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Saturday, October 8, 2016

"Hal Lindsey Report" : 10.8.16

 "Hal Lindsey Report" - Hal Lindsey -
On September 28, FEMA, the FCC, and the National Weather Service conducted a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS). EAS allows the federal government to take complete control of the content of television and radio stations, as well as cable systems.
Broadcasters are required to place the EAS switch between their studios and the station's transmitter. When the government activates the switch, the broadcaster's own sound and picture are replaced by the government's.
Only once before has this system been tested nationally. That was in November of 2011. There were several glitches and the system failed to perform adequately.
Apparently, last week's test was a complete success.
Ostensibly, EAS will be used to alert the public in the event of an impending natural disaster, probably a catastrophic weather emergency. Maybe even a national defense threat. Who could object to that? I don't.
But we've all seen movies where the super-villain somehow interrupts every broadcast in the nation (or the world) to announce his threats or demands. In real life, the EAS system used far too many and varied protocols for that scenario to be even a remote possibility.
But EAS is now part of the wider Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS). It is based largely on the internet. This wider system not only has the power to commandeer broadcast and cable content, it can also access smart phones.
After the recent bomb attacks in New York and New Jersey, the government sent out a warning to smart phone users in that area to be on the lookout for the primary suspect. For the first time (unlike an Amber Alert or an Emergency Weather Alert), they transmitted the man's picture.
Interestingly, your smart phone gives you control over the kinds of alerts or notifications you receive, such as Amber or weather alerts. But you do not have the ability to disable an alert from the White House. The President's order overrides everything else.
In view of what Bible prophecy says about the Antichrist's ability to communicate with the entire world, I think this is an interesting development.
Someone recently remarked to me that the EAS is old news. It's been around for years.
My thought was that it has never worked satisfactorily. Until now. It was never fully comprehensive. Until now.
I replied that every system or tool the Antichrist needs to accomplish his worldwide takeover has been in development for years, decades, even centuries. What makes it interesting is that they are all coming into completeness and full utility now. Just in time for the Antichrist's arrival.
Something else makes the rapid emergence of the tools and mechanisms he will need even more amazing. That is the fact that they are all being placed into the hands of global entities and authorities beyond the control of individual nations and states.
As of October 1, oversight of the internet has been completely ceded to an international agency. The ultimate authority to grant internet domain addresses now rests with a corporation outside the reach of the United States government. It remains to be seen what protections and rights that we, as American citizens, will now have available to us.
That pattern is repeating itself over and over. On September 20, President Obama told the United Nations that the United States has too much power and needs to relinquish some of its sovereignty. I know that's hard to imagine, but it's part of a worldwide trend.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a perfect example. That agreement took years to negotiate and is over 5,000 pages long. Though it is promoted by our leadership as a "trade" agreement, actually "trade" is only a small part of what it governs.
By agreeing to it, the United States is ceding an alarming amount of our own sovereignty and right of self-determination to a group of shadowy, globalist bureaucrats. And the TPP leaves very little recourse to us if we find it to be oppressive or harmful to our interests.
Most of it was negotiated during Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State. In 2012, she called it, "...the gold standard in trade agreements." Now that she's running for president, she claims to be against it. But if elected, you can be sure she will reverse course again and promote it vigorously.
TPP legally obligates its members to implement the United Nations' Agenda 2030. That's the program the UN claims will end poverty and pollution by 2030. Its provisions first become active in 2018.
Agenda 2030 is an update of the notorious Agenda 21. It passed the UN unanimously last year. And it calls for massive changes in all our lives. It is literally a scheme to subjugate mankind under the heel of corporate and international elites.
When the Antichrist assumes power, he will need global tools and organizations, as well as incredible technology, to accomplish his purpose. And it looks now like he will have everything he needs. Right on time. Just as the ancient prophets predicted.
Last week, Israel's last major founding figure passed away. Shimon Peres died at age 93.
As a young man in his mid-twenties, Peres was part of the group that established the modern state of Israel. He joined the team in 1947, almost exactly one year before the War of Independence in 1948. He was a trusted protege of "modern Israel's founding father," David Ben-Gurion.
From the beginning, Ben-Gurion entrusted young Peres with a variety of important tasks and positions. Throughout his long service to his nation, Peres served as Director General of the Israeli Defense Ministry, Minister of Finance, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Internal Affairs, and other high positions.
He oversaw the creation of Israel's military. In the 1950s, he convinced Ben-Gurion to initiate Israel's nuclear weapons program. That program alone has possibly been the major factor in Israel's effective deterrence of invasion by its much larger enemies.
In later years, Peres was twice Prime Minister of Israel. Later, he served for seven years in the largely ceremonial office of President of Israel. In fact, he is the only person in Israel's history to have been both Prime Minister and President.
But in the 1990s, the man who worked so long and hard for Israel's security, made a terrible mistake.
As Israel's Foreign Minister, Peres was the primary force behind The Oslo Accords. Even though he shared Nobel Peace Prizes with Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin for their efforts, the Oslo Accords have been called "Israel's Munich."
It was a disaster of the first order. Oslo led to major intifadas (almost immediately), bus bombings, wars, and a general sense of chaos throughout the land.
The Oslo Accords never brought peace.
Though he was wrong in this instance, I believe we can say that Shimon Peres tried with all his might to bring peace to his nation.
In his speech on the White House lawn the day the Accords were signed, Peres said, "Let us bid once and for all farewell to wars, to threats, to human misery. Let us bid farewell to enmity, and may there be no more victims on either side."
I believe he truly longed for those words to be true. Can you imagine how disappointed he must have been when the opposite happened?
I met Mr. Peres only once. I have always counted it a privilege to have spent time with one of Israel's most important founding figures.
