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Friday, February 17, 2017


February 17th, 2017
Remember a couple of weeks ago when I told you that the battle for America is now starting? The election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States was only the beginning.

You thought you saw opposition during the election campaign. I believe that nothing then compares to what we will see now that President Trump actually has the power to fulfill his campaign promises.

I think his attempts to do the things he was elected to do will be opposed by the Left and by the Washington establishment with such ferocity and vitriol that it will stun most of us. Not only will the President and his allies be fought every step of the way by the Democrats and the liberal Left, but they will be resisted by establishment Republicans, the mainstream media, the crumbling European Union, many Muslims, the globalists who seek the elimination of all borders and national sovereignty, and millions of Americans who only get their information from the established media.

I think he will also be sabotaged by leftover elements of the Obama administration who remain in the intelligence and law enforcement agencies and will certainly be resisted by millions of federal bureaucrats who oppose any reduction in their numbers or their benefits.

Unlike any other President in the last 100 years, President Trump will also have to deal with public and behind-the-scenes opposition from his predecessor. Breaking longstanding tradition, President Obama has remained in Washington and set up shop within two miles of the White House. Returning to his roots (did he ever leave them?), he is back to community organizing and practicing the politics of division. He is actively building an organization, complete with professional staff and organized training programs, for the sole purpose of preserving his "legacy" and furthering the far-Left agenda he promoted in his second term.

There is so much more at work here than just domestic politics. I believe we will see a battle between the forces of evil (this is not hyperbole) and the forces of good (I would go so far as to say the forces of righteousness) that will require all of our determination to fight and willingness to intercede in prayer that we can muster.

A good example of this is the "Women's March on Washington" that was staged the day after President Trump's inauguration in Washington and cities elsewhere. Even London.

The mainstream media fawned over the crowds and the celebrities that attended. One outlet even called it a "huge, spontaneous groundswell."

"Huge?" Maybe. "Spontaneous?" Far from it.

It was highly planned and promoted for weeks prior. It was sponsored by dozens of organizations that are committed to either hastening the moral decay of America or hastening the end of our open and free society.

One writer for The New York Times (oddly enough, a female Muslim and Trump supporter) studied the make-up of the march's sponsorship. Here's what she concluded: at least 56 of the sponsors receive funding from notorious globalist and anti-American George Soros.

The sponsors included a wide range of groups like the American Humanist Organization, Planned Parenthood, Communist Party USA, American Atheists, Amnesty International, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), GLAAD, the National Abortion Federation, and Occupy Wall Street. Two things they all had in common (besides George Soros): they all oppose traditional American values and most of them -- at their core -- ultimately oppress women and children.

Most of the speakers used incendiary language and many were extremely vulgar. The march's organizers even promoted headwear that was labeled with such double entendre that I won't repeat it here. But a few years ago, even liberal feminists wouldn't have used the term in public.

I think it can be safely said that the promoters sought to devalue women's dignity and value as much as possible. And they succeeded.

But at least the march was relatively non-violent.

Unfortunately, the same can't be said for the march on the University of California at Berkeley.

When I worked with Campus Crusade for Christ at Berkeley in the late 1960s, it was the heyday of the "free speech" movement. At Berkeley today, apparently "free speech" is but a distant memory. If that.

In fact, if you don't say exactly what the faculty and many of the students want you to say, they will shout you down and/or block your audience from attending.

If that doesn't stop you, they are willing to break you, burn you out, or threaten to kill you. So much for free speech at the birthplace of free speech. But that is the logical result of more than a half-century of intense indoctrination by professors and faculty diametrically opposed to most of the values that made America great and, ironically, provided their freedom to teach and the very campuses on which they lurk.

When the Senior Editor from Breitbart News attempted to speak on campus recently, riots erupted. Fires were set. Windows were broken. Police were attacked.

Amazingly, the speaker was the sort normally lionized by the Leftist faculties at most American universities. Milo Yiannopoulos is openly gay and very overt about his sexuality.

Milo's problem, though, and the reason the protesters wreaked such havoc, is that he is a vocal supporter of President Trump. I guess we know now that a politically conservative position trumps a flagrantly homosexual lifestye. Wow! Who would have seen that coming? Isn't it amazing how "political correctness" can be so finicky?

One of the instigators of the chaos at Berkeley was an organization called "BAMN," an acronym for "By Any Means Necessary." Though it's a national organization, the local chapter led the violent protests. And the local chapter is led by a woman, Yvette Felarca, who has gained national notoriety for her televised physical abuse of someone who disagreed with her at a demonstration.

Ms. Felarca also has quite a reputation in the Berkeley area for her rabid support of other causes that often go contrary to the beliefs of most Americans.

But what makes Ms. Felarca's behavior and history so interesting, is that, by day, she is a middle school teacher in Berkeley, California.

Doesn't it make you wonder who is teaching your kids?

As early as 1838, more than two decades before he became President, Abraham Lincoln (who, by the way, did not win the majority of the popular vote), predicted what we are now seeing in America. He said in a speech that America would never be conquered by a foreign power using military force. He said: "At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher."

