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Saturday, October 22, 2016

ELECTION 2016: 10.22.16 - God Deposes Kings and Raises Up Others

God Deposes Kings and Raises Up Others - J.L. Robb -
I was riding down the highway last Friday, listening to the Herman Cain Show on talk-radio, when a caller said God had spoken to him about the upcoming national election in the United States. Hillary Clinton will be the winner.
Well, when I recovered, I carefully backed out of the woods and drove up the bank and back onto the highway. Fortunately, neither I nor the trees were injured. God was endorsing Hillary? No way. I listened further. Then it dawned on me that the caller did not say that God had endorsed a presidential candidate but had only named the winner.
As the conversation briefly went on, the caller quickly showed his disdain for anything not of the Democratic Party. He seemed especially disturbed about Donald Trump and his inability to say what people want to hear, at least many people. The Donald has not been groomed since adolescence to live in the world of international politics and corruption and favoritism and nepotism. He has not been groomed to say what the little people want to hear, but then ignore the people who put him in office.
I personally do not know what God's involvement might be in the election process of the United States, or the election process in any country of our world for that matter. I do not know if God really spoke to the rabid caller but have my doubts. I do not believe that The Almighty is particularly pleased with any of our candidates.
Donald Trump, according to James Dobson and many other prominent Christians, is a Christian and should be elected, even though Mr. Trump said publicly that he never prayed for forgiveness. This is an oddity to Christians, because most Christians believe they sin daily and pray about it.
Since Christians do not hold the belief in animal sacrifice like many of our Jewish brethren believe even to this day, for the atonement of sin; we pray to God for forgiveness and believe that Jesus was and is the Messiah who was sent to the Jews in Judah to offer them eternal salvation since they had so much trouble keeping the Law of Moses. Jesus would offer himself as a blood sacrifice for their sins, a permanent atonement.
While most of the Jews of that day rejected the offer, thousands of Jews recognized Jesus as the Messiah and became followers. I suppose, to those Jews, seeing a dead person get up and start walking pretty much did it. This rejection by the mainstream Jewish population and led by the rabbis, turned out to be lucky for us, the non-Jewish. Because of that, Jesus' grace and mercy was extended to anyone who would believe and acknowledge that he was who he said he was: The Messiah.
It was The Messiah who said that we all fall short in the eyes of God, that no one makes it to God's Kingdom because of their extra-special works, even Mother Teresa, without God's great forgiveness.
On the other hand, we have Hillary Clinton who has at least a thirty-year history in politics. She and her husband, the forty-second president of the United States, have been rubbing elbows with the movers and shakers in the national and international political arena, for what seems like forever. Her support for abortion at any time during pregnancy is well documented, as is her belief that the unborn have no rights. Additionally, she expects we-the-people to pay for it.
After this week's leaks to the media of Clinton staff/support emails condemning Catholic and Evangelical beliefs as antiquated and stating the Church needs to modify its stand on gender recognition and lots of other stands, the citizens are forced to pay for the deaths of the truly innocent, those who have not even had an opportunity to sin.
This logic, of course, has been displayed since the US Supreme Court ruled that for the first time in the history of the world, men could marry men and enjoy whatever tax benefits that have traditionally been awarded to those who chose natural marriage. God refers to this behavior as abominable. That is not good.
Immediately after the SCOTUS ruling, Christian bakers were told that they would have to build wedding cakes and cater weddings for those who disagree with God and think He needs to lighten-up and get with the gender-recognition program. This is Hillary's world; and it seems pretty Godless: Abortion anytime until birth; The unborn have no rights; Christianity needs to modify its beliefs for the benefit of the LGBTQ2R community; Blaming and belittling the multiple women that her husband victimized through his usurp of power.
If God was a Voter, this would be a hard one to call. Two people who seem to believe they are flawless. But have no doubt, God does have His hand in it; and in the rulers of all countries.
"Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning." Daniel 2:20-21 NIV
When Satan and God decided on a contest concerning Job to see if Satan could get Job to reject God, Satan was given much leeway to take most any actions he deemed necessary, outside of death. Satan did not attempt to win Job's affection with sweet talk and promises; he planned to gain Job's rejection of The Almighty by making him miserable. Didn't work.
Throughout Jewish history, when God was rejected or scorned, the Jews had a bad day.  It is the same way with us today, Jew and non-Jew. America is stumbling all over itself by its rejection of God. It is my opinion that God is letting Satan determine the rulers today. God is giving him great leeway.
Franklin Graham sums it up nicely:
"Contrary to what one of the candidates said...our country isn't great because we are good. America is great because God has blessed it. We need His favor to survive as a nation."
I do not much think either candidate is showing God's "favor."
I think we are in big trouble.
Final debate exposes much - Bill Wilson -
The final presidential debate of this election cycle is logged and in the books. Fox News moderator Chris Wallace did a great job pushing the candidates on the issues and keeping the debate focused. Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton appeared to be on the defensive most of the night as Republican candidate Donald Trump answered his questions directly then exposed Clinton for her graft and corruption, her bad foreign policy decisions, and 30-plus years of being on the public dole without getting anything done. Trump's moment, however, was when he said he would "keep you in suspense" whether he would accept the results of the election if he thought it was rigged. This has leftists screaming.
It started with leftist in chief Clinton saying "that's horrifying." The media analysts at the end of the debate were beside themselves that a presidential candidate may not accept the results of the election and in doing so unify the country. Let's get real. The most logical reason they are collectively horrified is that contesting the election if it appears to be rigged will expose the Democratic Party's system of rigging elections. Precincts voting over 100% for a candidate, dead people, illegal aliens, felons are voting. They vote Democratic. They sway elections. Not to mention the voting machines owned by a George Soros affiliated company. Every American should be questioning the veracity and results of the election.
Let us recall the last presidential election where a candidate wouldn't accept the results. That would be Al Gore, a Democrat, who conceded then called to retract his concession. He contested the election all the way to the Supreme Court, which declared George W Bush the winner some 34 days after the election. Here we have a perfect case of how communists work-they accuse others of doing the deed they did then propagandize it as if it was the worst act of mankind. When Al Gore would not accept the results of the election, it was the leftists, including the news media, who thought the Gore challenge was the right thing to do. Imagine black robed oligarchs choosing our president. It happened.
But to another point that is lost in this frenzy-Trump said of Clinton and the election, "She's guilty of a very serious crime. She should not be allowed to run. And just in that respect, I say it is rigged." Clinton handled our nation's secrets carelessly-a crime for which many have gone to jail. The law also states that if one is found to have done this, they cannot hold a public office. After her husband Bill Clinton met with Democratic Attorney General Loretta Lynch in the back of her jet for a half an hour, the FBI, which is under Lynch's authority, said no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute Clinton. This is a travesty. The final debate exposed much. Proverbs 12:26 says, "The righteous should choose his friends carefully, For the way of the wicked leads them astray." The same should apply to leaders.
The truth behind positive media for Clinton - Bill Wilson -
The Center for Public Integrity's mission is "To serve democracy by revealing abuses of power, corruption and betrayal of public trust by powerful public and private institutions, using the tools of investigative journalism." It prides itself as being one of the nations oldest and largest nonpartisan, non-profit Pulitzer Prize winning investigative news organizations. So when it reveals that the vast majority of journalists contributing to the presidential election are supporting Democrat Hillary Clinton, one has to look at the gravity of what is being reported. The Center reports some 430 people who work in journalism have donated about $382,000 to Clinton-that's 96% of all the money donated to both candidates from journalists.
The results are as would be expected. One example, reported by the Center says, "New Yorker television critic Emily Nussbaum, a newly minted Pulitzer Prize winner, spent the Republican National Convention pen-pricking presidential nominee Donald Trump as a misogynist shyster running an "ugly and xenophobic campaign." What Nussbaum didn't disclose in her dispatches: she contributed $250 to Democrat Hillary Clinton in April." While $250 doesn't sound like much, it is a statement of tremendous import. In my days of reporting, my personal policy was that I would never show any kind of bias toward a candidate by contributing to the campaign or becoming too cozy with members of a campaign staff.