Now that the last of the generation of courageous leaders that founded Israel (God's timeclock) has passed, it reminds me that every day we are moving closer to the climax of this Age of Grace.
Speaking of which, this week I want to tell you the difference between the Resurrection and the Rapture.
Let me give you a hint. If you are reading this, you don't need Resurrection, you need Rapture!
But you can prepare yourself for both, in exactly the same way!
"Hal Lindsey Report" - Hal Lindsey -
The recent rash of terror incidents in the United States is disturbing. With the bombings in New York and New Jersey and the stabbings in a mall in Minnesota, it is clear that terrorist attacks inside the US are on the rise.
I continue to be amused, sometimes amazed, at how anxious our government officials are to declare immediately that none of these events are terrorism, especially Islamic terrorism.
Of course, none of us want them to go off half-cocked and automatically declare any act of violence to be terrorism, but neither do we want them to automatically declare that is is not! Why can't they just wait until they know more information? Why immediately declare that it is not terrorism, then begin walking that back almost immediately?
Obviously, the knee-jerk reaction by those officials is to try to protect the Muslim community from any undue blame. However, the result is that instead of protecting Muslims, they are actually protecting the ideologies of Islam. They're automatically giving a violent and oppressive false religion a walking pass.
Sort of like the FBI granting immunity to suspects or witnesses before they find out what information the suspects or witnesses can offer.
Well, one thing seems certain. Allowing more high-risk individuals into the United States is not the answer.
We've been warning Europe about the possibility of a flood of hardened killers pouring out of the Middle East. Why aren't we heeding our own advice? Instead, the Administration has announced that it is dramatically increasing the number of "refugees" it will accept from the most troubled and ideologically dangerous areas on earth.
Our philosophy used to be that it is better to fight extremists in their homelands than to fight them in ours. Now, we're withdrawing from the fight over there and importing their soldiers here. For reasons known only to the deluded minds of the Washington elite, our new policy is to bring the fight here!
Since this is a fight against terrorism, that means that, increasingly, it will be waged in American shopping malls, churches, schools, sporting events, nuclear power stations, water reservoirs, and office towers. In other words, soft targets on American soil.
And if the past offers any indication, we will not be opening our doors to Christian refugees even though a Christian genocide is raging in several parts of the Middle East and Africa.
Speaking of the Middle East, the Islamic State seems to be losing ground in both Iraq and Syria. The media wants us to believe that Iraqi military successes have been made possible only because of U.S. air attacks. Now, that's certainly an important factor, but air power alone never won a war.
In reality, it's because the Iraqi government's ground forces have been aided by a group of 40 Shia militias. They're like a motley group of posses or lynch mobs in the Old West.
In fact, most of these militias have strong ties to Hezbollah and the Shia terrorist nation of Iran. Further, Iranian general Qassem Soleimani has been instrumental in forming and coordinating these militias. If you remember, Soleimani is the shadowy Iranian al-Quds Forces leader who brokered the deal to bring Russia to the Middle East.
Reuters and other news services are reporting that Iranian combat troops are also operating on the ground inside Iraq. These groups, especially Hezbollah, are contributing to similar success in Syria.
It's true, the land area held by ISIS is shrinking. And even though the U.S. air campaign has been important, the real key has been the involvement of Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah. This may be a case where the cure is worse than the disease!
As a result of their success against ISIS, Russia is becoming a key player in the energy-rich Middle East. Of course, the big winner in the region is Iran. They have used the presence of ISIS to place their military into key positions all around the region.
Just as the Bible predicted for these final days.
Recently, European Union leaders gathered for a summit in Slovakia. It was anything but business as usual.
They discussed the turmoil created by the recent Middle East migration tsunami -- which nations like Germany and France at first welcomed and even encouraged. Then they discussed the possible break-up of the EU with the British exit and the threatened desertion of several other nations.
Some of the old Warsaw Pact nations are forming a separate alliance to resist Brussels' heavy-handedness. Even the Mediterranean members are coalescing to resist the EU's edicts.
Europe today is not united. It is fracturing along predictable lines.
But instead of backing off its draconian demands on its members, the EU's unelected bureaucrat leaders are doubling down. Now they are proposing the creation of an EU Coast Guard to begin patrolling their shores by the end of the year.
They've already proposed a European Army to replace the armed forces of the individual states.
In fact, Jean-Claude Junker, the president of the European Commission, is pushing for a "United States of Europe" by the end of the year, too.
It's amazing to see all of this happening in the light of Bible prophecy. The transfiguration of Europe is taking place before our eyes.
The Bible says that when the dust clears, those that are left will join together into one final superstate -- a new Roman Empire. From the New Rome will come the Antichrist.
Folks, this is no longer just Bible prophecy, this is Bible reality!
Finally, this week I want to continue my recent discussion of "redemption" by briefly considering the day in history that forever altered the relationship between God and man -- the day Jesus died.
With His death, He "paid in full" the Certificate of Debt owed by every man and woman that has lived or ever will live. The only question that now remains is will we accept that free gift of pardon Jesus purchased and God now extends to us?
Don't miss "The Final Yom Kippur" on this week's program.
Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, The Word Network, various local stations,  or . Check your local listings.
I just want to make note of the recent passing of the former Israeli prime minister, president, statesman, and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Shimon Peres. Though he was often an enigmatic character in the unfolding drama of the State of Israel, there is no denying that he was a tremendous influence on those events.
He was the last surviving major player in the birth of the nation of Israel -- God's timeclock in the prophetic scenario. His passing is but another milestone that reminds us that time is marching rapidly toward the culmination of events at the close of this Age of Grace.
Make certain you are ready for what is coming next!
Watch this week's Report before it airs! An HD quality MP4 download of each week's show will now be available for purchase from the website. Visit the store at  to get your report.

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