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Friday, October 14, 2016

"Hal Lindsey Report" : 10.14.16

 "Hal Lindsey Report" - Hal Lindsey -
In my lifetime, I cannot remember an election season like this one. One where the stakes have been higher or the choices so -- shall I say -- unexpected.
I know that many of you feel the same way. I know, too, that some of you are so discouraged by the situation, and by what is obviously a stacked deck, that you are considering sitting out this election.
I certainly understand, but I pray you will change your mind.
Like it or not, one of these candidates will be the next President of the United States. He or she will play a direct role in our lives and in the lives of our children and grandchildren.
He or she may well determine whether our republic survives a while longer or quickly becomes merely a territory or region under the rule of a global regime.
There is no perfect candidate. There never has been. There never will be.
As voters, we must do our best to discern between the choices we are presented.
We are admonished in Romans 13 to be good citizens of the land in which we live. In a republic, good citizens vote.
We are also instructed to be good stewards. And stewardship does not extend merely to money. As Christians, everything we have comes from God. That includes not only money, but also our time, talent, and influence.
I believe your vote comes under the heading of "influence." It is influence that God has entrusted to you. He expects you to use it faithfully for Him.
In Matthew 25, Jesus spoke of three men who were made stewards of various amounts of money for their master.
Two of them were good stewards. They took the money into the marketplace and multiplied it. They were rewarded.
But the third dug a hole and buried the money in the ground to avoid losing it. He was punished.
Don't bury God's gift of the right to vote. Be a wise steward and use it.
Remember, also, that there is more to be determined than just the next President. There are many important statewide and local races that need your participation.
Crucial political, constitutional, and moral issues are often decided at the state and local levels.
So prayerfully consider all of the issues and the qualities of the various candidates. Pray earnestly for God's guidance and vote the Bible.
Then trust the outcome into God's hands.
And just when we think we've seen it all, it turns even more bizarre!
As of last week, the United States of America is officially accusing Russia of trying to sabotage this year's U.S. presidential election.
The Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a joint statement accusing Russia of stealing "e-mails from U.S. persons and institutions, including from U.S. political organizations.... (that would be the Democratic National Committee) These thefts are intended to interfere with the U.S. election process."
Well, first, Russia insists that they didn't do it. Second, no one in the government seems to be concerned about the shocking revelations of corruption, collusion, and criminality that these hacked e-mails reveal about the "U.S. persons and institutions...." (and especially) the "U.S. political organizations (once again, that would be the DNC)."
I don't know how all of this will eventually turn out. But I do suspect that the government, the DNC, and the mainstream media will push the Russian theory to the hilt to distract from the content of the hacked e-mails. Which are shocking.
I also suspect that the rhetoric will heat up substantially. I pray that it will not reach the point where the President attempts to suspend the election because of alleged "Russian tampering."
I do know that not since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the "end" of the Cold War has the rhetoric and anger between the two nuclear superpowers been as heated and dangerous as it is right now.
Not only is this alarming in its own right, but in light of Bible prophecy, too. Remember that Ezekiel predicted that in the last days Russia (not the Soviet Union, but Russia) would rise in world prominence. He also predicted that Russia would join with Iran to invade Israel.
As a result of the contentious relations with the U.S. over the civil war in Syria, Russia has recently announced that it is making its air base at Latakia (Syria) permanent.
The Associated Press is also reporting that the Russian military is now looking at re-establishing its Soviet-era bases in Cuba and Vietnam.
As I said recently, folks, this is not just Bible prophecy, this is Bible reality!
In view of the breathtaking pace at which the world is shaping up just as the ancient prophets foretold for these final days, I want to take a deeper look this week at our "blessed hope." That is, the return of Jesus Christ to snatch away all true believers before the terrible Great Tribulation unfolds upon this earth.
If everything you are seeing happening around you makes you afraid of the future, don't be. If you have received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior; if you have accepted the free gift of pardon for your sins that He died to purchase for you, then you are not going to be here when all hell breaks loose on this old world.
If you haven't accepted that gift of pardon, then you need to hear what I am going to tell you this week. And you need to make certain your family, your loved ones, and your friends hear it, too.
Folks, time is short, very short. There are no remaining prophecies that need to be fulfilled before Christ returns for His Church. As the Word of God warns us, now is the time, today is the day of salvation.
Get ready.

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