We can see that isn't the case in this election. Even Trump mentioned in the last debate that it was three to one against him, a reference to how the so-called "impartial moderators" were favoring Clinton. This comes as no surprise, however, as even a May 2015 poll by Rasmussen suggested that the majority of Americans expect biased coverage. Rasmussen reported, "When it comes to the 2016 presidential campaign, only 23% believe most reporters will try to offer unbiased coverage. Fifty-nine percent (59%) think that coverage will be slanted instead, with 36% who say most reporters will try to help Hillary Clinton during the campaign and 23% who say they will try to hurt her bid for the White House instead."
There is an old adage that covers just about anything: Follow the money. The money says that journalists favor Clinton by some 96% of the donations they give. And these are just the ones who do not see it as a conflict of interest to give to a political candidate. Those polled thought the media would be slanted, and the contributions by journalists prove it. They wouldn't be giving to Clinton if they didn't support her. That automatically biases anything they would report. As Isaiah 59:14 says, "And justice is turned back, and righteousness stands afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." Truth, indeed, has fallen in the street, and these so-called "journalists" don't even try to hide their iniquity.
This Election Will Shape this Nation's Destiny - Pastor Mike Taylor -
16" These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren." (Proverbs 6:16-19)
"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters,
proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,4Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." (2nd Timothy 3:2)
As we approach the end of this age, the American dream has all but been extinguished. In no other time of our history has the foundation of our once great country been chipped away at, as it has been in the last almost 8 years of the rule of the "king" of the USA, the current POTUS.
BUT saying that, let us face it, folks, the current two political parties are anathema to our way of life as fashioned by the signers of the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and our Constitution. They have sold their very souls for their own personal wealth and have not fulfilled even a hint of what we sent them to Washington D.C. to do for us, what asked them to do, and that is, represent the best interest of us, "We the People".
The current political landscape is awash with charges of character assassinations and little to do with our current problems that face this nation, leading us to an approaching crisis of unsurmountable destruction that needs a strong leader to address the problems we face as a people.
Many of the Christian community have all but thrown up their hands and will not vote in this coming election, or think they can soothe their conscience by voting for a third party candidate that has no chance of winning, but an all but absentee vote for the Democratic candidate. I have read an article by Hal Lindsey, who I respect as a prophecy student who is looking upon this situation as we all are and he had a great response to those who sit on their hands and will abstain from voting this coming election. On this weeks "Hal Lindsey Report" he made the following statements:
"In my lifetime, I cannot remember an election season like this one. One where the stakes have been higher or the choices so -- shall I say -- unexpected.
I know that many of you feel the same way. I know, too, that some of you are so discouraged by the situation, and by what is obviously a stacked deck, that you are considering sitting out this election.
I certainly understand, but I pray you will change your mind.
Like it or not, one of these candidates will be the next President of the United States. He or she will play a direct role in our lives and in the lives of our children and grandchildren.
He or she may well determine whether our republic survives a while longer or quickly becomes merely a territory or region under the rule of a global regime." (end quote)
Sadly, and most sincerely, the man speaks the hard, unvarnished truth. Our nation has fallen into an obvious ditch with its immorality, its violence between races, rampant illegal immigration leading even to possible terrorist attacks (not to mention the ones that have already taken place), an economy that teeters on the edge of collapse by internal implosion. We incapable of even defending ourselves or our allies with a military that has been decimated to pre-WW2 levels by the "usurper in chief" who has been anything but strong in leadership, but has been calculating to the point of criminality to the planned demise of the United States of America.
