves under the masquerade of liberating the people. For those that doubt the existence of the Illuminati and other secret societies, read The Babylon Code. The reality is that there is not one communist state that has ever worked, not one! Every nation that fell to a communist revolution ended up murdering millions of its citizens, sending them to concentration camps, establishing military dictatorship, and producing mass poverty. In contrast, every nation that has used Judeo-Christian principles and an American-style Constitution and Bill of Rights has produced freedom and prosperity.
The goal of the globalist elite is to create a one world socialist or communist state through organizations like the United Nations, IMF, World Bank, Bilderberg Group, and various secret societies. The reality is that globalism is primarily benefits the globalist elite. It is not an accident that since the beginning super-billionaires have secretly financed the rise of Adolph Hitler, the Communist revolutions in Russia and China, and the radical transformation of America. These same elite groups have financed the path to world socialist government and their agencies like the United Nations are implementing this plan.
The question has to be asked regarding this upcoming election, which candidate's ideas have the greatest chance of working to restore the American Dream and our unique freedoms? Which candidate's belief system and plans will enable America to fulfill its divine destiny?
All of this was in distinct contrast to the America founded by Bible-believing Pilgrims and Puritan's who came to America to escape religious persecution in Europe. When the Pilgrims settled "New England" in America in the early 1700's, they viewed the Atlantic Ocean as their Red Sea and the Kings of England who they were escaping as the Egyptian Pharaohs. The Puritans viewed themselves as a "righteous remnant of the Church not corrupted by the Babylonian teachings of the Church in Europe.
The Puritans maintained a strong Protestant work ethic, a belief in private enterprise, private property and peacefully did not allow them to be controlled and managed by any form of centralized government. In addition, they entered into a Covenant with God based on the Covenant that God made with the ancient Hebrews through Moses and specifically the Covenant referred to in Deuteronomy Chapter 28, also know as the blessings and the curses. In Deuteronomy 28, God promises a long list of blessings and most of the economic based on two requirements. First, the ancient Jews had to worship the Biblical God and not worship any idols. Secondly, the people had to "hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord thy God," which meant that they had to know the Word of God and obey it.
Although the Puritans and the American people did this very imperfectly, God honored this Covenant because He had a unique plan for America to be a light to the nations and a platform for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed around the world. It is impossible to reduce America's incredible prosperity and freedoms to a set of pure materialistic mechanisms like the fact that America was separated from the world by the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. America has been supernaturally blessed by God and not because of some great inherit virtue has America has been blessed.
The Puritans beginning with the Mayflower and over the next two decades, 16,00 Puritans settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony. They strongly identified the children of Israel in the Old Testament and Scripture determined earliest legislation.
The Puritans built Christian schools and universities such as Harvard University, which was founded in 1636 as a training school for Puritan minister. The Puritans believed in education for all and established Christian colleges and schools like Yale, William and Mary, Rutgers, Princeton, Brown, Kings College, which later became Columbia University. In all these schools a strong Biblical worldview was taught along with the learning of Hebrew and Bible studies.
Many of America's the Founding Fathers were educated in these Christian universities. Thomas Jefferson attended William and Mary, James Madison Princeton, Alexander Hamilton King's College (i.e. Columbia), and many others of America's early leaders and Founding Fathers were profoundly influenced by a Biblical worldview in these Christian schools. America's founding documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution with the Bill of Rights were influenced by Biblical thought. In the Declaration of Independence we read:
We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
These words are similar to the Enlightenment's and John Locke's concept of "the inalienable rights of man," which clearly reflect a Biblical origin. It is also clear that America was founded on a synergy of Biblical thought, Illuminist, Freemasonic and Deist principles. Some of the Illuminist principles developed by philosophers like Rousseau and Voltaire, which ignited the more humanistic French Revolution, also influenced America.
When the establishment is threatened - Bill Wilson -
Donald Trump must really have the establishment threatened. There have been news reports that the only allies Hillary Clinton has are the establishment Democrats and the mainstream media. This is playing out today before your very eyes with the unprecedented Clinton endorsement of USA Today. It was not a ringing endorsement of Clinton, however, as one would expect, but rather a stinging diatribe against Trump, calling him unfit for the office, a habitual liar, a reckless man with a checkered business history, who "traffics in prejudice." In other words, USA Today took the Clinton talking points and turned it into an editorial maligning Trump as "beyond repair." The "establishment" is threatened.
In the next 30 days, Americans will see an unprecedented attack by those whose power is threatened by a Trump presidency. We already have seen it in the works. Politico reports: "The United Nations News Centre - the official U.N. news service - tweeted, then quickly pulled, a post that called for "8 million Americans abroad" to "stop Trump." The tweet, published at 9:14 p.m. ET on Thursday, urged American expats to share a voter registration tool on the website of the activist organization Avaaz that states, "U.S. Citizens abroad could defeat Trump ... if they voted." While the UN has tried to influence US politics in the past, it is vehemently pushing illegal voting, anything that would stop a Trump candidacy.
