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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Skillet calling the kettle black

Skillet calling the kettle black - Bill Wilson -
I remember an old saying my parents had: don't be the skillet calling the kettle black. It's the way the old timers explained how someone who is doing a certain act accuses another person of doing that very same act, yet the accused isn't doing the act. I guess psychologists call it "projecting." I would call it judging others from the content of your own heart. But it is becoming a very dangerous phenomena in American society because the socialist/progressive/communist left continues to characterize conservative, law abiding, God-fearing people as homophobes, xenophobes, haters, racists, bigots, fascists, and Nazis. In reality, the actions of the accusers match exactly with the words they use against others.
Herein is just a small example found at the University of Central Florida. It's a "student" organization called the Knights for Socialism, an offshoot of the Orlando Popular Front. The Orlando Popular Front's mission is: "We the People of Orlando reject President Elect Trump and the xenophobic, sexist, and fascist Republican Party. We will stand in absolute resistance to Republican policies that will spit on the civil liberties that our American brothers and sisters have died for. We stand in solidarity with the African American communities, the Latino communities, and the LGBTQIA communities that make Orlando the City Beautiful!" The Knights of Socialism aim to be the enforcers of this resistance.
The Knights of Socialism are hiring an amateur boxer who "will teach us the basics of hand to hand combat. Following his instruction, we will all have the opportunity to face off against one another and practice what we've learned." Their Facebook page says they are holding "Bash the Fash" (meaning fascists) self defense events "In response to the record number of hate crimes against Latinos, immigrants, Muslims, Women, the LGBTQIA+ community, Jews, African Americans and other minorities since the rise of Donald Trump and other Alt-Right Neo Nazis...the event is for everyone EXCEPT REPUBLICANS." This group is characterizing everyone who is white, Christian and conservative as Nazis.
There are no credible statistics that hate crimes against these groups have increased since Trump became President. In fact, illegal immigrants and Islamists have committed an incredible number of crimes against society. There have been numerous documented crimes of leftists beating up Trump supporters, setting people's hair on fire for carrying pro-life signs, and death threats against those who disagree with this rebellious anarchist mob. Yet they accuse decent law abiding people of being fascists. This is the makings of a revolution. The former "president" and Hillary Clinton have encouraged it. We must stand firm as Romans 14:16 admonishes: "Let not then your good be evil spoken of," and in our actions, words and deeds as ambassadors of Christ, speak boldly as we ought to speak (Ephesians 6:20)."

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