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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Civil unrest and the revolution

Civil unrest and the revolution - Bill Wilson -
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Americans lived through a time of civil unrest. Mixed in with the much needed civil rights movement were those who wanted to destroy America. Fortunately, gains were made in civil rights. Unfortunately, those wanting to destroy America continued to grow. What we see today is a product of those times, only far more radical. It seems that the majority of protesters don't even know what they are protesting. They are just exercising their right to protest. An angry minority are latching on to whatever propaganda they can to believe it enough to protest, and they are being used. Still another radical minority knows their end goal-cause enough strife to foment revolution.
Since the beginning of our nation, people have been trying to bring it down. Today, they are more vocal and radical than ever. Today, our freedoms of speech and religion are being threatened by bullies who accuse those who disagree with them from the content of their own heart. They proclaim they are exercising their right to freedom of speech, but when someone disagrees, he is beaten by mobs and/or labeled with some kind of "ist" or "obe". Those in disagreement are not afforded their rights to free speech because in the eyes of the radicals, dissenters of the radical mantra are wrong. More and more they are emerging as groups linked together by a common cause-America must go down.
What do radical homosexual groups and radical Islamic groups have in common? In reality, homosexuals in Islamic countries are beaten, tortured and killed. But they were allied in the Women's March in Washington, DC. What is the common thread that binds them together long enough to trash our nation's capital with words and litter? They want to see America go down and be remade into their own image. Islam wants an Islamic America. Homosexuality wants an America that submits to their sexual orientation. I guess if they were able to take America down, they would have to fight it out as to who gets their way-Islam who wishes all homosexuals dead, or homosexuals who want Islam to accept them.
We as Christian Americans must speak into this morass. Somewhere, somehow, the light of Christ needs to shine. It starts with knowing the facts and being able to speak to them. These anarchists run on emotion, making the half-truths into facts, then into battle cries. We need to be armed with the facts and also, as Romans 14:16 says, "Let not then your good be evil spoken of." We need to be firm. Remember Ephesians 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." This spiritual wickedness manifests itself in flesh and blood, but originates in the principalities of darkness. Let's, having done all, stand, as we are not to be overcome by evil, but to overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21).

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