Now you may say that this is a political message and you would be right to a point. During the American Revolution, the group that propelled this nation to victory was the "Black Robe Regiment" that filled the pulpits of our nation and spoke the truth of the seriousness of their plight against England, and the need to return to the faith of our fathers. In the 1950s, then Congressman Lyndon B. Johnson passed a bill where is was "outlawed" for a religious leader to address political problems of our country, due to their tax exempt status of 501(c)(3) which put a muzzle on their ministers of this country to speak out against moral and political issues of the day that affect the moral behavior of this country. Too long, ministers have been afraid to speak "truth to power" of what this country faces in the knowledge of their loss of the tax exempt status. I say "Black Robe Regiment" rise up again and speak out and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ that will save this country from her eventual demise. No minister should be afraid to speak to the problems that face the moral and civil decline of this nation, and this minister will NOT be silent!! Our country has enormous problems, but if we were able to repent, then God in His mercy, would spare of what is inevitable, the downfall of the USA to a third world country and being absorbed into a one world conglomerate run by the elite, and we being their slaves.
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."  2nd Chronicales 7:14
Head up, my fellow Americans and brother and sisters in Christ, this nation is faced with two imperfect choices for the POTUS for at least the next four years. Neither is is as Bill Wilson said so eloquently in his message from the Daily Jot:
"We do not know how Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will govern. We do know that he has promised to appoint pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, pro-Constitutional judges to the Supreme Court. We know that he has repeatedly said he would promote freedom of speech and religious freedom. He has promised to improve the tax code by lowering taxes. He has promised to cut red-tape and unnecessary regulation on businesses. He said he would reset and improve relations with Israel. He said he would not continue the weak foreign policy of the current Administration against Islamic terrorism. He said he would secure the nation's borders, and try to stop terrorist infiltration through immigration.
We know how Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will govern. We have seen her since the 1970s beginning with her Watergate prosecution scandal. There has been scandal after scandal with Clinton-big stuff, the kind most of us would go to jail for if we did it. She says she would appoint progressive, pro-choice judges to the Supreme Court. She wants to crack down on religious free speech, especially criticism of Islam. She will raise taxes by $2 trillion. She wants to effectively eliminate the Second Amendment. She will continue the current foreign policy, never effectively ending terror threats or Islamic persecution of Christians. She wants open borders and increased Islamic immigration. Her tough talk against Russia may lead to war. Her plans would increase government spending and the national debt."
Each of us, being mortal men, are just as flawed as either of these candidates, although one is way more flawed than that of the other. One has multiple scandals and threats of indictment from the FBI, the Congress of the USA, and a failing health that is evident all over the news with her neurological disorder and collapses witnessed on video. She has a trail of dead bodies that have been associated with her, with four in the last couple of months that dared to threaten her bid for the highest office in the land. She has somehow, avoided prosecution for 30 years, but even a habitual criminal has their judgment day.
The other is blasted by the media for "locker room" talk that all of us have heard, if we have been in the high school gym locker rooms in our younger no surprise that the man is a "alpha" male, but he is not scandal ridden or facing possible jail time.
There's an old joke about a Christian man that was sitting on the roof top of his house during a devasting flood. The water kept rising from his 2nd story windows as a rowboat came along and offered their help. The man waved them away saying "No, I'm waiting for God to save me". Two more times a row boat came to offer deliverance and even a helicopter rescue team arrived, but the man waved them away with the same explanation. "No, I'm waiting for God to save me"...
The man drowns and at the gate of heaven, the man asked God why "didn't you save me?". God says "Hey, I sent three lifeboats and a helicopter but you refused them all."
Did you ever consider that God is sending us a lifeboat in one of our presidential candidates? Maybe God is trying to tell us something. I heard from another brother, that God revealed to him, that Donald Trump is likened to King Cyrus of Persia, that God used to save Israel and return her to her land. King Cyrus was a pagan, but God used even a pagan to do His will. Maybe we don't need a "Christian" to lead this country, not in the sense of a Billy Graham, because a committed Christian wouldn't be in politics with its sea of dirty tricks and less than stellar ethics...Point being, we are not electing a pastor, we are electing a leader of the free world...Maybe now is NOT the time for a "nice Christian guy", as they could lead us to a slaughter or the typical Republican "powder puff" we've been subjected to the last two election cycles. Maybe now is the time for a natural born killer, a ruthless fighter, a warrior, a fully grown lion with sharp teeth and claws, because right now we need a miracle, or America is finished!! We need a King David type to slay the giant, because we have GIANT problems that will NOT go away with the leadership we had. They will only get worse.