As Christians, we can look at this in two major ways. Some may say, "See, I told you so. If so many people who are intimately involved in world affairs are against this man, so should we be. Where there is smoke there is fire." Or many may say, "If so many of these world leaders who are afraid of losing their power, who have run economies into extraordinary debt, have fomented war rather than peace by promoting Islam, and have subjected individual rights-including the right to life, freedom of speech and of religion-to overreaching government are against Trump, maybe he is on to something good." Personally, I fall into that category. These established world leaders have made a mess of things. Trump can do no worse.
Hillary Clinton is all the things that USA Today accuses Trump of being. She is a liar, a crook, traffics in class warfare, supports nations who wish to kill all Americans who do not submit to them, peddles influence for money (especially from terrorist sponsors), and the list goes on and on. Clinton is the "establishment's" woman. We do not have great choices for the presidency, but I know what kind of choice Clinton is, what she stands for and her body of work. She is the antithesis of what is good and right about America. As Jesus said in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you." Be careful not to be deceived by those who will make accusations based on the content of their own hearts so they can keep their power and continue their deeds at the expense of others (like you and me). 
And the winner is... - Bill Wilson -
It was the polished, well-rehearsed proven liar politician against the brash, organic, unpolished, non-politician who sometimes is so passionate he can't get his facts straight. So who won? In style points, poise and politico-speak, Hillary Clinton was the hands-down winner. Just ask any mainstream media analysts who babble on about birth certificates and other non-issues of this campaign trying their best to level the liar playing field that is so deeply tipped in Clinton's direction. But interestingly enough, those voting online see things differently. At the time of this writing, Donald Trump is ahead in the CNBC online poll 65-35% with 711,327 total votes; Time, Trump is winning 53-47% with 1.37 million votes.
Online voters at Drudge, the conservative news aggregator, have Trump winning 82-18% with 444,266 votes cast. There were many times during the first presidential debate where Trump missed opportunities to drive home Clinton's lifelong malfeasance, shady dealings and incompetency. He said very little about exposing our nation's secrets on her private email server. He didn't go into Benghazi at all. He didn't set the record straight on how Clinton has enriched herself with $250,000 speaking engagements and selling influence through the Clinton Foundation. Trump said his advisors told him to be nice. But he did drive home the fact that Clinton is a politician that talks a good game but gets nothing good done.
Clinton did talk a good game. She was poised, "presidential," and her answers to questions were so well rehearsed that she seemed at times like she was reading them from a teleprompter. She pressed Trump on his tax filings and essentially called him a racist by using his own comments against him. She clearly and concisely explained the difference between her and her opponent-she is a big government socialist, believing in a global foreign policy, and taxing Americans to grow the government and provide government jobs. She arrogantly scoffed at Trump often, especially making light of his points on law and order and foreign policy. She came across as a politician that knows better than the normal citizen.
Trump, while not scoring many points on style, was very organic in pointing out that big government and a continuation of the leadership that Clinton brings is bad for America. Clinton scored a lot of style points as she demonstrated how polished and super-knowledgeable she is on the issues. A couple of Bible verses to consider as you pray about this election: Ephesians 5:6, "Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things comes the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience." Matthew 7:15, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."  Matthew 7:20, "Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them."
So this is coming out before the debates tonight, and there is some risk on my part, to predict things that may or may not happen.  With that said, my track record isn't half bad...I'm usually about 50% right on stuff, so take that with a grain of salt. So what I'm trying to say is, I could be right, or I could be wrong...and barring any major calamities or other black swan type events, here is how I see things playing out.
Last January 4th, I wrote "2016: The Year in Review", and I got some stuff right, like Trump winning the primaries, but was wrong on his running mate.  Hey, I never said I was 'Miss Cleo' or anything...just a guy with an opinion. <sarcasm intended>  But what I saw then, even though I wasn't a fan (still not) of Mr. Trump, is that he was the only candidate that was able to accurately tap into the public angst of what is boiling over in this country.
BLUF: (Bottom Line Up Front) ---Trump blowout in November. 
It doesn't seem that way now does it?
Out of curiosity, I went back to previous national elections, and predictably the media is doing what they do, which is to try and make this a neck and neck battle until the bitter end because they live off ratings and viewership.  So if they actually reported what the polls were, or the size of the candidate's rallies, you'd see this being how I see it, a landslide for the Republicans.  I think this November, the Democrats and the Clintons are going to be swept away in a river of angry constituency forever.  I know that sounds like hyperbole, especially in light of the current media mantra, but let me explain.
I'm not a poll expert.  I'm not that professor who has his own formula for accurately predicting presidential winners since 1984. (Who by the way agrees with my assessment)  No, my formula is much simpler.  Do you remember how no matter how much mud and slime got thrown at President Obama (and rightfully so) in 2008...and yet, nothing stuck? I mean, the guy, despite having no experience, no history, and who seemingly rose up in a protective shroud of ambiguity, swept his way into office?  Granted, he had the lapdog media virtually doing major redactions on just about everything around him, for him, but he could do no wrong in their eyes.
I see the same thing now with Trump, minus the media prep.  The media hate him, but they can't stop talking about him.  He is, as Rush Limbaugh would say, living rent-free in their heads 24/7.  However, the same rubbery criteria applies: no matter how much or how often he's put his foot in his mouth, or anything in his past, nothing is sticking to Donald Trump (to date), despite the media's best efforts. 