Even though we now live in a time where ICBMs with unfathomable destructive power can reach America's heartland in minutes, I believe Mr. Lincoln's words are still true. If America falls, it will be the result of moral decay from within.

And I believe we are now in a death struggle with those forces of decay. That's why I think intercession on behalf of our nation should be a part of our daily prayer lives. Only God's mercy can save our nation.

Finally, we're all familiar with the story of the great flood that destroyed almost all life on earth in the days of Noah. What most people don't know is the astonishing story of what happened in the time before that calamitous event.

Unbelievably, humanity was even more depraved then than now. In fact, it was so corrupt and violent that God "was grieved that He had made man on earth, and His heart was filled with pain." (Genesis 6:6 NIV)

Then it got worse! Satan launched an ingenious plan to invade the earth and corrupt mankind so that God could never enact the pre-human judgment He had pronounced on all the angels who had followed Lucifer's rebellion.

He also saw this as a way to disrupt and destroy any plan God had for humanity's redemption.

So his rebel angels assumed human form and beguiled women to marry them. The children from those unions were incredible. In fact, in the literal Hebrew translation of Genesis 6:4, God revealed to Moses that those children were "the supermen who from ancient times were famous for their incredible exploits."

These were literal giants (from the Hebrew word Nephilim) who roamed the earth.

As the Nephilim infection spread, and the purity of the human race was threatened, God decided to "reboot" the human race. He chose Noah and his family because "Noah was a just man... and Noah walked with God." (Genesis 6:9) But, he also chose him because "Noah... was perfect in his generations...." (Genesis 6:9)

That also means he was "perfect in his genealogy." In other words, Noah was completely human. He was not from a family which had been intermingled with the fallen angels.

With Noah and his family safely in the ark, God destroyed the world with the great flood. He did it not only because of the terrible wickedness of humanity, but also to preserve humanity. The Nephilim all died in the flood. The fallen angels were bound in chains and cast into the darkest abyss to await final judgment.

This guaranteed that fallen angels could never again co-mingle with humans. It then cleared the way for God to enact His plan to redeem mankind from the sin it had chosen in the Garden of Eden.

Understanding the fall helps us understand the Old and New Testaments. It gives us further insight into God's plan for humanity.

But it also illustrates the unbelievable power of the evil forces at work to destroy all of God's creation. It should convince us that we cannot face those powerful forces alone. We each need the living power of the Holy Spirit in our lives to be "more than conquerors." (Romans 8:37)

If you have not received that Holy Spirit power into your life by accepting the atoning work of Jesus Christ on Calvary, you can do that right now. Just acknowledge that you believe Jesus Christ is who He says He is, the Son of the Living God. Confess that you are a sinner. Ask for His forgiveness, grace, and mercy. Then believe that He will do what He says He will do, and accept the free gift of pardon He died to purchase for you.

If you did that with sincerity of heart, then you just joined God's forever-family.

Ask God to lead you to a church where the pastor teaches true Bible principles, not just a feel-good self-improvement doctrine. You need solid Bible teaching to help you grow strong in the Lord and the fellowship of other believers to encourage you.

Read the Bible. I suggest starting with the New Testament book of John. And pray daily for God to help you grow in His strength.

Congratulations! You now face an eternity of happiness. In the joyful presence of God Himself.

Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, The Word Network, various local stations, or Check your local listings.

A NOTE FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO WATCH "THE HAL LINDSEY REPORT" ON TBN: Remember, the Report is now seen 30 minutes later, beginning at 6:00 pm Pacific/9:00 pm Eastern each Friday.