Oh, some will say the man in unpolished, not a statesman, and sometimes no so politically correct, or he's not always a gentleman. Maybe the rules of being a gentleman don't apply here. Look at our last candidates that went down in flames. Did any of them effect any change on the moral decline of our country and the direction this country is heading to? Did any of these blokes lead us to the GOP "promise land"? No, because when you don't win, you have no say.
Did you ever think that God is sending us a lifeboat, a King Cyrus and a "war leader" at this moment in time? We had "namby pamby" weakness in the last 8 years that has done nothing but make idol threats to our enemies and apologies for our very existence as an "Imperial Colonization" country that he must ask forgiveness for. NO..we need a strong leader who knows how to tackle hard problems in our economy, our infra-structures, and has plans to rebuild our military and enforce our safety through existing immigration laws.
say a "war leader" as we in an undeclared war with Islam, radical or otherwise and we must win, or the American dream dies to the likes of Sharia Law. Otherwise, America is done, it's over. The greatest nation that world history ever saw will be gone, finished, Kaput, Adios.
Make no mistake, judgment is coming to the rebellious world we live in. Judgment could fast be coming to the USA, but with one final breath, maybe we can save this land in the last second before her destruction for an undetermined amount of time. We need someone different. We need someone outside of the Washington elite who thinks only about themselves, not about the people of this land. We need someone who has experienced the rough and tumble world where nothing gets done, unless you are combative, aggressive and on the offense, all of the time. Someone like that would be thought of as somewhat arrogant, and not all politically correct.
I see it like this. This nation can elect a Hillary Clinton (shudder) and know that the policies of the present administration will continue on steroids and this nation will go down in flames rather quickly. Or they can choose to go a different path with someone who speaks patriotism of "making America first" Making American great again" and this nation might...and emphasize might get a temporary reprieve from judgment, especially since he is an obvious friend of Israel. Note that four of his children are married to Jewish he is sympathetic to the plight of the nation of Israel. As King Cyrus, this man, Donald Trump will return the blessings of God on this nation...for a season. How long?, that is in God's hands, not mine.
"2 And I will make thee a great nation,  and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3, And I will bless those bless thee, and curse those who curseth thee, and in thee whall all the families of the earth be blessed." (Genesis 12:2-3)
2 "I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.
3And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink. (Joel 3:2-3)
Those who dare come against Israel, as this present administration, and the policies will continue if another Democrat is elected, will hasten the demise of this country. It was noted, that every time that some Bible ignorant politician tries to divide the land of israel, or comes against her and not support her, as we have since her birth in 1948, causes in retrospect environmental disaster in this country, hurricans, tornadoes, flooding and disasters that can only be attributed to divine wrath for not blessing the people of Israel, the apple of God's eye.
""For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye."  (Zechariah 2:8)
Maybe you think God couldn't be associated with somebody so outlandish, even arrogant. Maybe you think God is nice and gentlemanly, Really? In God's wrath and judgment, He makes men go through pain and suffering, even death and destruction. God inflicts vengeance on a rebellious mankind. Remember when God was with us during WW2, was God "nice"? Was He gentlemanly when He allowed us to take out Hitler, Mussolini and the Emperor of Japan. Was He gentlemanly when we dropped two atomic bombs on two cities in Japan killing everything within a 10-mile radius and poisoning and burning millions in an act to end the war?