On the other hand, Hillary can't seem to get traction on anything, despite the media's best efforts at propping her up.  Not only that, but her health problems are almost becoming surreal.  Uncontrollable coughing her own rallies?  Uncontrollable eye movements?  Fainting.  Pneumonia.  Dementia.  I mean, who knows what's going on with her physical problem? Let alone all the other political problems she's accumulated for herself over the last few years.
But on a more macro-level, for the past eight years, we've lived under a political regime bent on transforming the best and most fundamentally fair political system this world has ever known.  Why?  The same system Pres. Obama is so bent on changing, is the same system that allowed him to rise to the highest political office in the nation.  It is much, much more than that though.  Public angst has been simmering to levels unseen since Pearl Harbor.  Except it isn't the Japanese saying, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve"...but the Democrats. 
The onslaught of political correctness over the last eight years is akin to waterboarding us with liberal lunacy, to the point that the Democrats (in large measure) no longer live in reality. I don't mean how a conservative already views a leftist, but how other liberals are having a hard time swallowing the bilge that Democrats are spewing these days.  Perhaps it's like this group, mental break from reality, where they prefer to live in la la land because they can't accept the reality that their policies are resounding failures. Prime examples of leftist lunacy;
Screening immigrants (illegal or otherwise) for criminal backgrounds is unconstitutional.
Stricter gun laws against law-abiding citizens makes us safer.
Children should be raised genderless.
The government should run all healthcare in the US.
Iran has the right to be nuclear.
Just because there is a seemingly endless train of 'lone wolf' attacks committed by Islamic people, doesn't mean Islamic terrorism exists.
Ladies room really means mens room.
Leave no man behind, except...well, at this point, what difference does it make?
The laws about handling classified material only apply to the 'little people.'
There are only about a thousand more things I could add to the list, but you get my point.  The center-right public has had to endure this never-ending stream of leftist ideology for the past eight years and the worst part is that a Republican-controlled House and Senate couldn't/didn't make any serious efforts to stop this.  That is why in large part a traditional Republican candidate couldn't make it out of the primaries and why Trump won. Trump, whether you like him or hate him, is not a traditional candidate. 
For most of human history, and for that matter, most of the world outside of the West today, life is cold, brutal, and short. It seems unfair to most, that their time here has been spent in abject misery, starvation, illness, or suffering, while others have it so good. The fact of the matter is that human suffering is the norm, not the exception.  It's only been in the last forty years or so, that living conditions have vastly improved to such a degree, that creature comforts like ice cubes, fast food, and central air and heating have become common place. 
But as believers in Jesus Christ, and to an even greater degree, fellow students of Bible prophecy, we know we are at the end.  We don't know how quickly that end will be with any real specificity, but we know it is close.  Evangelicals might not agree with Trump on a how he's made his money or the shallowness of his faith, but let me ask you this: if you, as a Christian, had to live here, or in North Korea, where would you choose?  You'd almost overwhelmingly choose here.  Why?  Well, because you like having freedom.  It may not be as pure as it used to be (constitutionally speaking), and the world is in its final stages of falling apart, but that's still a far cry better than absolute, abject tyranny.  Even if I weren't a Christian, I still wouldn't want to live in North Korea, given the option.  I bring this up because we all have to live somewhere, and we all have to deal with the world in which we exist.  For the time being, and given the two options between tolerable and unbearable, I choose the former.
The truth is, there are no perfect human candidates.  One day, the world will finally hail one as such, and he will turn out to be the man of sin, the Antichrist, the son of perdition, the rider on the white horse.  He, will plunge this world into its darkest period ever known.  But until that point in which Christ returns, life would be like the days of Noah, and the days of Lot. (Luke 17:26-30)  Life would be normal, or at least have a sense of normalcy to it.  And yes, this is speaking to the moment of the Rapture, and not the Second Coming, because life inside the seven-year tribulation, is going to be anything but normal.  The Seventieth Week of Daniel, will consist of a series of 21 judgements, each more horrifying and terrible than the one before.  It will cripple mankind, and upend creation, cataclysmically stripping away over half of the world's population.
So given what we know about what is coming, I believe that tolerating Trump is small potatoes in comparison.  He isn't running for the office of "America's Pastor," but for the office of the President of the United States.  Although he'd be an improvement over the current self-nominee Rick Warren...but I digress.
Look, it's only a little while longer, and the Lord Himself will return, and He will right all the wrongs, beginning with us, the Church.  He will take us up, and purify us unto Himself, and we will enjoy the blessings of His presence for seven years, while the world agonizingly endures what it has always wanted, a Christless world.  The Lord sets up kings, and He knocks them down.  The Lord appoints the governing authorities, and He uses them to His own ends. 
But fear not fellow believers, if Hillary does win perchance, then that means, America is under judgement and the He is coming sooner rather than later. If Trump wins, that means America is still under judgement and He is coming sooner rather than later.  Either way, we win.  The road just gets a little bumpier with her at the wheel.
Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name.  "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."'  Revelation 3:10-13

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