God Bless,

Hal Lindsey
News from Hal Lindsey Media Ministries - Hal Lindsey -
On last week's program, I discussed President Trump's executive order establishing a temporary ban on persons entering the United States from seven nations -- all hotbeds of terrorism, sponsors of terrorism, or involved in civil wars that have terrorist combatants.
It had caused quite an uproar. Protests were staged at U.S. airports. Some were led by immigration rights organizations and groups who are paid by the federal government to resettle refugees.
The New York cab drivers protested, too. They said the temporary ban made them targets for retribution. But they only stopped picking up passengers at JFK for an hour, then it was back to work.
Shortly after I recorded that program, a U.S. District Judge in Seattle, Washington, issued a nationwide restraining order that blocked the President's travel ban.
Incredibly, he didn't dispute the President's very clear authority to issue the order. He really couldn't. The law is very precise and previous Presidents, including Obama, have done precisely what President Trump did. The judge just said that he thought "there's no support" for the idea that "we have to protect the U.S. from individuals" who reside in the countries on that list.
In other words, he said that in his opinion the President didn't make a wise choice in doing what he did. It wasn't necessary. So the judge just decided to order that the ban be lifted.
Many on the Left have tried to paint the temporary ban prohibiting travel into the U.S. from those specific nations as a "Muslim ban." Either they are terribly uninformed or they are lying. My vote goes for lying.
The seven nations on the list are Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. Seven nations specified by the previous administration. It bans entry of all travelers from those nations, not just Muslims. The executive order doesn't even mention Muslims.
The five largest predominantly Muslim nations in the world are not on the list. Of the world's 1.7 billion Muslims, 90% are not affected by the temporary ban.
So how can anyone say with a shred of honesty that this is a "Muslim ban?" If you hear anyone in the government or the media call it that, you know they are doing so to advance their own agenda.
With the temporary travel ban, the President is simply pausing the immigrant admissions process for a short while so that the Department of Homeland Security can figure out ways to more safely allow people in those countries to come here. Each of the seven nations represent a unique vulnerability in U.S. security.
As things now stand, it is almost impossible to properly vet visa applicants from these nations. That's why DHS needs some time to devise new guidelines and procedures before the process resumes.
As President Trump told members of the U.S. Central Command, we don't want to import into America the very threats that our soldiers are facing on the battlefield.
Now, doesn't all of this sound reasonable? And responsible? We normal folks think so. But, apparently, members of the judiciary on the Left Coast (appropriately labeled, if you ask me) don't think so. Just yesterday, a panel from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco upheld the original judge's stay of the ban.
Once again, they found no fault with the President's authority to do this. (That makes me wonder how they would have responded to President Obama's order suspending these programs for six months if any Democrat state attorney-general had bothered to sue President Obama to stop his ban. Hmmm. Doesn't that make their motives sound a bit suspect? Just saying....)
Once again, the appeals court seemed to feel that the President's temporary ban might cause some inconvenience for a few foreign students studying at universities in the states of Washington and Minnesota. Never mind the President's unquestioned authority to do it or the danger some incoming "refugees" might pose to Americans.
Or never mind that President Carter completely banned the entry of all Iranians, then had the FBI hunt down and deport all Shi'ite Muslims from Iran and many Iranian students.
Of course, at that time the Muslim Brotherhood had not exerted several years of influence on a Presidential administration and the Democrats weren't so desperate to flood America with millions of questionable, military-aged immigrant men from the Middle East.
On top of that, we've had an additional 40 years of delusional, anti-American attitudes inculcated in our youth at America's colleges and universities.
So, the practical effect of the judge's nullification of the President's ban, and the appeals court refusal to overturn the stay, is that the rush is on for people traveling from those seven nations to get to America as quickly as possible. In fact, that is exactly what this New York Times headline proclaims: "Lifting of Travel Ban Sets Off Rush to Reach U.S."
Now, it's headed for the Supreme Court.
No one argues that the ban was not rather messy in its implementation. It was abruptly announced on a Friday afternoon. Lower-level officials were caught off-guard. Interpretation of the new order varied from location to location. It created confusion.
There were some unfortunate detentions, but in the end, everyone was allowed in and no one was detained for more than a few hours. In all, just a couple of hundred travelers (of more than 350,000 entering the country that day) were subject to the review and all were released.
Within a couple of days, many of the kinks had been worked out and it was announced that all valid "green card" holders either in the country, en route, or about to embark would be accepted.
But, to be fair, there was a compelling reason for the abruptness of the ban's announcement. To make something like this go smoothly, it would have to be publicly announced in advance. Seminars would need to be held to teach DHS and TSA personnel how to implement it. In other words, the very terrorists we are trying to prevent from entering the country would be notified well in advance just how much time they had to get into the U.S. before the welcome mat is yanked.
That sort of defeats the purpose of the whole operation. For the order to work, it had to be done without warning.
But the terror organizations needn't worry. The judges on the West Coast have your back. You now have plenty of time to get your stuff together and get over here before rational thinking is restored!
This week, too, I'll discuss what may be some softening of the new administration's backing of Israel's right to expand the settlements in Jerusalem. Also, our resolve to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. During the campaign, President Trump did not mince words. He would move the embassy.
But now, it seems to appear that the government may be walking that promise back a bit. Is it a return to the policies of previous administrations? Or, is it a decision not to add fuel to fires that are burning white-hot right now?
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is due to visit the White House in a few days. It will be interesting to see what emerges from those meetings.
Nevertheless, we should continue, as the Psalmist encouraged, to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem." [Psalms 122:6 KJV]
Finally, it may surprise you to learn that I was not born again as a full-grown, mature Christian. I started off as a baby in Christ. Just like you.
We are all works in progress. We are all continually "under construction." Simon, the vacillator, later became Peter, the rock. Saul, the legalist, became Paul, the champion of grace.
The process of pruning and cultivating continues day by day, season by season, until we go home to be with our Father.
This week, I will discuss the danger of "Galatiansim." That's the erroneous teaching that says God's grace covers all our failings up to the point that we are saved. But after that, we must live the Christian life by somehow mixing "grace" with "being good" to qualify for heaven.
The Apostle Paul was so upset by that teaching that he called the believers at Galatia "foolish!" He wrote to them: "Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?" [Galatians 3:3 NASB]
I'm so glad that once we are born again into the body of Christ, we don't have to depend on our own devices to keep us there. We can fully trust the same grace that redeemed us to keep us.
Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, The Word Network, various local stations,  or . Check your local listings.
A NOTE FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO WATCH "THE HAL LINDSEY REPORT" ON TBN: Remember, the Report is now seen 30 minutes later, beginning at 6:00 pm Pacific/9:00 pm Eastern each Friday.
God Bless,
Hal Lindsey

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