Does God send us "vicious" leaders like George S. Patton, or Dwight Eisenhower, or General Douglas McArthur because they are nice? Is God nice on the battlefield, even in the times when Israel conquered the land of Israel and killed everything in sight to rid the land of evil that He endured until their sinfulness in the land was fully complete in His eyes? No, God sends us leaders to defeat evil in the land, we called the "good guys". It is pretty evident to me that God is sending us unique people to be "war leaders" in this face of our total destruction at the hands of a one world governing body, or the hands of Islam. That's a different role that being a pastor or a church leader, and I believe God understands that.
Do you feel weary with the situation of this world around you? Are you looking for someone to bring you out of this waste land you are seeing this country enter into? Make no mistake, no woman, no man can do this all by themselves...not a POTUS Donald Trump and surely not the likes of Clinton (two for the price of one) presidency. No, it will be the hand of God who will use men for His ultimate purpose and fulfill His will for this nation and the world we live in. Do I know God's will? No, but I believe maybe God is trying to give us strength and using men to bring us back to Him in repentance. Can this man bring us to repentance? Probably not, but he will point this nation in the right direction, if his promises are real.....The USA is nothing but a big corporation that needs a smart CEO...we have had nothing like that since Ronald Reagan....Can Trump be a new Reagan...I pray God is sending us that kind of man. Our choice is pretty clear, either continue the road we are on, to our utter destruction. Or change course and embrace the foundation that made this country great. Who will point us into that direction? We, as citizens of this nation and those who proclaim Jesus Christ as their Savior, must make a rational and conscious decision of where we want this country to go...are you happy with where we are now? Is it time to change course and save the Titanic before she hits the iceberg and there are no life boats to save us from extinction in the waters of annihilation!
No one is saying Trump is perfect. No one is saying Trump is a perfect conservative. But he is a patriot. He is a warrior. He is a capitalist. He is the right man, at the right time. Yes, he's a bit rude and crude and offensive. But that may make him the perfect warrior to save America, American exceptionalism, capitalism and Judeo-Christian values. The choice should be easy for Christians.
It's Trump...or it's the end of the American dream.
This is pastor Mike Taylor, praying God to lead you into all truth..if you need counseling, prayer or just a listening ear. Email me at, or visit me online at www. . God bless you all,
 You have the power - Bill Wilson -
According to the Washington Post, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is already the winner in the November presidential elections. The Post says that "Clinton is ahead in nearly all of the key battleground states where her campaign has directed the most resources, according to many recent polls...Clinton aides said they see advantages to running up the score in the electoral college, where 270 votes wins the White House. Victories in unexpected places could boost that total, hand her more of a mandate come January and decreasing the potency of Trump's complaints of a "rigged" election." So how do you like a newspaper quoting some political hacks declaring a victor without a vote?
Better get used to it if you don't want to exercise your power to change the election and the nation. You will be told by the media lapdogs that you are not allowed to think on your own because that's hate speech. You will be going underground with any form of Christian evangelism because it is offensive to Islam. You will be told that you are mentally ill because you might want to own a gun for self-defense. You will be told that your children can get abortions and smoke marijuana without your consent. And you will pay the government your hard earned money for the privilege. Is this the type of America you want because you may be too pious to pull the lever for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump?
Some people are resigned to say that we are going to get the president we deserve. This may be true. When you consider that Christians are a vast and overwhelming majority in this nation at about 80% or more, and we sit on our hands decrying that we can't vote for an ungodly candidate. Think of the logic here: As a Christian, we can't vote for Trump, so by throwing a vote away either by not voting or voting for someone who can't win, we are voting for a transforming knight of the dark side, where all the things we say we stand for from a Biblical perspective will be held in great contempt by the victor. This kind of logic is no logic at all. It's like giving up and taking a knee when all you have to do is cross the goal line.
Think of the greater good. For those of you who do, and I know there are many out there, be strong. Speak boldly as you ought to speak. Educate others on the stakes of this election. If you are rejected, just keep trying. Don't lose heart. You have the power to speak truth. Romans 13:11-12 says, "And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light." We need to quit listening to the noise, and focus on the source. If 80% of the population, the Christians, were unified and voted together, there would be no question the victor.

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